This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Okay. So where did you hear it first? Right here. And for how long? Years.
So, here it is; "I told you so."
Why was I an activist on the NYTimes Message Boards, then on this blog for the entire time the Bush/Cheney Regime was in control of the powers of my nation? Why is that? Why have I sat watch and sacrificed within my own life for years to 'bring the truth' to others? Go figure, huh?

Obama Addresses Critics on ‘Centrist’ Moves (click here)
By Michael Powell
But, it has taken a good long time for Antarctica scientists to finally reconcile the fact that the coldest places on the planet can become far too warm to be good for human beings. It is these vast ice caps that have provided for cool enough oceans to bring weather, percipitation and 'benevolent' climate to the continents. Without our ice caps there is no 'thermostat' to cool the oceans that then cool the land.
Antarctica and the Artic Ocean are far more than a natural wonder and a place for Polar Bears and Penguins. They are vital to the climate of Earth that provides our very existence in a VERY, VERY narrow range of temperatures that human can survive within. It was difficult for 'these ice scientists' to come to terms with the fact that Earth could actually loss it's ice caps given the many variables in its arrangement of multiple combinations of gases and elements in the troposphere, especially when 'measuring' same in such frigid climates can be impossible at times.
Published: January 21, 2009
...“Obviously the situation is complex, resulting from a combination of man-made factors and natural variability,” said Michael Oppenheimer, a professor of geosciences at Princeton, who was not involved in the research. “But the idea of a long-term cooling is pretty clearly debunked.”
Dr. Monaghan, who had not detected the rapid warming of West Antarctica in an earlier study, said the new study had “spurred me to take another look at ours — I’ve since gone back and included additional records.”...
Barak Obama needs to put more employees to work at US Fish and Wildlife.
There are many 'W'rong decisions that were made by the EPA regarding the 'natural treasures' of the USA under the Bush Executive Branch. Many.
Please see below to continue...

Gray wolf is back on the endangered species list (click here)
Thursday, January 22, 2009, 4:22 PM
by Bob Meyer
The gray wolf is back on the Endangered Species list in the Western Great Lakes and northern Rocky Mountains…at least for a while. On Tuesday, President Obama signed an executive order putting a “hold” on all last-minute rules made by the Bush Administration, one of those rules was the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service reinstatement of the delisting last week.
The wolf was originally delisted early last year and management of their population was turned over to the affected states. A federal judge put them back on the list saying the state management plans could not guarantee a sustained recovery. Last week the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service said they had met the concerns of the court and reissued the delisting.

Some of the worst decisions made by Bush's EPA was to drastically cut funding and personnel from US Fish and Wildlife. Bankrupting the country was a way of 'persuading' the American populous to realize that 'exploitation' of their natural resources while cutting to the bone any scientific and support staff to the USA's natural world was THE ONLY WAY out of Bush's negligence of the USA economic stability.
continued below...
January 19, 2007
Contact(s) Deborah Bagocius, (202) 772-0239
Feds Slash Staff at National Wildlife Refuges in Midwest (click here)
Over 70 Refuge Positions Cut in 8 Midwest States, 3 Refuges to Lose Entire Staff
Washington, D.C. -- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is making drastic reductions and redeployments of staff in the National Wildlife Refuge System throughout the Midwest region. Reductions in services will be felt in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Missouri. The consequence of these reductions will be the elimination of environmental education programs for school children, endangered species recovery programs, reduced habitat management and law enforcement. These cuts come on the heels of a crippling budget backlog of over $2.5 billion....
The US Fish and Wildlife Service are 'the police' to prosecutions taken before US Attorneys when violations to our nation's laws exist. Without US Fish and Wildlife 'agents' protecting the USA's natural heritage through 'protection' laws there would be no way that any US Attorney could bring charges of violators. (And by the way, the protection laws need to STOP being misdemeanors and take on far more serious consequences. The more exploitation that occurs, the more precious the species and the costly it is to restore it. The laws aren't WEIGHTED CORRECTLY to oppress violators. They are OLD standards when restoration wasn't as critical as it is now given the extent that Human Induced Global Warming is causing damge to the nation's natural world.)
Convenient. Bush could actually say that convictions fell during his years as the 'enforcement' of laws worked better than ever before, while our natural world was being exploited and reduced by profiteers that 'simply got away with it.'
And they did get away with it. The EPA cut US Fish and Wildlife to the bone through most of the nation. There were poachers caught here and there, one or two. But, for the most part the departments of the EPA have been grossly understaffed and in some cases redirected to 'track what might be potential terrorists' in cities and towns. Chemical plants were more the focus of agents, yet under Bush there were numerous Chemical Plant explosions as the 'rules and regulations' they had to abide by became less and less in number and restriction.
The new Secretaries of the EPA and Interior have a lot of work ahead of them to restaff their agencies and begin again to protect forests and wildlife from damage and extinction.
Encroachment and 'over building' in our nation has gone to nearly ever corner of the county in what was "W"rongfully called an economy. It is going to require the 'RE-HIRE' of qualified people to return protections under the law to this country.
Why is it important? I'll use the Bald Eagle as an example. In places in Maryland, along the Chesapeake Bay there have been reports of the destruction of nests since the delisting of our national symbol. As soon as the delisting occurred, within days there were permits issued for building homes in what once was protected areas. That put 'pressure' on the nesting Bald Eagles and today there are abandoned nests that no longer provide for the return of a precious and endangered species.
The article below is from 1995 and discusses the success of the Bald Eagle program. You have to understand these programs were important enough to Americans to 'spend money' on the restoration of the Bald Eagle and now in the year 2008 with the 'W'rongful delisting of the nation's raptor; the bird is becoming less in number in some of their territory. All those monies were wasted for the 'gain of wealth' of a few housing contractors that caused a 'flooding of the housing' market.
Md. survey finds eagle numbers up (click here)
March 1995
By Karl Blankenship
Maryland in January recorded the second highest number of bald eagles ever counted near the Chesapeake Bay during the 20 years it has conducted a midwinter eagle survey, according to the state Department of Natural Resources.
"Surveys of both breeding and wintering bald eagle populations in Maryland continue to demonstrate the success of the Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts," said former Natural Resources Secretary Torrey Brown.
This winter, 194 bald eagles and one golden eagle were counted at three of the state's primary eagle concentration areas. That is second only to the 263 bald eagles counted in 1990.
"That year, extremely cold weather conditions prevailed throughout the northeastern United States, forcing more eagles into Maryland," said Glenn Therres, DNR's bald eagle biologist. "This year's number is extremely encouraging given the mild winter we have had so far."
On Jan. 13, biologists found 72 bald eagles and one golden eagle at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge near Cambridge on the Eastern Shore. Surveys on Jan. 15 found 101 bald eagles at the U.S. Army's Aberdeen Proving Ground and 21 along the lower Susquehanna River.
Maryland's midwinter survey does not include most of the 159 pairs of bald eagles that nested in the state in 1994 because those birds are dispersed to their breeding areas.
The midwinter bald eagle survey is a national effort conducted in the lower 48 states to assess the wintering population of the endangered bird. Last winter, 15,305 bald eagles were counted during the national survey. The survey is designed to measure changes in eagle populations; it is not intended to be a complete census.
In Maryland, the survey is conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Army. The National Biological Service coordinates the survey nationally.
Contributions on line 63 of the Maryland Income Tax Form, and donations to the Chesapeake Bay and Endangered Species Fund help to support threatened and endangered species work such as the eagle survey, as well as other nongame wildlife and Chesapeake Bay projects.
In a nation dedicated to 'doing the right thing' and unholding their right to a natural world to protect within our borders it requires PERSONNEL to 'stand the line' on species demise and delisting. US Fish and Wildlife can't carry out its enormous responsibility and literally there are plenty of examples throughout this country were species laws have been abandoned for one reason and one reason only and that is because QUALIFIED scientists and agents were removed from positions within departments of the Federal Government.
There is a lot of work to do and none of it is frivilous or unnecessary. If we are to 'Save Earth for our Children' we have to FIRST restore the staffing to agencies that carry out that responsibility before we can RESTORE our nation's species that are now facing hideous threats from negligence and criminal intent by the 43rd President of the USA.
We are closing Gitmo. Get over it. It's real. End of discussion.
Osama bin Laden is more dangerous than the young men he suckers into dying for a cause with no purpose? No. He is a figure head, no different than Dr. Aimon Muhammad Rabaie al-Zawahiri. They are the sociopathic icons of a global terrorist network that was successful because Bush and Cheney allowed it to happen. No one will convince me differently. Diane Feinstein knew the attacks were on the way and Richard Cheney simply stated, "Hey look, Diane, we're busy here. We'll get to taking some action in about six months." The FBI and CIA told the Bush Executive Branch they had three months or less and literally Cheney called for a 'study' of the issue.
So. All in all, there were no really MORE dangerous men in Gitmo than Zacarias. What were the detainess going to do, overcome the USA military, escape into the USA, disappear and destroy more lives? I mean for real.
The USA has successfully arrested and tried terrorists, both international and domestic, for decades. These so called 'global terrorists' are actually more dangerous than any other criminal that we have held within our prisions before? Heck, no. Monsters are monsters, either the USA can contain them with the virtue of 'human rights' or not. But. We never sink so low as to allow our own dignity to be tarnished by them. Never.
Literally, what Bush and Cheney did by creating the 'spectacle' called 'Gitmo' was to encourage the Ameircan imagination that those men were "Super Terrorists." It added to the Culture of Fear that Rove propagated. Gitmo was a 'prop' in the prolonged propaganda of the Bush/Cheney administration. That is all it was and that is all it is today.

By Al Pessin Pentagon
21 January 2009
Image reviewed by US military, shows 'Camp Justice' sign near high-security courtroom in Guantanamo, Cuba, 08 Dec 2008U.S. military judges in Guantanamo acted quickly Wednesday morning to suspend two of the 21 terrorism trials now in progress, based on a request from the Obama administration. Judges in the other trials are expected to do the same.
One of the trials suspended Wednesday was the biggest of them all - the case against five men accused of involvement in the September 11th attacks on the United States in 2001. The moves came based on requests from military prosecutors, acting on orders from President Obama.
The military trials are suspended for 120 days, and Pentagon Spokesman Bryan Whitman says he expects the Defense Department will soon receive further instructions from the new president.
"The president has clearly made his intentions well known, running up to taking his oath of office yesterday in terms of what his intentions are," he said. "And he has taken the first steps with respect to his direction to the secretary of defense to order a pause to military commissions proceedings. I would expect that the department will get additional guidance and direction in the near future."
Whitman says that additional direction could come within days, and he expects it to involve "a broad, comprehensive review."...
The First Lady stole the show. She really is lovely and the ball gown was refreshing.
I watched Barak turn to look up at the instrumental ensemble when they first started playing. He eventually settled back into his chair and 'tuned into' the sound, as I did. The selection was lovely. But, in those first moments when he turned to look at the performance above him, he noted Sasha restless in her chair and struggling to stay under a blanket to keep warm. He looked at her for more than pause and he finally had her attention and smiled in reassurance of her presence and patience. It was a charming moment between a Father and Daughter and a statement of his love and concern for his children.
I believe he carries his devotion of his family in his heart and measures the importance of America's children and families and their outcomes and safety with that same depth of commitment he shows his own.
They are a remarkable couple and I look forward to their leadership from here on.
Did everyone else, besides me, realize the youthfulness of the Democrats as they took the platform at the inauguration. Our former Presidents and Vice Presidents are young and were young when they took office. In the long view, their longevity, insight and faithfulness to this nation counts. Nice. To realize in eight years we will still 'have Obama' to steady the ship is more than a treasure there are words to describe. It is going to be a great eight years and the Democrats in 2010 will take an unchallenged majority in both the House and Senate.

January 20 2009
US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama during the Commander-in-Chief Ball at the National Building Museum in Washington DC.