White House support (click here)
...President Obama and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis have both said they support the passage of EFCA as an important way to rebuild the economy and strengthen the middle class....

GM reaches tentative deal with striking US workers (click title to entry - thank you)
Posted Wed Sep 26, 2007 10:06pm AEST
Posted Wed Sep 26, 2007 10:06pm AEST
...Union officials praised the contract, which also includes job security guarantees.
"We feel very good about this agreement," UAW president Ron Gettelfinger said. "I think this strike helped our side."
Mr Gettelfinger predicts GM's employment level should remain constant over the four-year term of the contract....
"We feel very good about this agreement," UAW president Ron Gettelfinger said. "I think this strike helped our side."
Mr Gettelfinger predicts GM's employment level should remain constant over the four-year term of the contract....