There is something that needs to be stated in regard to all these anti-women movements.
The first premise of accepting there is a need for abortion clinics and women's health clinics is to realize a woman does have sex. Therefore, their health is at risk, wittingly or otherwise, for sexually transmitted disease and unwanted pregnancy.
All to often anti-abortionists want to simply state if women didn't have sex in the first place and simply practiced abstinence there would be no problem at all. That fantasy by anti-abortionists is simply that, a fantasy. The reason women's health clinics and abortion clinics exist is because women do have sex. That is the reality. Women do have sex. Once one admits women have sex then there is whom are they having sex with because they aren't practicing abstinence either.
There is also the fact about rape. Women advocates know there are far more rapes that women survive than is ever reported. So, when a woman comes to a health clinic for help in handling what may have been a rape, that real fact isn't necessarily known. They are simply coming to the health clinic because they are worried and/or are pregnant in a manner they had never consented to.
There is a need for women's health clinics for a real reason and to simply state abstinence is the best resolve is to hold childhood priorities and fantasies above all realities as they present themselves.
Then there are the heartbreaking stories about women and their spouse/partner that see the pregnancy adverse to a full term birth and the child's prognosis afterward.
Women do have sex.
How do we know that?
Because they become pregnant with either an expected child and/or an unwanted pregnancy. The unwanted pregnancy has every equitable right for medical intervention as much as a pregnancy to full term has. Women have sex and they have sex for reasons that are their own. Society doesn't have to deal with their reasons for abortion or how the pregnancy occurred in the first place. Society has to deal with a woman's health and providing legal and competent methods and medical professionals for that woman.
A woman's uterus should never be a death sentence. Society has it's responsibility to all citizens not just those adorned in theocratic values. And, yes, forced adoptions are theocratic issues, not that of reality.