August 2, 2012
By Joe Hagan
...The guided tour (click here) of Arpaio's legend has officially begun. Here, next to his desk, is the hand-painted sign of draconian rules for Tent City, the infamous jail he set up 20 years ago, in which some 2,000 inmates live under canvas tarps in the desert, forced to wear pink underwear beneath their black-and-white-striped uniforms while cracking rocks in the stifling heat. HARD LABOR, the sign reads. NO GIRLIE MAGAZINES!...
I don't care about his celebrity. He likes money. What I do care about are the human rights violations by this man. He is not representative of prison guards or sheriffs or deputy sheriffs that look after the security of prisons and jails and take care of inmates, SOME INNOCENT PEOPLE are inmates, too.
If people focus on the atrocities of this man the world will pay attention and those that suffered unnecessarily, especially the innocent people, will be viewed as the real focus and not a sensational person that loved the limelight more than he loved his job.
I don't know of many jails or prisons that allow girly magazines either. Arpaio mistakes real prison guards for the enlisted military.
Prison guards, jail officials, wardens do not pride themselves on cruelty. Quite the contrary. They pride themselves on instilling the sense of law, the path forward and rehabilitation when it is possible. There are some jails with lawlessness problems, but, they are full of hard core criminals that were born and grew up in crime ridden areas.
Guards and Sherrif Deputies worry about the health and mental health of their inmates. They run raids to secure any dangerous items that could be used as a weapon against another inmate. They take inmates to doctor's appointments and they worry about their mental health. For the most part, federal, state and city jails and prisons are run by people that care about their reputations as reasonable lawmen and law women.
The atrocities under Arpaio are unbelievable. Animal shelters are more humane. Arpaio is not important. His atrocities are.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Sgt. Steve Perez (click here)
Heroes frequently are.
Deepest sympathies to his wife, family, fellow officers and friends. He knew no difference between the people he served and himself. He suffered with them. His comfort was only possible with theirs.
Heroes frequently are.
Deepest sympathies to his wife, family, fellow officers and friends. He knew no difference between the people he served and himself. He suffered with them. His comfort was only possible with theirs.
By the way, there is a great sale at "Planet Fitness."
Why did the FBI raid Manafort's home without knocking?
Come on. Congress just made a request for documents. Come on. What was the urgency?
How orderly is Congress in handling documents? How many shredders are in the Congressional hallways?
OMG. Do you think any Congress person is corrupt enough? Well, that is certainly new, huh?
"I promise and swear I only lie in great patriotism that was in the service to my country. The country I love." Please. Spare me the histrionics.
National Security Council staff member Oliver North (click here) and his secretary, Fawn Hall, begin shredding documents that would have exposed their participation in a range of illegal activities regarding the sale of arms to Iran and the diversion of the proceeds to a rebel Nicaraguan group. On November 25, North was fired but Hall continued to sneak documents to him by stuffing them in her skirt and boots. The Iran-Contra scandal, as it came to be known, became an embarrassment and a sticky legal problem for the Reagan administration....
I love it there. "planet fitness" prides itself on being "The No Judgement Zone." The sale is not here, it is $99 per year.
Personal trainers that create a program THAT WORKS. Senior citizens welcome and it is great there. Just go!
Come on. Congress just made a request for documents. Come on. What was the urgency?
How orderly is Congress in handling documents? How many shredders are in the Congressional hallways?
OMG. Do you think any Congress person is corrupt enough? Well, that is certainly new, huh?
"I promise and swear I only lie in great patriotism that was in the service to my country. The country I love." Please. Spare me the histrionics.
National Security Council staff member Oliver North (click here) and his secretary, Fawn Hall, begin shredding documents that would have exposed their participation in a range of illegal activities regarding the sale of arms to Iran and the diversion of the proceeds to a rebel Nicaraguan group. On November 25, North was fired but Hall continued to sneak documents to him by stuffing them in her skirt and boots. The Iran-Contra scandal, as it came to be known, became an embarrassment and a sticky legal problem for the Reagan administration....
I love it there. "planet fitness" prides itself on being "The No Judgement Zone." The sale is not here, it is $99 per year.
Personal trainers that create a program THAT WORKS. Senior citizens welcome and it is great there. Just go!
The reason Texas had/has gluts of oil and gas was because it was once a lagoon.
January 2015
By Olivia Judson
...But the view (click here) I came for is the one I’m sitting on. The rock beneath me, which looks almost white in the glare of the sun, is full of fossils. Zillions of them. Back when these life-forms were alive—265 million years ago or so—the Guadalupe Mountains were underwater, part of a flourishing reef that once stretched about 400 miles around the edge of a long-vanished sea....
The land in Texas currently underwater was underwater before. It happens to be true. Areas that have been developed for a civilization that has geological characteristics that are not civilized, return to that uncivilized nature when nature takes over.
Count on it when it involves water.

A popular temperature site (click here)
Near shore temperatures are higher than ocean temperatures.
Sometimes water can be cooler than any refrigerator, that is not the case in Houston.
There are boats/ships that transport refrigerated freight. What is the issue?
By Olivia Judson
...But the view (click here) I came for is the one I’m sitting on. The rock beneath me, which looks almost white in the glare of the sun, is full of fossils. Zillions of them. Back when these life-forms were alive—265 million years ago or so—the Guadalupe Mountains were underwater, part of a flourishing reef that once stretched about 400 miles around the edge of a long-vanished sea....
The land in Texas currently underwater was underwater before. It happens to be true. Areas that have been developed for a civilization that has geological characteristics that are not civilized, return to that uncivilized nature when nature takes over.
Count on it when it involves water.

A popular temperature site (click here)
Near shore temperatures are higher than ocean temperatures.
Sometimes water can be cooler than any refrigerator, that is not the case in Houston.
There are boats/ships that transport refrigerated freight. What is the issue?
ZIM’s marketing team (click here) will design custom solutions for your specific transportation needs. Our reefer specialists and merchant marine officers ensure the safety of your cargo with precise tracking and continuous monitoring. ZIM’s global reach and local branch services enable timely delivery of refrigerated shipments anywhere in the world.
Some reason chemicals, sensitive to temperature, are too unstable to transfer to refrigerator containers?
What is the problem? Access to transportation and expert handling? What?
Most American companies accept promissory notes from the government. They will require operating expenses and fuel. People/employees need to be paid. Companies can usually accept full payment later. With monies promised from the federal government, there is no reason for companies to hesitate, unless, it is just plain too dangerous.
Some reason chemicals, sensitive to temperature, are too unstable to transfer to refrigerator containers?
What is the problem? Access to transportation and expert handling? What?
Most American companies accept promissory notes from the government. They will require operating expenses and fuel. People/employees need to be paid. Companies can usually accept full payment later. With monies promised from the federal government, there is no reason for companies to hesitate, unless, it is just plain too dangerous.
President Trump needs to sign the emergency declaration to provide the authority Governor Christi needs.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Jon Bon Jovi attend the Overdose Prevention Act Bill signing at Barnert Medical Arts Complex on May 2, 2013 in Paterson, New Jersey.
Governor Chris Christi has been chasing this national emergency while Donald Trump was still refusing to run for President. It is time to allow him the emergency status he needs to finish the job!
May 5, 2013
By Brian Amaral
South Brunswick – Police (click here) won't charge a man who overdosed on heroin or his friend who reported his medical emergency, which happened the same day that Gov. Chris Christie signed a bill into law providing immunity in cases like theirs.
South Brunswick Police Department spokesman Sgt. Jim Ryan said that a woman reported her friend was overdosing on heroin in a Burger King parking lot on Route 1 Thursday night. Police arrived and performed CPR on the man; paramedics came and were able to revive him. He is listed in fair condition at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital.
Governor Chris Christi has been chasing this national emergency while Donald Trump was still refusing to run for President. It is time to allow him the emergency status he needs to finish the job!
May 5, 2013
By Brian Amaral
South Brunswick – Police (click here) won't charge a man who overdosed on heroin or his friend who reported his medical emergency, which happened the same day that Gov. Chris Christie signed a bill into law providing immunity in cases like theirs.
South Brunswick Police Department spokesman Sgt. Jim Ryan said that a woman reported her friend was overdosing on heroin in a Burger King parking lot on Route 1 Thursday night. Police arrived and performed CPR on the man; paramedics came and were able to revive him. He is listed in fair condition at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital.
"We are aware of the law," Ryan said. "It's not our practice to charge people (in these situations.) We’re going to let him get the treatment he needs."...
Governor Christi's priorities for his commission is spot on. There need to be many, many more mental health rehabilitation beds, the medications have to be available in the way people can afford them and the people need treatment and rehabilitation. The police also need sufficient supplies of "naloxone" (generic name). It is time to save the lives of Americans!
April 29, 2017
By Susan K. Livio
Trenton — A rare compromise (click here) between the governor’s office and Democratic senators today revived the "Good Samaritan" bill that allows people to call 911 to report someone had overdosed on drugs without the fear of getting themselves arrested for drug possession.
Governor Christi's priorities for his commission is spot on. There need to be many, many more mental health rehabilitation beds, the medications have to be available in the way people can afford them and the people need treatment and rehabilitation. The police also need sufficient supplies of "naloxone" (generic name). It is time to save the lives of Americans!
April 29, 2017
By Susan K. Livio
Trenton — A rare compromise (click here) between the governor’s office and Democratic senators today revived the "Good Samaritan" bill that allows people to call 911 to report someone had overdosed on drugs without the fear of getting themselves arrested for drug possession.
The compromise — taking portions of the Good Samaritan Emergency Response Act that Gov. Chris Christie rejected last fall and melding it with a related bill — was approved by the Senate in a swift emergency 24-1. Hours later the Assembly passed it, 68-2.
After the Senate vote, more than three dozen people who had fought for the bill — relatives of people who overdosed — applauded and wept....
I don't want to hear the wackos from the right complaining how just after a person is saved by the police with Narcan, they have to turn around and go back to do it again.
I don't know where such statements come from and I don't want to know. They are completely ignorant of the facts. Jerks!
US Rep. Ron DeSantis wants an ARBITRARY limit on the investigation lead by Former FBI Director Mueller.
The United States International Trade Commission statistics regarding length of investigations (click here)
I could understand how Rep. DeSantis wants to end the investigation before his re-election, however, there is nothing to that limit besides politics. I am surprised DeSantis is this corrupt. He has such nice credentials up to now.
I chose these statistics in particular because the Russian investigation involved trade issues. So, the statistics are the closest; unless Director Mueller has his own; that match this particular investigation.
The Russian probe has to go forward regardless of Congress' temper tantrums because it is about NATIONAL SECURITY. It is why Director Mueller even consented to conduct the investigation. It is about the country. It is why he assembled the experts that he did. This is about the country and there is no elected official that should see it any differently.
I could understand how Rep. DeSantis wants to end the investigation before his re-election, however, there is nothing to that limit besides politics. I am surprised DeSantis is this corrupt. He has such nice credentials up to now.
I chose these statistics in particular because the Russian investigation involved trade issues. So, the statistics are the closest; unless Director Mueller has his own; that match this particular investigation.
The Russian probe has to go forward regardless of Congress' temper tantrums because it is about NATIONAL SECURITY. It is why Director Mueller even consented to conduct the investigation. It is about the country. It is why he assembled the experts that he did. This is about the country and there is no elected official that should see it any differently.
Everything still looks static to me.
August 29, 2017
UNISYS Enhanced Infrared of the north and east hemisphere (click here for 12 hour loop - thank you)
There is a static situation over the Gulf Coast of Texas and there is also an active system off the North Carolina coast. The system brushed up against the North Carolina coast line. It is not raining, it is drizzling off and on. The dense clouds are the greenhouse effect and full of heat.
Same satellite as above with section enhanced in size and focus.
Those are very distinct storms to me. Each storm can have it's own resolution even though it is a system of connected storms.
The original 'system' that RESULTED in Harvey was large and extensive across land and water.
The energy of the North Carolina system can be passed along to the oceans and/or the next system in line and still maintain a presence in the same location. We see that dynamic more clearly with Harvey.
The Atlantic system is extending inland into the Mid-Atlantic states and reaching as far north as southern Maine. The energy off North Carolina can migrate north. Right now, the Atlantic system is a Climate Crisis greenhouse effect system without a lot of rain. Let's hope it stays that way.
This is enhanced infrared to make it easier to discuss the dynamics I have focused on.
UNISYS Enhanced Infrared of the north and east hemisphere (click here for 12 hour loop - thank you)
There is a static situation over the Gulf Coast of Texas and there is also an active system off the North Carolina coast. The system brushed up against the North Carolina coast line. It is not raining, it is drizzling off and on. The dense clouds are the greenhouse effect and full of heat.
Same satellite as above with section enhanced in size and focus.
Those are very distinct storms to me. Each storm can have it's own resolution even though it is a system of connected storms.
The original 'system' that RESULTED in Harvey was large and extensive across land and water.
The energy of the North Carolina system can be passed along to the oceans and/or the next system in line and still maintain a presence in the same location. We see that dynamic more clearly with Harvey.
The Atlantic system is extending inland into the Mid-Atlantic states and reaching as far north as southern Maine. The energy off North Carolina can migrate north. Right now, the Atlantic system is a Climate Crisis greenhouse effect system without a lot of rain. Let's hope it stays that way.
This is enhanced infrared to make it easier to discuss the dynamics I have focused on.
Trump made it there? Yeah? Did he make it out? Some folks didn't. Just wondering.
Pedestrians walk past a TV set showing news about North Korea's missile launch in Tokyo, Japan, August 29, 2017.
North Korea (click here) fired a ballistic missile over Japan, reigniting a global risk-off trade on worries about the growing nuclear threat.
However, Nomura analysts say tensions around North Korea remain contained.
They cited the lack of signals from U.S. military action and Nomura's in-house geopolitical consultant, who last week lowered the chance of war on the Korean peninsula to 35 percent from nearly 50 percent.
Asia is really focused on their investments and how uncertainty plays into their future. Oddly enough, they look to different markers in regard to national security.
March 7, 2017
by Brent Miller and Hooyeon Kim
While economists (click here) pencil in smallish cuts to South Korean GDP this year and a big hit to the travel sector, the most enduring impact of China’s clampdown on outbound tourism could be an acceleration of efforts by Seoul to reduce dependence on its giant neighbor.
Analysis by Natixis Asia emphasizes that South Korea is likely to keep winding back risk exposure to China, particularly when it comes to foreign direct investment.
Southeast Asia, with expanding consumer markets and competitive wages, appears well positioned to benefit....
The Asia Pacific is where folks live. They have to look at the future differently. They can't let anything like a nuclear bomb dissuade them. While Americans carry on in fear about a chance for North Korea to land a nuclear missile inside the borders, the Asia Pacific doesn't.
To the Asia Pacific North Korea is developing weapons because it is insecure against at least three major permanent members to the UN Security Council. It is a heck of a neighborhood when one honestly assesses it. It is no wonder that the Asia Pacific is not interested in a lot of inflammatory international language that is politically based. They rather find a solid static international environment that lets life be life.
It is very mentally healthy to get on with life and plan for the future in the face of nuclear weapon development by North Korea. After all, it is the USA that is the focus of Un's wrath. Why worry? It might work out for everyone other than the USA. I am sure that is what Un figures. If the USA can be stopped including being underwater, the world will be safe from Wall Street Wars. No lie.
So, while there is a lot of tragedy in the Gulf states in the USA, the Asia Pacific might be interested in the diversion by Trump. They are probably applauding his trip to Texas long about now. So, I guess he made it there? I am sure the markets have been interesting.
North Korea (click here) fired a ballistic missile over Japan, reigniting a global risk-off trade on worries about the growing nuclear threat.
However, Nomura analysts say tensions around North Korea remain contained.
They cited the lack of signals from U.S. military action and Nomura's in-house geopolitical consultant, who last week lowered the chance of war on the Korean peninsula to 35 percent from nearly 50 percent.
Asia is really focused on their investments and how uncertainty plays into their future. Oddly enough, they look to different markers in regard to national security.
March 7, 2017
by Brent Miller and Hooyeon Kim
While economists (click here) pencil in smallish cuts to South Korean GDP this year and a big hit to the travel sector, the most enduring impact of China’s clampdown on outbound tourism could be an acceleration of efforts by Seoul to reduce dependence on its giant neighbor.
Analysis by Natixis Asia emphasizes that South Korea is likely to keep winding back risk exposure to China, particularly when it comes to foreign direct investment.
Southeast Asia, with expanding consumer markets and competitive wages, appears well positioned to benefit....
The Asia Pacific is where folks live. They have to look at the future differently. They can't let anything like a nuclear bomb dissuade them. While Americans carry on in fear about a chance for North Korea to land a nuclear missile inside the borders, the Asia Pacific doesn't.
To the Asia Pacific North Korea is developing weapons because it is insecure against at least three major permanent members to the UN Security Council. It is a heck of a neighborhood when one honestly assesses it. It is no wonder that the Asia Pacific is not interested in a lot of inflammatory international language that is politically based. They rather find a solid static international environment that lets life be life.
It is very mentally healthy to get on with life and plan for the future in the face of nuclear weapon development by North Korea. After all, it is the USA that is the focus of Un's wrath. Why worry? It might work out for everyone other than the USA. I am sure that is what Un figures. If the USA can be stopped including being underwater, the world will be safe from Wall Street Wars. No lie.
So, while there is a lot of tragedy in the Gulf states in the USA, the Asia Pacific might be interested in the diversion by Trump. They are probably applauding his trip to Texas long about now. So, I guess he made it there? I am sure the markets have been interesting.
Trump make it to Texas yet? I haven't paid attention.
Ever notice how David Duke works at appearing to be an albino?
You have to pay attention to what Duke says when he complains about the failed march. He really got annoyed the 'legal route' he took with his followers wasn't successful.
Duke counts a lot on the law. The gun lobby plays right into his plans. He seeks infrastructure that works for him. He is definitely seeking a path forward to find a way to claim the USA for white folks. Imagine him actually achieving his goal and ultimately only allowing albinos to live in the country.
It is time to take a close look at ALEC and discern what is working for Duke. ALEC is toxic to the entire country where these legislative measures find acceptance to enactment. THE ENTIRE COUNTRY. You can count on Duke coveting such an organization.
You have to pay attention to what Duke says when he complains about the failed march. He really got annoyed the 'legal route' he took with his followers wasn't successful.
Duke counts a lot on the law. The gun lobby plays right into his plans. He seeks infrastructure that works for him. He is definitely seeking a path forward to find a way to claim the USA for white folks. Imagine him actually achieving his goal and ultimately only allowing albinos to live in the country.
It is time to take a close look at ALEC and discern what is working for Duke. ALEC is toxic to the entire country where these legislative measures find acceptance to enactment. THE ENTIRE COUNTRY. You can count on Duke coveting such an organization.
Looking to direct solar ray movement.
August 29, 2017
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of north and west hemisphere (click here for 12 hour loop - thank you)
That dark halo around Harvey is high pressure. High pressure is dry air. Harvey has reached a 'static' equilibrium. It resolves the dry air by syphoning wet air from the ITCZ. There is also a 'street' starting to form in mimic of Harvey offshore North Carolina. Air will do that. It is fluid and will act in duplicate of other air movement.
August 29, 2017
UNISYS Water Vapor GOES East Satellite (click here for 12 hour loop - thank you)
That street of vortexes may be the resolve of Harvey if there is enough heat transfer into the Atlantic Ocean that resolves the central pressure of Harvey. If the second vortex moves over land the dynamics may become more static rather than destabiling. It has the potential to stabilize over land all the way to the Mid-Atlantic states. If the second vortex stabilizes over land, it is another Harvey over a large metropolitan area that are on a good day, heat islands.
Ultimately, it is the movement of the sun that will resolve the storms in what is looking like a worse case scenario.
28.80 -96.60 08/28/00Z 35 1000 TROPICAL STORM
28.60 -96.30 08/28/06Z 35 998 TROPICAL STORM
28.50 -96.00 08/28/12Z 35 997 TROPICAL STORM
28.50 -95.70 08/28/18Z 40 997 TROPICAL STORM
28.20 -95.30 01/29/14Z 40 997 TROPICAL STORM
28.10 -94.80 08/29/06Z 40 997 TROPICAL STORM
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