This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Monday, April 13, 2009
I am taking a lenghty trip. A trip to save Earth. For the kids.
I'll be traveling for about five days or so to reach a subtropical climate where a study is being discussed to start to understand how drought manifests in tropical systems, how it can be monitored and how intervention will take shape to stop the loss of any tropical carbon sinks. Tropical systems are especially sensitive to drought and react in catatrophic ways that result in desertification and profound loss of highly valued carbon sinks.
The USA is an incredible country, but, it is also greedy in its needs for energy and individual transportation. Besides demanding protections for tropical forests by their respective countries, we also have to be cognizant to new technologies that are currently valued by the USA such as ethanol and where exactly the biomass is coming from to manufacter such a product. To lose highly valued carbon sinks, such as our tropical forests, to greed merchants that seek to satisfy the American conscience by producing ethanol rather than bananas, cashews and coffee is completely reprehensible.
Americans need a change in vehicle to one that runs on electricity while appreciating the dilemma they are left with when alternative fuels become a reality to gasoline, but, cost them carbon sinks that will ultimately defeat their 'change.'
At any rate, saving tropical systems from drought and not greed merchants is my focus and to that I hope you all will understand my 'vacation' from the net and this blog.
I believe in President Obama and his cabinet. I believe we need to leave Iraq, seek answers in Afghanistan, bring bin Laden and Omar to justice for the events of September 11th. I believe the pirates of Somalia are an issue, but, can't be solved by war so much as protection from further attacks. War after all is a vehicle of al Qaeda, exampled by Iraq.
I wish all of you well, as I hope you wish for me. I will be back sooner or later and if I can I will post between now and my return. I am hoping to return to this blog about May 15th. Until then, keep the faith and check in with Michael Moore (click title to entry - thank you).
The weather in Antarctica (Crystal Ice Chime) is:

April 13, 2009
3:00 PM utc
Antarctica Surface Winds show same 'onshore' pattern under the heat transfer systems noted in the two images below.

April 13, 2009
0600 gmt
Antarctica Jet Stream shows an arriving vortex from the equator noted in both satellites above and below.

April 13, 2009
1325 gmt
Antarctica Satellite - There is a frigid air mass over the center of Antarctica with heat transfer systems at noon, 3:30, 4:00, 8:00, 9:00 and 11:00; arriving to the continent from the equator.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (UPI Photo/Stephen Shaver)
Clinton urges Antarctica enviro-guards (click title to entry - thank you)
BALTIMORE, April 6 (UPI) -- Protection of the Antarctic region against increased tourism is the goal of a proposal to the Antarctic Treaty, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said.
"Strengthening environmental regulation is especially as important as tourism to the Antarctica increases," Clinton said Monday during the 32nd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting in Baltimore. "The United States is concerned about the safety of the tourists and the suitability of the ships that make the journey south. "
The U.S. resolution would place limits on landings from ships with large numbers of tourists, as well as
list new requirements for lifeboats "to make sure they can keep passengers alive until rescue comes," she said. "And we urge greater international cooperation to prevent discharges from these ships that will further degrade the environment around the Antarctica."
The Obama administration is committed to working with world leaders to battle climate change globally, Clinton said, noting that focus must be heightened on both the Arctic and the Antarctic regions.
"We need to increase our attention not only to the Antarctic, but to the Arctic as well," she said.
Clinton said the United States strongly supports the Antarctic Treaty and its purpose of maintaining the continent as "a place of peace and to use the science that can only be performed there to benefit the entire planet."
She said President Barack Obama sent to the U.S. Senate an accompanying document to the treaty's environmental protection protocol that deals with liability arising from environmental emergencies.

April 13, 2009
3:00 PM utc
Antarctica Temperature Map (click here for animation)
The map above is missing the 3AM, 6AM and 9 AM images.
The warmest base in Antarctica :
Base Orcadas, Antarctica
Local time :: Local Time: 4:11 PM GST (GMT -02)
Lat/Lon: 60.8° S 44.7° W
Temperature :: 45 F
Conditions :: Light Snow
Humidity :: 85%
Dew Point :: 32 F
Wind :: 25 mph from the East
Wind Gust :: -
Pressure :: 28.93 in (Rising)
Visibility :: 1.0 miles
UV :: 0 out of 16
Clouds :: Mostly Cloudy 492 ft
Overcast :: 492 ft
(Above Ground Level)
Elevation :: 20 ft
The coldest reporting station is:
Vostok is not reporting.
Amundsen-Scott, Antarctica
Local Time: 6:21 AM NZST on April 14, 2009 (GMT +12)
Lat/Lon: 90.0° S 0.0° E
Temperature :: -79 F
Conditions :: Blowing Snow
Wind :: 15 mph from the ESE
Wind Gust :: -
Pressure :: in (Falling)
Visibility :: 0.0 miles
Clouds :: Few 1476 ft
(Above Ground Level)
Elevation :: 9285 ft
Global warming greatest threat to polar bears

Months ahead of a crucial global climate conference, the five countries -- Canada, Denmark (with Greenland), Norway, Russia and the United States -- expressed their "deep concern" at the end of a three-day meeting in the northern Norwegian town of Tromsoe.
"The parties agreed that long-term conservation of polar bears depends upon successful mitigation of climate change," they wrote in a joint statement following discussion on threats to the white bear that have emerged since they first signed a conservation agreement in 1973.
That agreement was aimed mainly at banning the hunting of polar bears, which at the time was considered the only real threat to the animal....
Tinkering with climate could have unintended impact (4/13/09) (click here)
The Issue: Officials in the Obama administration are discussing so-called geoengineering to lessen the impact of global warming.
Our Opinion: Such efforts could have an impact far beyond what was intended.
There is something terribly frightening about members of the Obama administration discussing the use of so-called climate engineering to ease the threat they perceive from global warming.
Although there are many people who would argue that global warming is a fairy tale foisted upon the public by tree-hugging fanatics, there seems to be ample evidence that the average global temperatures are rising. For evidence one needs to look no further than the glaciers in a couple of the national parks in the United States: Glacier National Park in Montana and Kenai Fjords National Park in Alaska. The size of those glaciers has shrunk dramatically in the last 50 years or so.
For additional evidence, look at the polar ice cap, which is shrinking with each passing year and threatens the long-term survival of the polar bear, which uses the pack ice to avoid drowning....
The weather at Glacier Bay National Park (Crystal Wind Chime) is:

Public Comments Urge Halt to Arctic Ocean Petro-Development (click title to article - thank you)
WASHINGTON, DC, March 30, 2009 (ENS) - More than 150,000 people have asked the federal government to halt plans currently underway to open 73.4 million acres of the Arctic Ocean to oil and gas leasing – the largest block of Arctic Ocean waters yet to be offered to the oil and gas industry.
In the public comment period that closed today, thousands of people from across the country asked the Department of Interior's Minerals Management Service to call for a timeout on all industrial activity in the Arctic, until a precautionary conservation and energy plan is developed.
The comments were submitted on a draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for four lease sales in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, due to take place from 2010- 2012. The Bush-era draft EIS proposes to conduct the lease sales, despite the risks to the Arctic ecosystem.
"The unique and fragile Arctic Ocean is already suffering from climate change and people across the country understand the critical need to protect it from a risky rush to drill," said David Dickson, western arctic and oceans program director for the Alaska Wilderness League.
"We hope the Obama administration will suspend all new industrial activities until a sound, science-based, comprehensive plan for America's Arctic is developed that ensures no further harm," he said....
Local Time: 9:25 AM AKDT (GMT -08)
Lat/Lon: 58.8° N 137.0° W
Temperature :: 41 °F
Conditions :: Clear
Windchill :: 36 F
Humidity :: 76%
Dew Point :: 34 F
Wind :: 7 mph from the WSW
Pressure :: 30.02 in (Rising)
Visibility :: 10.0 miles
UV :: 2 of 16
Clouds :: Clear
(Above ground level)
Elevation :: 33 feet
Arctic Ice Is Melting (click here)
The 30-year decline is accelerating, new data show.
Saturday, April 11, 2009; Page A12
MAKE NO mistake, Arctic Sea ice is melting. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the maximum extent of the winter sea ice cover for 2008-09 was the fifth-lowest on record. Underscoring their point, the agencies added, "The six lowest maximum events since satellite monitoring began in 1979 have all occurred in the past six years (2004-09)."...