The sun will definitively rise in the morning, however, it depends on condtions as to what the weather will be.
That is what Geithner and Summers is saying. No one wants this economy to 'go bad.' Least of all me. We know for a fact the Obama Stimulus saved jobs and began to create new jobs. It provided opportunities across the board for expansion of a 'sustainable' economy. That will result in a wider tax base and more income to the USA Treasury.
There isn't anything 'magical' I see that will result in a tragedy the magnitude of the Bush/Paulson Economic collapse. Nothing. I would be incredibly surprised if anything started to rattle the American economy.
We have seen the worse of it.
What does that mean?
That means the 'estimates' President Obama and his Cabinet are working with in regard to 'growth' and 'taxation' and where the monies are coming from to fund health care and otherwise are sound.
Got that?
While Geithner and Summers 'CYA' their futures by stating 'everything' is on the table, the LIKELIHOOD of change to the estimates in regard to spending and income and growth will not change.
We are good to go regardless of all the naysayers in the media !

Obama's economic team— Larry Summers, Peter Orszag, Tim Geithner, and Christina Romer