Sunday, September 24, 2017

This is the way I see the current Senate legislation to substitute with the great Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act with a substandard option.

I think reading HR 1628 is a complete waste of time. The bill takes a long way around to end Medicaid. The entire bill reaffirms the fact the states, healthcare insurances and the insured do not have to offer or enroll in health care.

The funding of the bill HR 1628 will run out in 2025 as the states can receive advances in monies against the following years. The advances are to be taken from the 2025 funding. What happens if a state has a negative balance as of 2025?

The bill is sloppy. It does not follow standard form because it was never written to be law so much as to eliminate law and health care for the Poor, lower Middle Class and the Working Poor. 

But, since states such as California, New York, Michigan, Ohio, New Jersey and others (click here) have a conscience I will read HR 1628, the current legislation before the USA Senate for health care policy.

Until tomorrow.

I will begin reading the bill tomorrow.

United States Senate - Active Legislation (click here)

115th Congress (2017-2018)
September 20, 2017

Bills are arranged alphabetically by popular title or subject so they're easy to find. Bill numbers are provided to facilitate research in

H - Active Legislation

Health Care Repeal and Replace ACA - HR 1628

HR 1628 (click here)