Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Donald Trump is a crack pot.

Trump's 'Jobs Program' is to target China and raise their tariffs for goods sold on USA markets by 25%.

There is such a thing in international law called the GATT.

The GATT is the World Trade Organizations rules for "General Agreement on Tariff and Trade originally written in 1994.  (click title to entry - thank you)

I don't think there needs to be much more said about Mr. Trump's insincere run for the Presidency.  He is a crack pot.  He has always been a crack pot and his 'star quality' for television is nothing short of being a crack pot. 

Trump hasn't got a clue and I believe that is fairly obvious.  Unless, he is going to become an isolationist and break away from the WTO.  That might work.  No allies.  But, it would definately create jobs in the USA.

To some men 'the truth' is an irresistable force.

My sympathies to his family and friends.  He was brilliant.  His passion for the truth when no one else could achieve it was stunning.  He'll be missed.

Tim Hetherington's Courage Under Fire  (click title to entry - thank you)

Photographer Killed In Libya Won Awards for 'Nightline' Coverage of Afghanistan, Army Major: 'He Was a Brother to Me'

This is the system that delivered tornadoes and large snow falls within a 24 hour period.

April 20, 2011
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of the USA (click title to entry for 12 hour loop - thank you)

The velocity of the wind crossing the nation has moved and condensed the 'system' and forced it to the east coast.  Right now there should be concern in Arkansas and Mississippi for turbulent weather and potential tornadoes.

April 20, 2011
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of USA.

National Weather Service, Little Rock, Arkansas (click here)

April 20, 2011
Infrared Satellite of USA

Where is the heat?  Where is the turbulence?

As opposed to this ! And it could happen again. The 'existing' wells are excluded from new regulations, but, renewed standards for inspections.

I don't want to hear a word about any moritorium either.  BP received huge tax breaks because IT LOST MONEY.  What a shame  We should all have a pity party for BP.  One company is trying to improve the circumstances of Americans, such as GE, while another just doesn't give a damn, like BP.  If GE received tax incentives to HELP the USA move away from fossil fuels, they are heroes.  There is no need for fossil fuels as far as I am concerned.  They are dirty and dangerous. 

Go, GE, Go!

By Ed Crooks and Sheila McNulty
Published: April 20 2011 19:32 | Last updated: April 20 2011 19:32
US oil production this year is on course to rise, independent forecasters believe, in spite of delays to drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, as the boom in the onshore oil industry offsets the slowdown offshore.
On the first anniversary of the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig, which killed 11 men, there were memorials for the dead and protests from environmental campaigners....

The new regulations resulting from the President's commission sadly does nothing to existing wells except to re-engage more stringent inspections to be sure early signs of failure are found.

The new regulations require all companies planning exploration and/or drilling submit a "Safety Test" to outline all the dangers their particular well could face.  In that, the company also has 'in place' all necessary precautions before drilling begins.  In my opinion that means MANDITORY relief wells to be drilled at the same time as the exploratory well to immediately intrupt a rupture if it occurs.

These measures are completely necessary and appropriate and are not over reaching of government.  Our fisheries are vital to the nation and to the lives of the people and families that make a living within them.  Additionally, the coastal USA is vital to tourism and the beaches are paramount to a healthy economy.

Someone has to start making a difference.

T.C. April 20th, 2011 Snowstorm - Front yard

T.C. April 20th, 2011 Snowstorm - Back yard

Missouri and Illinois Tornadoes!!! April 19, 2011