Friday, October 19, 2018

There was no excuse for this. There was a health emergency declared.

The State of Michigan should have stepped in and assisted in testing the children. There are health care buses that travel the country. There were buses that could have brought children to hospitals in the area. There was absolutely NO reason for any of this to occur, Snyder didn't care and left all the coping to the people of Flint whom he knew didn't have the resources to take care of the children.
 - Healthcare providers (click here) around the country are taking a literal approach to mobile health these days. They’re customizing RVs, vans, buses and ambulances with telemedicine tools and wireless connectivity to bring healthcare to underserved populations, reduce time to treatment in emergencies and make life easier for schoolchildren and their parents.
In Flagstaff, Ariz., a mobile medical unit affectionately called the “Big Orange Bus” is on the road almost every day of the week in this city of 70,000, visiting businesses, schools and homeless shelters and generally serving as a roving resource for North Country HealthCare’s outreach to underserved neighborhoods....
There is surgery conducted over transmission lines. There is simply no excuse for any of this negligence.
September 28, 2018
By Ron Fonger

Just months after the federal government recognized (click here) a health emergency because of Flint's water in 2016, the Genesee County Health Department was drowning in what came next.

The county couldn't keep up with followup care for hundreds of city kids identified with lead poisoning during the Flint water crisis - more than 200 at the start of the new year, according to state and county records requested by MLive-The Flint Journal through the Freedom of Information Act.

When the state Department of Health and Human Services assessed the county's performance in providing after-care to children with blood lead levels above 5 micrograms per deciliter, it found 85 percent - 173 of 204 children -- had not been connected to the program set up to make them better.

The county's own statistics show that by mid-March, 73 percent of children referred for after-care were not active in case management.

But by May 2016, the county's contract to handle the work had been terminated because of low levels of engagement and a reluctance to take federal resources offered to improve its performance, MDHHS spokeswoman Geralyn Lasher said....     

A quarrel?

There were 15 Saudi Arabian men that came to Istanbul the day Jamal Khashoggi died. Short of Jamal being a marshall arts expert what were they planning on? Why wasn’t Jamal Khashoggi rushed to an emergency room? Because there was no quarrel, there was torture and death by high ranking Saudi security agents.

Quarrel. Where is the body? It is a cover up of a quarrel.

Mt. Vernon was built in 1758.

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George Washington's Mount Vernon
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Mount Vernon, VA 22121

The First Post Office:

Three weeks after the battles of Lexington and Concord, the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia in May 1775 to plan for the defense of the colonies against British aggression and “to take into consideration the state of America. The conveyance of letters and intelligence was essential to the cause of liberty. A committee, chaired by Benjamin Franklin and including Samuel Adams, Richard Henry Lee, Philip Livingston, Thomas Lynch, and Thomas Willing, was named to consider the creation of a postal system....

The battles of Lexington and Concord were the first battles of the USA Revolutionary War on April 17, 1775.

On this day in 1789, 69 members of Congress cast their ballots to elect George Washington the first president of the United States.

How did George Washington get elected without an address?

October 19, 2018
By Deirdre Mask

This month, (click herethe Supreme Court released a 6-to-2 decision upholding a law requiring North Dakotans who want to vote to provide a street address. It’s a good thing for the Republicans that so many Native Americans don’t have them.

People often think of their street names and house numbers as banal. But they’re an essential part of proving your identity. Want to register for school? Open a bank account? Build credit and start a business? Show proof of address.

Native Americans, the largest minority group in North Dakota, have some of the highest rates of poverty in the country. They also disproportionately lack street addresses. Many live in rural locations, where streets have never been systematically numbered and named, and where the Postal Service still does not deliver. They rely largely on P.O. boxes — and a P.O. box doesn’t count as a “residential street address” under the North Dakota law.

Even those who do have an address can be disenfranchised by this law. Many Native Americans rent their homes, which means that the address they have on an ID is more likely to be out of date than it is for those who own their homes. They can provide supplementary documents, like utility bills, to prove residency, except that as Ruth Bader Ginsburg pointed out in her dissent, an estimated 18,000 North Dakotans don’t have those, either....

Is Cruz really anit-semitic? Wow. That rolled off his tongue too easy for me.

I am really am surprised at Ted Cruz. The Republican Party pretends to be strongly Pro-Israel, yet their members back White Supremacists that are highly anti-semitic. How does anyone square that considering what is in the White House now?

October 18, 2018

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz called J Street, (click here) the liberal Jewish Middle East policy group, “rabidly anti-Israel” in the Texas Republican’s debate with his Democratic opponent, U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke.

“Congressman O’Rourke is fond of saying he doesn’t take PAC money, but the truth is different,” Cruz said Tuesday after O’Rourke accused the incumbent of accepting big money from political action committees. “For example, the J Street PAC, which is a rabidly anti-Israel PAC, has raised over $160,000 for Congressman O’Rourke because of his many votes against the nation of Israel.”

O’Rourke has said and J Street has confirmed that O’Rourke accepts money from individual donors who route it through the J Street PAC, but does not accept money from the PAC itself. Donors sometimes route individual donations through PACs in order to emphasize to the candidate the issue that they favor....

There is no excuse for murder.

Jamal Khashoggi was murdered. There was no rule of law applied to his final sentence.

The Middle East is not a place where conversations to achieve a benevolent end can be conducted by people approved by a white washed media that is controlled by leaders that care more about their image. There is an interesting article today in the "Times of Israel."

As few in the USA know, Egypt has been working with the leadership of Israel and Palestine to achieve a peace agreement. Every Friday there is a protest at the Gaza border by the Palestinians. The protesters have died. The protests have escalated to include bomb balloons. Egypt has demanded a civilized protest with respect for their commitment to the peace process. The leadership calling for a peaceful protest is the leader who developed the protests and the escalation to violence that they have become. The whitewashed politicians in DC do not want to be affiliated with him as a peace partner. Egypt sees the end of violence and they will work with all parties responsible for violent leadership to end it.

October 19, 2018
By Judah Ari Gross

One of the main organizers of the “March of Return” protests (click here) along the Gaza border called on participants on Thursday night to behave nonviolently in the demonstration planned for the next day, following a flareup between Israel and the Gaza-ruling Hamas terror group that threatened to spark all-out war.

“The most important message tomorrow is the masses gathering in a peaceful manner,” Khaled al-Batsh, a senior leader of the Iran-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group and an organizer of the march, wrote in a statement....

...Al-Batsh also called on participants not to give Israeli snipers a reason to open fire at them.

Daoud Shehab, another member of the organizing committee of the marches, said officials were encouraging protesters to stay away from the border fence. But he said he was not sure to what extent they would succeed in “restraining the public mood.”...

Why is the Egyptian involvement important with these radicals? Because there is a commitment to bring about peace, improvement of the Palestinian economy and the end of radicalization of the people in Gaza. There is only one way to achieve this and that is to talk to the people responsible for the violence as a method they embrace to act against Israel.

Israel always demands the end of violence before it will discuss peace. That demand is nearly impossible to achieve with a population dedicated to dying to achieve the breaching of a border fence with Israel. The capacity of being peaceful has to be demonstrated to Israel to further the peace talks. When radicals are the leadership there is no choice in whom people speak to in engaging a ceasefire and ultimately peace recognizing Palestine.

If the press in any country engages radicals to bring about a conversation that ultimately leads to a greater understanding of the path forward, there is no shame in that. Quite frankly, that is leadership and blatantly heroic.

Every person in the world deserves a legal process that brings enlightenment to charges and the opportunity to prove her or his innocence. A governance that denies that process to human beings is a human rights violator. Even the Hague, the ultimate place for human rights to manifest, provides a sound process that brings the truth to the floor of a judgment of human rights violators. There is no sacrificing to this process and to be denied a chance to a fair trial is nothing short of a dictatorship that has no benevolence to the people under it's power.

There will be no rest for the power that Jamal Khashoggi met with that resulted in his death. It is a violation of life and there can be no tolerance for it.