The Coldest Reporting Station
Vostok, Antarctica
Local Time :: 7:10 AM VOST (GMT +06)
Lat/Lon: : 78.4° S 106.9° E
Elevation :: 11220 ft
Temperature :: -54 °F
Conditions :: Clear
Humidity :: 36%
Dew Point :: -63 °F
Wind :: 7 mph from the SSW
Wind Gust :: -
Pressure :: in (Steady)
Visibility :: 12.0 miles
Tbe Warmest Reporting Station
Base Jubany, Antarctica Local Time: 1:33 AM GMT (GMT +00)
Lat/Lon: 62.2° S 58.6° W
Elevation :: 13 ft
Temperature :: 38 °F
Conditions :: Partly Cloudy
Humidity :: 66%
Dew Point :: 31 °F
Wind :: 6 mph from the ENE
Wind Gust :: -
Pressure :: 28.78 in (Falling)
Visibility: 7.0 miles
UV: 0 out of 16 Clouds:
Scattered Clouds
Mostly Cloudy
(Above Ground Level) 6890 ft 984 ft
A glory over the Brunt Ice Shelf. Credit: Michael Studinger
...A glory (click title to entry - thank you) is an optical phenomenon which appears much like a saint's halo about the head of the observer, is produced by a combination of diffraction, reflection and refraction by a cloud of uniformly-sized water droplets. Diffraction is what occurs when a wave of light encounters an obstacle and is bent, and refraction is the change in the direction of a wave, due to a change in that wave's speed, usually as it passes through a medium, such as water or a crystal. Reflection is the return of a wave after striking a surface.
Glories are much smaller than the typical rainbows that stretch across the sky. The size of a glory depends on the size of the droplets that create it....