I feel very bad for everyone today. They don't deserve the "slight" issues by Trump. I want to remind all the great Americans in this country, this is not over. Right?
I remember and this goes back a few years, when I think it was President Clinton in the White House, the defeated party of Republicans didn't take their defeat lying down. They organized a non-profit group of SPEAKERS and hit the road. They toured the country like rock stars. The result was protections of their policies in the hearts and minds of the people. Their tour mattered. It made a lasting impression. They would speak in large amphitheaters and small auditoriums.
One of those speakers was former Secretary of State Powell.
The point is, don't allow this level of disrespect take hold in the hearts of great Americans. Know the path forward to keep the values we all love alive and come up with a tour whereby there are speakers every month visiting the Homeland.
The country needs your continued dedication. Think about it. Perhaps, candidates running for office would love to have one or all on the podium when making bus stops along the way. Who knows, superstars may be in the tea leaves.
All this could have been done differently and discretely, but, Trump loves the show of power regardless the person involved. These men and women don't deserve to be dragged into a public forum and shamed. It just wasn't necessary.