The Republicans, under George Walker Bush, departed from recognizing Human Induced Global Warming as a reality, never developed alternative energies ENOUGH to replace oil and gas, threw abandon to the regulation of the Petroleum Industry, sold oil and gas rights to the Petroleum companies BEFORE they ever researched their technology at one mile down.
This is NOT about any response in an ocean of water that is too turbulent to control, this IS however, about the policies of Republcian legislators at all levels including State govenrments that don't care about the Small Business Owner of a fishery and lends only LOYALTY to the Wall Street polluters that don't care about anything except their profits.
This cataclysmic event didn't happen since January 20th of 2009. It was a disaster waiting to happen no different than the indulgences of the Republicans of the Wall Street Banks, since the years of Bush and Cheney. Those leases were sold before 2009.
The only thing that is going to end this, is a set of torpedo strikes to close the rupture.
The Republicans have held a majority for far too long and all these problems are a DIRECT result of their polices. Direct result.
If Jindal wants to blame anyone, he can start by looking straight at his favorate mirror and realize he never had enough concern to even EXPLORE the potential for this to happen. He is directly to blame along with a host of others. The well being of the people of Louisiana should be his primary concern, not the bottom line of the Petroleum Industry. He has destroyed his tax base both from fisheries and oil. He did. He, the Republican Governor that never cared to realize this potential is responsible. It is time for them all to say so.
End of discussion.
Release date: 06 June 2007 \
OUSTON, TX BP Exploration & Production Inc. (NYSE: BP) announced today a hydrocarbon discovery in an exploration well that tested its Isabela prospect in the Gulf of Mexico. The well is located on Mississippi Canyon Block 562 in approximately 6,500 feet of water, about 150 miles southeast of New Orleans. Isabela was drilled to a total depth of approximately 19,100 feet into Miocene era sands.
“Isabela is an excellent addition to our portfolio of discoveries in the Gulf of Mexico” said Dave Rainey, BP’s Vice President of Gulf of Mexico Exploration. “It will likely be tied back to our Na Kika production platform, helping to maximize the value of that infrastructure.”
The well is operated by BP Exploration & Production Inc. with a 67% working interest and is co-owned by Noble Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NBL) with a 33% working interest. The lease was acquired at federal OCS Lease Sale 169 in March, 1998....
Tweets. Jindal's answer to preparedness is 'tweets.'
Louisiana State Preparedness Office Reaches Out & Thanks Its Oil Spill Response ‘Tweeps’
May 11th, 2010
I just wanted to mention something quickly, which I thought was a nice – albeit small – touch. The Louisiana Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness has a Twitter feed @GOHSEP which has been very active during the oil spill response. It has been distributing a lot of spill-related information for the public, and has asked its ‘tweeps’ to retweet their announcements. What I found striking is that GOHSEP has been thanking each person who did so by mentioning their Twitter name on its feed....
It is at least the equivalent of having Reilly on a commission to bring about insight, preparedness and justice.
A joke.
The response by industry and government alike has been a joke on all levels.