Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The only people inept in this issue are the Republicans.

Nunes can't find his own words, including mocking someone who hasn't come forward to defend himself, namely John Bolton. He is still talking about the Whistleblower as if it matters. The complaint is proof of the statements of the Whistleblower. It went through proper channels, there is nothing else to understand, it is a legal document to move forward with hearings that are taking place now.

Volker did not witness the call between Trump and Zelenskyy. He has always been peripheral to this information. Opinion about Volker is that he did have to restate the facts of his testimony, he is a hostile witness given his past and dedication to the Republicans and what is his relationship with Russian Americans bribing Juliani? No one asked him that. Did Volker ever meet Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman socially or officially?

Regarding Ukrainians; the reason President Zelenskyy was elected is that Putin demanded a president he could work with and completely rejected the re-election of President Poroshenko. Putin not only tainted that election with the influence he blackmailed the Ukrainian people. Putin was anxious to reward the Ukrainian people and arranged for a prisoner exchange (click here), INCLUDING A WITNESS TO THE DOWNING OF MH17.

Are the Ukrainians inept? No, they are resigned to the fact Trump is president. You know, Trump, Putin's illegitimate brother.

Republicans are obtuse. I don't know how to put it. Donald J. Trump was on a timeline to end any possibility to Ukraine receiving aid, military or otherwise. Trump was not going to discuss the holding of aid to people that would otherwise advise him differently. He wanted to reach that endpoint and Ukraine would not receive the aid.

The Republicans are on a trajectory that is deceptive and cherry-picked. It is not a trajectory with the US Constitution at it's heart. For god sake, there were lawyers running around hiding the transcript of the conversation and telling members of the group listening to the call to keep it a secret.

I think it is a valid point that Trump was withholding the aid, PERIOD.

Holding the aid to Ukraine threw power to Russia. Trump didn't know that? Really? And he spoke to no one and held it anyway while the staff was trying to understand why the aid hadn't been distributed with a closing deadline on the horizon. Republicans are obtuse. Do they live in cloud city or do they know what reality is?

Donald J. Trump is as corrupt has his illegitimate brother Vladimir who instilled the corruption in Ukraine.

Take it one more step, just one more step with the questions; "If the USA needs to push back more against Russia, then why hold aid to Ukraine?" Just ask it.

Morrison didn't hear anything evil, didn't see anything evil and didn't speak anything thing evil, so why was he worried about the contents leaking out?

DEAR GOD DEVIN, YOU AREN'T A FOX NEWS COMMENTATOR, YET! This is the US Constitution you bozo. The insight Devin Nunes banks on, even about the Steele Dossier, comes from Soloman.

By John Solomon
Opinion Contributor

In February 2016, as Christopher Steele’s Russia-related contacts (click here) with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI were ramping up, the former British spy emailed some intelligence reports from his Orbis security company to a potential private-sector client.

The documents were labeled “Orbis Russian Leadership Reporting,” and the cover email made a most provocative claim: Russian leader Vladimir Putin might be losing his grip on power. (Devin you above everyone else should know that is a lie. Putin was elected for the third time. Now, when something is an obvious lie as this, it is the responsibility of the US House Ranking Member to question these dynamics. You didn't, Devin. You, when Chairman, ran to Trump for guidance. Very sad.)

“I also don’t believe any Russian client or associate will admit to a Western business contact that PUTIN has been weakened or is on the way out, as the intel suggests, out of fear of being branded an oppositionist,” Steele cautioned the recipient. “We shall see but I hope you find them informative/useful anyway.”...

It is a growing movement. Support small businesses frequently and support local farmers.

Organically raised turkeys are a little more pricey, but, Thanksgiving only comes once a year, make it a healthy one.

Recently, Trump announced more money for American farmers. Subsidies for their losses. Losses in revenue is one thing, but, losses in crop production is another. The USA cannot afford to have their farmers fail. Small, local farmers are hearing the call.

November 19, 2019

Over the past several weeks, (click here) more than 65 participants of the OC MADE program were put through an intensive business startup program, which will culminate with participants launching their businesses at the historical O.C. Market Place in Costa Mesa, California on Small Business Saturday. The curriculum focuses on helping participants develop idea-driven concepts, source and price products, and leverage the Market Place as a testing ground through a provided booth space. The program also assists entrepreneurs with their business permits, licenses and vendor registration process for the Market Place.

Last year, 10 businesses were launched through the first OC MADE program during Small Business Saturday. This year, through the same program, more than 40 new businesses will be ready to sell for the first time at the O.C. Market Place. All of this is made possible by the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Orange County Inland Empire (OCIE) District, the OCIE Small Business Development Center Network (SBDC), and the Orange County Market Place....

Small Businesses have always been the flash point for the USA economy.

Small businesses are the future of the revolutionary change that has to occur in the USA. Small businesses were the first to recover after the 2008 global economic collapse.

November 18, 2019
By Steve Frazier

...According to the Congressional Research Service, (click here) since 2011, small establishments have created 2/3rdof net employment gains in the U.S. economy. With that, those surviving more than five years created the largest numbers. If stronger labor market participation and sustained job growth are the end goals, it is essential to help these businesses compete with their larger counterparts and survive with their expanding ideas and emerging economies. We need to help those looking to create.

For starters, clarity in trade, reduction in small employer healthcare pricing and a sensible cost of higher education could help with new business formation and their prospect of longer-term success.

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, small business exporters decreased from 2018 to 2019 while net numbers of new businesses grew. Clarity in trade could help reverse this trend, giving confidence for our entrepreneurs involved in manufacturing to expand their customer base and new ideas to markets outside the United States....

March 24, 2018
By Brock Blake

...One of the most high-profile changes (click here) is that under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, C-corps (Wall Street - Large Corporations) are taxed at a flat rate of 21%—a cut from the previous range of 15%–35%. If your small business is structured as a C Corporation, generally, your taxes will go down. If your business is not structured as a C Corporation, this change will not affect you....

That is the end of the good news of the Trump Tax Cuts.

...Solopreneurs can’t catch a break

There is another catch. If your small business generates revenue through the professional services of one individual (think physicians, dentists, nurses, lawyers, accountants, actuaries, performing artists, athletes, consultants, individuals providing financial services and any trade or business where the principal asset is the reputation or skill of one or more of its employees) your eligibility for this deduction phases out for income between $315,000 and $415,000....
...According to a recent survey, 79 percent of startup entrepreneurs say they had no support from government to launch their companies, and 60 percent believe that government doesn't care about businesses like theirs. Ouch.
So, what’s the real impact on the average small business owner?
  • If your business is structured as a C Corporation, and your taxable income is more than approximately $90,000, your average tax rate will go down.
  • The new pass-through deduction should provide tax savings for many noncorporate taxpayers.
  • New bonus depreciation rules should provide tax savings and corresponding cash flow benefits for taxpayers purchasing new equipment.
The jury is still out on how much this new tax plan will impact small businesses in the short term vs. the long term, but one thing is for sure: small business owners should benefit from these new tax laws.

This is a 2012 study. It shows the wave that took place with the Millenials. 

The year 2012 was marked by entrepreneurial optimism in the United States. (click here) An increasing proportion of the U.S. population believed there were good opportunities for starting businesses, and Total Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA) hit its highest level since the GEM survey started in 1999. Entrepreneurship in the United States exhibited diversity in age, gender, immigrant status and other characteristics, presenting distinct profiles across individual states. While many entrepreneurs endeavored to grow their businesses, they also displayed various examples of closeness, such as operating at home, raising money from personal, family, and friend sources, employing relatives, and rarely selling outside United States borders.

America is often described as a land where people can live their dreams. In 2012, that dream was entrepreneurship.

Anxiety can drive success. But, when one is the sole proprietor of a business, teh fear of failure lingers for years.

...Fear of Failure. This measure continued to inch upward. While one-fourth of those who saw opportunities felt constrained by fear of failure in 2008, one-third felt this way in 2012. The U.S. rate, however, remains below the average among the 24 innovation-driven economies....

Entrepreneurial Activity. The jump to high TEA levels in 2011 was followed by a slight tick upward to 13% in 2012, the highest level recorded in the United States since the survey started in 1999. This represents the highest TEA level among the 24 innovation-driven economies. Entrepreneurial intentions also continued to increase, more than doubling the 2009 rate, when this indicator, along with many others, plummeted during the recession. While the ratio of discontinuances to business starts and ownership matched those in other innovation-driven economies, tthe United States displayed two-thirds more stops proportionately stemming from difficulties obtaining finance.

Business Profile. U.S. entrepreneurs participate in the business services sector to a higher degree than those in other economies, but the majority of entrepreneurs nonetheless operate in the consumer sector. More than two-thirds start at home, yet many established business owners also continue to operate out of their homes (59%). More than one-fifth of the entrepreneurs stated they employed at least one of the following types of employees: family, unpaid/volunteer, and parttime. Thirty percent outsource some of their business activities....

The Millenials are not being afforded the support they need to attend to their lives with confidence. There is too much uncertainty for them.

The flip side of this level of success is the Working Poor that desperately needs a living wage.

Minorities and especially minority women are not leading the pack in achieving their own businesses.

November 14, 2019
By Paula Jones

Baton Rouge - According to The National Association of Women Business Owners, (click here) a 2017 analysis revealed that 11.6 million U.S. companies were owned by women. These businesses employed nearly 9 million individuals and generated over a trillion in sales.

While this statistic indicates a coup for female entrepreneurs, a regional study reveals that though women and minorities who own Baton Rouge-based businesses abound, most aren't receiving the same community support as their more socially privileged counterparts. 

Analysts with Keen Independent Research, an Arizona and Colorado-based economic research and policy analysis firm, were hired to spend a year analyzing the success of Baton Rouge-based businesses owned by women and people of color.

The Advocate reports that on Wednesday night, Keen’s researchers presented their findings to the Metro Council and the picture they painted left much to be desired.

Keen’s findings revealed that though 40% of the companies in the capital city are owned by women and minorities, these businesses are being underutilized for the city-parish’s purchases and contracts.

According to the study, a shockingly small 4% of the approximately $2.4 billion in city-parish contract dollars between Jan. 2013 through Sept. 2017 went to minority- and/or women-owned firms. Besides this, only 1% went to veteran-owned businesses....

This level of discrimination is not contained to the south or Louisiana. The lost 4 fo 5 percent of contractors is a common number in the USA.

November 18, 2019
By Mark Hallum

The city doled out more than $20 billion in contracts (click here) to private businesses this fiscal year — but just 4.9 percent of those deals went to minority- or women-owned businesses, City Comptroller Scott Stringer announced Sunday.

Stringer revealed that figure in an audit of 32 city agencies that casts doubt on the de Blasio administration’s commitment to keeping the tax dollars local.

According to the report, the city had awarded $20.5 billion in bids this year, but only $1.007 billion of that went into the hands of companies with diversity at the core, or M/WBEs.

Believe it or not, this accounts for progress in city government, Stringer noted....

The tend in spending for all levels of government has to be mandated to include percentages of women and minorities. Small businesses and local economies will drive the change necessary to accomplish good health care, living-wage jobs and a future for our children and grandchildren.

We can do this!

There is something every wrong with a health care system that has alienated an entire generation of Americans.

Unfortunately, this isn't being reported by the AMA or the CDC or the NIH, it is being reported by financial pages. "Moody's" (click here) is reporting the decline in the health of our 30 somethings.

Moody's, the financial rating service. The USA has now abdicated health care vigilance to Moody's.

This makes the SECOND GROUP OF AMERICANS receiving reports of danger to their lives. First, it was White Men over 50 and not it is Millenials. This country is in trouble.

November 19, 2019
By Adriana Belmonte

The declining health of the millennial generation (click here) could have a serious impact on the U.S. health care system, according to experts.

“Millennials are seeing their health decline faster than the previous generation as they age,” a Moody’s Analytics report analyzing Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Index data stated. “Without intervention, millennials could feasibly see mortality rates climb up by more than 40% compared to Gen-Xers at the same age.” (Pew Research defines millennials as Americans born between 1981 and 1996.)

These declines will lead to greater demand for treatment, which could have a serious financial impact on the cost of health care....

These are the "Occupy Wall Street" folks. They were neglected then, does that mean they have discounted health care as important because just getting a job was nearly impossible.

From the report: 

1. Millennials are seeing their health decline faster than the previous generation as they age. This extends to both physical health conditions, such as hypertension and high cholesterol, and behavioral health conditions, such as major depression and hyperactivity. Without intervention, millennials could feasibly see mortality rates climb more than 40% compared to Gen-Xers at the same age.

2. These accelerated declines will result in greater demand for treatment and higher healthcare costs in the years ahead. Under the most adverse scenario, millennial treatment costs are projected to be as much as 33% higher than Gen-Xers experienced at a comparable age.

I may wrong, but, isn't this also the generation that has resulted in high obesity rates and early-onset Type 2 diabetes? It was what prompted the Obama Administration to chase down school lunches and healthier options for children.

3. Poorer health among millennials will keep them from contributing as much to the economy as they otherwise would, manifesting itself through higher unemployment and slower income growth. Under the most adverse set of projections, lower levels of health alone could cost millennials more than $4,500 per year in real per capita incomes compared to similarly aged Gen-Xers. Such impacts would be most likely concentrated in areas already struggling economically, potentially exacerbating instances of income inequality and contributing to a vicious cycle of even greater prevalence of behavioral health conditions.

These are the Americans with high student loan burdens. Those loans have impeded their ability to enter car markets at times and forget about owning a home. This generation has a lot of built-in stressors.

I know everyone will want to blame their use of the internet, but, that isn't it. It goes well beyond their online use. These folks are smart, a full 50 percent of that generation are college-educated. They left the "Occupy Wall Street" movement and took on the challenge of living in the USA themselves. This is where the microbreweries took off as a way to actually make a living and also employ others that did not have work.

This generation discovered "TED Talks" (click here) as a vehicle to find their way forward. They faced far more hardship at the ages of 20 than in previous generations. They had to make the world a place where they could survive and thrive if possible.

"The Food Truck" industry grew enormously in this generation.

My feeling is this, the health care industry as it exists today under Trump is not servicing the American people. It is too expensive and health care is being postponed for other priorities like a financial achievement to entering the housing market. This is the generation that was told, "IF YOU GET YOUR CREDIT RIGHT, THE WORLD IS YOUR OYSTER." 

They have a whole lot of stress because they don't understand unions. they don't understand paid holidays and vacation. They have it tough and now it is starting to show up, besides being 30 something with POSSIBLY families and their own planning for their children's future. Then add the mess that is education these days and they feel as though they PERSONALLY are the answer to make everything happen.

There is a lot to this generation and they need anthropologists to study their issues and then demand something be done about them. Wall Street is not the answer for these folks and I don't think it ever will be.

It has been 12 years since the onset of the 2008 global economic collapse in 2007 and not much has helped them. I guarantee they have postponed their own personal rewards for so long their hope for the future is disparaged beyond the understanding of any other generation.

The health care system needs to be revamped and I really think the country needs to seriously find a path to "Medicare of All." This is a very dangerous trend and it has to be stopped.

I've been looking at all these Medicare policies for seniors. This is the time of year when the seniors decide about which insurance company they want to gamble on for another year. If seniors look at their subscription costs, deductibles and co-pays and who knows what else; the costs are at a point whereby they MAYBE better off with straight-up Medicare, Part B (which they pay for every year anyway) and PERHAPS a Part D, IF online coupons won't help and sometimes they don't.

The Wall Street companies are screwing up the WELLNESS of Americans and the American people MUST find a far better solution than allowing Wall Street Profiteers to gamble with their lives. I have never meant it more. This is outrageous. Some of the most wonderful years of their lives are being diminished in quality because of stress and circumstances they cannot control.

TRUMP HAS NOT REWARDED SMALL BUSINESSES, where the Millenniums live, he has only provided enormous wealth to Wall Street. Enough of this. We must find the solutions for our people that provide QUALITY OF LIFE AND SECURITY FOR ALL GENERATIONS.

We need to move into a different energy paradigm with the idea all of the USA needs to be reviewed for lack of quality of life and security and correct the path. There is no choice, this must be done.

These findings have to be duplicated, hence, anthropologists and their more detailed findings.

This is criminal neglect for the people then Assistant Couch Jim Jordan was then responsible.

How did this sleeve bag ever get to be a Congressman? He is protecting a president that used to play peek - a - boo with teenage contestants (click here) in his pageants.

Yelling and screaming at witnesses and bemoaning the CHRONIC wrongdoing of a USA Republican president is nothing to defend. THIS EPISODE WITH TRUMP was due to the fact the Republicans browbeat the Special Counsel report into submission and Trump took advantage of the perception the Special Counsel report is dead. It isn't. Donald J. Trump sought to blackmail the newly elected president of Ukraine to provide a public address of an investigation into the Bidens. He carried out that blackmail insisting Rudy Guiliani and Bill Barr were the contacts for that investigation into the Bidens. 

November 8, 2019
By Corky Siemaszko

A professional referee (click here) says in a lawsuit filed Thursday that disgraced doctor Richard Strauss masturbated in front of him in a shower after a wrestling match at Ohio State University, and that he reported the encounter directly to Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who was then the assistant coach.

“Yeah, that’s Strauss,” Jordan and then-head coach Russ Hellickson replied, according to the lawsuit, when the referee, identified in court papers as John Doe 42, told them about the incident. The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Ohio, implies that Jordan's response to the incident, which the referee said happened in 1994, was essentially a shrug.

John Doe 42 is the second person to say he told Jordan directly about either being approached or molested by Strauss, who was found by independent investigators to have sexually abused 177 male students over two decades....
I don't know how to corruptly use a Javelin. It has it's own targeting device. It can't be controlled remotely. It is a troop friendly weapon. 

Hong Kong police must leave Kong Polytechnic University to allow protesters to leave as well.

November 18, 2019
By Jasmine Leung, Yuliya Talmazan and Matt Bradley

Hong Kong - As Hong Kong police (click here) continued to lay siege to one of the city's universities Tuesday, the former British colony's embattled leader urged around 100 protesters holed up inside to leave the campus "as soon as possible."

Some 600 protesters had left Hong Kong Polytechnic University "peacefully," including about 200 who were younger than 18, Chief Executive Carrie Lam said in a news conference. Those under 18 would not be immediately arrested but could face charges later, she said, adding that the other 400 who have left had been arrested.

The city's hospitals are dealing with nearly 200 injured who have been removed from the university campus and are urging people to stay away from emergency rooms unless absolutely necessary.

A small clutch of family members and friends of those inside have been gathering outside the campus in hopes of news.

Tiffany Chan, 24, who was at the police cordon outside the university said she was worried about her younger brother who is trapped inside....

Family members of the protesters do not see this as a protest so much as people being trapped by the Hong Kong police. The Hong Kong police need to leave the university and the area to allow some semblance of normalcy to return.


"Basic Law" (full text) 

Decree of the President of the People's Republic of China (Special Administrative Region) (click here)
No. 26
I hereby promulgate the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, including Annex I, Method for the Selection of the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Annex II, Method for the Formation of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Its Voting Procedures, Annex III, National Laws to be Applied in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and designs of the regional flag and regional emblem of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, which was adopted at the Third Session of the Seventh National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on 4 April 1990 and shall be put into effect as of 1 July 1997.

Yang Shangkun
President of
the People's Republic of China

4 April 1990

The court is correct in ending the law, it is definitely a human rights violation. China should understand the importance of masks for the pollution it has. People are protecting their lungs from gases that are unknown to them. China has no role here.

November 19, 2019
By James Griffiths

Hong Kong - In a surprise decision Monday, (click here) a Hong Kong court threw out a month-old mask ban the government had introduced in the hopes of stemming the city's ongoing political unrest.

But the ruling has provoked anger in China, with the country's top legislature signaling that it may use this as an opportunity to drastically rewrite Hong Kong's legal framework.

The original ban was introduced by the city's embattled leader, Carrie Lam, using colonial-era emergency powers in the case of "public danger or emergency."

On Monday, the court said that these powers, at least in the case of "public danger," were unconstitutional and had been superseded by the city's de facto constitution, the Basic Law....

There are arrests in the death of Jeffery Epstein.

November 19, 2019
By Jessica McBride

...The United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York (click here) and other officials announced on November 19, 2019 the unsealing of an indictment charging federal correctional officers Tova Noel and Michael Thomas “with making false records and conspiring to make false records and to defraud the United States by impairing the lawful functions of the Metropolitan Correctional Center… a Manhattan detention facility that houses federal inmates.”

U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said in a news release, “As alleged, the defendants had a duty to ensure the safety and security of federal inmates in their care at the Metropolitan Correctional Center. Instead, they repeatedly failed to conduct mandated checks on inmates, and lied on official forms to hide their dereliction.”...       

Opinion of impeachment going forward.

November 19, 2019
By Domenico Montanaro

The country (click here) is witnessing one of only a handful of times in its history that Congress has gone through with public hearings on whether to impeach a president. And yet, the overwhelming majority of Americans across parties say nothing they hear in the inquiry will change their minds on impeachment, according to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll.

Half of Americans said they approve of the impeachment inquiry — about the same as the poll found last month. Respondents are also split on whether they think Trump should be impeached and removed from office.

But 65% of Americans say they can't imagine any information or circumstances during the impeachment inquiry where they might change their minds about their position on impeachment. Just 30% say, yes, it's possible....

There has been a very seriously wrong reversal in policy by Pompeo regarding Israel.

I strongly believe policy with Israel needs to shift to a matter of legislation. This is a very dangerous policy that endangers Israel itself.

To begin, this sudden change in official USA policy has more than a blush of corruption due to the fact Donald J. Trump was voicing displeasure with the Secretary of State. It appears the Secretary of State carried out a defensive move against Trump. 

The West Bank and Gaza are known to be the place where Palestinians can call home. It is these two regions governed by the Palestinian Authority. These announcements regarding the West Bank is void of agreement with the Palestinian Authority.

Israel is entering into a dangerous part of it's short history in that the USA has basically abandoned the region and ceded control to other authorities such as Russia in Syria and Turkey along the northern Syrian border. Israel has never stood on it's own before without the firm support of the USA both in munitions but also regional oppression of powers that would seek to destroy Isreal through war. If the USA is not oppressing these powers Israel basically stands alone.

This policy change by Trump only provides more autonomous decision making by Israel that will be based on political pressures. Those political pressures include very extreme ideas including expansionism and providing approved areas of settlements by citizens of Israel.

Without the USA placing stop gaps in movement by Israel into expansionism and settlements in Palestinian territories, the country will destroy itself through war and ideology. It is that larger picture authorities in the region including Russia, Syria, and Iran anticipate of plans to retaliate. Isreal will not be able to protect itself and the idea of using any fabled use of nuclear capacity is pure foolishness that will contaminate the very air Israel breaths for generations.

I think it is time for the US Congress to legislate Israeli policy to prevent wild swings dangerous to the country. It is time the US Congress legislates the permanent alliance with a love for its people, the defense of it's borders and a lasting and permanent pursuit of peace in the region that includes esteem for the Palestinian people and their right to exist.

November 18, 2019

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (click here) announced Monday that the Trump administration is reversing its stance on Israeli settlements in the West Bank, a move that is bound to create another obstacle to a peace agreement between Israelis and Palestinians.

"The establishment of Israeli civilian settlements in the West Bank is not, per se, inconsistent with international law," Pompeo said at the State Department. Pompeo said that the U.S. was not weighing in on the legality of any individual settlement, leaving that to Israeli courts. He also said that this should not be read as a statement on the final status of the West Bank, which is "for the Israelis and the Palestinians to negotiate."

Pompeo put the announcement — a reversal of the Obama administration — into context of the last 40 years of U.S. administration views of the settlements.

"The establishment of Israeli civilian settlements in the West Bank is not, per se, inconsistent with international law," Pompeo said at the State Department. Pompeo said that the U.S. was not weighing in on the legality of any individual settlement, leaving that to Israeli courts. He also said that this should not be read as a statement on the final status of the West Bank, which is "for the Israelis and the Palestinians to negotiate."

Pompeo put the announcement — a reversal of the Obama administration — into context of the last 40 years of U.S. administration views of the settlements. 

The hearings are dispelling Solomon's reporting. Solomon's reporting is dense propaganda with a willingness to attack important members of the USA Diplomatic Corps.

The only investigation into Burisma was due to unpaid taxes. The company agreed with the investigation and paid what was due. This investigation occurred in 2016.

The scandals of John Solomon's journalism is notable. He published in "The Hill" in order to promote corruption. All this has been discussed ad nauseam on this blog. Bringing Solomon up at the impeachment investigation hearings is trying to give life to once more to lies.

Ukraine is stating in media services today it is very tired of hearing about Burisma.

The updates as the hearings progress are interesting.  Lutsenko is now known as part of the record that Yuriy Lutsenko was a corrupt Prosecutor General in Ukraine. Additionally, U.S. Ambassador Marie L. Yovanovitch has testified under oath to the House Intelligence Committee that she had no list of "Do not prosecute" as has been reported. She also testified to her mistreatment and the corruption that enabled it. Most of what Solomon is trying to defend has been dispelled by witness testimony in the hearings.

On March 20, 2019, (click here) Yuriy Lutsenko, the prosecutor general of Ukraine, gave a controversial interview to The Hill political new website. His comments were saturated with speculation. Apart from the groundless attack against National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) director Artem Sytnyk and the U.S. Ambassador Marie L. Yovanovitch, Lutsenko also made some loud allegation claiming that Sytnyk closed criminal investigations against Mykola Zlochevsky’s Burisma company. On March 25, Ukrainian media announced that Lutsenko and Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor Nazar Kholodnytsky recorded other pieces of the interview for The Hill regarding Burisma.

Burisma appeared in this scandal not accidentally. This is an energy exploration and production company operating in the Ukrainian oil and gas market. During President Viktor Yanukovych’s presidency, which ended on Feb. 22, 2014, amid the EuroMaidan Revolution, Zlochevsky used to be the minister of environmental protection in 2010-2012 and deputy secretary of the National Security and Defense Council in 2012-2014.

In order to gain international weight right after the EuroMaidan Revolution, the company appointed some well-known people to the board of directors, among whom is Hunter Biden, a son of former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden....

The continued reporting by Solomon to date is a Trump-style character assassination of all those telling the truth as well as "Shifty Schiff" the Chairman of the Intelligence Committee. Chairman Adam Schiff has an admirable record of representing his district in California. There isn't anything shifty about him. The malicious identity assigned him by Trump is to provide a label that signifies Chairman Adam Schiff is part of the Deep State. 

Ya know, when it comes to now understanding the level of corruption that exists with Donald J. Trump as president, I suppose everyone who isn't loyal is the Deep State. I am proud to be part of that Deep State.

If Solomon actually cares about journalism he should return to the newsprint that formally carried his articles where at least he was provided dignity by the name of the newspaper alone.
Ranking Member Devin Nunes is a liar. Ukraine never ran a propaganda campaign to benefit Hillary Clinton.

Additionally, the New York Times is not a propaganda rag. Their reporting is painfully factual. I believe it was yesterday there was an Editorial or Op-Ed, I didn't look that closely, they were criticizing Chairman Adam Schiff. 

I don't want to hear it anymore. Rep. Nunes is carrying out a propaganda campaign to divide the country and continue to favor a proven traitor to the USA Constitution. I am waiting for the miracle that brings reality to the minds of the Republicans rather than laying down and rolling over to Trump's demands because they still believe he is the party's leader and can influence the elections of 2020.
