This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
...a sincere thank you...

That was the last of the films I viewed at the Fourth Traverse City Film Festival. There was still another day to the festival, but, responsibilities were to call me home.
There were so many exceptional films I could have stayed easily one more day to the closing ceremonies and perhaps next year I will.
I want to thank all those involved with the festival, the State Theater restoration and the burgeoning film industry of Michigan for a completely enjoyable stay and a chance to find a higher conscience to events that shape the life and times I enjoy.
Until next year.
I Am Because We Are

It is a Brian De Palma film. Like. WOW.
I knew going into the festival I would be seeing at least one film about Iraq. I have seen fictious films about Iraq. Films that claimed to portray reality. I didn't bargain for this.
This was a low budget film by De Palma. I think the figure was $2 million. You couldn't prove it by me and there is something to be said about 'seasoned' film artists and getting the biggest bag for the buck.
The film captures the 'dirty potential' of Iraq. It was adapted from real headlines. One might say that Brian De Palma 'had had enough' of the censorship surrounding this war and he decided to throw a small budget film together to entertain the imagination of a nation excluded from a 'real discussion' regarding this war and its more heinous aspects.
The story takes place with GIs stressed by their own sad reality in a country where language barriers are half the issue of American deployments. These soldiers are isolated from any relief to their circumstances and on prolonged deployments without any reality checks.
The circumstances of the film are more than possible. Where American troops are 'law and order' in a country void of any other authority, there is nothing to prevent abuse of citizens for personal purpose and reward to any soldier.
Despite this being a work of fiction, there was so much potential to its circumstances the audience was completely disgusted with its content. One man was so angry at its potential he stood up and walked out while yelling, "Fuck you, America." One got the feeling he might have been a war veteran.
The 'sting' came at the end of this film where actual pictures of dead Iraqi civilians appear with one being the young girl victim of the film. The ending was very surreal.
It is a film any self respecting adult should attend with an open mind to the 'idea' of its reality. It gave profound credence to priorities to leave Iraq and to leave it to an authority 'of, by and for' the Iraqi people.
Thank you, Mr. De Palma.
The Shorts
Another feature of the experience is that it is 'commercial free.' Really commercial free, not like the cable station idea of commercial free, but, sincerely lacking any distraction from the purpose of attending great films.
There were always 'credits of the festival' at the beginning of any film at all the venues. These credits were 'Thank You Notes' to sponsors and to people no longer with the festival that were significant to its development.
It's nice at Traverse City for their annual film festival. Very nice.
A President to Remember: In the Company of John F. Kennedy

Trouble the Water

Are the Russians leaving?
There is not going to be a conflict between the USA and Russia over the emergency in Georgia. The President of Georgia created this emergency and now the Russians are going to contend with it.
Ever since the Soviet Union restructured into Russia and other smaller nations, Russia has fretted and worried about the people of these small nations. Georgia literally turned on its own people in the two break away regions.
Russia is not going to stand by and allow more of the same. Russia is interested in 'one thing' and 'one thing' only. They are interested in stable political states. Stable political states mean there is 'order.' Where there is order, people can live 'predictable' lives. Whether those lives reflect democracy or not isn't the priority of Russia. Any country that sees Russia as 'Anti-Democracy' is sadly mistaken and is raining propaganda in 'fear' of a Russian dominated global environment.
Russia is not going to leave Georgia. Just that simple. The Georgian President thought he could play god with his citizens' lives to invoke a Western backed war. HE WAS WRONG !
U.S. troops arrive with aid for Georgia (click here)
TBILISI, Georgia, Aug. 14 (UPI) -- U.S. military personnel arrived in Tblisi, Georgia, delivering humanitarian aid to thousands of people displaced by the Georgian-Russian conflict.
A senior U.S. Department of Defense official said the relief effort was meant to demonstrate to Russia that the United States "can come to the aid of a European ally and that we can do it at will, whenever and wherever we want," The New York Times (NYSE:NYT) reported Thursday.
In ordering the mission, U.S. President George Bush said Wednesday he expected Russia to honor the cease-fire and ensure that "all lines" remained open for "the delivery of humanitarian assistance and for civilian transit."...