This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman
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The proposed Missle Shield by Buah in Poland (click here) is simply "W"rong and at this point is highly inflammatory to international relations. Poland is suspected of aligning with the Bush Administration in allowing extraordinary rendition flights and accommodating torture. The 'big picture' Vladimir Putin is looking at encompasses more than just a defense of Eastern Europe from Iranian potential of nuclear proliferative warfare. It involves an alliance with countries of Eastern Europe already in doubt to the well being of humanity. While there are chronically 'convenient' criticisms of 'civil liberties' built into any international relationship with a communist country; Russia has profound reasons to suspect the actions of the Bush White House on many counts. No one should for one minute believe the current American administration isn't being scrutinized for human rights abuses. That is why Mr. Bush finds embrassing The Pope and touting 'good works' an advantage to his image. If the image he portrays is 'more benevolent' than ominously evil, he can continue to promote aggression that serves his crony agenda.
Bush is "W"rong on this count. Very "W"rong. Russia has made a hugely generous offer to provide safety to Europe in the face of escalating tensions in the Middle East. By opposing the Russian generosity, Bush is 'setting up' Russia into a defensive stance and that is why President Putin is demanding a 'freeze' on any missile shield that poses a direct threat to Russian sovereignty. Bush's insistance of placing MDS in Poland is a huge impetus to war and Russia will have no choice but to posture to defend against it and potential act against it.
According to reports, Poland is already an illegitimate partner in torture by the USA. Russia won't tolerate an escalation in that potential under a 'potentially (MDS is a dreamscape in my opinion)' impenetrable missile shield. MDS escalates nuclear proliferation. It is not an element of Non-Prolifreration. Russia's generosity needs to be met with the same spirit of cooperation the International Space Station received. What Putin has proposed is international cooperation to 'disarm' rouge nations and provide every reason for them to honor Non-Proliferation. Ultimately, if nuclear weapons are nullified in their threat then the reason to have them is hideous. Humanity is safe and the well being of Earth will be served if countries such as Russia can provide a safety net that would defeat Iranian nuclear capacity before it was started. MDS is still so experimental and easily defeated it could never achieve that goal and now with Poland proving to be corrupt in it's relationship with the USA a huge shadow of MDS benevolence is at stake. There is a better way. It is that which President Putin seeks.
Poland denies Council of Europe’s findings over CIA (click here) POLAND 9 June 2007 - Issue : 733 On June 8, Poland denied the findings of a Council of Europe report alleging it had hosted secret US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) prisons for terror suspects, Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) reported. The report released on June 8 said there was proof the CIA had run clandestine prisons for high-profile terror suspects with the consent and cooperation of Poland and Romania between 2003-2005. CIA sources had apparently told Council of Europe investigators Poland was the "black site" where top terrorist suspects Abu Zubaydah and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed were held and possibly tortured. According to the report, Poland's former president Aleksander Kwasniewski had known about the covert CIA activities on Polish soil, but he has flatly denied the allegations. "I deny there were ever any CIA secret prisons in Poland or that I ever approved or discussed this matter," Kwasniewski told Poland's TVP3. "Poland maintains its position on the issue of the alleged CIA prisons on the territory of our country. There were no secret bases in Poland," Polish Foreign Ministry spokesperson Robert Szaniawski added, quoted by the Polish PAP news agency. Szaniawski said Polish officials were waiting for the Council of Europe to produce more details and evidence to support its claims. "Up to now the evidence presented on this issue has been worth very little," he said.