Friday, May 31, 2019

Spoken word poem about racism in New Zealand clocks half a million views (click here for news report - thank you)

She is magnificent. Her words are magic. I could not begin to understand how a personal history would include ancestors that were bought and sold and held in shackles.

There have been more attacks in New Zealand. Knife attacks on trains where people are somewhat helpless victims to the criminal. She mentions trains in her spoken words. She writes poetry and she is right, her curls have a unique history that is her family and her world.

The point is, this is the civilization that the majority of the Western world embraces. She is a product of a culture and society that loves their young people and nurtures them with perfection.

Members of civilized society attend book readings and poetry performances, ballet and opera. Has the USA president taken the time out to enjoy the arts? Does he know what the arts are?

Don't expect anything from him that he hasn't already shown as his only methods of communication. Need I say more?

Let's get something straight about Trump, these deaths won't necessarily bother him.

Trump is a businessman, not a statesman. These deaths won't phase him if he decided to talk to Kim again.

The Third World is very attractive to business people and Wall Street. It isn't as though good relations will bring about democracy or a vast new customer base, but, it will provide cheap labor. So, the idea of improving corporate profits makes the people of the Third World a new harvest of profit taking.

Trump has already engaged Kim Jong Un in relations to bringing business interests to North Korea. I heard there were contracts already in the works. These deaths won't mean anything. They are simply processing problems for the North Korean regime. For all Trump cares, he will believe Kim and go along with the idea they were the cause of the failure of the talks. Any excuse is a good excuse.

Kim has killed his family. Trump knew that going into any "beautiful letter" relationship. Trump didn't care. It is about money.

Usually when the USA begins a new relationship with a country that has the history North Korea does with human rights abuses, there is a lot of concern for correcting that path before any business relationships are embarked on, but, to Trump human rights abuses are not the issue so much as beginning any form of exploitation of human labor or natural resources. Does anyone actually expect Trump to demand environmental regulations to North Korea or China?

He is not Obama or Bush or Clinton. They would seek a better and safer world for the USA to exist in by bringing change to the country. Trump is about money. Getting money. Spending money. Putting his name on any available building to bring more money to his company. Human rights and environmental integrity are foreign to him. He is not interested in being briefed about the higher moral path for anything.

So, don't expect Trump to be the master diplomat. He isn't interested. He is interested in a relationship that carries profits and nothing more. He could not care less about the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. He doesn't care if Russia invades the USA and assaults it's sovereign elections.

Donald Trump does not set limits and conditions, he asks how he can help North Korea with a new form of economy. Trump was engaged in building a tower in Moscow. Why? There aren't a whole lot better places that would be far more successful than Moscow? The Third World and developing economies is the only place where Trump's ideas are viable. He isn't going to take offense from Kim because he executed some people that got him P-O'ed.

May 31, 2019
By Gordon G. Chang

So far, (click here) the most important conclusion we can draw from reports North Korea’s senior nuclear negotiator and four foreign ministry officials were executed in March is this: Kim Jong Un is not the reliable, trustworthy negotiator President Trump has made him out to be.

According to the South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo, a senior aide to leader Kim Jong Un was “sent to a labor and reeducation camp,” and two lower-level officials were imprisoned....

12 dead in Virginia Beach.

April 22, 2019
By Jordain Carney

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) (click here) on Monday vowed to be the "Grim Reaper" for progressive policies if Republicans hold on to the Senate in 2020.

"If I'm still the majority leader in the Senate think of me as the Grim Reaper. None of that stuff is going to pass," McConnell said while speaking to community leaders in Owensboro, Ky....

Speaker Pelosi should task her House Energy and Commerce Committee to write legislation regarding USA tariff policy.

US House Energy and Commerce Committee (click here)

This is a very big deal. She remembers the global economic collapse of 2008. It is this picture that is potentially growing. Today, the financial markets are losing ground. This is THE BEGINNING of a retreat by the markets. The markets never dump all their stocks at once no matter how scared they may be. 

I refer to the Halliburton stocks. Halliburton has been losing value and status since it's involvement in the invasion of Iraq. The fall of it's value has been continuous, but, persistent. That is the way the financial markets handle uncertainty.

It is the loss of moral efficacy that is at play here. The markets demand stability and in that stability are government policies that are rock solid and predictable. Today is a clear indication the markets are concerned for it's future.

The Speaker should task her committee to address this and put those bills forward to be passed by veto proof majorities in the US House and Senate. 

Immigration policy cannot be solved by financial markets. The entire idea is bizarre. The financial markets have a right to know their future and the US House has an opportunity to calm the waters. I am not even a fan of the financial markets and their risky exploits, but, this is going to result in market loss day after day, month after month and the investors won't be thinking twice about abandoning stocks effected by Trump's strange idea of immigration policy.

The US Senate needs to pass the House's immigration reform bill with veto proof majorities.

Yes, it is just that important and Americans need to let their US Senators know this level of turbulence will not be tolerated. There are perfectly good bills the US Senate can pass now that will end this disastrous presidency.

Quite frankly, I think this is a retaliatory attack on GM for it's plant closings and job losses.

These are live updates regarding the ever unpredictable assault on American commerce. (click here)

General Motors has made some surprising statements about it's reorganization out of the car business and into a concentrated assembly of SUVs, trucks and recreational vehicles such as the new Jeep. The Jeep manufacturing plant in Ohio has been refitted to accommodate the new edition of a classic. (click here)

I think Trump's retaliation against GM can be masked as an immigration issue. I also believe companies effected by this bizarre tariff have reasons to file suit against the USA. This is ridiculous. NAFTA is supposed to be replaced by CAMUS, aka USMCA. There have been large amounts of money and time spent by governments and companies to achieve a North American agreement. This is being toyed with for whatever reason that is Trump, including another assault on the USA by a man that is a Russian sympathizer.

I don't believe this is shortsighted; I believe this is a temper tantrum.

This level of unpredictable policy coming from ONLY the Executive Branch is wreaking havoc with the financial markets and rightfully so. There is no place to put money today that is guaranteed to be safe. China's footprint is in question and now this hideous tariff intended to hurt GM is still another clear indication the markets are at risk.

The financial markets are at risk with Trump. The sovereignty of the USA is at risk with Trump. This can't continue. If Trump thinks he can assault private companies for his own bizarre priorities, he is very wrong. This cannot continue.

Donald J. Trump is a danger to the USA in many ways, this is just one.

May 31, 2019
By Meg Wagner and Brian Ries

Oxfam America: Trump's tariff threat is "shortsighted, harmful and counter-productive"

Abby Maxman, president of Oxfam America, issued a statement in response to President Trump’s announcement of new tariffs on Mexico.

Trump threatened to raise tariffs on all goods by 5% starting June 10, if Mexico did not curb the immigration problem plaguing both nations....

H.R. 1 will have to be read along with the Special Counsel's report.

The Special Counsel's report was written out of the alarming circumstances of a foreign power's cyber warfare to place a preferred candidate, Donald J. Trump in office. When the US House convened this session it drew up a bill to address this very assault on the domestic elections of the USA. It is important this bill is read and understood. It is a first step in solving the problems that assault the sovereignty of the USA.

The bill has been passed and is currently in the US Senate waiting a vote. It is an extensive bill. This bill demonstrates clearly there are ways to protect the USA from cyber warfare when it effects the elections.

Shown Here:

Placed on Calendar Senate (03/14/2019)                        Calendar No. 39

1st Session

H. R. 1

To expand Americans' access to the ballot box, (click here) reduce the influence of big money in politics, and strengthen ethics rules for public servants, and for other purposes.

March 12, 2019
March 13, 2019
Read the first time
March 14, 2019
Read the second time and placed on the calendar...

The criminal activity of Donald J. Trump, his friends and his enterprises is astounding.

Li "Cindy" Yang, the friend Trump was pictured with below, was selling influence. Trump knew she was bringing all sorts of people to Mar-a-Lago. Trump, Kraft are all wealthy men that evidently live to be used by everyone else.

The bottom line is money. Yang was using her membership at Mar-a-Lago to bring paying customers on the property and into parties where Trump was present for the very purpose of meeting the president and acquiring influence. Many of her visitors to Mar-a-Lago were from China. They were bringing money to find a way to make American their home for business and otherwise.

This desire for money at any cost is a theme with Trump and his family. It was recently Jared Kushner received a great deal of money from Qatar.

February 11, 2019
By Dmitry Zhdannikov, Herbert Lash and Saeed Azhar

London/New York/Dubai - When news emerged that Qatar (click here) may have unwittingly helped bail out a New York skyscraper owned by the family of Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s son-in-law, eyebrows were raised in Doha.

Kushner, a senior White House adviser, was a close ally of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman - a key architect of a regional boycott against Qatar, which Riyadh accuses of sponsoring terrorism. Doha denies the charge.

Brookfield, a global property investor in which the Qatari government has placed investments, struck a deal last year that rescued the Kushner Companies’ 666 Fifth Avenue tower in Manhattan from financial straits.

The bailout, in which Doha played no part and first learned about in the media, has prompted a rethink of how the gas-rich kingdom invests money abroad via its giant sovereign wealth fund, two sources with knowledge of the matter told Reuters.

The country has decided that the Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) will aim to avoid putting money in funds or other investment vehicles it does not have full control over, according to the sources, who are familiar with the QIA’s strategy.

Qatar started looking into how its name got involved into the deal and found out it was because of a fund it co-owned,” said one of the sources. “So QIA ultimately triggered a strategy revamp.”...

This transaction surprised Qatar. This transaction has caused Qatar to revamp it's investing strategy. It is my opinion, the high level security clearance that Kushner received from his father-in-law, Donald J. Trump, was used to conduct research on how to obtain vast amounts of money from COUNTRIES, such as Qatar, without consent of the country's leadership. I believe Kushner is going to attempt to do the same thing in Europe at the meeting where he is a surprise attendee.

None of these scamming activities are USA business. Trump uses his property in Florida to allow access and no one knows the extent to which he peddles his influence on that property. Evidently, there is enough evidence to warrant the issuing of subpoenas. If there are subpoenas issued, that means there are laws in question. This is the property where the president of the USA spends time, supposedly as a relief from his activities as president. Reagan had California, "W" had Texas and the Clintons would vacation in Massachusetts. But, the activities that occur at Mar-a-Lago aren't for rest and relaxation, it is for more "slick" business dealings.

Donald J. Trump always manages to hold law breaking an arm's length away from himself. It was seen with Michael Cohen, a very fine lawyer with a very fine career, then became entangled with the Trump Company and now is paying the price in prison. That is just one person. Paul Manafort is in prison and definitely connected to the Trump campaign. Manafort is known to have passed campaign polling data to a Russian operative.

This entire presidency stinks. It is wall to wall corruption that occurs daily with members of his cabinet, yet he holds those same people at arms length due to an "Ethics" wall he put in place to protect him from being connected to the wrongdoing.

His daughter, Ivanka gave up her business because the patents she obtained in China for her own wealth became too hot to handle. I have no doubt when she gave up her business it and the Chinese patents were sold for a tidy sum. But the way, those patents will not produce products in China that will be sold in the USA. I have to wonder how much of the Chinese profit Ivanka will offshore. And the closing of her New York office was so tearful. I doubt there were crocodile tears from Ivanka. 

Again, Kushner with the help of Trump, Jr. wrangled visas from our USA Congress to provide Chinese business people a ride to the USA to invest in properties owned by these families.

The ruse with Ivanka and Jared is that they volunteer at the White House as advisors. I betcha, but, the bottom line again here is money and plenty of it. A salary would raise too many questions.

Wealthy people like money. No doubt. They like to make money and sometimes they borrow money to invest in new opportunities. THAT IS NOT WHAT IS OCCURRING WITH TRUMP, HIS FAMILY, HIS EXTENDED FAMILY AND ASSOCIATES.

The law breaking by this president continues with more and more plans by the family to continue their research of highly classified documents to find more opportunistic loopholes like the one in Qatar. This has to end. I can only imagine the talk around the world of the president's escapades with his family of greed merchants.

May 29, 2019
By Alison Durkee

Li Yang, 45, (click here) posed with Donald Trump during the Super Bowl while rooting for the Patriots. Two weeks later, authorities would charge the team owner, Robert Kraft, with soliciting prostitution at a spa in Jupiter that Yang had founded.

The Trump(click hereorganizations have become embroiled in the saga of the Chinese businesswoman peddling presidential access.

President Donald Trump's campaign and “winter White House” are getting pulled into the ongoing saga of massage parlor entrepreneur Li “Cindy” Yang, the Florida GOP donor who's come under scrutiny for peddling access—and possibly foreign campaign donations—to Trump. Less than two weeks after it was reported that federal prosecutors were investigating Yang for possible campaign finance violations, the Miami Herald reported Wednesday that subpoenas have been issued to Trump's Mar-a-Lago club and Trump Victory, a political action committee raising funds for Trump and the Republican National Committee. Both organizations have been asked to turn over all records related to Yang, along with those of some of her associates and companies, as the federal authorities investigate whether Yang illegally funneled foreign money into Trump's campaign. Neither are said to be targets of the investigation....