Coburn is a radical and an underhanded radical and needs to be replaced. The Democrats should choose a strong candidate against Coburn to bid for the Senate. Brad Henry wouldn't have to do much campaigning, he is well known and could conduct his business in the Governor's office while placing his bid in for Senate.

The Dodd Credit Card Bill was concerned about its passage due to the exploitation by Coburn. This is typical of the ruthless and cowardess of the Republican Neocons. They use every opportunity to pass a bill that could never stand on its own.
By the way, it was President Ronald Reagan that first banned guns in our National Parks.
Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), the chief sponsor of the credit card reform bill, is wondering whether the same might be the fate of his credit card proposal. “My concern is about what the underlying bill — what happens to it,” Dodd said on the chamber floor just before the vote. “I hate to see us lose this opportunity to make a difference with credit card reform.”
The Credit Card bill was amended by Coburn to include endangering the general public in our National Parks. This is a thinly vailed attempt to justify the killing of wildlife in our parks. The Republicans want that opportunity for the NRA. The ESA delisting of the Bald Eagle and Grey Wolf opens all kinds of opportunity for those that like to hunt species of wildlife.
There are deaths in National Parks as well as assaults, rapes and other forms of violence, however, it isn't even close to the level of these crimes in our cities where guns are banded and far more tightly controlled.
This law does not go into effect for nine months and provides enough time to collect data regarding violence in the National Parks and the sincere need for such legislation. There needs to be monitoring of the escalation of violence against people and the injuries and deaths of wildlife. As the numbers go up, lawsuits can be filed to remove the guns from the parks again.
There is no doubt to me there will be opportunists with guns that will find reasons to kill wildlife, especially, the keystone preditors that could conceivably attack humans for reasons of territorial threats. It will happen, so the recordkeeping has to be forthcoming. The Park Rangers usually are required to report such incidents in their reports.
Govt: Guns barred from national parks until Feb. (click here)
By MATTHEW DALY – 28 minutes ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — Not so fast, gun owners. A new law allowing loaded guns in national parks and wildlife refuges will not take effect until next year, the Obama administration said Friday.
President Barack Obama signed the gun law Friday as part of a measure creating new rules for the credit card industry.
But a spokeswoman for the Interior Department said that because the credit card law won't take effect until nine months after it is signed, the gun measure also will be delayed.
Spokeswoman Kendra Barkoff said the Interior Department will follow Congress's directive and put the new firearms law into effect in late February 2010.
Until then, rules adopted under the Reagan administration will remain in place. The rules severely restrict guns in the national parks, generally requiring that guns be locked or stored in a glove compartment or trunk....
National Park Rangers and Park Advocates Outraged by Votes Allowing Loaded Guns in National Parks (click here)
Statement by Theresa Pierno, Executive Vice President, National Parks Conservation Association:
“We are disappointed in the members of the House and Senate who allowed this amendment to pass, as well as in President Obama. By not taking a stand to prevent this change, they have sacrificed public safety and national park resources in favor of the political agenda of the National Rifle Association. This amendment had no hearing or review, and will increase the risk of poaching, vandalism of historic park treasures, and threats to park visitors and staff.”
“These are special protected places, where millions of American families and international visitors can view magnificent animals and majestic landscapes and experience our nation’s history, including sites where lives were lost to preserve our American ideals.
“The Reagan Administration’s regulation requiring that guns carried into these iconic places be unloaded and put away is a time-tested, limited and reasonable restriction to carry out an important and legitimate goal of protecting and respecting our national parks, monuments and battlefields. It is a tremendously sad day that it has been thrown out by political leaders from whom we expect more.”
Brad Henry would never have to give up his Governorship until he was elected to the Senate.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 10:56 AM
Keating Could Exit ACLI To Seek Senate Seat (click here)
The American Council of Life Insurers could be getting a new leader later this year, depending on whether Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., decides to run for reelection in 2010. The ACLI has quietly launched a search for a possible replacement for its current president and CEO, former Oklahoma Gov. Frank Keating, who is seriously considering running for the Senate if Coburn chooses not to seek a second term, according to life insurance industry sources.
Keating, a Republican who served two terms as governor from 1995 to 2003, has a contract with the ACLI that runs to January 2011. He has told leading life insurance executives that he is waiting for Coburn's decision. Coburn has confided to close associates on K Street that he is uncertain about running for reelection; he is expected to make a decision within the next few weeks.