Just a word about what is being volleyed about and I am not talking Olympics.
The circumstances in Georgia isn't about Russia, it is about the disproportionate hubris of The West. The last thing any country needs right now is someone like John McCain stating we are all Georgians and this is about Russia reclaiming the Russian Empire. I got the feeling McCain was about to declare war on Dead Czars.
We are not all Georgians and that is exactly the problem in that this is a highly ethnic region where by the 'break away' provinces are DEFINATELY not Georgians.
The map above clearly illustrates the 'consequences' to a passive Russia. Moscow is only a stone's throw from the conflict region and the place where Bush and the USA Republicans are willing to sell missile shield defenses.
Besides the obvious greed of USA military contractors in placing missile shields at Russian borders, it is completely obvious these so call 'strategic' locations are simply an impetus to further war. Like, ah, why are not they selling missile defense to Russia if Iran is such a threat to the ENTIRE region?
If Germany feels threatened by Iran missiles then they need to locate their 'defense arsenal of missile shield' in Germany. The fact of the matter is that would irritate economic ties between Germany and Russia and therefore The West and its spineless strategy of using fossil fuels displaced their national defense needs on former Soviet states because they are 'easy pickins.'
Former Soviet States broke away from Russia and while Moscow continued to build diplomatic relationships with them, The West saw this as an opportunity to divide and conquer. While these 'nation/states' were within the 'concept' of Russian sovereignty The West wouldn't dream of treating them as potential for war paraphernalia market places.
The approach by and of these small nations was completely "W"rong and ill conceived, obviously based in 'profit/loss' statements and not sound foreign policy. These nations are tenuous at best. Economic strategies should have resulted and nothing more, while any military approach for them should have been in regard to 'internal' competencies which could later and easily be expanded to accommodate the approach of international defense strategies.
In other words, Bush/Cheney greed simply 'blew it.' They placed 'at risk' the very lives of the people of this region without any ability to secure their borders while using a 'blood sucking' strategy in Iraq and AGAIN substituting other countries people for their own military strength.
Russia simply observed, planned and deployed when necessary. The diplomatic corp of Russia chronically stated they would not tolerate The West's issues with them and they won't.
The 'idea' Bush continues to propagate in that Russia is now his bastard child and ostracized from international relations and benevolence is nothing but rhetoric backed by the threat of nuclear holocaust. Plainly put, "The Bush/Cheney approach to international relations by escalating military build up is completely STUPID and this is the result." If one asked the people now dead, that weren't a week ago, they would say the same thing.
Any UN Resolution that treats Russia as an invading entity, when it was their sovereignty at risk along with the 'ethnic sovereignty' of the regions in question will fail. Just because 'The West' is surprised and feels vulnerable now is no reason to over react, further 'wedging' Russia into a defensive stance will only guarantee escalation of the circumstances without any chance of resolve.
If the UN wants a 'fig leaf' extended in this conflict, it needs to elevate any concern by Russia in the face of obvious aggressions by current USA Foreign Policy. In doing so, it will extend 'the right' of Russia to exist and to act in protections of people that were once theirs to claim. When that is settled, there is no reason for peace to be evaded in the name of sovereignty and economic developments between all countries globally can flourish without fear of reprisal.
I remind that before there was an escalation of tensions, well over a year ago, between the USA's idea of 'international defense' and Russia's concerns for protection of their country and poeple, there was vast more economic 'fluidity' in the region INCLUDING that of Russia itself. The current 'state of affairs' of all these countries is to propagate war and you can place 'real money (if you have any)' on the idea of a 'war zone' between Europe and Russia which IS now established as The Former Soviet States. Is that what the UN wants as a final result of this decades long struggle?
Accepting Russia's right to exist while providing the 'idea' of 'safety' to the region that was once the USSR depends on 'cooperation' of concerns including Russia's desire to join international organizations such as NATO. If Russia were a member of NATO, it could hardly form strategies of defense against the very nations it was now aligned.
Russia is a major military power on Earth and the sooner all countries realize that and INCLUDE the Russian people in a global peace rather than a 'global conquest strategy' the sooner terrorist networks will be dismantled and NON-PROLIFERATION can ensue.
If anything is to be learned from this episode of Earth History regarding the 'tenuous' stability of global sovereignty; it is that 'pandering' to Neocons in order to control them is simply a stupid idea. "Playing" to Bush was an extremely poor idea and while the USA 'continues to be contained' in Iraq; to allow such 'ideas' of invasion, as if there was no other strategy against it, only allowed 'the build' up of military hardware globally and facilitated instability.
IF ANY COUNTRY needed economic sanctions over six years ago, it was the USA. It should have been limited in its 'content' internationally far more than it was and should have been forced to 'deal with' its 'real war' in Afghanistan while 'chalking up Saddam Hussein' to UN strategies that despite exploitation for wealth 'still worked' to contain any and all efforts otherwise.
Karzai tried to resolve tensions between Iran and the USA at the very onset of the Afghanistan invasion without the global acclaim by the UN and today The West is at risk of its own stability and sovereignty than ever before.
What has everyone been thinking?