The acquired knowledge over millennium of time must now be used in application to protect Earth's balance and RESTORE it's innate state.
There is nothing preventing the harvesting of exploding numbers of "Crown of Thorns" destroying coral reefs.
There is more reason than ever to realize the hydraulic fracturing introduced globally by the "W" Bush administration is completely wrong for Earth.
There is nothing wrong with hunting the hybrid cross of Polar Bears and Grizzlies while protecting the species of origin now on the threatened species list.
Scientists have to act and apply the knowledge of generations of scientists to protect and RESTORE Earth's balance.
It is simply wrong to stand by and observe the demise of Earth due to the greed of human beings without at least fighting back.
Restore ecosystems and protect species. It is the correct and moral thing to do. Don't do it in isolation and heroic fervor, write about it and publish it and prove the struggle to reverse what greed has done.
Earth needs its own military. It needs those with great knowledge and ability to return balance to the natural world. Scientists are those people. Isn't it time scientists were recognized for the brilliant work they do and the morality of it's content?
Let's do this thing!
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Scientists should not stand on the side lines and watch it happen. Do something!
14 September 2016
By Adam Vaunghan
Humanity is driving an unprecedented extinction of sealife (click here) unlike any in the fossil record, hunting and killing larger species in a way that will disrupt ocean ecosystems for millions of years, scientists have found.
A new analysis of the five mass extinction events millions of years ago discovered there was either no pattern to which marine species were lost, or smaller species were the ones that disappeared.
But today’s “sixth extinction” is unique in the way that the largest species, such as great white sharks, blue whales and southern bluefin tuna, are being pushed to the brink, due to humans’ tendency to fish for larger species more often than smaller ones....
...The danger is disproportionate to the percentage of threatened species, with the authors warning the loss of giants would “disrupt ecosystems for millions of years even at levels of taxonomic loss far below those of previous mass extinctions”.
The loss of larger species in the oceans could have knock-on effects on ecosystems, Payne said, citing the loss of very large predatory seasnails (Triton) from coral reefs, which appears to be one of the reasons behind the explosive growth in numbers of crown of thorns starfish, which eat coral.
Humans would be affected by such trends too, he said, as communities rely on coral reefs to attract tourism. He also pointed to the examples of tuna and cod, whose extinction would deprive people of an important source of income and protein....
It is all carbon based environment. Does the CDC have a description of the bacteria and it's treatment?
September 5, 2016
By Pam Frost Gorder
By Pam Frost Gorder
Columbus, Ohio—Researchers analyzing (click here) genomes of microorganisms living in shale oil and gas wells have found evidence of sustainable ecosystems taking hold there—populated in part by a never-before-seen genus of bacteria they have dubbed “Frackibacter.”
The new genus is one of the 31 microbial members found living inside two separate fracturing wells, Ohio State University researchers and their colleagues report in the Sept. 5 online edition of the journal Nature Microbiology.
Even though the wells were hundreds of miles apart and drilled in different kinds of shale formations, the microbial communities inside them were nearly identical, the researchers discovered.
Almost all the microbes they found had been seen elsewhere before, and many likely came from the surface ponds that energy companies draw on to fill the wells. But that’s not the case with the newly identifiedCandidatus Frackibacter, which may be unique to hydraulic fracturing sites, said Kelly Wrighton, assistant professor of microbiology and biophysics at Ohio State.
In biological nomenclature, “Candidatus” indicates that a new organism is being studied for the first time using a genomic approach, not an isolated organism in a lab culture. The researchers chose to name the genus “Frackibacter” as a play on the word “fracking,” shorthand for “hydraulic fracturing.”
Candidatus Frackibacter prospered alongside the microbes that came from the surface, forming communities in both wells which so far have lasted for nearly a year....
In bacterial nomenclature, Candidatus (Latin for candidate of Roman office, named after the white gown worn by Roman senators) is a component of the taxonomic name for a bacterium that cannot be maintained in a bacteriology culture collection. It is an interim taxonomic status for yet-to-be-cultured organisms.
There are increasing problems with methane. It is time to get over it.
September 18, 2016
By S. Thomas Bond
It is now becoming clear (click here) that developing unconventional drilling for hydrocarbon fuels is the wrong choice. Two trends moving rapidly work against then: increasing population and global warming.
By S. Thomas Bond
It is now becoming clear (click here) that developing unconventional drilling for hydrocarbon fuels is the wrong choice. Two trends moving rapidly work against then: increasing population and global warming.
World population is over 7 billion and heading for 9 billion in a lifetime. Demographics, based on present population and birthrate, makes very dependable predictions.
An increasing part of the population in the developed world is going to be aged and require care, while younger people are increasingly disinclined to have children. However, in other parts of the world the population is increasing rapidly, and will continue to.
The human species combined weight is more than the weight of any other species. Something like one-half the world’s primary production on land (new growth) is devoted to feeding, clothing and sheltering our species. No single species has ever been so “successful.”...
...We are burning carbon in only a relatively few years derived from geologic layers of coal, oil and gas that have taken millions of years to lay down. The world put 39.8 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in 2015, 2.3 percent more than the previous year, not including carbon dioxide that comes from wildfires....
...Today with fracking, gas gives the illusion of providing cost effective energy.
I say illusion, because much of the cost is ignored. It destroys large areas of the surface, contaminates aquifers, and dumps carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, not as much as coal, but about 57 percent, by weight. In effect, burning carbon is destroying the earth’s capacity to sustain life, including human life.
In addition, the methane is lost into the atmosphere in sufficient quantity to be a an additional serious global warming gas;...
...Renewables involve much more widespread ownership of capital, and much more (and more worker friendly) labor for the capital invested. Storage of electricity isn’t here yet, but is coming along nicely.
Getting away from carbon fires is not a pipe dream. In some places, renewables are already cheaper than conventional electricity. Iowa will be self-sufficient in wind power in a few years. Hillary Clinton promises a billion solar panels at the end of her first term, and enough solar for every home in America in 10 years. Corporations like Google and Amazon are using it and expecting to be100 percent green energy in a few years. General Motors and others are buying in heavily. Non-carbon energy is coming along, and gas’ true costs makes it far more expensive than the market price.
It isn't the swamp gas!!!!!!!!!
June 22, 2016
Analysis of nearly three decades of air samples (click here) from Alaska’s North Slope shows little change in long-term methane emissions despite significant Arctic warming over that time period, according to new research published in Geophysical Research Letters.
Scientists estimate that Arctic permafrost, a thick layer of frozen soil that encircles the globe, contains two and a half times as much carbon as has been emitted since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. As the region warms, this carbon will be released from the permafrost’s icy grip.
Scientists need to know where that carbon will it go and what form it will take. This has become more critical since the Arctic is warming faster than other regions of Earth, with corresponding losses in sea ice coverage. Some models suggest that a portion of that carbon will be released as methane, a potent greenhouse gas that has almost 28 times the warming influence of carbon dioxide over a 100-year timescale....
...“There has been a huge increase in Arctic warming, and while we do see spikes in methane due to short-term temperature changes, we’re not seeing a long-term change in methane levels,” said lead author Colm Sweeney, a CIRES scientist working at NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory in Boulder. ...
They don't stop. They get more frequent regardless of intensity. Rock crumbles and that is exactly what is happening with hydraulic fracturing.
There were six earthquakes today in the USA, these are three known to be caused by hydraulic fracturing and/or the activities related to cracking the earth open. Those six earthquakes did not include those in Puerto Rico.
2016-09-18 03:37:41 UTC
M 2.7 - 1 km SE of Anthony, Kansas (click here)
2016-09-18 18:30:34 UTC
M 3.1 - 21 km West of Perry Oklahoma (click here)
2016-09-18 21:30:52 UTC
M 2,7 - 6 km N or Pawnee, Oklahoma (click here)
World Class scientists work at correcting the errors of greed every day. They are honored by their peers.
Other than Nobel, scientists are never revered as some of the most important people on Earth.
July 28, 2016
Robert (Bob) D. Evans (click here) of ESRL Global Monitoring Division receives the prestigious IO3C Farman Award Nomination For Sustaining a Long-term Inter-calibrated World-wide Dobson Total Ozone Observing Network.
The "Joseph C. Farman Award" is granted to one or more outstanding scientists who have created and used high-quality, long-term time series of atmospheric measurements related to the study of atmospheric ozone and/or surface ultraviolet radiation.
Robert Evans dedicated 40 years of service to upgrading and calibrating Dobson Spectrophotometers in the global ozone network by leading international calibration campaigns and writing WMO reports that document the history of the network and demonstrate the improvement in its performance. He was instrumental in promoting the continuation of ground-based Dobson ozone observations, including the rebuilding of Dobson instruments on every continent, often under very challenging conditions.
Bob’s thorough knowledge of the Dobson instrument led to significant improvements in the measurement capabilities and testing/calibration procedures of this cornerstone of the global ozone observing network....
Human sources of methane emissions.
Methane Emissions: Human Sources (click here)
Since the Industrial Revolution, human sources of methane emissions have been growing. Fossil fuel production and intensive livestock farming have caused the current increase methane levels. Together these two sources are responsible for 60% of all human methane emissions. Other sources include landfills and waste (16%), biomass burning (11%), rice agriculture (9%) as well as biofuels (4%)....
That navy blue section of the pie chart is fossil fuel production, distribution and use. Methane emissions MUST stop.
Since the Industrial Revolution, human sources of methane emissions have been growing. Fossil fuel production and intensive livestock farming have caused the current increase methane levels. Together these two sources are responsible for 60% of all human methane emissions. Other sources include landfills and waste (16%), biomass burning (11%), rice agriculture (9%) as well as biofuels (4%)....
That navy blue section of the pie chart is fossil fuel production, distribution and use. Methane emissions MUST stop.
I really don't care to hear about swamp gas and all the methane emitted by nature and cows. The human emissions of methane is a problem. Let me state that again. THE HUMAN EMISSIONS FROM METHANE IS A PROBLEM.
Methane fracking is a problem. It is a problem for many, many reasons. The emissions from methane drilling and capture for commercial sales to the country or otherwise NEGATES it's so called 'better energy' alternative.
Methane is NOT green energy and never was!
Methane explosions in mines kill.
September 17, 2016
By Stephanie Taylor
It took Wanda Blevins 13 years to stop being angry. (click here)
Those men, burned and injured, went for help. At 5:45 p.m., they reached an area where they were able to telephone the surface control operations room to report the explosion and roof collapse....
Angry at her husband for dying long before her. Angry that the world moved on so soon after he and 12 others lost their lives 2,140 feet underground in North America’s deepest coal mine.
The series of explosions that killed 13 men in Jim Walter Resources Mine No. 5 on Sept. 23, 2001, happened less than two weeks after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. It was the deadliest mining accident in the U.S. in 17 years, but didn’t receive much attention beyond Tuscaloosa County in the aftermath of the attacks....
...David Blevins was one of the 32 miners who descended into Blue Creek Mine No. 5 that Sunday afternoon to perform routine maintenance. Around 5:20 p.m., an explosion occurred in Section 4, an area in the outer reaches of the eight-square mile mine where the men were working to shore up a roof.
Minutes before the first explosion, water began to pour steadily from the roof while small rocks and steel bolts began fall. The miners were retreating when a slab of rock fell and hit a large battery charging station. The spark ignited the built-up methane gas, causing a blast that pinned Gaston Adams, 56, under a rock and threw three other miners.
Those men, burned and injured, went for help. At 5:45 p.m., they reached an area where they were able to telephone the surface control operations room to report the explosion and roof collapse....
CarbonTracker CH4 (click here) column average CH4 for July-August, 2007. Warm colors show high atmospheric CH4 concentrations, and cool colors show low concentrations. This sequence shows relatively large emissions from wetlands in Western Siberia and emissions from anthropogenic and natural sources in India and Asia. The resulting high CH4 air masses are then moved by weather systems to form the patterns shown in this animation.
The world is on pace for the hottest year on record, breaking marks set in 2015, 2014 and 2010. But scientists say it's more than temperatures. They have connected man-made climate change to deadly heat waves, droughts and devastating floods. Scientists also say a warmer planet means more severe storms like the recent Hurricane Hermine. DeMarco Morgan has the latest.
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Methane is dangerous.
...Methane, the primary component of natural gas, (click here) is a powerful greenhouse gas--25 times stronger than carbon dioxide (CO2) over a 100-year time horizon and 72 times stronger over a 20-year horizon. Though methane represents only about 10-12 percent of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, it is a significant driver of short-term warming, and reducing methane emissions can help slow the rise in global temperatures.
While proponents of natural gas often tout its “green” credentials—combustion of natural gas emits roughly one-half the CO2 of coal combustion—this is not the whole story. When it is extracted from the well, natural gas is composed of roughly 83 percent methane, after processing and through the point of delivery, it is more than 90 percent methane. Producing, processing, and transporting of natural gas can release some of this methane into the atmosphere. Accidental methane leaks and routine venting--which together, make up fugitive methane emissions--reduce the comparative climate advantage of natural gas for electricity generation. Plus, at current estimated leakage rates, fugitive emissions actually make compressed natural gas a questionable choice for fuel-switching in cars and trucks....
Poetry simply lacks music.
"In My Craft or Sullen Art" by Dylan Thomas (click here for official website)
In my craft or sullen art
Exercised in the still night
When only the moon rages
And the lovers lie abed
With all their griefs in their arms,
I labor by singing light
Not for ambition or bread
Or the strut and trade of charms
On the ivory stages
But for the common wages
Of their most secret heart.
Not for the proud man apart
From the raging moon I write
On these spindrift pages
Nor for the towering dead
With their nightingales and psalms
But for the lovers, their arms
Round the griefs of the ages,
Who pay no praise or wages
Nor heed my craft or art.
The pipeline leak is causing difficult circumstances.
September 18, 2016
By Pam Wright
Officials are warning residents (click here) in the Southeast about possible gas shortages in the coming days after a gasoline spill south of Birmingham forced the shutdown of a key pipeline that supplies fuel to millions along the East Coast.
By Pam Wright
Officials are warning residents (click here) in the Southeast about possible gas shortages in the coming days after a gasoline spill south of Birmingham forced the shutdown of a key pipeline that supplies fuel to millions along the East Coast.
More than 700 people are working around the clock to repair the pipe and restore supply, reports The governors of six states have declared a state of emergency to allow truck drivers to work longer shifts to head off shortages at the pumps....
A friend from Georgia stated the most anyone can purchase at a gas station near her home is $15.00. She was grateful she didn't have a large vehicle. There is also a lot of gas gouging.
The Colonial pipeline has existed since the early 1960s. That means the pipeline is over fifty years old.
The Colonial pipeline has existed since the early 1960s. That means the pipeline is over fifty years old.
...U.S. Commerce Secretary Luther Hodges (click here) attended the ceremonial ground-breaking near Atlanta, the pipeline’s eventual headquarters, on June 20, 1962. Actual construction began on August 1, 1962. But in his remarks, Hodges stated, “This is the sort of action this country needs if it is to realize its full economic potential.”
On July 2, 1962, Colonial Pipeline Company solicited bids from contractors to build 15 segments of the pipeline’s mainline. Each segment averaged 100 miles and 200-300 workers. Work progressed at roughly one mile per day for each of the segments.
The first lengths of pipe were delivered by rail, barge and on specially constructed trailers to handle 80-foot double joints on the road. Colonial began filling the pipeline with product on the morning of September 16, 1963 in Houston. This “linefill” process was shut down that same afternoon for two days later when Hurricane Cindy struck the Gulf Coast....
Why isn't the Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act demanding replacement of this infrastructure in a reason period of time?
Not only that, but, with cross craton earthquakes occurring the integrity of the pipelines are at a lot of risk.
The US Republican Congress causes more problems than it ever solves.
This is a 2012 study by Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA). These are the natural gas pipelines across the USA. There are pipelines at risk due to increased fracking and increased seismic activity that is no longer restricted to Oklahoma. Today, Oklahoma is the origin of radiating earthquakes. It will get worse. The injection wells are still full of unstable caustic and corrosive waste water. The quakes are on. Once the earthquakes start they don't stop, ie: Christchurch, New Zealand. It started with a large quake that rocked the city and no one was injured because the infrastructure was so well built. But, in the next quake there were fatalities and injuries. One the stability of a solid rock starts, it only continues because of the weight on that rock structure doesn't change while the rock itself is now compromised to support the weight above it.
Add to the gas pipelines (click here) the liquid petroleum pipelines.
It is very simple to solve the problems of the pipelines and the major spills that have become chronic now.
Shut down a section of pipe, unearth the pipeline and lay new pipe in the same existing space. Reconnect the pipeline and continue the task over and over until all the pipelines are updated. Most are vary old, used past their ability to contain their product and ONLY given attention after there is grounds for a lawsuit.
The consumers of these products have to absorb the mismanagement of the pipelines, both in lost revenues and potentially loss of life.
INSULFOAM GEOFOAM: (click here) InsulFoam GF provides structural and architectural void fill applications that are lighter, easier to handle and faster than soil. Hardscapes, landscapes, soil remediation and load reduction.
This is a foam called "Geofoam." It is used in many ways within construction. It is used in large amounts in Europe. It is also an insulator.
But, Geofoam can be created to ADD REDUNDANCY to any type of pipeline. In other words if a leak exists for whatever reason it does, the Geofoam is probably able to hold the leak and prevent an explosion (in the case of natural gas and now gasoline) because large quantities of the leaked substance is contained. The leaks can be detected by monitors at GAUGES that observe a fall in pressure within the pipeline.
The USA petroleum industry is allowed to dismiss the well being of human beings and their financial stability. These same human beings are the consumers of the product of the petroleum industry so one would think their lives and financial stability is important, but, alas the petroleum industry has so many consumers they never even think about the lethal outcome of even one of them.
The particulars about GEOfoam and it's relationship with the environment, air and water quality has to be investigated to know it is a solution to protect and strengthen THE NEW PIPELINES replacing the old ones in the USA.
Why isn't the Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act demanding replacement of this infrastructure in a reason period of time?
Not only that, but, with cross craton earthquakes occurring the integrity of the pipelines are at a lot of risk.
The US Republican Congress causes more problems than it ever solves.
This is a 2012 study by Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA). These are the natural gas pipelines across the USA. There are pipelines at risk due to increased fracking and increased seismic activity that is no longer restricted to Oklahoma. Today, Oklahoma is the origin of radiating earthquakes. It will get worse. The injection wells are still full of unstable caustic and corrosive waste water. The quakes are on. Once the earthquakes start they don't stop, ie: Christchurch, New Zealand. It started with a large quake that rocked the city and no one was injured because the infrastructure was so well built. But, in the next quake there were fatalities and injuries. One the stability of a solid rock starts, it only continues because of the weight on that rock structure doesn't change while the rock itself is now compromised to support the weight above it.
Add to the gas pipelines (click here) the liquid petroleum pipelines.
It is very simple to solve the problems of the pipelines and the major spills that have become chronic now.
Shut down a section of pipe, unearth the pipeline and lay new pipe in the same existing space. Reconnect the pipeline and continue the task over and over until all the pipelines are updated. Most are vary old, used past their ability to contain their product and ONLY given attention after there is grounds for a lawsuit.
The consumers of these products have to absorb the mismanagement of the pipelines, both in lost revenues and potentially loss of life.
INSULFOAM GEOFOAM: (click here) InsulFoam GF provides structural and architectural void fill applications that are lighter, easier to handle and faster than soil. Hardscapes, landscapes, soil remediation and load reduction.
This is a foam called "Geofoam." It is used in many ways within construction. It is used in large amounts in Europe. It is also an insulator.
But, Geofoam can be created to ADD REDUNDANCY to any type of pipeline. In other words if a leak exists for whatever reason it does, the Geofoam is probably able to hold the leak and prevent an explosion (in the case of natural gas and now gasoline) because large quantities of the leaked substance is contained. The leaks can be detected by monitors at GAUGES that observe a fall in pressure within the pipeline.
The USA petroleum industry is allowed to dismiss the well being of human beings and their financial stability. These same human beings are the consumers of the product of the petroleum industry so one would think their lives and financial stability is important, but, alas the petroleum industry has so many consumers they never even think about the lethal outcome of even one of them.
The particulars about GEOfoam and it's relationship with the environment, air and water quality has to be investigated to know it is a solution to protect and strengthen THE NEW PIPELINES replacing the old ones in the USA.
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