Yet, do the Conservatives running in opposition and their constituency DEPEND on 'qualities of leadership?' Or do they depend on 'powers of bigotry' to achieve their goals to sustain their agendas that benefit so few and provide profits to corporations over the well being of Americans.
What are the Conservative agendas that will guarantee a good quality of life to all Americans regardless of their circumstances, their religious affiliation or their 'social' status?
Where have the 'abilities' of the Republicans currently 'in power' gotten us and where is the well being of our populous and our nation due to their failed policies?
Can those that 'practice' religion through electorate power realize the failures that exist or are they so blind to their own ambitions that ANY FAILURE is swept away in scripture and with it, unrealistic promise to change the face of the USA and save souls.
I am finished for tonight, but, it is my sincere hope the people that read this are not finished in their reflection of their 'true values' while expressing them at the polls to benefit and protect our nation and the people that call it home.
One last comment. Women have rights. They have minds. They can direct their own value system and 'in that' the protection of their own bodies. No one has a right to interfer and last time I looked no one was closing down churches or stopping religious activism to save souls for God.
Good night.