My initial reaction is, where is John Edwards? These are his people. The two class system of North Carolina. The two Americas. I imagine he is satisfied to be left alone while Ms. Hunter is writing yet another tell all book. She is toxic and John should sue her. She isn't going to stop being the bad girl to John's good boy. Never. He should put an end to the exploitation of his name and the victimization of his child.
But, that said it is interesting there is FINALLY a boycott of the Pope Cheap Chain Stores.
While John Edwards was a Senator he worked to end the danger to children's products. Why? Because of the cheap stores like that of the Pope Family. When he worked as a liability lawyer he received some of the highest settlements and judgements in the State of North Carolina primarily regarding children.
The products there are mostly cheap throw aways that no one else wants to sell. I don't believe there is one item in any of those stores made in America. The products he sells for decorations and toys are dangerous, both, in the materials they are made of and the dyes used. I would never purchase a product from that store and I have been in those stores. It is the poor that shop there.
Here is something interesting. All the children of North Carolina have to purchase their own school supplies. I'll give you one guess where the poor children find their supplies!
I am glad they are taking this action. I hope they are able to make a strong impression about the reality of "The Two Americas" and how the poor are victimized in North Carolina.
Do you know when the Republicans gained a majority in the NC State House and Senate they passed legislation rejecting Medicare and Medicaid as insurance payment in the UNC Chapel Hill Hospital. I don't know if that lasted because the medical society took it up with the legislature after they did that.
To prove how very toxic people like Pope are, Chapel Hill is a magnificent hospital. I think their Family Practice Clinic is ranked second in the nation. At least it used to be, but, the hospital is where many resident physicians begin their practice. As a result Chapel Hill is a place many poor from the area and across the state come for treatment. Chapel Hill receives monies from the state and has an obligation to care for those that can't pay. At least it used to. But, to even legislate the refusal of Medicare and Medicaid as payment for services is an illustration of the ruthlessness of these no goods in the NC government. Ruthless and cruel with absolutely no conscience about the hardship or deaths it might cause. It is too bad the poor can't seem to get their act together like everyone else.
There may be more ways to make the Pope Family feel the pain they are causing by removing funding to education, health and important services to the poor. Buy making it their purpose to completely privatize the entire North Carolina government. That is their goal. They won't be deterred from it. Promise. But, if there is sincere movement to bring a financial decline to the "Cheap Chain Stores," it might make an impression. Evidently, if Pope is willing to come down of his high horse to speak the the chair of the NAACP in North Carolina he is already worried. More reason to keep on keepin' on.
Pope is on a mission to prove that government works best when left in the hands of the private sector and he fully intends to line his pockets with North Carolina treasury monies in providing those services. I mean if he is going to rule the USA he has to get his billions from somewhere.
While John Edwards was a Senator he worked to end the danger to children's products. Why? Because of the cheap stores like that of the Pope Family. When he worked as a liability lawyer he received some of the highest settlements and judgements in the State of North Carolina primarily regarding children.
The products there are mostly cheap throw aways that no one else wants to sell. I don't believe there is one item in any of those stores made in America. The products he sells for decorations and toys are dangerous, both, in the materials they are made of and the dyes used. I would never purchase a product from that store and I have been in those stores. It is the poor that shop there.
Here is something interesting. All the children of North Carolina have to purchase their own school supplies. I'll give you one guess where the poor children find their supplies!
I am glad they are taking this action. I hope they are able to make a strong impression about the reality of "The Two Americas" and how the poor are victimized in North Carolina.
Do you know when the Republicans gained a majority in the NC State House and Senate they passed legislation rejecting Medicare and Medicaid as insurance payment in the UNC Chapel Hill Hospital. I don't know if that lasted because the medical society took it up with the legislature after they did that.
To prove how very toxic people like Pope are, Chapel Hill is a magnificent hospital. I think their Family Practice Clinic is ranked second in the nation. At least it used to be, but, the hospital is where many resident physicians begin their practice. As a result Chapel Hill is a place many poor from the area and across the state come for treatment. Chapel Hill receives monies from the state and has an obligation to care for those that can't pay. At least it used to. But, to even legislate the refusal of Medicare and Medicaid as payment for services is an illustration of the ruthlessness of these no goods in the NC government. Ruthless and cruel with absolutely no conscience about the hardship or deaths it might cause. It is too bad the poor can't seem to get their act together like everyone else.
There may be more ways to make the Pope Family feel the pain they are causing by removing funding to education, health and important services to the poor. Buy making it their purpose to completely privatize the entire North Carolina government. That is their goal. They won't be deterred from it. Promise. But, if there is sincere movement to bring a financial decline to the "Cheap Chain Stores," it might make an impression. Evidently, if Pope is willing to come down of his high horse to speak the the chair of the NAACP in North Carolina he is already worried. More reason to keep on keepin' on.
Pope is on a mission to prove that government works best when left in the hands of the private sector and he fully intends to line his pockets with North Carolina treasury monies in providing those services. I mean if he is going to rule the USA he has to get his billions from somewhere.

The flier announcing the boycott, which launched November 28, reads:
Conservative, anti-public school businessman Art Pope owns Variety Wholesalers, Inc., the umbrella company for the 8 stores listed. His profits fund anti-public education political candidates and supports anti-public education initiatives that include vouchers, reduced investment in public education, merit pay schemes, and the elimi- nation of professional development programs for educators.
Support the NCAE holiday season boycott.
Avoid shopping at these stores to protest using your tax money to fund private schools and pay for private educations....