Wednesday, May 29, 2019

With all sincerity, the Special Counsel's FINDINGS must be prosecuted.

It is not a matter of if, it is a matter of what Congress needs to carry it out. These findings are very serious, they assault the sovereignty of the USA, it involves cyber attacks against the American people's infrastructure to use it against them. This is no different than a terrorist's attack against the USA. The attacks carried out by Russia were ruthless and used the intellect of the American people against them while harnessing fear.

What is so disheartening is that the obstruction by the White House to all the requests and subpoenas of the US House has been obvious. We know now why the White House is determined to prevent Congress from moving forward. These actions by the White House also proves Trump does not want to be impeached. He is scared of Congress' power over his presidency.

This is a difficult time for the USA. The people have to be educated as to the reasons an impeachment inquiry will go forward. They need to know why Robert Mueller served as Special Counsel and why he spoke today to the facts of his findings, including correcting the dialogue surrounding his work. The Trump White House, since Bill Barr has become Attorney General has deceived and lied to the American people. Those lies have compounded the lies and fear instilled by Russia's KGB lead by Vladimir Putin.

The wrongdoing of Trump is unending. This is just the surface. There is a report in the Miami Herald of another FBI investigation regarding China and money funneling through the Trump Campaign's Victory Fund at Mar-a-Lago. This president is a criminal. His actions in many areas are questionable and according to the Special Counsel report indictable.

The Special Counsel's report is only the beginning.

The US Senate will have to be held responsible if it turns away from the findings of the Special Counsel and the FBI.

Will racial profiling every end and protect black lives.

A person in fear of their life by police can't be expected to be rational. It is a negative spiral into an intractable circumstance. The problem belongs to the police to deescalate these dynamics. They are supposed to be professional.

The Special Counsel is wrongly placed in the DOJ. It needs to be an autonomous office uninhibited by Executive Branch policy. That is only the beginning in what is wrong with this provision.

The investigation Robert Mueller was carrying out completely was made unable to end the passage of USA classified information to the Russians by Trump. THAT is ineffective law. The people most responsible for the sovereignty of the USA have to have a vehicle that can immediately address these issues to end the dangers to the country.

Trump is not the worst that can happen. Think about it.

I applaud this man. There have been two nights running where tornadoes touched down in Ohio.

This is Trump World where superficial values are more important than life. Yes the Bachelorette is about superficial values. DEPTH in a relationship seriously lacks with these programs.

"I do not know." is not an answer!

If Sarah Sanders can't hold daily press briefings where questions are allowed rather than propaganda driven DRIVE BY yelling sessions in the White House driveway, I don't care what she has to say.

When is the press going to demand respect from this press office?

Sarah Sanders needs to explain this!

U.S. Secret Service
At approximately 12:20 p.m. a man lit himself on fire on the Ellipse near 15th and Constitution Ave., Secret Service personnel are on scene assisting @NatlParkService and @usparkpolicepio in rendering first aid.
1:00 PM - May 29, 2019

Who was he? How did this occur on White House property? What did he say about his protest? What does his family have to say?

Strzok and Page committed ethics violations. McCabe also stated the relationship Trump enjoys with Russian agents is unprecedented. Yes, the Russian oligarchs are agents of Putin.

May 20, 2019
By Kyle Cheney

...In a closed-door interview (click here) with the House Judiciary and Oversight committees, McCabe said he learned of Strzok's text messages on July 27, 2017, and made a quick decision.

"I made the decision to remove him from the investigation that evening," McCabe said at the time.

"That very day you decided to remove him?" Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) asked.

"I came back from my meeting with the inspector general. I met with a very small group of my fellow leaders. We discussed Peter's reassignment, and we discussed where we would place him," McCabe replied....

Waiting the driveway of the White House is dangerous. Journalists have to stand all day without relief and is more of the pain Trump enjoys inflicting on others. These are oppressive working conditions designed to drive journaists away from the White House, hence to end reporting by all the press rather than a chosen few. 

OSHA needs to review the oppression of the White House journalists working conditions and cite Trump for unfair labor practices.

The Special Counsel report will continue to be read here.

I am quite confident these subjects will be covered in presidential debates, both primary and general elections. The American people need to focus and to allow them to sweep obstruction of justice under the rug is not an option.

One of the reasons many Congresspersons take issues of ethics seriously is because they hold licenses that require high moral content. Trump does not. He mistreats the power of the Executive Branch because he can and not because he should. He answers to no other authority so he doesn't care.

The American people need to embrace their laws and stand strongly against obstruction of justice because it is the very basis of this country's Rule of Law. The truth must be the truth and not a lie that becomes the truth through political propaganda.
In not so many words, Robert Mueller stated there is a great deal of work to be done using the information he provided in the Special Counsel's report. He did not come out of retirement to carry out a Special Counsel only because of a wayward president. Robert Mueller did this work so this level of corruption in a USA election would never occur again. That means Congress's requests for reports and supporting documents must be provided. There is legislation to be written and further assessment of a president that committed obstruction of justice.

Robert Mueller is a calm man and carries out work required to protect the USA. I am sure he expects Congress to take his work very seriously.
Robert Mueller believes the department policy at the DOJ is constitutional when it comes to charging a sitting president with a crime.

February 26, 2019
By Jan Wolfe

Washington (Reuters) - The U.S. Constitution (click here) explains how a president can be removed from office for “high crimes and misdemeanors” by Congress using the impeachment process. But the Constitution is silent on whether a president can face criminal prosecution in court, and the U.S. Supreme Court has not directly addressed the question....

He looks well and is resigning from the DOJ and is going home. Basically, the DOJ has a policy that excludes it from indicting a president because it defers to the impeachment stated in the US Constitution. That might be policy, but, it is not the last word on this issue.

“Charging the president was not an option we could consider,” he said.

As it stands the US Congress needs to remove Trump from office for high crimes and misdemeanors which is found in the Special Counsel's report. I might add Congressman Justin Amash was exceptionally successful in his Town Hall this past week at his home district after endorsing impeachment.

Robert Mueller also stated the investigation is complete.

He made no mention of Bill Barr and his inappropriate 4 page letter or the fact the report was not completely released nor that Congress has not received the supporting documents. I believe there was some progress announced over the holiday weekend in that the DOJ was proceeding in providing the requested documents by the US House oversight committees. We have yet to hear from Congress to the completion of documents provided as requested.

Basically, Robert Mueller is closing the office of the Special Prosecutor after finishing his work with indictments and trials going forward and he is resigning and going back to his private life. He deserves a great deal of respect for coming to serve as the Special Prosecutor to realize the extent Russia corrupted the 2016 elections. I wish him and his family well and hope their lives are happy and enjoyable. I think that is important. He came out of retirement to conduct this Special Counsel. It is important his life returns to happiness and enjoyment as before this extensive work of nearly two years. 

Continued from previous entry

There are current government officials in contempt of Congress. That is supposed to mean something and Americans should be worried and appalled this has occurred. I don't know what kind of information technology needs to carry these warnings, but, someone better figure it out. There was a lot of damage done to the American people by the Russian Federation in the 2016 elections, that same media needs to bring the people home again.

Efforts to have McGahn deny that the President had ordered him to have the Special Counsel removed.

That is obstruction of justice and the proof is in the supporting documents to this report.

In early 2018, the press reported that the President had directed McGahn to have the Special Counsel removed in June 2017 and that McGahn had threatened to resign rather than carry out the order. The President reacted to the news stories by directing White House officials to tell McGahn to dispute the story and create a record stating he had not been ordered to have the Special Counsel removed. McGahn told those officials that the media reports were accurate (Where is my headline? This is a factual accounting by the Special Counsel, what else does anyone need? Repeat it over and over until the people hear it. They are not hearing this stuff.) in stating that the President had directed McGahn to have the Special Counsel removed. The President then met with McGahn in the Oval Office and again pressured him to deny the reports. In the same meeting, the President also asked McGahn why he had told the Special Counsel about the President's effort to remove the Special Counsel and why McGahn took notes of his conversations with the President. McGahn refused to back away from what he remembered happening and perceived the President to be testing his mettle.

What is it about resigning from the Trump administration that gives honest men the backbone to stand up to him? McGahn is the second reporting of this phenomenon. Sessions is the first.

Conduct towards Flynn, Manafort, HOM (Harm to Ongoing Matter). After Flynn withdrew from a joint defense agreement with the President and began cooperating with the government, the President's personal counsel left a message for Flynn's attorneys reminding them of the President's warm feelings towards Flynn, which he said "still remains," and asking for a "heads up" if Flynn knew "information that implicates the President." When Flynn's counsel reiterated that Flynn could no longer share information pursuant to a joint defense agreement, the President's personal counsel said he would make sure that the President knew that Flynn's actions reflected "hostility" towards the President. During Manafort's prosecution and when the jury in his criminal. trial was deliberating, the President praised Manafort in public, said that Manafort was being treated unfairly, and declined to rule out a pardon. After Manafort was convicted, the President called Manafort "a brave man" for refusing to "break" and said that "flipping " "almost ought to be outlawed."

The rise of criminality ushered in by Donald J. Trump. Paul Manafort is a criminal who also sought to make money off a banker by promising the banker he would get him a job as the Secretary of the Navy. What was it Trump said, "I like Paul Manafort. He was always a good guy." Paul Manafort was using his status with Trump to defraud a bank. I don't think Paul Manafort is a good guy and it is a shame Trump likes the guy. What is even more unfortunate is that Trump brought in a communist sympathizer as a campaign manager.

Make no mistake. Paul Manafort supports communist regimes and profits handsomely from that relationship. There is something very wrong there. An American took his abilities and put them to work for an enemy of the USA. This is not a casual relationship that Americans think of as "a job." This is a departure from American values to place a communist at the top of the Ukraine government.

Ukraine was completely disarmed of nuclear weapons that were once belonging to the USSR. In exchange for disarming from those nuclear weapons, there was a treaty signed by Germany, the USA, Russia and Ukraine that GUARANTEED peace for Ukraine. Ukraine was never to experience war again. The governance of Ukraine was to be decided by the people of Ukraine. The constitutional processes were being corrupted by a communist leadership of one of the parties and Ukraine was falling from grace as far as the people were concerned. The demonstrates in the Maidan were never supposed to result in deaths, but, it did and Yanukovych fled the country. Why would a president flea any country? Because the people were right, they were losing their democracy in incremental steps and the communists were responsible. These same communists that committed human rights abuses in the Maidan were the same people Paul Manafort worked for. He had to leave Ukraine as the repercussions of the Maidan set in because he was no longer among friends, but, among the people that were losing their democracy.

Paul Manafort was never going to be a lawful campaign manager. Maybe that was what Trump wanted, someone that could have unlawfulness held over their head as if Damocles Sword.

It never occurred to Trump even one time that Manafort was unfit for a presidential campaign.


I am going to end there for today. I feel as though I have rattled on enough. Until tomorrow.

Continued from previous entry.

On June 14, 2017, the media reported that the Special Counsel's Office was investigating whether the President had obstructed justice. Press reports called this "a major turning point" in the investigation: while Corney had told the President he was not under investigation, following Corney's firing, the President now was under investigation. The President reacted to this news with a series of tweets criticizing the Department of Justice and the Special Counsel's investigation. On June 17, 2017, the President called McGahn at home and directed him to call the Acting Attorney General and say that the Special Counsel had conflicts of interest and must be removed. McGahn did not carry out the direction, however, deciding that he would resign rather than trigger what he regarded as a potential Saturday Night Massacre.

Actions of a guilty man. Trump was railing against everyone. It is not possible to have everyone as a conspirator of the Deep State. There men have dignity, status, esteem among peers and all of a sudden Trump is right and they are wrong. There is no Deep State, there is only fear mongering.

Efforts to curtail the Special Counsel's investigation.

Efforts to curtail the Special Counsel's investigation.
That is the title to this section of the Executive Summary. It is unlawful to do this. This is the title the Special Counsel decided best described the INFORMATION below.

Two days after directing McGahn to have the Special Counsel removed, the President made another attempt to affect the course of the Russia investigation. On June 19, 2017, the President met one-on-one in the Oval Office with his former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, a trusted advisor outside the government, and dictated a message for Lewandowski to deliver to Sessions. 

Excuse me? Corey Lewandowski was Trump's stenographer to deliver a message to Jeff Session. Sessions. The man that was on his cabinet. Trump is a coward. He enlists others to do his bidding. Amazing. And they do it. What is it with Trump that people engage in such behavior. Lewandowski should have told Trump to make a phone call.

The message said that Sessions should publicly announce that, notwithstanding his recusal from the Russia investigation, the investigation was "very unfair" to the President, the President had done nothing wrong, and Sessions planned to meet with the Special Counsel and "let [him] move forward with investigating election meddling for future elections." 

Ah, let's have a pity party for Donald. We can have Lewandowski jump out of the cake and report it on FOX News.

Lewandowski said he understood what the President wanted Sessions to do. One month later, in another private meeting with Lewandowski on July 19, 2017, the President asked about the status of his message for Sessions to limit the Special Counsel investigation to future election interference. Lewandowski told the President that the message would be delivered soon.

One month later, the message is not delivered and Lewandowski has the nerve to say so, BUT, it will be delivered soon. It must have come by camel via Saudi Arabia. Camels can't swim across oceans, so I am sure the message never made it.

Hours after that meeting, the President publicly criticized Sessions in an interview with the New York Times, and then issued a series of tweets making it clear that Sessions's job was in jeopardy. Lewandowski did not want to deliver the President's message personally, so he asked senior White House official Rick Dearborn to deliver it to Sessions. Dearborn was uncomfortable with the task and did not follow through.

So, Trump lost his temper over Lewendowski's inability or unwillingness to carry out his ORDER, he turned to the New York Times in an interview to deliver the message to Session. This is all passive - aggressive stuff. The firing of Comey was via Twitter. The message is delivered via newspaper. Trump is not a leader, he is a scared man. Trump is an absent president. There is no leadership.

What is it with these guys that they can't stand up to a man that has no backbone to begin with?

People need to tell Trump, "No." Just that simple, including the newspapers and unfriend from his Twitter feed. This is ridiculous. Newspapers allow themselves to be used in this way? This is not high level negotiations of a peace treaty. Stop it. The press has the right to report on their president. There should be daily briefings and regular interviews AND press conferences IN THE USA, not just abroad.

Try these headlines, "There is nothing to report about the country from the federal government because they are censoring the press."

"There was a press briefing from the Joint Chiefs" and they reported that...

"There was a press briefing from the State Department" and they report that...

It would be so refreshing to have news from real FUNCTIONAL people that have the facts about the USA's interaction with the world.

Efforts to prevent public disclosure of evidence.

Efforts to prevent public disclosure of evidence. This is unlawful.

In the summer of 2017, the President learned that media outlets were asking questions about the June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between senior campaign officials, including Donald Trump Jr., and a Russian lawyer who was said to be offering damaging information about Hillary Clinton as "part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump." On several occasions, the President directed aides not to publicly disclose the emails setting up the June 9 meeting,...

Trump successfully enlisted others in his crimes of cover up, hence, obstruction. How does this man do this? How does he successfully enlist others into his unlawfulness? This is incredible. He must be some kind of web builder to beat any spider in nature, because, none of this makes sense. Everyone involved with Trump should have a lawyer. Maybe that way this will stop and people will see what they were doing and why it is so very, very wrong. I honestly don't believe there are that many gullible people that work with him. They must consciously decide, "Trump is right and I will do this because he won't abandon me." Really? I think Manafort is expecting the same thing, while he suffers behind bars.

...suggesting that the emails would not leak and that the number of lawyers with access to them should be limited. Before the emails became public, the President edited a press statement for Trump Jr. by deleting a line that acknowledged that the meeting was with "an individual who [Trump Jr.] was told might have information helpful to the campaign" and instead said only that the meeting was about adoptions of Russian children. When the press asked questions about the President's involvement in Trump Jr.' s statement, the President's personal lawyer repeatedly denied the President had played any role.

Lies. Manufactured and premeditated lies.

Further efforts to have the Attorney General take control of the investigation. In early summer 2017, the President called Sessions at home (Amazing, he finally picked up a phone to call someone and actually speak in person) and again asked him to reverse his recusal from the Russia investigation. Sessions did not reverse his recusal. In October 2017, the President met privately with Sessions in the Oval Office (He wasn't getting what he wanted. So, he was going to try a different approach to take attention off him and place it somewhere political points could be garnered. We already know the name Hillary Clinton among right wing voters is a motivator. But, Sessions is not a political employee, he was the Attorney General at the time.) and asked him to "take [a] look" at investigating Clinton. In December 2017, shortly after Flynn pleaded guilty pursuant to a cooperation agreement, the President met with Sessions in the Oval Office and suggested, according to notes taken by a senior advisor, that if Sessions unrecused and took back supervision of the Russia investigation, he would be a "hero." The President told Sessions, "I'm not going to do anything or direct you to do anything. I just want to be treated fairly." Bill Barr is falling for the part where Poor, poor president only wants to be treated fairly. So, it requires fraud. At least the poor, poor billionaire will have some restful sleep. In response, Sessions volunteered that he had never seen anything " improper" on the campaign and told the President there was a "whole new leadership team" in place. He did not unrecuse. Go, Jeff Sessions. No one took example from the then Attorney General who's resignation was not accepted for some time after it was written? No one else had the guts to tell Trump, "No?"

Now I am going to lecture.

FOX News managed to enter into a propaganda campaign to minimize the report's findings and make it go away. How could anyone let this happen? It is unethical and unscrupulous. Neither of those characteristics are part of professional journalism. Where was everyone else demanding more to be done and more actions regarding the fraud of Bill Barr? That should be relentless headlines in the face of censorship.

Tomorrow's headlines across this country should read,
"The White House is Censoring the News Media"

I have never been more serious. It would begin to clear up the propaganda and the one sided reporting that is only FOX News. When Barr was in Guatemala where was ALL the press? I only saw Bill Hammer. What the heck is wrong with media these days? There is no risk in this. A headline caused by blatant anti-American directives would result in astonishment by the people of the USA, but, they would pause and that pause would be enough to begin the doubt that is needed to counter the FOX propaganda.

I have to say this? 

Writing books isn't going to do it. The American people need to be rudely awakened to the fact this president is not interested in the Rule of Law or justice of any kind. They need to understand they have a problem and that problem is Donald J. Trump. He is conspiring with others to maintain the propaganda and destroy this democracy. Worse of all he panders to Russia for his own purposes AT THE COST of this democracy. Their votes were toyed with for the purpose of placing a malleable president in the White House so Putin had control, not the American people. Worse than that Trump isn't interested in THAT TRUTH. He wants to assist Russia in destroying this democracy. When does the media get to that part?

continued in next entry

Continued from a previous entry.

I also do not believe the Democrats have done nothing while elected to a majority in the US House. They have done a great deal of work, have ended a government shutdown and carried out oversight which has been neglected for two years. If anyone should be taking issue with Congress it should be in citing the fact they have conducted no oversight for two years and left the USA at risk for problems, including a very irreverent president still conducting business from the Oval Office. The Republican majority does not care if they conducted themselves unlawfully and outside the US Constitution. The oversight now being conducted should have been carried out two years ago, but, instead, they basked in their majorities and passed a tax bill for the wealthy. Quite frankly, the Democratic majority arrives two years too late.

The President's termination of Comey.

On May 3, 2017, Corney testified in a congressional hearing, but declined to answer questions about whether the President was personally under investigation. Within days, the President decided to terminate Corney. The President insisted that the termination letter, which was written for public release, state that Corney had informed the President that he was not under investigation. The day of the firing, the White House maintained that Corney's termination resulted from independent recommendations from the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General that Corney should be discharged for mishandling the Hillary Clinton email investigation. But the President had decided to fire Corney before hearing from the Department of Justice. The day after firing Corney, the President told Russian officials that he had "faced great pressure because of Russia," which had been "taken off' by Corney's firing.

Trump confided with the Russians about his understanding of stress as it related to the Russian investigation. "faced great pressure because of Russia" is because there was an investigation following the interference by Russia in the election of 2016 that he never opposed. Even today, Trump does not oppose the interference in the 2016 elections by Russia. Why would he ever listen to the Justice Department? He has no reason to. He does as he pleases even today.

The day after firing Corney, the President told Russian officials that he had "faced great pressure because of Russia," which had been "taken off' by Corney's firing.

The Russian Federation is an enemy to the USA. They invaded Ukraine where Paul Manafort lost his very lucrative job as election adviser to Putin's henchmen. Kindly remember the national military of Ukraine was disbanded and replaced with oligarch militias in every major city and town. The people were terrified of what occurred under Yanukovych. These are affiliates of Paul Manafort and it made him very wealthy.

The next day, the President acknowledged in a television interview that he was going to fire Corney regardless of the Department of Justice's recommendation and that when he "decided to just do it," he was thinking that "this thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story." In response to a question about whether he was angry with Corney about the Russia investigation, the President said, "As far as I'm concerned, I want that thing to be absolutely done properly," adding that firing Corney "might even lengthen out the investigation."

There are reasons Trump does as he pleases with the power of the presidency. Because no one else would advise him to carry out directives that harm the country.

"FBI Agents Supported Comey, Survey's Show, Weakening Trump's Claim of Turmoil" (click here)

Trump had no case to fire Comey. I remember his rantings before he was elected about the evil of James Comey. He didn't even know him, all Trump knew was the Russian Investigation was being carried out by the FBI, hence, Comey was the problem. After he was elected, Trump stated he might even keep him on since everything worked out so well.

The same rantings about the federal government authority continued past the firing of James Comey and right into the recusal of Sessions and defaming the Special Counsel and his investigators. The firing of James Comey was not about the former FBI Director, it was about ending the Russian Investigation. Still today, with the fraud of the 4 page letter, it is about ending the Russian Investigation. James Comey was never the issue. I think the country knows that. For Trump it was always the Russian Investigation.

...the President said, "As far as I'm concerned, I want that thing to be absolutely done properly," adding that firing Corney "might even lengthen out the investigation."

Trump is an opportunistic liar. Some would say he is a pathological liar. Regardless, he is a liar, period. After James Comey was no longer leading the FBI, the ridicule went to every man that took that spot. The ridicule then went to Robert Mueller and his team. Trump doesn't care about the truth, he cares about money and the Russian investigation would get in the way of his money. It sure didn't get in the way of Kushner's money.

Putin stated to Trump "Jump!" And Trump replied, "How high?

The firing of Comey and every offensive lie stated about every acting director or director that followed Comey was simply more and more obstruction of justice. It is amazing the working copy of the Special Counsel has made it this far.

When it comes to Trump, obstruction of justice is everywhere. His presidency is a travesty to the USA constitution.

There is no one that can read this document and state there was no obstruction of justice. At the very least it started with Comey and simply continued and still does today.

The appointment of a Special Counsel and efforts to remove him. 

These are facts that the Special Counsel is including in the report. These are not just words on a page. These are the facts AS REPORTED by the Special Counsel under the RULE OF LAW.

There is no room for doubt. These are the facts. Every word written in this report are the facts and Bill Barr in his fraudulent 4 page letter should be impeached as well. Bill Barr obstructed justice by denying the report to Congress and substituting a false document. Bill Barr did not act according to the Rule of Law and is not trustworthy.

May 9, 2017, the 7th director of the FBI was fired and in one week and one day the Special Counsel was instated according to law.

On May 17, 2017, the Acting Attorney General for the Russia investigation appointed a Special Counsel to conduct the investigation and related matters. The President reacted to news that a Special Counsel had been appointed by telling advisors that it was "the end of his presidency" and demanding that Sessions resign. Sessions submitted his resignation, but the President ultimately did not accept it. The President told aides that the Special Counsel had conflicts of interest and suggested that the Special Counsel therefore could not serve. The President's advisors told him the asserted conflicts were meritless and had already been considered by the Department of Justice.

Nothing the Special Counsel did was freelanced. Did anyone ever think Robert Mueller would engage in freelancing a report or carry out a witch hunt? There are some things people are capable of and Robert S. Mueller is not capable of carrying out a witch hunt.

continued in next entry. I need to make some tea.

Everyone employed by the federal government or is involved with the government in any way is listened to.

At least when there are qualified people involved with the staff of the White House their is some degree of surveillance. I don't want to hear Trump crying about being listened to either. To begin, he hardly does anything with his day except "Executive Time." Additionally, we know for a fact he is still involved with his businesses. He has violated the Emoluments Clause.

Everyone in the country should remember the listening then Chief of Staff Kelly did when Trump called Putin to congratulate him for his re-election after being advised not to call. It was in the newspapers.

Donald J. Trump has been advised and advised and advised by staff all along the way and he carries on as if he never received a word of advice, conducts hate speech with impunity, insults relationships with allies, renege on agreements with Democratic leaders, causes government shutdowns, met with Putin for hours on end in a closed session with no record of the meeting and basically doesn't care about the American people so much as himself.

Donald J. Trump is responsible for his own behavior and the consequences of it. Going forward he has no complaints if he is found to have violated laws that may rise to the level of impeachment. His staff, including Bill Barr is no exception either. Violations of ethics is an everyday occurrence with the Trump cabinet and the American people should be appalled by it. Their government, which is among the most powerful in the world is now Trump's toy and it is chronically toyed with.