This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman
(I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
The Eastern Pacific is about as active as the Western Pacific, EXCEPT, the origins of these storms are all from near shore tropical areas where water vapor can be sourced. It is HOWEVER a very odd year. The Typhoons themselves have not that high a vorticity. The highest was a Cat 1 Typhoon. The first of the season that saw winds of 115 mph. After that the storms lost their vorticity, BUT, the damage to land and people is remarkable. More so than I would expect. These other storms are still pushing huge amounts of water ashore, similar to the Katrina phenomena. There was also a significant earthquake near shore Japan at the very same time. There is something odd about the damage and water movement.
August 10, 2009 0430 UTC Water Vapor Satellite of Eastern Pacific
The Wastern Pacific is seeming more activity than the Atantic. But, the same is true when it comes to water vapor. As soon as these storms start to move north along the face of Earth and away from the Intertropical Equatorial Convergence Zone where they derive their source of water vapor they weaken dramatically.
One hurricane this season in the Atlantic, at sea, only achieved a Tropical Depression Status with lowest central pressures of 1006. The years since 2005 are primarily anemic to say the least. There hasn't been a repeat of that year which was a record breaker. It was orginally thought that might occur in a warming climate change planet. That isn't the case. As the surface of Earth heats, the 'water vapor' moves vertically, not horizontally. The water vapor is far above the origins of hurricanes and they cannnot be sustained.
August 10, 2009 1430 z UNISYS satellite of North And West Hemisphere GOES East Satelitte.
The House Democrats need to pass their bill as soon as they return and send it to the Senate and then onto the White House. THE DEBATE over Health Care Reform was cast in November 2008 and all this 'circus' is simply 'courtesy' of a civilized nation. It would be a good idea if there was a viable debate to have, but, these are lies and slanders. There is no substance to the oppostion.
Mike's website today has noted there are leadership groups taking charge of their districts and re-releasing "SiCKO" to be viewed by the public. I think that is very, very smart and shows remarkable leadership.
The facts are clear. We need health care reform and we aren't going to get it with Republicans. The Democrats were elected to protect the nation and they need to do so. Let's get this done. That is why the lies and strong arm tactics. They don't have control. They are attempting to leverage control, but, the fact of the matter is the Democrats are the only people that have the power, and plenty of it, to bring health care reform to this nation. The Republican Circus does not have to effect the outcome at all.
I heard Ronald Regan, Jr. debate this morning. That is a spokesman that cannot be ignored. He knows the issue, is passionate about it and when he makes a statement there is no overcoming the truth and clarity of his argument. It was so nice to hear from him.
The Republicans have no credible leadership either. They simply 'Don't get it and don't want to get it.'
The Leader of the Senate Republicans, Mitch McConnell this weekend stated, "...demonizing citizens who are energetic about this strikes me as demonstrating a kind of weakness in your position...." He manipulated the events and attempted to legitimasize the lies. Whom is demonizing whom here? Who is calling President Obama a Nazi? Whom is bringing Nazi flags to Speaker Pelosi's meetings and rallies? Enough already.
Besides that, when Senator McConnell makes his case, there is no case. It is remarkable the amount of words that man says without stating anything significant. He stated everyone in the country should have the same tax deduction as any corporation does.
It isn't a matter of passing on the cost of health insurance. It is dealing with poor quality insurance companies that exploit their members, it is about containing costs, as well it is about providing insurance for the uninsured. The subject is huge and doesn't boil down to a simple tax write off.
He also stated we need to employ a 'model' for health care that rewarded people whom have lost weight, exercise and are fit. He stated it actually 'bends the cost curve' of companies that employ that model with their employees.
I see.
That is not new.
President Obama already stated that is part of the National Health Care Reform Bill.
So where has Senator McConnell been?
The point is that people are either grossly under-educated to the content of the bills in the House that have to be consolidated and voted on or they simply don't care. Senator McConnell sincerely sounds as if he hasn't even thought about the issue, EXCEPT, he is going to vote NO.
He does not care. He wants this subject to 'go away' with a bill that allows for a tax write off and a 'project model' for health care. That's leadership? No. That says, "Go away you bother me."
That is what that says to me.
The bottom line is the demonstrators are fearful, they have been lied to and have no clue. The Republicans simply don't care. They will vote No. That's all. It will give them points at home so, why not? They don't care.
There is also the issue linked to this subject in regard to Torte Reform. I think that is important. I think Torte Reform should occur. It does not have to be linked to this bill, but, studied and appropriately legislated and I doubt the Repulicans will care about that either or approve of the results of Democrats regarding Torte Reform.
I am finished with this mess. The vote for Health Care Reform took place in November 2008.