We don't need more construction, we need to evaluate the infrastructure and bring its marketability back. New housing statistics IS NOT a measure of a good economy in the USA. It is the measure of wrongful spending. The PROBLEM is that we have too many houses now. Their value needs to come back to them by providing demand through less new housing starts AND the return to the USA economy of good paying jobs. Its the jobs market that needs to be addressed and it be addressed in several ways, realizing that the American Economy is like a pyramid in that good paying jobs provide 'the stimulus' to consumerism and more jobs as demand for services by the 'well employed' come into demand. Once American workers are 'back on track' the rest takes care of itself.

US lost 240,000 jobs in October: Unemployment rate rose from 6.1% to 6.5%; Job losses in 10 months at 1.2m - over half decrease occurred in past 3 months (click here)
By Finfacts Team
Nov 7, 2008 - 2:36:29 PM
...job losses continued in manufacturing, construction, and several service-providing industries. Health care and mining continued to add jobs
It is no secret that Michigan has some of the highest unemployment/joblessness rates in the USA. There is a real reason why.
The car industry in the USA has been UNWILLING to change their strategy for the 'type' of vehicle Americans drive. They have been 'stuck' in limbo between sports car and SUV for decades. Its nonsense. Getting from one place to another shouldn't involve 'ego' so much as practicality in energy efficiency and safety in transportation.
The collapse of the American Auto Industry is a perfect opportunity for the incoming President Elect to set them back on their feet in a way that brings about the change he is demanding from any 'infrastructure partner' in the NEW America we are all looking to engage.
I believe as a 'model' for rehabiliating the American Auto Manufacturer, President Elect Obama can look toward the 'tried and true' strategy used for decades by airlines, but, with a twist.
The Airline Industry chronically declares bankruptcy only to recover in a short period of time. They use that strategy to realign their debt and income while continuing to conduct business. We all would like to see 'well run' airlines without the fiscal turbulence, but, when one looks at the 'nature of the beast' there is little the airlines can do about it due to 'industry market' fluctuations including competition from small 'start up' operations that seek to undercut the fairs of the Corporate Guys.
The American Auto Industry has before it an opportunity to become a partner to the American people through better design of their product and giving the American consumer realistic choices for their 'personal' transportation needs. Within this understanding is that Americans are finding mass transit a benefit in a world dominated by the loss of a plentiful oil supply. The American Auto Manufacturer has a place in the USA, but, it has to be realized that many modern consumers with a conscience for their children's futures are seeking a product the Ameican Auto Manufacturer might not be interested in providing.
There is peril for the President Elect if he allows currently viable jobs to leave the economy, but, at the same instance if he sinks into corporate bargaining to maintain those jobs at the COST of real change that we all can live with, there will be a continued problem in the environmental concerns of the American consumer and the industry will remain in limbo.
I propose this, let the American Auto Manufacturers continue to conduct their businesses as they see fit. Allow the bankruptcy courts supply relief to them. However, there is a place in the this for the President Elects' new administration, in that, they can offer fluid captial to the industry IF they are willing to become an American Partner and I think that is the best we can hope for with the past history of the American Auto Industry.
We can't dictate what their products can be, but, we can 'STIPULATE' in any government relief what the outcome of an American Partnership should be. The bankruptcy laws can allow the American Auto Industry to take a hard look at unions and pensions. If the President Elect offers a Partnership Act to the American Auto and Energy Industry, he can make provisions that protect unions and pensions while allowing assessment of both those assets and placing high priority on their administration and prudent use. In other words, unions can't overrun the industries for the sake of government backing and nor should pension funds be a bargaining chip in any restructuring.
The Obama Administration MUST be the adminisration of change, not because it is a political venue that is popular, but, because 'the time' is NOW to reinvigorate the American infrastructure to insure the futures of our children and their planet.

GM grapples to avoid filing bankruptcy as cash vanishes (click title to entry, thank you)
November 8, 2008
General Motors Corp., for 77 years the world's largest automaker and an icon of American industry, revealed a dire financial outlook Friday that has the company teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.
Ford Motor Co. delivered its own grim forecast -- although not immediately as dire as GM's position....
It is really very nice for President-Elect Obama to welcome the American Family to be a part of their family and the intimate decision between parent and child as to the best family dog. So, in keeping with the spirit of 'family fun' I propose "The First Dog" should be The Shaggy Dog.
A Wheaten Terrier is a variety that doesn't shed and is considered hypoallergenic. There is also a Wheaten Variety that is called The American Wheaten Terrier. I wish the Obama Family a great deal of luck on deciding on a family dog. It is a thrill to find the right puppy.
By the way, there are pedigree puppies that need good homes, too. They all aren't 'show stock.'

The American Wheaton Terrier (click here)