Friday, December 20, 2024

All drama, all the time.

There simply are no adults. Musk isn’t interested now in the USA, he turned to Germany to wreak havoc among elections there. Musk will be back. It is just that he got bored, while forcing his X-wife into bankruptcy in a custody fight. Musk is a jerk with too much money. 

It is a shame the drama goes on. Johnson has no spine.

These are plutocrats. They have managed since the economic collapse of 2007 to wrangle a lot of money out of the USA Treasury. Now, it is time to play. While people have real problems that need real solutions these bozos are playing games with the world.

Trump is backing away from the promises he made. He can’t do anything about grocery prices. Kamala had a plan. Trump can’t do anything about housing costs. Kamala had a plan. 

With health care being an issue again for some Americans, Kamala would have ripped the problem wide open to find a fix. That is not going to happen now. People need more than the right to demonstrate for good care, they need solutions. Those solutions don’t come without competent governance.

Oh, well.

Reality check.

The vote count. This appeared on “Reddit.”

People are very troubled. There must be a lot of people missing at the dinner table this holiday season. This is not a normal reaction for Americans. What goes on?

Good healthcare shouldn’t require activists to point to the faults of the system. Healthcare should be easy to access, have answers to problems, and provide a somewhat carefree life with anticipated longevity. What goes on?

There is no crime in journalists addressing these problems in our society. It is better for structured investigations as only journalists can carry out, and valid, truthful information without the politics. There are people in America hurting this much. Why?

Every American should be experiencing the beauty of this season. They aren’t. Why?