This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman
(I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
He has no credentials that prove he understands what Earth is doing right now. He has skills as a politician and he is trying to apply them to the climate crisis for some unknow reason. Lomborg should be very happy that Dr. Christopher Field and the IPCC do know what they are talking about. July 16, 2020 By Joseph E. Stiglitz ...As with others in Lomborg’s camp, (click here) there’s the pretense in this book of balance and reference to careful studies. Yes, climate change is real. Yes, we should do something about it. But, goes his message, let’s be real, there are other problems, too. Resources are scarce. The more money we spend on climate change, the less we have to grow the economy; and as we all know (or do we?) everybody benefits from growth, especially the poor. And besides, there’s not much we can do about climate change....
Forbes wants to give people financial relief by sending them back to work. Reducing payroll taxes came right out of the Obama 2009 economic recovery. There is no funding in this conversation for people in states and communities mired in SARS-CoV-2. Amazing. Wall Street doesn't even recognize the virus. Damned the danger Wall Street wants to roll in money. Forbes was never elected to any office, either. This conversation is moronic in the face of the danger to Americans. NATIONWIDE GENERAL STRIKE FOR SIXTEEN DAYS TO REDUCE THE CASES TO ZERO. Robert Washington did all the hard stuff, like sheltering at home for weeks. Then comes an opening of the state and death came to visit. June 18, 2020
As Arizona (click here) contends with a record spike in coronavirus cases amid the state’s move to reopen, one grief-stricken daughter is pleading for the public and government leaders to take safety more seriously. Lina Washington’s father, Robert Washington, died of COVID-19 a week ago, and barely a month after returning to his job as a security guard at the Gila River Hotels & Casinos – Lone Butte in Chandler, Arizona. “My dad called me on May 16 fearing for his safety,” she tweeted on Sunday. “He said no one was social distancing and few wore masks.”... Governance was never about efficiency. It is about EFFECTIVENESS.
COVID parties are reckless endangerment and a public menace. It is no different than drunkenness when a host allows too much alcohol consumption. Any freedom is not absolute.
It occurred to me in this politically charged environment that the meaning of negligence of governance was an empty phrase. When stating a governor, president or administrator is negligent or grossly negligent of taking care of citizens there is a definition behind it. A governor cannot pick and choose how many people succumb to the virus and how many cannot. There are proven methods of bringing the virus under control. When a first wave of virus hits a country of people allowing the virus to flourish is not an option. Until a virus is known in its capacity to make ill, maim or kill human beings the best way to avoid all those problems is to shelter at home and maintain that for the timeline that makes the virus unable to be viable. There is no other way to “flatten the curve” Once the curve of infections are reduced and hospitals are able to handle the number off new cases, the stay at home requirement is no longer necessary. But, the next strategy is to protect the people from contracting the virus and eliminating it with face masks, hand washing and social distancing. Ultimately no risky behaviors and with that the curve takes a sharp decline into single digit numbers or less. There is no vacation time at this point. People should still be minimizing the time spent with others. In the case of Florida, Texas and Arizona the number of cases sky-rocketed. That doesn’t mean a governor or president or mayor does nothing and thinks, “Gee, that’s too bad.” People have to return to stay at home status until the curve flattens again. There are no options here. Maintaining danger of spread is gross negligence in governance. Allowing the continued spread is a false option. There is no option to allow the spread of the virus unabated. That flippant idea is gross negligence. Gross negligence is not legal, moral or ethical. There is no choice in believing the economy supersedes human life. When any authority states the virus is under control when it is not that is a human rights abuse and gross negligence. The choice that states being exposed to the virus is okay and having high hospital census is the new normal that is, in my opinion, negligent homicide. There is no allowing illness, there is only containment. The methods used to contain it are sheltering at home or the hand washing, face mask and social distancing regime. The sheltering at home option is applied whenever and for as many times necessary that hospitals are unable to care for the ill. There is no third option. There is no option that allows illness, maiming or death to benefit an economy. That is a false choice.