The understanding I have about the current status of the virus is the vaccines are working. Today, those hospitalized are not vaccineated. The vaccines are even effective against the variants. Other Western countries are finding the same conclusions.
The USA must lead in vaccinating other countries to end the death tolls and protect the people that can be protected. It is interesting how other countries are complaining about not having vaccine or enough of it to protect the people and here in the USA where vaccines are more or less abundant there are people that refuse the vaccines and die because of it.
There must be an investigation into the CULTURE that was propagated last year and continues to be propagated by the Republican Party. There are people that are dead because they believed the propaganda to protect an economy rather than their lives. Like the poisoned water in Flint, the glib attitude faciliated by the Republican Party must come to an end. This is an outrage and the people of this country have a right to understand what occurred. I suppose this death toll can be called, "The Second Big Lie."
An investigation must be conducted and conclusions reached.
Oh, as far as the idea that China's lab was the original place of the virus. No one will ever know for sure. If the WHO can't get to the truth, I sincerely believe nothing else will.
The Republicans are still trying to blame "The Chinese Virus" as if it were germ warfare. That is nonsense. Even if this was biological warfare, the CULTURE and presidential incompetence that came out of the Republican Party is responsible for such horrid outcomes in the USA.
Let's get this straight. A United States of America President should know how to protect the people from biological warfare. President George Walker Bush knew exactly what to do and harnessed the country's capacity to produce treatments for the virus he was fighting.
There is no excuse for what occurred in the USA.