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I take it Musk didn’t just offer Iranians a ride to Mars. The last thing the USA or Israel needs is an enhanced rocket program from Iran. Trump is an absolute idiot. Musk is completely circumventing the USA State Departments and Israel. He is most likely in violation of current sanctions.
The Trump administration is already placing the USA and allies at risk. There are grounds for arrests for everyone involved.
This is all back room dealing. How much of a kick back does Trump get with business deals with Elon? That is all any country has to do to compromise the USA, say the word peace with wealth for Trump and a dreamscape for Musk and USA national security is surrendered. So much for the Powell Doctrine.
Musk is in every decision that Trump makes. This isn’t the Trump 2nd term, it is the Musk first term. There is a lot wrong with this picture. Trump makes the phone call and Musk is deployed.
This is not how The Rule of Law works. First ground work is laid by the USA State Department and doctrines are written and signed before any direct connection with the President of the United States of America. No business man can approach a known enemy of the USA and makes deals. Hank Paulson became USA Treasurer in order to negotiate and develop business ties with China. This is so far out of the laws of the USA, all involved including Trump can be held for treason. They are compromising the strength of our military. Yemen has been firing rockets at US ships for crying’ out loud!
This is beyond classified documents. It includes unknown plans within Musk’s enterprises and the power he needs that compromises the USA. Otherwise, why do it? Musk didn’t pay millions to elect Trump out of friendship and political enthusiasm. Musk went to Iran without any authority what so ever.
Israel and Iran are at war, including terrorist regimes backed by Tehran. This is an outrage to the national security of this country and its allies. I don’t give a damn what Trump says, this is way outside any existing laws.
What is most obvious is that this couldn’t wait.
They all drank Trump’s Kool-aid. They are operating outside all forms of international law and the safety of international security. They are complete idiots for even engaging these dialogues. Musk is taking his security credentials where they were never allowed to go. Trump is using Musk’s security credentials to circumvent USA policy and law.
That’s enough. This country didn’t fight wars with USA blood do some wise guy billionaire can do as he pleases with our country’s security and place footseys with autocrats and communists.
What are the rest of them up to? There were extremely wealthy people throwing a lot of money at Trump. What goes on? This is why he was elected, because he is easily bought, and a puppet besides. Trump is their front man.