Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Same old right wing macho baloney finally caused death.

Tony Stewart has no problems. He didn't kill anyone. Ward got out of his car and looked for Stewart's car coming around the track. Stewart never asked to have a person angry enough at him to put his life in danger for his fans.

August 10, 2014
By Cornne Heller
NASCAR (click here) champion Tony Stewart is under police investigation after hitting and killing a fellow driver, Kevin Ward Jr., during a Sprint dirt-track car race....

The race is open wheels which is inherently dangerous by its nature. The racing association have to make rules to prevent grandstanding. It is necessary for drivers to exit a car in case there is fire, but, to seek attention and revenge on the track is asking for the award of jackass. Ward didn't value his own life enough. In that is permission to put this fans in the same illogical machismo. 

I don't appreciate the grandstanding for ratings with his fans. The racing industry is as much responsible for not ending this poor sportsmanship a long time ago. 

FOX has been stoking the fires to pressing charges. It is nonsense. If anyone needs to have charges pressed against him it is the late Kevin Ward, Jr.

USGS warns earthquakes on the rise in Oklahoma. Everyone coping okay, while the petroleum industry doesn't care? Need any nerve pills, there are plenty of them.

Posted: Aug 12, 2014 2:25 PM EDTUpdated: Aug 12, 2014 2:25 PM EDTPosted by: Jennifer Cope, Producer
The U.S. Geological Survey (click here) is warning that the chances of a damaging earthquake in Oklahoma have increased significantly.Experts have been studying the earthquakes in our state and have found the number of tremors has been growing since 2009.The moderate quakes could mean that a "big one" is possible and it could hit without warning.The U.S.G.S. has pointed to wastewater injection as a contributing factor to the earthquakes.The petroleum industry's answer to devastating the land in the USA is cope. It would be just too bad if this occurred to the foundation of a home.
A 2011 magnitude 5.7 quake near Prague, Okla., apparently triggered by wastewater injection,buckled U.S. Highway 62. (John Leeman)new study in the journal Geology (click here) is the latest to tie a string of unusual earthquakes, in this case, in central Oklahoma, to the injection of wastewater deep underground. Researchers now say that the magnitude 5.7 earthquake near Prague, Okla., on Nov. 6, 2011, may also be the largest ever linked to wastewater injection. Felt as far away as Milwaukee, more than 800 miles away, the quake—the biggest ever recorded in Oklahoma--destroyed 14 homes, buckled a federal highway and left two people injured. Small earthquakes continue to be recorded in the area....Published Online July 3 2014ScienceVol. 345 no. 6195 pp. 448-451 DOI: 10.1126/science.1255802

Sharp increase in central Oklahoma seismicity (click here) since 2008 induced by massive wastewater injection

  • S. Ge
  • Unconventional oil and gas production provides a rapidly growing energy source; however, high-production states in the United States, such as Oklahoma, face sharply rising numbers of earthquakes. Subsurface pressure data required to unequivocally link earthquakes to wastewater injection are rarely accessible. Here we use seismicity and hydrogeological models to show that fluid migration from high-rate disposal wells in Oklahoma is potentially responsible for the largest swarm. Earthquake hypocenters occur within disposal formations and upper basement, between 2- and 5-kilometer depth. The modeled fluid pressure perturbation propagates throughout the same depth range and tracks earthquakes to distances of 35 kilometers, with a triggering threshold of ~0.07 megapascals. Although thousands of disposal wells operate aseismically, four of the highest-rate wells are capable of inducing 20% of 2008 to 2013 central U.S. seismicity.

    August 12, 2014
    By Bryan Rupp
    In what seems a never ending string of earthquake activity in Oklahoma and now Kansas has been documented during the past 30 days.  The following is a list of earthquakes totalling 86 that have shook the two states with a minimum magnitude of 2.5 in the past 30 days.  This list does not include the smaller quakes with magnitudes of less than 2.5.
    The strongest quake was a 4.3 magnitude that was felt across a wide and vast expanse of Oklahoma and Kansas.  It's epicenter was 24 km WSW of Medford, OK....

    How many times do the geologists of Oklahoma have to conduct studies to prove the danger in this technology?

    August 11, 2014
    By Janelle Stecklein

    OKLA. CITY — Within the next few months (click here) the state’s top earth scientists plan to add 20 new seismic-monitoring stations to better track temblors in Oklahoma.

    Austin Holland, a research seismologist with Oklahoma Geological Survey, said eight permanent and 12 temporary stations will enhance the agency’s existing network.

    “The more stations we have, the better information we can get about the earthquakes,” Holland said. “We want to be consistent in monitoring so that we can say we can see everything above magnitude 2 across the state.”

    When Holland first started working at the Geological Survey in 2009, he estimates the state averaged about 1.5 earthquakes per year. Now, he said, it’s more like 1.5 per day....
    I want to know if Robin Williams was started recently on new medication. I was fairly obvious he was determined. The question is why and were there any other signs.

    Livor mortis helps determine time of death. It is physics. Telltale signs of the progression of post death/post mortum deterioration.

    Lividity (click here) is also useful for this purpose. Lividity is the process through which the body's blood supply will stop moving after the heart has stopped pumping it around the inside of the deceased. What normally happens at this point is that the blood supply - or at least any blood that remains within the corpse depending on the nature of their death - will settle in direct response to gravity....

    Who said this?

    Politically policies of the United States (click here) and the region over very long period of time have created either anger or suffering or skepticism among many in the Arab world who felt that support of sometimes despotic regimes, the favoring of Israel in efforts to reach a peace between the Arab countries and Israel. And the -- as one Arab writer has put it, the inconsistent application or implementation of U.N. Security Council Resolutions where the United States has gone to war and/or other kinds of intense pressures to implement Security Council resolutions on the occupation of Kuwait, on Lebanon and on Iraq, but resolutions that go back to 1967 on the occupation of Arab lands by Israel have virtually been ignored. So that has just created an atmosphere. 

    It was Queen Noor on Larry King Live on April 13, 2007. But, that is not all she said.

    KING: And your late husband spoke that wonderful day. 
    Toronto, Canada, for Queen Noor. Hello. 

    CALLER: Hello, good evening. As most of your life has been spent in the Middle East, though American born, Queen Noor of Jordan, are you dismayed with how relations are between the United States and many Arab counties in the Middle East? 

    NOOR: Yes, extremely. And it's been struggle for me over 26 years to try to contribute a voice that, I hope understands both sides, feels a conviction, absolute conviction that there's far more that Americans and Arabs and Muslims share than divides them. Politically policies of the United States and the region over very long period of time have created either anger or suffering or skepticism among many in the Arab world who felt that support of sometimes despotic regimes, the favoring of Israel in efforts to reach a peace between the Arab countries and Israel. And the -- as one Arab writer has put it, the inconsistent application or implementation of U.N. Security Council Resolutions where the United States has gone to war and/or other kinds of intense pressures to implement Security Council resolutions on the occupation of Kuwait, on Lebanon and on Iraq, but resolutions that go back to 1967 on the occupation of Arab lands by Israel have virtually been ignored. So that has just created an atmosphere. 

    KING: So you're saying they have a reason. They were against the war in Iraq, right. 

    NOOR: I think what's terribly important, we've seen a lot of -- we've seen this in recent conversations -- recent discussions have been held in Washington, is that the people of the Arab world, especially of Palestinians, look at what has been consistent, steady encroachment on their territory of Israeli settlements and settlers over four decades, and continuing expansion of settlements. And that erodes their confidence in whether the Israeli government is truly committed to peace. And it also affects the American image in the region because it seems that the United States is turning a blind eye to what is contrary to U.N. security Council Resolutions....

    The interest in the Queen by the American Public continued.

    ...Caller: I have two quick questions. For the sake of time I'll only ask about one subject. Queen Noor, I'd like to know what you think about the war in Iraq, and do you think we'll ever have peace in the Middle East? 

    KING: Two light subjects. NOOR: Well, I can answer both in perhaps one direction. I believe, as my husband did, that the way to achieve peace in any community in the world, and certainly in the Middle East, is by focusing on human beings, on human needs and human rights and on soft power ways of bringing parties together to try to solve problems peacefully and nonviolently. Dialogue was something that my husband emphasized and was very effective at shortcutting problems that were developing in the region. 

    And I think if the United States in particular, given its active involvement in the region, shifts to increasing emphasis on soft power and on development and support for the different areas that it feels are critical to peace, issues such as governments, but also tackling poverty and unemployment and the importance of education and cross- cultural understanding, which an article recently in this country described as having not been given any greater attention since even 9/11 in universities and schools in this country -- these are the areas where the United States once excelled. Bringing people together, promoting exchange. This is where the United States needs to focus again, and it will have a phenomenal impact. 

    KING: Do you think Iraq was a mistake? 

    NOOR: The war in Iraq? 

    KING: Yes. 

    NOOR: I tend not to focus in on political decisions like that, but that having occurred, on, where can we work now? And I think prior, to the war, I would have hoped for a little more dialogue and a little more coordination and emphasis on the U.N. and the weapons experts to really take that fully to the end before resorting -- that war should be the total last resort. That's what my husband believed and I believe that's the way to peace....

    The United States has had its chance to bring about regime change and has failed. It along with it's allies broke down the peace process of the United Nations. It is time to end the violence in the Middle East. The regional nations knew what was best in the past and I am confident they do today.

    We don't belong in Iraq.

    We never did.

    It is about time Palestinian lives are important.

    August 12, 2014
    By Haaretz

    Latest updates [Tuesday]: (click here)

    8:43 P.M. The British government has announced that if "significant hostilities" resume in Gaza, it will suspend 12 arms export licenses to Israel. Licenses that might be suspended include radar systems, combat aircraft and tanks used by the IDF in Gaza. The Iron Dome is not included. Business Secretary Vince Cable said: “No new licences of military equipment have been issued for use by the Israeli Defence Force during the review period and as a precautionary measure this approach will continue until hostilities cease.” (Barak Ravid) 

    TripAdvisor has listed the top ten zoos in the USA as destination places (click title to entry - thank you).

    If anyone has postponed a vacation, there is still time to relax for at least a day and enjoy some distraction from stress. The zoos are great.

    Zoo camp for children with challenges.

    Mack Livesay, 16, second from right, tries to decide where to put a paper mache balloon full of food in the wolverine enclosure at The Minnesota Zoo during Zoo Crew Camp, for children with autism, on Friday August 8, 2014. Zookeeper Janis Liukonen, left/foreground, told them to put it somewhere that is a challenge for the wolverines, yet to avoid the stream and high branches because it could fall. Livesay is standing by Micah Grubb, center, and Tyler Skrove, right. (Pioneer Press: Jean Pieri)

    August 10, 2014
    By Christopher Magan
    Mack was attending a summer camp last week for teens with autism that is new to the Apple Valley zoo.
    For a week, campers get a behind-the-scenes look at the zoo while learning about the environment and the different jobs at the state-funded facility.
    "You never know who will be the next Jane Goodall," said Tyler Ahnemann, community programs supervisor. "We want to give everyone an opportunity."
    Each summer, the zoo opens its doors to as many as 4,000 camp participants who spend anywhere from an hour to a week learning about plants, animals and the environment. The zoo offers 87 different camps throughout the summer.

    Students at the new autism camp also got some valuable time to practice social skills in a public setting, said Dawn Brasch, education and training specialist for the Autism Society of Minnesota....

    One hundred year old carousel. The maintenance department at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium should be celebrating it's anniversary. 

    August 11, 2014
    By Thomas Gallick

    At the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, (click here) a $1 ticket buys a trip spanning 100 years of central Ohio history.
    The zoo currently is celebrating the centennial of its Mangels-Illions Grand Carousel -- an attraction that has thrilled generations of children at multiple locations since 1914.
    The ride, which features 52 carved horses, two chariots and a Wurlitzer organ, originally was installed at Olentangy Park, an amusement park located just off North High Street between West Dodridge Street and West Tulane Road in Clintonville.
    Mary Rodgers, president of the Clintonville Historical Society, said Olentangy Park sometimes was referred to as the biggest amusement park in the United States -- and even the world -- during its years of operation from the turn of the century to 1938.
    Rodgers said Olentangy Park, along with other other attractions in the Clintonville area at the time, was largely built as a catalyst to increase streetcar traffic in the Columbus area during the weekends. Although the park was one of the world's largest, Rodgers said its clientele was mostly local....

    Chairwoman Janet Yellen assumed office February 4, 2014.

    Everyone knows Carlyle. They are the home of Edward Snowden.

    This is a one year graph of the stock prices for the company. It is noted it's stock met an all time high on February 25, 2014 at a price of $37.85. This was a remarkable improvement in the stock price of Carlyle. The highest the stock had been before was February 15, 2013 at a price of $35.51. Shortly after that maximum in 2013 the stock tumbled to low of $25.13 in September. The downward spiral was consistent during that time. Why is any of this notable? This is the first time in a while that the stock price has not only recovered but SUSTAINED.

    On 30 JULY The Carlyle Group LP (NASDAQ:CG) (click here) issued its quarterly earnings data on Wednesday. The company reported $0.73 EPS for the quarter, missing the Thomson Reuters consensus estimate of $0.74 by $0.01. The company had revenue of $900.10 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $792.35 million. During the same quarter in the prior year, the company posted $0.39 earnings per share. The company’s quarterly revenue was up 77.2% on a year-over-year basis. The Carlyle Group LP (NASDAQ:CG) shares increased 2.38% in last trading session and ended the day on $32.20. CG Gross Margin is 71.80% and its return on assets is 0.30%. The Carlyle Group LP (NASDAQ:CG) quarterly performance is 3.77%.

    Chairwoman Yellen has a very long track record of consistency in decision making. Her academic knowledge and application of those standards are consistent. When the stock market looks at Yellen it sees stability and NOT "Bubble and Bust." President Obama in his 2008 campaign stated there would be no more Bubble and Bust USA economy. He lived up to his word and the USA economy is better off for it. Can we now concentrate on the economic future and not the immediate emergency to create STABLE labor conditions without giveaway cross border trade agreements?

    Just to note, Carlyle was one of the heroes to the Chinese people when they entered the baby formula market. It didn't take a cross border trade agreement to have that occur either. And that is the way it should be. A country needs to correct the insults against it's Middle Class and return function to it's consumers. The Chinese government needed to stabilize the baby formula market to the burgeoning Chinese Middle Class. There were death sentences to the men that ran the baby formula companies using melamine. But, the idea cross border trade is going to solve problems within countries like China is wayward thinking. These trade agreements are being used to skirt USA policy. That should never exist.

    The Chinese Middle Class is growing and China has every reason to be proud of it's long term goals. But, it is the growth in the Middle Class in any country that will bring about global economic stability. THAT is what the goals of the USA should be, not harnessing cheap labor to impoverish the world. The working conditions of laborers in products the USA imports should be paramount to any trade relation.

    ...To address the melamine issue directly, (click here) the company made a major strategic decision to procure 100 percent of its raw milk powder from high-quality overseas dairy producers. It also established product testing collaborations with top-tier international laboratories to strengthen product quality and safety control.

    The Carlyle-Yashili partnership also set an example for the industry to transform itself and elevate its product quality to international standards. With Carlyle’s assistance, Yashili established the Food Quality and Safety Advisory Committee (FQSAC), the first of its kind in the Chinese dairy industry. This served as a catalyst to further enhance its product quality control protocols, via checks by certified auditors from an American auditing company and product testing in certified labs in the U.S., New Zealand and Hong Kong....

    This was a good decision for the companies as well as the consumers. I might point to the fact this was baby formula, not bombs. Now, the Chinese government needs to instill high quality standards to continue to grown it's domestic milk products and continue to improve it's GDP.

    There are many problems in the world and they can be solved if Wall Street tries. It doesn't take a genius to realize a company's reputation is best when all consumers and stockholders have good quality of life and the esteem of it's Middle Class with upward mobility. Chairwoman Yellen knows what she is doing, it is up to Wall Street to pay attention.