It is more than obvious that the security mechanism protecting President Obama has been tampered with and needs to be revamped ASAP. Why Georgio Zappa? For the same reason it was Marvin Bush. The UAE, that's why.
The United Arab Emirates Government selects Finmeccanica for 48 M-346 advanced lead-in fighter trainer aircraft (click here)
The United Arab Emirates Government today announced at IDEX 2009 (International Defence Exhibition & Conference) in Abu Dhabi that it had begun negotiations for the acquisition of 48 M-346 advanced lead-in fighter trainer aircraft manufactured by Alenia Aermacchi, a Finmeccanica company. The agreement, which also includes the creation of a joint venture in the UAE between Alenia Aermacchi and the Mubadala Development Company (Mubadala) to establish a final assembly line for the M-346, is the result of close collaboration between the Italian Government and the defence industry, which have worked together to capitalise on Italian excellence in the aeronautics high-tech sector....
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
February 5, 2008
February 5, 2008
SUBJECT: Security Clearances
...I have determined that the significant opportunities to improve theseprocesses, and the expected benefits of doing so, argue for aggressiveefforts to achieve meaningful and lasting reform. Without altering thedistinct lines of authority for establishing policies and proceduresrelating to security clearance, Federal employment suitability, andrelated determinations, such reform should ensure that the executivebranch executes these authorities within a framework that maximizesefficiency and effectiveness while protecting the information collectedfrom unauthorized use or disclosure. Embedding that framework in policies,practices, and infrastructure will ensure that the reform effort andits benefits will continue into the future.
Efforts toward achieving this integration are already underway, sponsoredby the Director of National Intelligence, Secretary of Defense, Directorof the Office of Personnel Management, and the Assistant to the Presidentfor National Security Affairs, and coordinated by the Director of theOffice of Management and Budget....
The USA partner for the VH-71 is of all companies, Bell Helicopter. Now, where did I hear that name before? Hm?
Bell Helicopter Gets Pentagon Go-Ahead on Rebuilding Vietnam-Era Helicopters (click here)
Publication: Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News
Date: Friday, October 24 2003
By Dave Montgomery,
Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News
Oct. 24--WASHINGTON--In a major boost for Bell Helicopter Textron, the Pentagon on Thursday endorsed the Fort Worth ( in case you didn't know - Fort Worth is in Texas) company's $5.6 billion program to transform 280 aging helicopters into a 21st Century fleet that will serve the Marine Corps for more than two decades....

There already is one prototype.

VH-71 undergoing testing near the Lockheed facility in Owego, NY

VH-71 Kestrel / Marine One is produced by Agustawestland. (click here)
President Barack Obama says he has ordered a review of plans to replace the fleet of decades-old presidential helicopters at a cost of about $11 billion. Mr. Obama made the announcement aftern his one-time presidential rival, Arizona Senator John McCain, questioned the need for the costly program when the government is trying to curb spending. The president responded that he thinks his current helicopter seems "perfectly adequate," and he said the costly military program is "an example of the procurement process gone amok."
The total acquisition costs for the VH–71 Presidential Helicopter replacement program are projected to increase from $6.5 billion to $11.2 billion. The FY2009 budget request included $1,047.8 million in PE 64273N for continued development of the executive helicopter, VH-71A. The VH-71A program is intended to provide the replacement helicopter for transportation of the President and Vice President of the United States, heads of state, and other dignitaries. The FY2009 House report (H. Rept. 110-652) observed that the reported cost increases in the program were sufficient to exceed the 25 percent unit cost increase that would invoke the certification requirements levied by section 2433 (e)(2)(A) of title 10, United States Code, commonly referred to as a “Nunn-McCurdy Breach.” The House report directed the Secretary of Defense to submit an analysis of potential advantages and disadvantages of conducting a re-competition of the program when the Secretary submits that certification....
So how does an Italian company 'fit into the picture' regarding the President's new helicopter?
AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica's company, is a provider of total capability solutions in the vertical lift markets. (click here)
Recently the news has not been good for Boeing. And the global financial crisis has the EU and the Euro at a disadvantage.
Boeing confirms Dreamliner order cancellations (click here)
By Christopher Hinton, MarketWatch
Last update: 3:02 p.m. EST Feb. 5, 2009
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Boeing Co. on Thursday confirmed reports that two of its customers have dropped orders for 31 of the company's Dreamliner commercial aircraft....
...During a post-earnings call with analysts Jan. 28, Boeing Chairman and Chief Executive Jim NcNerney said he expected an increase in aircraft cancellations and deferments this year, but he reminded investors that the company's backlog represented more than five years of steady work....
It is a very ambitious company involved with the European Airbus and the Dreamliner (click here). The work this company does is supposed to make planes lighter and hence cut down on fuel usage. But, there is no 'exclusivity' to the use of their technologies to Boeing and the price of jet fuel to airlines is a bit staggering. So, in order to 'satisfy' the 'conscience' of the airline consumer these days that wants to 'feel' as though their chosen method of travel is the least offensive to Earth, this company offers interesting alternatives.
Finmeccanica looks for a slice of the A350 (click here)
...Giorgio Zappa, Finmeccanica's chief operating officer, told the Guardian that its aerospace unit, Alenia, a self-styled global leader in composite technology, could build between 6% and 8% of the new plane's fuselage. The firm's Alenia plant in Puglia already makes two parts of the all-composite fuselage for Boeing's 787 Dreamliner, the A350's rival and the fastest-selling plane in the world....

Georgio Zappa is the COO (Chief Operating Officer) of Finmeccanica (click here). If he is not directly involved than he oversees the operations of the company and in particular its technical development.

The three parties ( Gov. Rick Perry, Vought Aircraft CEO Tom Risley and Alenia Aeronautica, S.p.A Chairman and CEO Giorgio Zappa) agreed to meet again in early April in Texas to develop a plan to be presented to The Boeing Co. to expand Vought and Alenia's work scope on the Boeing 7E7 Dreamliner airplane and other military aircraft opportunities. Alenia currently has an established relationship with Lockheed Martin in Texas on the F-35 and C27J programs.
March 17, 2004
Gov. Perry, Vought Aircraft and Alenia Aeronautica Meet in Italy To Discuss Job Growth Opportunities in Texas (click here)