Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Women of Afghanistan

It is time to reassess cultural directions in Afghanistan. Western ideas and dress will be discarded. There are other countries to use as examples, including Saudi Arabia with women now driving cars. Until such enlightenment reaches the leadership of the country some elevations of women can take place with women voices singing daily prayers over loud speakers. This change should be easily accepted by any Shia of Afghanistan. 

Women that are part of sports and news reporting can provide an excellent example of progress women have made while still accepting traditional dress and culture.

What is most important is for Afghanistan leadership to accept their responsibilities in nurturing the country’s brain trust. Women have proven themselves capable of learning to provide expertise to the country.

There is still a global pandemic that needs to be addressed and the Afghanistan medical society needs to set health requirements along with mental health standards for a country that has an uncertain future at best.

The most important things women and girls should embrace and EXHIBIT are the new rules of conduct and dress that will dominate their lives.

In the two decades in Afghanistan there have been modernized cultures that can be legitimate expressions of Muslim society. Those changes should be pointed to when regression appears to be the answer. 

While communists like Russia and China try to be the Taliban’s best friends and allies, it is notable the communists have not embraced Muslims in their own country.

Chinese Uyghurs


And most of the world knows about the harsh treatment of the people of the Russian Caucuses, the Republic of Ingushetia and Chechnya.

The USA has aid programs that will still be available to Afghanistan women and girls. Advocates should take those programs seriously if their competence as leaders is to grow beyond cruelty in control.

The innate character of the USA west

The western USA was never going to survive, yet grow without human inventions. Bakersfield, California was established because of oil derricks and an aqueduct. Both are human inventions for good or bad.

It isn’t surprising with Earth on fire that once again this wildfire season is one of complete devastation.

The USA is faced with citizens unable to return home or have viable jobs to return to do to wildfires. It is one of the most bewildering emergencies to people. With floods if structures survive it is a matter of drying them out, checking foundations and fighting off mold and fungus, but, in the case of wildfires there is nothing to reclaim. The land itself has changed with lost trees to hold soil in place. Instead, the potential for landslides increase with new and added dangers.

The West is a growing danger to people while hope can be maintained by quickly reforesting with young, native trees that will once again produce roots, shade and water vapor that can recover lost land quickly. Rotting forest debris produced by trees over time is soil. That debris floor soil can be harvested to replace topsoil anywhere in the USA.

With climate devastation there is hope in that North America was once coast to coast old growth forest. That reality goes back to the birth of the USA when only 13 colonies. Every effort should be made to reclaim land by reforestation. Yes, even in chronically flooded regions, with the release of mangrove spicules. The Black Mangrove Tree Forest grows their own land by capturing floating debris among its roots. Inevitably, land will begin to form islands leading to more species of swamp trees including Cottonwood Forests.

The future of the USA is hopeful as out of massive debris and loss of agricultural lands springs nature with gifts to provide a renewal of land and crop production to rival it’s history. We just have to be the people that has a vision for the future of benevolence and renaissance.

The Gulf Coast

I have to laugh at those 3 month supply of meals sold as a real answer to emergency provisions; BOILING WATER for reconstitution of said meals is not available to millions along the Gulf Coast. Water quality is also questionable at this point as well.

A video of a well placed closed circuit camera out  of the UK shows a storm that arrived with a storm surge larger than Katrina. Katrina was 20 feet, this storm exceeded that and arrived immediately and not gradually. That immediacy of that storm surge would have killed if anyone was still along that shoreline. There was no surviving it.

It will take a month if not longer to reconstruct any electricity to those areas effected. There is swamp conditions which will imperil those workers trying to restore the grid.

There are other storms coming so returning to this region is not advised. The people of the Gulf Coast need to consider resettlement or life on a boat. I doubt houseboats will survive such wrath of water and wind.

We are out!

Thank you, President Biden, for extricating the USA from the foreign occupation of Afghanistan. President Biden did what no other president had the guts and grit to do; make the hard choices and bring our troops home.

There is a video, I believe CNN, which shows Taliban soldiers dressed in American uniforms surveying an empty hanger. Very little American material goods of any value was left behind. It was good to see. Our soldiers did a remarkable job in removing American and allied equipment.

Secretary Blinken has also conducted meticulous work in knowing every American in Afghanistan and their wish to leave. As he pointed out there are difficult choices being made by those Americans with dual citizenship and deep ties to Afghanistan. He is not abandoning anyone and has set up a consulate outreach from Qatar. Diplomatic relations will replace guns and bombs and hopefully will return a governance of elected people rather than that of brutality.

I would expect the Joint Chiefs are reassessing the military personnel returning, their debriefing, time off with family and redeployment to peace time priorities.