Wednesday, July 22, 2009

54% favor Health Care Reform - I believe the nation trusts the President.

If people view the Health Care Bill neutrally (29%), they see no reason to oppose it.

I don't know where the insight of analysts otherwise comes from and with 39% feeling negatively impacted, that leaves 6% undecided.

I do not believe most Americans want this measure postponed or defeated.

It would seem as though Independents have a difficult time holding onto the idea of success and are more effected by Conservative opinions regarding fiscal viability of programs than one would expect. I think that is sad.

The Independents that voted so well in November 2008 are part of a historical Presidency that is actually solving problems. Their 'issue' with this President is still very unclear. There is no reason to doubt President Obama's sincerity, patriotism or agenda. He hasn't surprised anyone with the proposed legislation to date.

The nation decided overwhelmingly to back a Democratic majority with an intelligent and insightful President. The Independents are just a mess aren't they? There is no reason to be this distraught over a decision for a President that is overwhelmingly 'good' for this country.

Thank you, Senator Graham. Judge Sotomayor is eminantly qualified. She is also an exciting nomination.

In an announcement yesterday, Senator Leahy stated there is a week delay in the vote, but, Judge Sotomayor will be taking a seat on the Supreme Court in September 2009 (click here) when they reconvene. She will be seated to a very busy agenda.

Senator Graham is among those that had enough confidence in recognizing her ability to confirm her nomination.

I think it went very well and the pace at which Judge David Souter's replacement was decided by all those involved is admirable. Not to deny there were some interesting issues along the way, but, learning about political bias is necessary to be able to adequately address it, now and in the future.

I believe she will be a magnificent judge and one that will bring pride to the Supreme Court as well as balance. Well done.

Cochran Will Vote Against Sotomayor (click here)

...Among current members, Sens. Sam Brownback (R-KS), Mike Enzi (R-WY), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Jon Kyl (R-AZ), John McCain (R-AZ), Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Pat Roberts (R-KS), Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and Richard Shelby (R-AL) all voted against Sotomayor in '98. Brownback, Inhofe, Kyl, McConnell and Roberts have each said they will again vote no.

Refugee camps are not new to the region of Afghanistan and Pakistan. That just might be the problem.

Pakistan’s Swat Refugees Face Disease Threat, Need Aid, UN Says (click title to entry - thank you)
By Paul Tighe and Khalid Qayum
July 3 (Bloomberg) -- Pakistan’s 2 million refugees displaced by fighting in the northwestern Swat Valley are facing the threat of disease as they cope with damaged water and sewage systems in towns and villages, the United Nations said....

PESHAWAR, Pakistan—An Afghan girl at Nasir Bagh refugee camp, 1984. © Steve McCurry

No worthy collection of seminal photography would ignore this iconic picture by McCurry. National Geographic made it big and this is really just a beautiful picture. Her eyes are incredible.

Of course the best way to end any suffering of the peoples of this region is to stop the violence that accompanies the prolonged dominance of The Taliban. However, we know that where poverty exists there also exists the opportunity for such religious extremists to dominate the populous with threats and actual violence.

In addition, while charity is supposed to be at the heart of any religion and exists as one of the pillars of Islam, there is very little charity in bringing these people relief from the disease that accompanies poverty.

If The West is to succeed in ridding the region of extremist groups that act as direct threats to national security, then the needs of people in the refugee camps need to be addressed. We will not be solving our national security issues if the people of Pakistan and Afghanistan stand in ridicule of their personal tragedies caused by our strategic decisions.

There is a lot to be done, far more than is possible in raising these people out of poverty, such as schools, employment and infrastructure, but, if their lives aren't sustainable because preventable diseases are eradicated then they will never be able to salvage their lives and their countries. We will be right back where we started if the region is not stable and the suffering doesn't stop.

All too frequently we hear how our military is causing more problems with the people of these nations than their governments can handle. One of the reasons that is an issue is due to the intolerable suffering of their people. This struggle with The Taliban and groups such as al Qaeda has gone on all too long. In providing measurable and effective relief to their daily lives they will be able to sustain strategic goals to secure their nations and stablize the region.

As part of our strategy, our State Department needs to coordinate relief efforts and promote assistance to these people. There are people that are more than willing to do the work and with economic distress throughout the global community generousity is difficult to come by. We have to make the people caught up in these communities a priority. It just may be that they need to stop living in 'temporary' communities and resolve to make their homes where they live today. If they are safe, they need to try to prosper and live where that safety net can exist for them.

Longing to return home may be unrealistic for some time and only provides a venue for the growth of discontent and dangerous conditions, including the lack of sewage and clean water.

Situation dire for Pakistani refugees (click here)
Bronwyn Curran, Foreign Correspondent
Last Updated: June 23. 2009 12:40AM UAE

June 22. 2009 8:40PM GMT
...The United Nations has appealed for $532m to help shelter, feed and provide clean water and medicines for what it says is the world’s worst refugee crisis since Rwanda in the 1990s. So far only 35.5 per cent of the funding request has been met, making this humanitarian effort one of the most under-funded in recent history, Abdul Aziz Arrukban, a former Saudi transport company director, said....

This Afghan refugee camp in Jallozai, Pakistan, is one of many set up in the country to accommodate millions of Afghans who fled their war-torn country beginning in the 1980s. Many Afghans also fled to camps in Iran or were displaced within Afghanistan.

I would like to congratulate everyone for saving lives today. Thank you.

Everyday that we don't have comprehensive health care for the nation, people are sicker at the hand of private health care. I am not willing to delay.

Representative Mike Ross of Arkansas. A Blue Dog Democrat. His district elected him to solve their problems. Arkansas is the poorest state in the nation. They need this health care bill more than any other state and while fiscal responsibility is important, and it definately is, the well being of his constituency has to come first.

According to Politico (click title to entry - thank you) the Blue Dog Democrats have reached an agreement with President Obama. It is a good agreement that will include a committee to oversee the cost of the nation's health care and concentrate on trimming costs. I think it is a great idea. But, we simply cannot delay a vote one more day. I am sorry, but, the reality is that the American people need this legislation and soon.

The Blue Dog Democrats have also been a 'target' by Talk Radio. They are hearing from a nation of scared people that have been placed in the middle of an unneeded debate. Only over the last week, Talk Radio asked their listeners from across the fifty states to target the seven Blue Dog Democrats to form a wedge to the President's Health Care Initiative. Their offices aren't even receiving calls, emails and letters from their own constituency, so much as people outside their constituencies.

Talk Radio has to be dealt with. They have managed to scare the people of this country into their corner and it is a shame. I literally heard a man speaking with a 'commentator' yesterday evening that was simply scared half out of his wits. He nearly begged for forgiveness in voting for Democrats in the past election and then pledged to 'bring down' the President and the Speaker of the House. I felt bad for him. He had made the best choice in November of 2008 and now he was feeling as though he was bamboozled into electing a socialist and possibly a Marxist. After eviscerating himself over Talk Radio he was rewarded by the 'commentator' with an autographed, free copy of his lastest book. I mean, like, ??? what is that mess ???

It is my opinion The Blue Dog Democrats did themselves proud. They brought a perspective to the legislation that will result in a monitoring to reduce the cost to the nation. I think they have a great idea. The country should know how the new Health Care Initiative is taking shape and its effectiveness on delivering the nation from the Republican disaster of nearly thirty years of neglect.

But, we need to get this done and with oversight to the program there is no reason to continue to delay. Every person in the USA does not need to 'understand' every intricacy of the legislation or how it will all play out. The nation needs to prepare themselves for a dynamic new health care industry that will turn the corner on current gaps in care and begin a new era of research to solve the nation's problems.

The USA has become accustomed to people in elected office 'scamming' them. They have had their 'trust' violated on many occassion over thirty years only to have their quality of life take a negative path. The last eight years served to undermine the trust of the nation in their own decision making and that has to be the most egregious of the reality that the nation faces today. Why the questioning when we have a man in the Oval Office that sincerely loves us and wants the best for this country? Why? People actually don't trust their own thoughts anymore? They HAVE TO believe the worst about President Obama?

We have a President the world community embraces, including communist nations, and that is a bad thing? Huh?

We are seeing more movement by other nations into venues of democratic principles than we ever witnessed before and that is bad for us?

In Iran alone, the change in openness is resulting while the moderates are finding voice again in their political, government and religious institutions. That is a fact. It is happening WITHOUT a single hostile word spoken by President Obama or Vice President Biden. No hate mongering, simply patience in support of democratic principles that are taking shape again. It is to the credit of the Iranian people and that is what is most astounding. While the world watches, the Iranian people are expressing their wishes openly. What could be better? No political grandstanding, simply patient resolve and watchful oversight. That is all the Iranian people need. Any words of hate would only villainize the very democratic principles we hope for within that country.

I think the populous of the USA is being 'handled' by a media empire that doesn't like to be questioned. What is really interesting is that we can't even blame the Health Care Industry Lobbyists this time. There has been no increase in spending by these lobbyists because of this new initiative as their was with, then First Lady and now Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, attempts to reform health care. No increase in lobbyist spending, yet the nation is falling apart in their understanding of the need for this legislation.

To put it into 'southern terms.' "Ya'll need to stop."

The reaction to the new Health Care Inititative is emotional. There is no reason for this overwrought sense of doom. No reason at all. Talk Radio has managed to instill a sense of demise to any American already 'on their last nerve' regarding issues of unemployment and economic trouble. Health care is an issue every American can relate to and that fact is being used at an emotional level to undermine the confidence the American people displayed so admirably in November of 2008.

"Stop now." There is no reason to feel as though 'the wheels are falling off the nation' and Russia is going to invade. "Just stop." We are going to be alright. We are going to be more than alright. We are going to be great and this nation will have what it needs to perpetuate an economy the world can emulate.

This is change we have needed, wanted and now here it is at our doorstep and the 'old regime' is taking it hard. They aren't going quietly into the night. They are going kicking and screaming and throwing every weapon they have at us. OUR REVOLUTION is complete and they are still trying to undermine it.

Every voter that 'changed' the face of DC this time needs to be proud of their votes. They need to return to being proud of their new President. Barak Obama loves us. He sincerely does and he does not place ideology before what is best for the nation.

I trust our President. I trust our legislature and the majority of Democrats that are standing in the way of our nation's worst outcome. I am proud of them, all of them. We need to do this and we need to do it now. Lives will be saved and changed for the better when we are finished.