Saturday, August 24, 2013

The moisture content in the original graph is at the bottom of the page.

The Rim Fire is outlined in red above. The blue markers are Evacuation/Closures and the green markers are Evacuation shelters. 

GROVELAND, Calif. -- One of the largest wildfires (click here) in recent California history burned out of control in and around Yosemite National Park on Saturday, charring more than 125,000 acres, briefly threatening San Francisco’s power supply and frustrating firefighters' efforts to contain it.

The fast-moving Rim fire has doubled in size since Thursday night and remains only 5% contained, with steep terrain, warm weather and low humidity hampering firefighting efforts. Adding to the difficulty is the blaze's tendency to burn the tops of trees, creating a “crown fire” with long, intense flames that skip across forested land faster than a wildfire that creeps along near the ground.

Assisted by trench-digging bulldozers and water-dropping aircraft, more than 2,600 firefighters were battling the fire. Crews worked Saturday to keep the fire away from buildings at Camp Mather, just north of Highway 120... 

 June 27, 2013

There is currently 128,000 acres burning by official estimates. The efforts to protect the Sequoias in Kings Canyon National Park have been in place since July 3rd due to the profound drought throughout the region. Access to the parks is limited and protected.

The temperature data is ridiculous. It is way too hot. The graph above left is high and low temperatures in Fahrenheit.

This is the Yosemite temperature (graph to right) in Fahrenheit. There are some winds. Moisture content at Yosemite is not great. 

4 Miles NE Yosemite Valley CA (click here)


But, when I looked at the King's Canyon Moisture content it is not great. The graph below.
Point Forecast: 16 Miles NNW Lodgepole CA.36.82N 118.81W (Elev. 4569 ft) (click here)

The forest rangers are correct, the moisture content in the historic forests are a very big concern. 

It recovers somewhat overnight when the sun isn't beating down on the forest, but, the moisture gets sparse during the day. The canopies are always at risk.


This is overnight water vapor in the region. The satellite is about 14 minutes old.

Those large forests manufacture their own water vapor to some extent. They often receive morning water vapor from the ocean.  Of course, moisture content helps reduce fire risk. It doesn't eliminate it and forest canopies are still at risk, but, it does serve to protect the forest.

There is a remote chance at a circulation center offshore Baja. 

If that high pressure system (the dark area) can be pinched off there is a chance there might be some accumulation of clouds. It is that high pressure that keeps that area dry.

August 25,2013
UNISYS Water Vapor GOES West Satellite (click here for 12 hour loop)

This doesn't look too shabby. But, I could not duplicate it when I looked for it again, so I can't say this is an accurate map of the forests south of Yosemite. But, this shows active moisture content that is beneficial to preventing fires.

Here it is.
Point Forecast: 13 Miles NW Lodgepole CA
 36.71N 118.93W (Elev. 5878 ft) (click here)

I knew I ran across something that made me believe there was some degree of safety. This area is between King's Canyon and Sequoia National.

It sort of makes sense there would be an area with some decent water vapor nighttime recovery. If King's Canyon to the north of this and Sequoia National is to the south, it is somewhat better off. It proves that forests are important and the more of them the better it goes. 

I did some readings to the west of Sequoia National and expected far better readings than I got. I tried it a few times because I simply could not believe it. But, it is dry east of Sequoia National Forest. The forest itself is more moist than the land surrounding it. I thought for sure that ocean water vapor would be providing a better moisture content between the forest and the ocean, but, it is not. Too much concrete. Heat islands.

Water vapor content is very elusive if there is not biotic content to MAINTAIN it. 

It is cooler under a tree.

Keep good thoughts and maybe the forests will be okay. 

Legislating extinction.

A disconcerting death of a Bank of America Intern. It may be too many sleepless night before death (click title to entry - thank you).

August 24, 2013
Bank of America Merrill Lynch has announced it will review working conditions for junior employees after the death of a 21-year-old intern last week.
Moritz Erhardt, a Bank of America Merrill Lynch intern, was found dead in his dorm in London. A spokesperson for the London Metropolitan police said the death had been ruled "unsuspicious," and that the medical examiner was expected to release its findings later this week.
However, unconfirmed reports stated that Erhardt had been working through the night in the days before his death.
"We have also convened a formal senior working group to consider the facts as they become known," a spokesman for the Bank of America Merrill Lynch said in a statement. "To review all aspects of this tragedy, to listen to employees at all levels and to help us learn from them."
The company will particularly be looking at the working conditions faced by junior employees and interns.

Fifty years of pain and sacrifice only to have a nation still unwilling to accept it's own shortfalls.

Posted August 23, 2013 at 11:21 a.m

Of all the many marches (click here) on Washington, going back to at least the 1890s, the 1963 civil rights march had perhaps the most lasting impact — influence that lasts to this day.
The Aug. 28 march was the largest ever in Washington — with as many as 300,000 participants — and the first to be nationally televised. If something went wrong — and many people believed, and even secretly hoped, that something would — there would have been no way the presidential spinmeisters could gloss over it.
The Kennedy White House feared violence or mayhem or something else bad. But the march was peaceful and orderly, drawing a happy crowd. And the success of that march was an important step in putting the civil rights movement in the mainstream of American politics....

There is a dramatic example of the lack of progress for African Americans in the USA and I don't ever hear it stated loudly enough. But, there have been only been seven African American Governors in the history of the USA and less US Senators. There are states in the USA with large African American populations that have never known a Black Governor or Senator. Dare I say they have never known a Black US House member.

The seven Governors:

Walter A. Gordon 

Walter A. Gordon was a citizen of the USA from 1894–1976. He is the first Black American to graduate from with a doctorate in law from UC Berkley and would become appointed Governor of the United States Virgin Islands.

William H. Hastie

William H. Hastie was a citizen of the USA from November 17, 1904 – April 14, 1976. He was a lawyer and a civil rights advocate. He became a federal judge and a federal appellate judge He was also appointed as Governor of the United States Virgin Islands.

This Virgin Island Governorship appointment has been a majority of caucasian career military men. I don't know if there was ever a woman serving in that capacity. Elections in the Virgin Islands didn't begin until 1969.

Cyril Emanuel King

Cyril Emanuel King was a citizen of the USA from April 7, 1921 – January 2, 1978. He was the second elected Governor of the United States Virgin Islands until his death in 1978.

David Alexander Paterson

David Alexander Paterson is a citizen of the USA beginning May 20, 1954. He is an attorney and served as the 55th Governor of New York. He was the first Black American to serve as Governor in New York. He was in office for two years having first been Lieutenant Governor. In May 2008, Governor Paterson informed New York State agencies that they were required to recognize same-sex marriage licenses from other jurisdictions for purposes of employee benefits. 

On Tuesday, July 29, Governor Paterson gave a rare televised address that was broadcast on all of New York's major news networks, stating that the state budget deficit had gone up 1.4 billion dollars over the 90 days since his original budget submission, citing rising costs due to the poor economy and a struggling Wall Street, and calling the State Legislature back to Albany for an emergency session starting on August 19, 2008.

On April 10, the $121.7 billion budget package was passed by both houses of the State Legislature. His budget closed a projected $4.6 billion deficit with $1.8 billion of spending cuts, $1.5 billion in additional revenue from increased taxes and fees and $1.3 billion of one time transfers, and did not tap into the state's $1.2 billion of reserves or increase the top income tax rate on those earning $1 million or more.
Paterson's budget provided property tax relief by delivering aid to municipalities, and included restoration of hundreds of millions in property tax rebates for middle-class homeowners and $1 billion for upstate economic development. The spending included a record $1.8 billion aid increase to local school districts, and $2.5 billion in aid for construction projects at state and city public colleges. Governor Paterson decided to fully fund a landmark proposal authored by State Assemblyman Greg Ball, creating a tuition remission program for military veterans, offering them free tuition at both SUNY and CUNY institutions.

Deval Laurdine Patrick

Deval Laurdine Patrick is a citizen of the USA since July 31, 1956. He has served as the United States Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division under President Bill Clinton. He is the first Black Governor of Massachusetts where he is still serving today.

He was raised by a single mother in Chicago and went on to attend Harvard Law School. He practiced law for the NAACP and later went on to practice law with a Boston firm where he became a partner at the age of 34. As the US Assistant Attorney General he worked on issues including racial profiling and police misconduct.

P. B. S. Pinchback

Pinckney Benton Stewart Pinchback was born Pinckney Benton Stewart and was a citizen of the USA from May 10, 1837 – December 21, 1921. He was the first person of African-American descent to become governor of a U.S. state. A Republican, he served as the 24th Governor of Louisiana for 35 days, from December 9, 1872, to January 13, 1873.

His mother was a slave and his father a slave master. He was the son of an interracial relationship because marriage between white and black were forbidden by law. He grew up in affluence until his father passed away. He was then disinherited by the family and the father's estate was removed from his mother and the children. His mother, Eliza Stewart, then left Mississippi to the free state of Ohio fearing her children would be taken as slaves.

Mr. Pinchback has a sincerely incredible military career; to say this man was a fighter all his life is understating his devotion to civil rights. He went on to join the Union Army. He made his way to New Orleans where he prepared many other Black Americans to serve in the 1st Louisiana Native Guards Regiment. He would eventually become Captain of the 2nd Louisiana Native Guards Regiment.

His legislative career was marred with victories and rejections. But, it would be Louisiana where he would make his stand. He was feisty. I like him. He took his father's last name. Probably for recognition. But, he formed the Fourth Ward Republican Club in New Orleans.

He was elected to the state and became senate president pro tempore of a Legislature that included 42 representatives of African-American descent (half of the chamber, and seven of 36 seats in the Senate). In 1871 he became acting lieutenant governor upon the death of Oscar Dunn, the first elected African-American lieutenant governor of a U.S. state.

In 1872 he would serve as Louisiana's Governor for 35 days while then Governor Henry Clay Warmoth was facing impeachment proceedings which would fail.

Lawrence Douglas Wilder

Lawrence Douglas Wilder is a USA citizen since January 17, 1931. He was Mayor of Richmond, Virginia running on an anti-crime campaign. He would be the first Black American to be Governor of Virginia and the first since Reconstruction.

I don't know where the Robert's Court derives their understanding of "Reality in the USA," but, it is removed from the reality most of the citizens understand. 

There is still racism, violent at times that kills our citizens. 

There is still discrimination and oppression as exhibited by the radical change in voting laws to exclude Black Americans. I believe there are sincere grounds for a review of the Supreme Court after this voting rights decision. It was racist to say the least. I don't know how anyone can tolerate that. It was a blatant act of hostility toward the Black community in the USA and there is evidence of it everywhere. The Robert's Court should not get away with it.

By Joan E. Greve

Aug 1, 2013 7:05am

Members of Congress gathered in Statuary Hall (click here) of the United States Capitol on Wednesday to mark the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s March on Washington.

Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., who as a young activist had delivered a keynote speech at the march, addressed his colleagues Wednesday, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., used the occasion to criticize the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on the Voting Rights Act.

“When I look back on August 28, 1963, the day of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, I see it as one of this nation’s finest hours,” Lewis said. “The American people pushed and pulled, they struggled, suffered, and some even died, to demonstrate their desire to see a more fair, more just society.”
Lewis, who received multiple standing ovations during Wednesday’s celebration, recalled the day of the march, before King’s famous “I Have A Dream” speech: ....

Julian Bond is now Chairman Emeritus of the NAACP. He made a television appearance this week and we need to hear more from him. He is eloquent and precise. His experience is unique. His insight is invaluable.

Horace Julian Bond (click here) is a leader of the American Civil Rights Movement. While a student at Morehouse College in Atlanta, he helped found the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) He was elected Board Chairman of the NAACP in 1998.

Born in Nashville, Tennessee, Bond's family moved to Pennsylvania when he was five years old when his father, Horace Mann Bond, became the first African American President of Lincoln University (Pennsylvania), his alma mater. Bond attended Morehouse College in Atlanta and won a varsity letter for swimming. He also founded a literary magazine called The Pegasus and served as an intern at Time magazine....