This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman
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I am quite certain there are scholars in the UK that can bring light to the fact Jamal Khashoggi was killed as he was planning to marry. It is cultural and adds incentive to these activities. Jamal Khashoggi's fiancee should come to The West. October 11, 2018 By Joe Tacopino Billionaire Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group Ltd. Virgin Group founder (click here) Richard Branson has suspended a $1 billion investment project with Saudi Arabia due to the disappearance of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. Branson made the announcement Thursday as U.S. senators sparked an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the mystery of the missing U.S. resident and Saudi critic. “What has reportedly happened in Turkey around the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, if proved true, would clearly change the ability of any of us in the West to do business with the Saudi Government,” Branson said in a statement....
October 11, 2018 By Meghan Bartels A Russian Soyuz rocket (click here) carrying a new U.S.-Russian crew to the International Space Station failed during its ascent Thursday (Oct. 11) , sending its crew capsule falling back toward Earth in a ballistic re-entry, NASA officials said. A search-and-rescue team has reached the landing site, both crewmembers are in good condition and have left the Soyuz capsule as of 6:10 a.m. EDT, NASA spokesperson Brandi Dean said during live television commentary. The Soyuz rocket and its Soyuz MS-10 space capsule lifted off from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan at about 4:47 a.m. EDT (0847 GMT) with NASA astronaut Nick Hague and cosmonaut Aleksey Ovchinin aboard. The pair were due to join the three-person Expedition 57 crew already aboard the International Space Station. But something went wrong minutes after liftoff, sending the Soyuz capsule into a ballistic re-entry, NASA officials said....
After spending tens of billions of US defense taxpayer dollars, the lousy computer laden jet sprung a leak. Well, at least the USA gives good customer service in warning the global fleet they got jipped out of a real jet fighter. The Republican Congress has no scruples only cronies and THROW GODO TAXPAYER DOLLARS AFTER BAD. October 11, 2018 By Yaniv Kubovich Israel (click here) followed the Pentagon and announced on Thursday it has grounded all of its F-35 stealth fighter jets due to the faulty engine fuel tubes found in the U.S. fleets, and would conduct a fleet-wide inspection. IDF Spokesperson's Unit said, "Israel Air Force commander, Maj. Gen. Amikam Norkin, decided to take extra precautions and test all the planes, even though Israel does not have the model that crashed and although there have been no failures reported. The test will take several days. After all checks are complete, the planes will return to full operation."...
The illustration (click here) is the Gulf of Mexico and the current temperatures of the water. The illustration is in Celcius. Michael while in the Caribbean Sea had a bit of a northeast path, so whether the storm crossed Cuba or went into the Gulf of Mexico, Florida was going to be hit. The difference between crossing Cuba or entering the Gulf of Mexico was THE LENGTH OF TIME the storm was exposed to Gulf waters. If the storm crossed Cuba it would have hit land far sooner, but, it scooted into the Gulf of Mexico and immediately hit water that provided fuel from a very warm body of water. The temperature the storm ran into was 82 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit. It is not boiling hot, but, to a water storm that lives because of OCEAN TEMPERATURES/SEA TEMPERATURES, 83 degrees Fahrenheit is huge. As Hurricane Michael began to increase it's velocity/speed the danger to life and limb grew exponentially. The storm grew in strength from Tropical Storm (TS) to Category 2 in no time. Then it was three and then as it's exposure to 84 degrees Fahrenheit it found the velocity of four and nearly a category five. The only reason it did not reach a category five was that it ran into the land that was cooler than 84 degrees and land that placed a drag on the velocity of the storm. While bathtub temperatures feel good to tourists wading into the Gulf of Mexico waters, it is a feast of HEAT ENERGY to storms that live in ocean temperatures. Heat is energy. Earth is a highly efficient user of that energy and the storms that become hurricanes are exceptionally efficient in that Earth process. When people are dealing with these storms crossing the Gulf of Mexico, there are huge amounts of fuel for these storms and there should never be a moment of hesitation by any citizen to MOVE OUT OF THE WAY, because, the storm has no conscience, it has efficient Earth energy.
There are two deaths from Hurricane Michael. Steve Rattner (click here) of MSNBC has incredible charts about the modern day hurricane which is radically different than the past. 2011 and 2017 costs from the modern day hurricane are enormous. The worst HURRICANE SEASONS in history have occurred since 2008. Steve Rattner is a statistician in assembling a class of numbers and assessing their relationship with each other. The modern day hurricane is much worse because of the climate crisis. The storms are far stronger because the heat is there to increase the geophysics of Earth. The "stationary storm," in the past has been a rare occurrence and in the modern day hurricane season we are seeing these "stationary storms" occur now two years in succession.
It may be that women will be safer living off campus and relying on state and federal laws to protect them. Women will need to organize "safety clubs" to recognize their rights on campus and seek student government laws to protect both men and women from becoming victims to wayward Trump insensitivity. Basically, women will be on their own and they always have better outcomes when they organize to be safe and happy. The changes the Trump administration is enacting are micromanaging THE MOMENT there is sexual assault, it is an assault on civil rights and will not stand the test of the legal system until perhaps it gets to the Supreme Court. This is the face of the US Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos. She is the face used to delegitimize the claims of women for a safer world.
October 11, 2018 By Anne Flaherty The Trump administration (click here) is finalizing its plan for schools to deal with sexual assault allegations, according to advocacy groups and college officials who have met privately with senior government officials. The proposal, known as rules for Title IX -- the civil rights law that prohibits gender discrimination in a person's education -- is widely expected to limit the scope of inquiries by colleges and universities and make it easier for students accused of misconduct to push back. Drafted by the Department of Education and under review by President Donald Trump's budget office, the proposal is likely to spark heated debate. It follows the bruising confirmation fight for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was accused of sexual assault at a house party when he was in high school three decades ago. Two other women made similar accusations. Kavanaugh vehemently denied all of them.... (click here) October 10, 2018 By Christal Hayes Washington – If you were looking (click here) for the website for newly minted Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh, you might be in for a surprise. The domain is now a dedicated forum for helping sexual assault victims and ending rape. The website, titled "We believe survivors," was purchased by Fix The Court, which advocates for judicial transparency. Kavanaugh, who was accused by three women of sexual assault when he was in high school and college, was sworn in to the Supreme Court on Saturday and his first day on the courtwas Tuesday. He has denied all of the allegations against him. Kavanaugh's confirmation drew intense scrutiny after Christine Blasey Ford, a California professor, testified before Congress about Kavanaugh's alleged assault on her when they were teens. The allegations and resulting debate around the country over Kavanaugh's future was viewed as a major test of the #MeToo movement....