This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Saturday, September 01, 2007
The misanthropic deeds of George Walker Bush and Richard Cheney and every Republican that has supported them...
The Republican Party no longer exists as a balance to the spending policies of the USA, they have become destructive and deadly while exhibiting grossly corrupt strategies against the people of the USA.
It's time to be a little misanthropic toward them and give them a taste of their own medicine. Cut the Republicans off at the knees and put an administration and legislature in DC that will return the USA to it's benevolent nature while protecting it's citizens from further terrorist agendas.
The USA needs a fresh start with fresh leadership with good ideas and the will to see them through.
Good luck. I did my part, it's time everyone else do theirs.
The misanthropic priority of a destroyed benevolent troposphere of Earth

In every measure the Bush Administration and the Republican House and Senate have looked the other way hoping the USA can weather the storm of an Earth turned hostile by the abuses of the very country they lead.
While climate changes have brought 'large death events' as witnessed in France several years ago, the USA continues to do nothing in response to the rapidly changing Earth that will in time prove too hostile to support life as carbon dioxide emissions from the USA are unrelenting with no change in sight.
Currently there are no alternatives largely exploited from civilian energy sources. Coal technology, while touting an ability to be 'clean' there is little evidence supporting coal's ability to able to capture carbon dioxide within current sequestering measures.
This is one of the studies conducted in recent years research has been conducted by Duke University and Harvard that clearly states a 'saturated Earth's troposphere' results in little available carbon sequestration in addition to the existing saturation (click here).
"Above Ground Sink Strengths in forest controls, the allocation of carbon below ground and it's [CO2]-induced enhancements", Ecology, December 19, 2006; Vol. 103, No. 51, pp. 19632 - 19367.
This is an update of Clean Coal Technology as of 2001 (click here). I don't find it promising. The type of coal conversion technologies Bush refers to hopes of creating two Saudi Arabias from the USA coal stocks, which can be difficult to reach causing miner deaths; are very polluting to communities and their water and land resources. It's not at all a viable alternative to any other fossil fuel.
There is no better answer for teh USA regarding energy infrastructure than to eliminate the use of fossil fuels from it's menu of options. The cleaner the energy the USA can produce the greater the benevolence to Earth and hence the global community.
Every Earth System has it's limits and the USA has pushed them to breaking, it's time to stop.
Bush's misanthropic Department of Defense turned into The Deparment of War operating outside any international treaties and violating human rights

The sense deprivation of ineffective techniques which were a mish-mosh of every conceivable study on Earth since humans were able to 'set type.' The detainees at Gitmo were guinea pigs to Rumsfelds' 'dreamscape' of breaking down hardened terrorists. These detainees were on many occassions people whom had nothing to do with al Qaeda or terrorism but were sold to the USA military by warlords for rewards.

Homeland Security is the most misanthropic cabinet department in Bush's administration. I could write a dissertation and someone should. .

The dangers to the USA food supply first manifested as a deadly mix in pet foods, killing many precious companion animals.
Pet food contamination mystery unlocked (click here)
SEATTLE - There are new developments in the on-going story of contaminated pet food. Federal health officials confirm that the ingredient believed to be killing cats and dogs, has also entered the human food supply.When this story broke back in mid-March, it was assumed the contamination was limited to pet food. But now it's clear that various livestock in the U.S. have been given animal feed containing the chemical melamine -- a chemical that is not supposed to be in pet or people food.Last week we learned contaminated animal feed was fed to hogs. Just Monday, there was confirmation that tainted feed was fed to chickens.The FDA says 38 poultry farms in Indiana received contaminated feed from China in early February. Of those, 30 of the farms raise broiler chickens for human consumption....
And let's not forget the misanthropic Bush Advisory Council to the FDA which allows heart disease in order to combat arthritis. Some kind of priorities they are.
The editorial by Hanlon at the Wall Street Journal was when it was still worth the time of day to read The Wall Street Journal.
The obvious misanthropic mission of Homeland Security is completely obvious here. First it's first Secretary, Tom Ridge 'set up' the USA for the 'culture of fear' by advocating 'duct tape' and plastic over windows as a measure to prevent WMD from reaching people inside any home. That not only provided to be the anticipated fearful permission for Bush's illegal invasion into Iraq, but was completely baseless in it's science as if a residence was so tightly closed to any outside air, the occupants would die of suffocation.
The 'idea' the USA's food supply is contaminated causing deaths among pets and endangering the well being of citizens is simply outrageous. Welcome to the misanthropic Bush outsourcing economy, guaranteed to rob the American worker blind of good paying jobs while killing them in the process through water and food contamination. Don't forget, the first Executive Order Bush signed allowed increases in arsenic. Hello?
The 'puzzle' as to whom gets Homeland Security dollars is simple. The monies go to where the greatest density of citizens live. Why? Because there is the most potential of the country to maintain it's populous in the face of devastating attacks of any nature on the USA. Where are the ports found that would have to be monitored to secure the USA borders. In the heartland of Kansas? No. The coastal cities of the USA, New York, Wilmington, New Orleans and nearly every MAJOR city on the seaboards of North America. Additionally, if food and water contamination were to be success to disable the USA from protecting it's homeland it would have to succeed against large populous, not small and distant communities. The BEST chance the USA has in protecting any of it's citizens is to insure the major cities survive any and all attacks so they in turn can respond to the emergencies of the interior of the country in numbers that would facilitate large movement of American infrastructure efforts. This isn't that difficult to understand or master a plan to survival of the USA and it's Consitution.
The obvious misanthropic mission of Homeland Security is clearly dividing it's funds into crony favors to enhance Republican votes within the Bush Culture of Misanthropic and Irrational Fear. By doing so, it should have been clearly evident to the citizens of the USA, any and all calls of terrorist alerts were simply misanthropic attacks on the psychi of the American populous.
Any Homeland Security of the USA involves not 'individual' efforts but the cumulative efforts of the entire country in it's ability to respond to other areas under attack or in distress. The greatness of the people of the USA has always been in the understanding they are a United States prepared to respond as a nation, not a simple city or local authority. To 'make weak' the great cities of the USA allows vulnerability nearly impossible to recover from, the prime and obvious example of same, the attacks on New York City on September 11, 2001.
The free flow of guns throughout the USA as a misanthropic political gesture by Bush in appreciation of the NRA

Norris Hall at Virginia Tech
What is there to say? Except guilty. Post Columbine, the USA got it's act together with The Brady Bill and the Assault Weapons Ban. What occurred under this administration was a demoralization of the USA in a political agenda WITHOUT any valid research to back it up, in that people are better off personally armed than not. Well, at least one young man took that estimation of Bush's misanthropic America seriously.
The odd indictment of the Virginia Tech University authorities as holding some degree of responsiblity for the 32 deaths simply overlooked the larger culture and it's spawning of violence. God forbid the misanthropic Bush, his culture of fear and the crony favors to the NRA should be indicted along with any other impetus to the death of the innocent in the USA.
Hokie healing (click here)
By Dan Wetzel, Yahoo! Sports
August 30, 2007
BLACKSBURG, Va. – It's a dignified memorial, simple and sad, 32 stones in a semi-circle set up on a hill overlooking Drillfield here in the center of campus....
The Misanthrophic Bush and Michael Brown inexcuseable official death toll 1723. The largest death toll of ANY hurricane to strike the USA.

This is a graph from Wikipedia regarding average 'household income.' Click here for a link.

There is a signifcant amount of households below the poverty level. There are even more below the average 'gross' household income below $55,000. In the table of this link it is noted the income of individuals doesn't increase until they achieve a Bachelor's degree. The 'idea' the USA could subsist on High School educations without factories to soak up the undereducated has created an 'exclusive' disparity of opportunity in the USA.
The USA must return to a 'gear up' economy for supplying consmer demands for a nation desiring new forms of energy and transporation. Do you the income level increase a national high speed magnetic rail would create? With increased income across the board for Americans, the tax base increases, the deficit is better managed and the 'opportunity' for young Americans to be well educated by their families increases.
Does the USA have a choice? Do families believe children are worth the investment to rebuild their nation and it's economy?
There are 191 million people in the USA 25 years old and older. This is a graph of the USA 'brain trust.' I am not impressed.

One might ask, how many of those PhDs are minority Americans? Not many. The Misanthropes haven't even begun to address the educational needs of the people of this country. Without a significantly more impressive 'brain trust' and the 'reason' to establish one, the USA's interests will be outsourced as well and we will be a 'slave nation' to a country such as China in more ways than just 'average minimum wage labor.' You might ask yourself come election day 2008, whom is going to lead this nation when they can't even graduate from high school? Where is an American economy if there are no leaders to take us there?
US high school dropout rate: high, but how high? (click title above)
By Gail Russell Chaddock Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor WASHINGTON – The national dropout rate is notoriously hard to pin down, and the latest effort to do so - showing alarmingly low graduation rates in some parts of America - is likely to intensify the statistics wars.
Nearly 1 in 3 high school students in the Class of 2006 will not graduate this year, the Editorial Projects in Education (EDE) Research Center reported Tuesday.
This are current the statistics upto 2004....
High School Dropout Rates (click here)
...Dropout rates of young people ages 16 to 24 in the civilian, non-institutionalized population gradually declined between 1972 and 2004, from 15 percent to a low of 10 percent in 2003, where the rate remained in 2004. (See Table 2) In this indicator, dropouts are those who are not enrolled in and have not completed high school. In 1972, the dropout rate among non-Hispanic blacks was 21 percent, and, among non-Hispanic whites, it was 12 percent. These rates declined substantially for each group between 1992 and 2004, narrowing the gap between the two groups (though the rate for blacks remains twice that of whites). The dropout rate for non-Hispanic black youth reached an historic low of 11 percent in 2001. (See Figure 1) This drop is at least in part related to the dramatic increases in incarceration rates among black high school dropouts since 1980, which takes them out of the civilian non-institutionalized population on which these estimates are based.7 Rates among Hispanic youth have declined in last few years from 30 percent in 1998 to 24 percent in 2004....
The Misanthropes of the Bush Health, Education and Welfare Department can't seem to identify 'Health Insurance Company Deaths.'

The Misanthropes of Bush, Bernanke and Hank's Goldman Sachs are the only folks profitting from the Stock Market Collapse of 2007

Fannie Mae, the largest source of money for U.S. home loans, and Goldman Sachs Group Inc., the biggest securities firm, climbed after Bush said the government will help people with delinquent mortgages keep their homes. Bernanke's promise to ``act as needed'' to limit the impact of loan defaults helped send consumer-related shares to the highest level in three weeks....
U.S. Home Foreclosures Jump Sharply in July, Up 9 Percent From June
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The number of foreclosure filings reported in the U.S. last month jumped 93 percent from July of 2006 and rose 9 percent from June, the latest sign that homeowners are having trouble making payments and finding buyers during the national housing downturn....
Just in case the Misanthropes of the Bush/Cheney White House have lost sight of the real war for USA national security...'s a new hundred miles east of Iraq. The people that attacked the USA are in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Let's take a look at the OTHER misanthropic characteristics of the USA since Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney misdirected the priorities of this entire nation and continues to do so, along with career military generals that rather 'play war' among the impoverished of Iraq than vanquish the real enemy of the USA.
'Laden's son dumped by first wife'

Even 'bin' and his den of misfits aren't complete misanthropes, they value their families somewhat (click here).
In the articles surrounding the marriage break up of 'bin's' third son, it was stated he hadn't seen his father for seven years. That would be just before the events of September 11, 2001. Now, seven years later, his son's marriage breaks up while the former bride takes off her veils.
Interesting. At least I find it interesting. More validation for "Fahrenheit 911" when it was noted in the movie the expeditious exit by the 'bin Ladens' in the USA when it all came down. I wonder what the former spouse would say today?

A British grandmother has married a son of Osama bin Laden after a holiday romance.
Lindsay Lohan can hardly be called a 'misanthrope.' She seems to love men. (click for Zoo Spread)
Running away from reality can be accomplished through self abuse and victimization when using alcohol and other substances for an altered reality.
Any beautiful woman that expresses herself though photo layouts needs to be well grounded in her self awareness of her beauty and the way men appreciate it.
No man seeking a picture of Lindsay through Zoo Magazine can deny their fascination with female beauty and in particular hers.
I wish her luck and much happiness, as I do all the other 'lovelies' gracing the pages of magazines where one glimpse of them brings in millions. Those mags would be no place without them, however, they would be just fine without the sensationalism which is generated.
A Misanthrope is someone whom hates humankind. There are sincere misanthropes in the world, but, how did the principles of the USA become so misanthropic? Could it be due to the dominance of the Republican incompletency rampant in DC?
"The Misanthropic Principle" by Strung Out
without guilt or compromise
that you care about anything
that doesn't jump right in front of your eyes
We got a problem you got a problem
the mesmerizing truth
We all want the life
no one is supposed to really own
Tell me what is worth dying for?
I ask with the assumption I'll get no reply
Breathe in breathe out
sometimes I get lost within a stare
I look around and I ask myself
"Why the fuck should I even care?"
this affliction repetition
it's all been done before
while I'm sittin' here just killin' time
as the world goes along for more
Tell me what is worth dying for?
Would you give up everything to make one lasting point?
We all believe we have the right
to make believe we know what's right
but how much will it take
to make you stand and be heard?
I am the reason you are the reason
to abandon everything we have become
my eyes are wide open my heart is wide open
is your mind wide open to see?
More Than 1,800 Iraqis Killed in August
Saturday September 1, 2007 5:01 PM
Associated Press Writer
BAGHDAD (AP) - A huge suicide attack in northern Iraq caused civilian deaths to rise slightly in August despite security gains elsewhere, making it the second deadliest month for Iraqis since the U.S. troop buildup began, figures compiled by The Associated Press showed Saturday.
At least 1,809 civilians were killed, compared to 1,760 in July, based on figures compiled from official Iraqi reports.
The August total included 520 people killed in quadruple suicide bombings near the Syrian border on Aug. 14, the deadliest day since the war began in March 2003. The attacks targeted Yazidis, a small Kurdish-speaking sect whose members are considered to be blasphemers by Muslim extremists.
U.S. deaths last month remained well below figures from last winter, when the U.S began dispatching 30,000 additional troops to Iraq….,,-6890272,00.html
Gen Sir Mike Jackson's attack draws US ire
By Robert Watts and Tim Shipman in Washington, Sunday Telegraph
Last Updated: 8:28pm BST 01/09/2007
Former defence ministers have backed a withering attack on the US's post-war administration of Iraq by General Sir Mike Jackson, the head of the army during the invasion.
Sir Mike has condemned the approach taken by former Donald Rumsfeld as "intellectually bankrupt", adding that the former US defence secretary is "one of those most responsible for the current situation in Iraq".
The former chief of the defence staff's broadside, made in a book to be serialised in The Daily Telegraph, has now ignited a trans-Atlantic row that threatens to damage the "special relationship" between the two allies….
Sadr suspends armed actions
Thursday, 30 August 2007 18:31
Iraqi Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr has suspended all armed actions by his Mehdi Army for six months in order to remove rogue elements from the militia.
The move comes after 52 people were killed in gun battles in the southern Iraqi city of Kerbala.
The unexpected order also includes attacks on US troops.
Analysts said the test of the suspension order would be whether the fighters obeyed because it was no longer clear how much authority al-Sadr exercised over the Mehdi Army.
Iraqi national security advisers welcomed his suspension order but said it would need to be followed through.
Earlier this year, the Pentagon called the Mehdi Army, which has thousands of gunmen, the greatest threat to peace in Iraq.
Iraq war marches onto centre stage at Venice film fest
10 hours ago
VENICE, Italy (AFP) — The Iraq war has emerged as the big topic at this year's Venice film festival, with a film Saturday by an award-winning Canadian director showing the harrowing toll the conflict is taking on returning US soldiers.
Coming just one day after "Redacted", Brian De Palma's dramatisation laying out the shocking facts of a rape and multiple murder in Iraq, Paul Haggis was unveiling "In the Valley of Elah", also inspired by true events, this time on US soil.
Like "Redacted", it explores the conditions, attitudes and stresses experienced by US soldiers in Iraq, and, like De Palma, Haggis said he felt the US public was being kept in the dark about the war.
"During Vietnam we had terrific journalists doing their job," Haggis told a news conference. "We were seeing it on television. Now we don't have it."
Hundreds Displaced in Northern Iraq
By YAHYA BARZANJI – 2 hours ago
MARDOW, Iraq (AP) — As explosions boomed in the distance, a Kurdish woman stood outside her house and pointed to where shells scorched parts of her father's grapes and plum orchards.
"It was a bad day when some 20 shells hit our village in a single day last week. We were crying as we prayed to God to protect us from the bombs of the Islamic Republic of Iran," said Serwa Ibrahim, one of the few remaining villagers in Mardow, about 25 miles from the Iranian border.
"Despite the shelling, I will stay in my village until the end," Ibrahim, 33, said Thursday.
Iranian troops have been accused of bombing border areas for weeks against suspected positions of the Free Life Party, or PEJAK, a breakaway faction of the separatist Kurdistan Workers' Party. Iran says PEJAK — which seeks autonomy for Kurds in Iran — launches attacks inside Iran from bases in Iraq.
Shelling of border areas resumed Saturday after a brief lull, with Iranian shells hitting the Iraqi side of the border and causing some fires. AP Television News showed white smoke billowing from mountainous areas, and Kurdish shepherds carrying carcasses of sheep killed by the shelling.
Two U.S. soldiers killed in western Iraq
15:33, August 31, 2007
Two more U.S. soldiers have been killed in two attacks in Iraq's volatile province of Anbar, the U. S. military said on Friday.The two soldiers, one was a marine, were assigned to Multi National Force-West, who were killed on Wednesday during combat operations in the province, a military statement said.Anbar province is a Sunni insurgents' stronghold, which stretches from the western edges of Baghdad to the Saudi, Jordanian and Syrian borders.The latest deaths bring the number of U.S. soldiers who have been killed in Iraq to more than 3,735 since the Iraq war broke out in 2003, according to media count based on Pentagon figures.
U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq at 3,737
By The Associated Press – 20 hours ago
As of Friday, Aug. 31, 2007, at least 3,737 members of the U.S. military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count. The figure includes seven military civilians. At least 3,061 died as a result of hostile action, according to the military's numbers.
The AP count is two higher than the Defense Department's tally, last updated Friday at 10 a.m. EDT.
The British military has reported 168 deaths; Italy, 33; Ukraine, 18; Poland, 21; Bulgaria, 13; Spain, 11; Denmark, seven; El Salvador, five; Slovakia, four; Latvia, three; Estonia, Netherlands, Thailand, two each; and Australia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Romania, South Korea, one death each.
The latest death reported by the military:
A soldier was killed Wednesday in Anbar province.
The latest identifications reported by the military:
Army Spc. Edward L. Brooks, 25, Dayton, Ohio; died Wednesday in Ramadi, of wounds suffered from an explosive; assigned to the 1st Battalion, 77th Armor Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, Schweinfurt, Germany.
Army Staff Sgt. Jason M. Butkus, 34, West Milford, N.J.; died Thursday in Baghdad, of wounds suffered when insurgents attacked his unit; assigned to the 1st Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, Fort Riley, Kan.
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