Bush uses an alphabet soup approach to enlisting every nation, every terrorist incident, every captured al Qaeda member and his perception of success in his ‘War on Terror’ as a common mandate as a propagation to war against any element of trouble as defined by his concept of ‘evil.’ He mixes Beslan with Syria as if this was all one huge conspiracy against American ideologies.
That is nonsense and contrived.
Beslan is about Uzbeks and Poppy Warlords of Afghanistan mixed with nearly a century long struggle of the North Caucuses against Moscow.
The problem is the over riding question; is the violence in Chechnya about Moscow maintaining control to defeat any further disruption to others breaking away from Russia or is it actually about rooting out the criminal elements within that society to allow the Chechens to live in peace under the protection of their federal authority in Moscow.
The stark answer is that the terrorists of Beslan were a majority of Uzbeks seeking a country to control financed by their poppy warlord in Afghanistan.
The other and stark accusations is that in using a house to house technique to find dissidents Russian troops are becoming an invading army as was Caesar’s armies taking plunder including the rape of women as they achieve dominance over the area.
The West would like to point a finger at Russia and seek to exploit the wrongful actions of Russian military.
It was not they who killed at Beslan. They were on the side of the Chechen parents who still mourn today in atypical ways. The wrongful deeds of the Russian military are controllable through the central authority of Russia. The terrorists from surrounding countries who would seek control of Chechnya are not revolutionaries as the West would like to see them, but, criminals seeking a country to base their operations. No different than the prospects Bush paints for Iraq or any other country of the Middle East if it ‘falls’ to terrorists.
The West falsely aligns with the terrorists for the gain of shaming Russia. That is the failure of this administration in it’s essence. It ‘creates’ believable controversy based in half truths, declares war and then lives with the consequences afterward. This would be the reality of The Iraqi Exiles who now control the central authority but not the people.
No different than to place terrorists in power in Chechnya for the sake of ‘growing’ Western values to steal natural resources through contracts intended for wealth is to undermine the very definition of democracy.
The premise for Bush’s Pre-emption is wrongly based not in fact but more in fiction. Was there Pre-emption during the Cuban Missile Crisis? Did there need to be? Was eminent danger such a difficult sell to the declaration of war? Did it resolve peacefully?
The counties he cites are, in his words directly out of the speech:
Yet .. the evil… of that morning has reappeared on other days in other places -- in Mombasa [Kenya] and Casablanca [Morocco] and Riyadh [Saudi Arabia] and Jakarta [Indonesia] and Istanbul [Turkey], in Madrid [Spain], in Beslan [Russia], in Taba [Egypt] and Netanya [Israel] and Baghdad [Iraq] and elsewhere.
In the past few months, we've seen a new terror offensive with attacks in London [England], Sharm el-Sheikh [Egypt] and a deadly bombing in Bali [Indonesia] once again.
Somalia and the Philippines and Pakistan and Chechnya and Kashmir and Algeria.
They want us to repeat the sad history of Beirut [Lebanon] in 1983 and Mogadishu [Somalia] in 1993, only this time on a larger scale with greater consequences
Over the past few decades, radicals have specifically targeted Egypt and Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and Jordan for potential takeover.
Third, the militants believe that controlling one country will rally the Muslim masses, enabling them to overthrow all moderate governments in the region and establish a radical Islamic empire that spans from Spain to Indonesia.
With greater economic and military and political power, the terrorists would be able to advance their stated agenda: to develop weapons of mass destruction, to destroy Israel, to intimidate Europe, to assault the American people and to blackmail our government into isolation.
DO I HAVE TO CONTINUE TO PULL OUT THE WORDS AND EXTREMISM OF THIS SPEECH? Bush puts every inch of the globe under the ultimate control of Osama bin Laden.
Bush further proves his extremism by drawing on verbiage that is unrealistic:
“…great evil…turning point in our history… final moments on Earth (Earth? This ‘final moment on Earth’ thing is a religious framework and does not indicate the preferred belief system of any of the passengers on Flight 93. Not to say they weren’t religious it just sets AN UNDERSTANDING to their status that assigns nationalism and not personal identity) fighting the enemy….
Bush turned the ‘common man,’ the ‘average citizen’ into a warrior in their own lives by inadequately defeating this element prior to the attacks citing the ignored reports of the FBI/CIA.
“… mortal danger to all humanity.”
“All these separate images of destruction and suffering…”
(But he sets the images of September 11th aside as unique and something no other country could experience. Bush states: “The images and experience of September 11 are unique for Americans.” Oh, really? What makes the human element any different in Riyadh than New York City? Is not fear still fear no matter what human being feels it? What makes September 11th unique? The destruction of Trade Towers, the actual success on striking a government military instillation, the Pentagon? Those are not unique they are grossly tragic and speaks eons to the poor management style of this administration. Lax. Reactionary. And chronically ‘on vacation.’) “… that we see on the news can seem like random and isolated acts of madness. Innocent men and women and children have died simply because they boarded the wrong train or worked in the wrong building or checked into the wrong hotel.”
Yet in manifesting ‘authority’ over these attacks Bush calls up the same ‘sympathies’ of the audience as if the sameness between September 11th is not so unique after all. Or maybe in his burgeoning ‘authority’ over these countries he has GREATER AMERICAN SYMPATHY AND COMPASSION for those victims than their governments ever could. Regardless, he superimposes the American Uniqueness of September 11th over every terrorist event on the globe while setting it apart for his constituency to maintain a separatist authority and superiority. Still another form of discrimination, bigotry.
In an article a few months ago Saudi Arabia listed it’s most wanted terrorists. It was a list this year of 32, I believe. In the past Saudi Arabia has been successful in bring down it’s most wanted either by capture or killing them. In a recent article in the New York Times was a graph listing the countries where terrorists were most likely to be found and at the top of that list was Saudi Arabia.
The point is, Bush goes on in his speech to propagandize a ‘strategy’ against an enemy he akins to the ability of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot also known as Saloth Sar leader of the now contained and defeated Khmer Rouge with characteristics of communism. This issue is not that huge. We do not have to declare a world war to stop terrorism. The issues of terrorism lie within the borders of sovereign countries that need to be willing to stop them. National Security for the USA does not have to include a world war.
Bush makes the statements that the USA did nothing to deserve the attacks of 911. Well, for one being the USA is enough. But, we did do many things including exploiting our economic powers over lesser nations allowing their impoverishment and placing their populations at risk for terrorist influences. Bush in his demeanor alone including this speech incites all kinds of problems including the sparks that brought September 11th to reality. In choosing 911, Osama bin Laden has turned our own emergency warning system, our own language against us in a maniacal plot of terrorism.
Bush’s demeanor is grossly inappropriate as is Cheney’s in an international community whereby previous to the attacks of 911 all major countries were in alliance and cooperation. We were on our way to a global effort on any and all fronts to combat the problems that beset us. We had taken down Milosevic. That was nothing? We had Saddam Hussein contained. That was nothing? We had friends in China and Russia and now they welcome us into a fold of nations who have taken up the call of Poverty, the endemic in Africa of HIV/AIDS, global poverty as well as environmental protections in fighting Global Warming.
His speech makes some points regarding the mechanisms of the spread of terrorism on places like ‘the net.’ But, he provides no strategy, no alliances to stop it. It would not be so hard to shut down these websites as they appear. But, these websites also serve as a knowledge base. There is the issue of the ever appearing and disappearing images of Osama bin Laden from time to time compliments of Al Jazeera. That goes on as if it should.
In a way we expect freedom of speech and put up with a lot that normally would not be a part of what most Americans consider ‘normal’ in order to protect our freedom of speech. But when a president incites the use of ‘the internet’ as a means of organization, cooperation and recruitment of terrorista then there is something wrong when there is no strategy to shut down a vital link that makes this a global network rather than one home grown in Saudi Arabia.
The one man who inspires terrorist networks is still at large. The capture or killing of Osama bin Laden is never addressed by Bush. We set out four years ago this month to Afghanistan to bring bin Laden to justice, to stop al Qaeda and bring stability and peace to Afghanistan. This administration has achieved none of these goals but has the God Almighty nerve to stand at a podium giving a speech about freedom and democracy that amounts to nothing more than rhetoric, violence and more war with more killing.
The terrorizing of the United States of America has to stop with the political ranting of the Neo-conservatives in this country and honesty, truth telling and re-investment into our country needs to take it’s place. The corruption that took us away from a justified invasion into Afghanistan has now lead to a war for profits in Iraq and we just don’t belong in the middle of it. We have to stop fueling the hate of Islam against us by a complete cease fire in Iraq while we turn authority over to those that were elected and to the Holy Men that have devoted their lives to the people of their flocks.
This is the season of Ramadan. It is the season of atonement. There is no better time for the USA to atone as well and remove the aggressive nature of it’s presence there in providing for an extremist training ground. The ‘Fallujah’ mentality that over and over again sets the USA in conflict with Iraqi Sunnis on a regular basis killing hundreds if not thousands in sweep after sweep in the light of a sanctioning Shi’ite authority is resembling more an ethnic cleansing than an anti-insurgency. There needs to be a full cease fire in Iraq and for the first time in this nation’s history it belongs at a negotiation table to avert the killing of more innocent people as it cannot achieve that end alone.
The Iraqi people need to be brought out of poverty, given electricity, sewage systems, streets free of disease, play grounds for girls and boys, jobs for their people and a return to the national assets to the Iraqi government completely rather than having the presence of American companies who bring their own people to their employ rather than the Iraqi people for security issues. If American companies weren’t in Iraq there would not be security issues and there would not be chronic oil fires and attempts at destroying the infrastructure.
The USA has mapped out no withdrawal or timeline for exiting Iraq. To that end it is clearly a forever war with Rumsfeld currently reassigning more troops to Iraq.
According to Michael Moore’s website today there are 1953 American soldiers dead. I am confident with the rate of deaths in Iraq we will see 2000 by the end of the week if not sooner.
To continue to quote Bush’s speech would be interesting but tedious and if the readers of this haven’t lost interest already then I am saying something worth while and I appreciate their attention.
There is much wrong with this administration in DC including the House and Senate. Investigations are being conducted, some are being completed there are indictments of high ranking members of this administration and Congress in DeLay, Frist, Libby and Rove minimally. How can America trust any person who is involved in this type of leadership? We can’t, nor should we. We need to stay the course of reversal of fortune and take back our democracy. We need to allow the Iraqis to find their own footing while remaining a friend and ally IF that is still possible. We need to take back the words of hate expounded by this administration and seek strong ties IF POSSIBLE at this late date with countries like Russia and China seeking common ground with common resolve on issues of the day. We need back our treasury to bring our form of justice, peaceful resolve back to the international discourse and to stop the burden of long term debt on our children and grandchildren.
This administration is one of corruption supported by propagandizing fear. To put it a little more lightly, “Terrorists ain’t all that.” We need national security and not national insecurity.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Saturday, October 08, 2005
"False Idols Fall" from the album "Wake the Dead" by Comeback Kid
Your Time is Up
We’ve been counting down your days
Going over every false THING YOU SAY
We wish it could be different
We wished you stayed the same
Tearing down our idols
living life OUR OWN WAY
Taking the chance to say
All my heros are dead
All my heros are dead
Were we too blind to see you were only human like me
But we can’t help but feel
Empty words they're all you gave
Struggling to take back our days
They build you up to watch you fall
Can’t you see they can’t be what you want
You build them up to watch them fall
Where did we lose control
We thought it'd last forever
We're come and count away your days
Our heroes are not what they used to be (OUR IDOLS FALL)
Our heroes are not what they used to be (OUR IDOLS FALL AWAY)
We’ve been counting down your days
Going over every false THING YOU SAY
We wish it could be different
We wished you stayed the same
Tearing down our idols
living life OUR OWN WAY
Taking the chance to say
All my heros are dead
All my heros are dead
Were we too blind to see you were only human like me
But we can’t help but feel
Empty words they're all you gave
Struggling to take back our days
They build you up to watch you fall
Can’t you see they can’t be what you want
You build them up to watch them fall
Where did we lose control
We thought it'd last forever
We're come and count away your days
Our heroes are not what they used to be (OUR IDOLS FALL)
Our heroes are not what they used to be (OUR IDOLS FALL AWAY)
October 8, 2005. 2330 z
Water Vapor.
The Jet Stream is struggling once again into prominence.
The problem, as it always is; the carbon dioxide cloud over North America . The 'black hole' in the water vapor image occurs in the center of the continent where all the CO2 is blown from the west coast and begins to accumulate in denser measure. The density is strong enough to being it's own vortex. The CO2 concentration is greatest offshore where the entire country's emission falls into unpolluted air over the WARMER Gulf Stream creating the CHRONIC heat conduit from the equator to the Arctic Ocean. It is this heat conduit that has spawned both Cat 5 storms into the Gulf of Mexico.
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