Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Hail Mary is actually a prayer within the rosary.

Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.

The Rosary, including Hail Mary, has been the focus of several Popes over the millennium. I want to say it was Pope Paul VI that wrote a paper elevating the Rosary.

The Rosary (click here) is a Scripture-based prayer. It begins with the Apostles' Creed, which summarizes the great mysteries of the Catholic faith. The Our Father, which introduces each mystery, is from the Gospels. The first part of the Hail Mary is the angel's words announcing Christ's birth and Elizabeth's greeting to Mary. St. Pius V officially added the second part of the Hail Mary. The Mysteries of the Rosary center on the events of Christ's life. There are four sets of Mysteries: Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious and––added by Pope John Paul II in 2002––the Luminous.

The repetition in the Rosary is meant to lead one into restful and contemplative prayer related to each Mystery. The gentle repetition of the words helps us to enter into the silence of our hearts, where Christ's spirit dwells. The Rosary can be said privately or with a group....

Nope, it was Pope John Paul II:

1. The Rosary of the Virgin Mary, (click here) which gradually took form in the second millennium under the guidance of the Spirit of God, is a prayer loved by countless Saints and encouraged by the Magisterium. Simple yet profound, it still remains, at the dawn of this third millennium, a prayer of great significance, destined to bring forth a harvest of holiness. It blends easily into the spiritual journey of the Christian life, which, after two thousand years, has lost none of the freshness of its beginnings and feels drawn by the Spirit of God to “set out into the deep” (duc in altum!) in order once more to proclaim, and even cry out, before the world that Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour, “the way, and the truth and the life” (Jn 14:6), “the goal of human history and the point on which the desires of history and civilization turn”.(1)...

"The Hail Mary" is one of the earliest prayers a child learns in the Roman Catholic faith. But, the rosary is well engaged by the age of 7, when most children receive their "First Holy Communion." That ceremony is a very big deal for young Catholic people.

But, the Rosary, containing "The Hail Mary," is not at all a prayer of desperation. It is a prayer of sustaining peace for the soul. The expression "Hail Mary" really has evolved into a far different definition than it's purposeful meaning in the Roman Catholic Faith.

"The First Holy Communion" is the first autonomous act by a young person regarding their soul in the Catholic faith. Up to that point Baptism protected the soul. At the age of 7, girls and boys are introduced to the idea of having control over their behavior and decisions that will bring diminishing character of their soul. They are also introduced to the idea of penance to bring back the standing of their soul with God. Roman Catholic children are asked from an early age to conduct themselves in the graces of God.
I am tired of hearing Donald Trump's comments about the beauty of his daughters. I think every father has those moments. They have raised their daughters with great joy and love. All of a sudden this strange young man shows up for dinner. I think most fathers take a step back to realize what other men see in their daughters. I don't find that a declaration of incest. 

He served one term in the presidency.

It was 1992 when I wrote the White House and George H. W. Bush to take no more than $100 donations from Americans for his re-election. He ignored it all.

After a short time, Gerry Brown stated he would take no more than $100 donations for his election. He raised the most money he ever did that month. He received matching funds as well. 

That was twenty-four years ago. It is interesting how Americans have a hero today carrying their message with the degree of comfort in knowing Wall Street doesn't own their candidate. Americans haven't changed in that 24 years. We still want the elections to be OUR choice.
Dennis Hastert's sentence is scary. He wasn't the only one in Congress. There was that Congressman that was chasing his male aides around his office, too. The difference is the young interns were over 18 years old. Mark Foley. The list of either homosexual or bisexual Republican legislators is very long. The ONLY thing wrong with that was the closet. In the case of Hastert, he was a pedophile.

Fifteen months. Amazing. He'll be out before Christmas.

Republicans don't react to their own sex scandals, with bare chests on social sites or prostitutes, because they would lose their majority and that is far more important than the truth from pedophiles. 

April 27, 2016
By Brian Ross, Megan Christie and Rhonda Schwartz

Describing Dennis Hastert (click here) as a “child molester” who lied to the FBI, a federal judge in Chicago today sentenced the former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert to 15 months in prison, a sentence far harsher than what even prosecutors had requested.
Federal Judge Thomas Durkin also ordered Hastert to a treatment program for sexual offenders saying if it wasn’t for Hastert’s advanced age and health, he would have sentenced him even longer, saying he was “sad for the country and sad for the victims."
During the emotionally charged hearing, a Chicago area businessman Scott Cross spoke publicly for the first time of the abuse he suffered as a 17-year-old high school student.
“It was my darkest secret as he became more powerful,” Cross said....
If Senator Sanders needs donations he should ask the people. Not just his email requests, but, he should let all his supports the campaign needs some funding. They will send it to him. I have no doubt they would respond.

Secretary Clinton should do the same thing. I don't recall ever hearing her ask for help with funding the campaign. I firmly believe any word from the candidate is a powerful thing. Some would wonder why Secretary Clinton continues to rely on big money donors rather than asking her supports to work on funding. Being left out of the loop except for the ballot box won't win friends and funders.

His policies are no different than George H.W. Bush when he stated, "....families of countries..."

Donald Trump's foreign policy speech is no surprise. He has been saying this all along. His interpretation into a government foreign policy is based in his years as a business man.

Basically, he is interested in peace first that promotes USA strength but also invites prosperity with any country willing to be a business ally. He sees America's strength in the world through prosperity of our partners. 

He wants to update our conventional weapons. That is a very big expense. I agree the USA military needs new conventional weapons, but, with such an expense there needs to be additional taxes.

It was a good speech and I am sure the world was listening. The world has been listening the entire time, why stop now. These are his views and the international community should rely on this speech as his legitimate and long lived views.

Mr. Trump along with every other USA leader is going to have to decide about Israel's aggression. I have said for years Israel was never going to stay within it's borders. Guess what?

Indulging Israel's aggressive means of a buffer zone is not Syria's problem. No other country in the region seeks buffer zones with Israel. No different than the Palestinian territories, this land belongs to Syria.

26 April 2016
The UN Security Council (click here) has expressed deep concern, dismissing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s claim earlier this month that the annexed Syrian Golan Heights would “forever” remain under Israel’s control.
Amid fears that Israel could fall under pressure to return the Golan as part of a possible peace settlement in Syria, Netanyahu said earlier that Tel Aviv will never withdraw from the Golan Heights, a strategic area captured from Syria in 1967.
“It is time that the international community recognized reality,” Netanyahu was quoted as saying on April 17. “Whatever happens on the other side of the [Syrian] border, the border itself will not move.”
“And secondly,” Netanyahu added, “the time has come after 40 years for the international community to finally recognize that the Golan Heights will remain under Israeli sovereignty forever.”...

This is aggression by Israel that is nothing more than the same aggression witnessed against Palestine for decades. Israel is also moving into Syria which has enough problems without starting additional conflict over land. Israel must be made to live within it's borders and roll back from the borders that are Palestinian.

The USA should never entertain the idea of defending Israel across borders that challenge the sovereignty of other countries in the region. This level of aggression raises Israel's ambitions for Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

Things are looking very bleak for Israel's aggression.

To right is the Sea of Galilee and southern Golan Heights, Jordan. Tourism is as safe with Jordan as it has been with Israel.

OMG, the pills are engineered. I thought the tablets on the street were people selling presciption drugs.

April 27, 2016
By Sudhin Thanawala

San Francisco — Fourteen people in the Sacramento, California, (click here) area have fatally overdosed on a pill disguised as a popular painkiller, and now the drug has turned up in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Bay Area hospitals have treated seven patients who ingested what they thought was the painkiller Norco in recent weeks, according to a report released Tuesday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The patients all survived, though at least some experienced nausea, vomiting and difficulty breathing.
The pills were adulterated with fentanyl, the powerful opioid....

Fentanyl is a very powerful drug. How powerful?

Fentanyl is an opioid medication. An opioid is sometimes called a narcotic.

Fentanyl is used as part of anesthesia to help prevent pain after surgery or other medical procedure.

People with intractable pain use Fentanyl safely IN A TRANSDERMAL PATCH. The injectable variety is used ONLY in anesthesia.

Below are dosage strength.

Applies to the following strength(s) (click here) : 50 mcg/mL ; 1200 mcg ; 200 mcg ; 400 mcg ; 600 mcg ; 800 mcg ; 100 mcg ; 300 mcg ; 1600 mcg             

For a in hospital drip:  25 mcg/hr ; 50 mcg/hr ; 75 mcg/hr ; 100 mcg/hr

2 mcg/mL-0.9% (normal saline) ; 5 mcg/mL-0.9% ; 10 mcg/mL

0.9% (0.9 percent is the FORMULA abbreviation for normal saline FLUID); 20 mcg/mL-0.9% ; 12 mcg/hr ; 37.5 mcg/hr ; 62.5 mcg/hr ; 87.5 mcg/hr

1.5 mg/mL ; 2.5 mg/mL (these are mixing ratios)  ; 100 mcg/inh ; 400 mcg/inh ; 5 mcg/mL-D5% ; 25 mcg/mL-0.9% ; 4 mcg/mL-D5%

1000 mcg/250 mL-NaCl 0.9% ; 40 mcg/mL (1000 micrograms per 250 milliliters of Normal Saline at a concentration of 40 micrograms per milliliter)

NaCl 0.9% ; 40 mcg/dose ; 150 mcg/30 mL-D5% ; 100 mcg/10 mL-D5% ; 300 mcg/30 mL-D5%

1250 mcg (microgram)/50 mL (milliliter)-D5%

2500 mcg/250 mL-D5%

Kindly notice the strength of Fentanyl is in mcg (micrograms) not mg (milligrams).

The amount of Fentanyl needed to achieve sedation is extremely small.

1 milligram = 1 milliliter

Fentanyl can be mixed with natural body fluids like one liter (1000 milliliter) or one half liter (500 milliter) or one-fourth liter (250 milliliter) of normal saline or 5% dextrose for a drip used in the hospital in managing pain.

The dosages are extremely important in administering the drug without harming the patient.

Fentanyl should never be considered an enhancement to any street drugs. Fentanyl is deadly when not respected for it's intense property of pain relief. There is NO SAFE dosage for oral consumption.

Chyna will participate in the discovery of concussions.

By Jonathan Lloyd

The brain of former WWE star Chyna (Joan Marie Laurer), (click here) who was found dead last week in her Southern California home, will be donated for research involving the effects of concussions, her manager said Tuesday.Chyna, whose real name is Joan Marie Laurer, was found dead Wednesday in her Redondo Beach apartment. Police were responding to a 911 call from a friend who said the former 46-year-old World Wrestling Entertainment performer failed to answer her phone for a few days....

The female brain is yet to have significant information yield secrets about concussion. Chyna's participation in the study is invaluable.

France wants answers.

"We're in a democracy ... we're not in a totalitarian state," Berton said, stated the attorney for Abdelslam. That is a profound statement. It is far easier for the terrorists in Europe compared to their residence with Daesh.

These men would have been killed by a genocidal group of Ba'athists somewhere in Syria if they failed. Abdeslam faces justice according to the standards of a French democracy. A democracy written to protect the innocent. European democracies are targets for Daesh. And while they are placing designs of death on societies, they are comfortable and treated with respect. These horrible men take advantage of democracy to end it. This is more than a group of killers, they are banking on fear within democracies to end them.

The killer Abdeslam is being processed. That is all that is happening here. He is being processed. It doesn't mean he deserves respect or has a valid alibi. He is being processed to protect all others wrongfully accused. It is important France maintains it's high standards of democracy. Abdeslam will receive justice through a valuable form of governance. I congratulate France for the strength in seeking the truth and bringing it's brevity to the justice it's democracy demands.

The contrast of France to the bloody regime of Daesh is a government of strength and not a regime of fear and death too afraid to realize it's own truth.

..."That  means be judged (click here) for facts and acts that he committed but not for what he did not commit simply because he is the only survivor of the attacks," Berton said.
Abdeslam, whose brother blew himself up in the attacks, is charged with attempted murder over a March 15 shootout with police in Brussels. He was arrested three days later.
Belgian police questioned Abdeslam about potential links to the three suicide bombers who attacked the Brussels Airport and subway on March 22, killing 32 — just days after Abdeslam's arrest.
Mystery continues to hang over Abdeslam's role in the Paris attacks. He returned from France to Belgium after his brother blew himself up, calling cohorts in Brussels to fetch him. However, a suicide belt bearing his fingerprints was found south of Paris and a car he had been driving was found in a northern Paris district.
Berton, who has taken on tough cases in the past, said in the iTele interview that Abdeslam "has the right to be defended."
"We're in a democracy ... we're not in a totalitarian state," Berton said.