The bigots seem to 'hang out' together. They want a theocracy, not a democracy. The USA is not about a religous preference over another. It is about religious freedom. The Right Wing just doesn't 'get it,' regardless of how much 'clout' they carry in a culture of fear.
The issue of Gay Marriage is not about right or wrong. There is nothing wrong with loving another person. It is not about 'majority rule.' The majority of Americans are heterosexual last time I heard.
The issue of Gay Marriage is a Minority Issue. So, the statement, "I represent the majority of the American people," is irrelevant. The Gay Marriage RIGHT to equal civil rights is about the 'strength' of the USA Constitution to grant all its citizens the same rights as any other. It has nothing to do with State's Rights either.
The Religious Right bigoted the issue into a political issue. Extending Civil Rights to every citizen of the USA reveals the strength of the USA Constitution. A Constitution that upholds the integrity of every citizen. A Constitution that honors the civil rights of citizens in the Minority.
Prejean's bigotry is bigger than life. Her hatred of the USA Constitution is more evident than ever and she wanted to be Miss USA? I don't think so.
I need to finish this. The Gay Marriage issue is a non-issue. The legislated 'jargon' that exists today, REGARDLESS, of a majority vote anywhere, is wrong. It is completely wrong. It impinges on the rights of American citizens in the minority that do not have a chance to achieve majority 'consent' to exist.
It was 'spun' into a political wedge issue as a means to harness the 'fear' of Americans supplied with misinformation. THAT misinformation is supplied by the people that 'minister' to them. It is a religous bias. In the greater society of the USA, it is a bigotry. Bias is allowed in religion. I hope I don't have to explain THAT reality.
The point is the Homosexual Community of the USA were scapegoated by a Culture of Fear propagated by the Religious Right looking to create a theocracy in the USA. The Religious Right 'attaches' themselves to politicians that pander to them. It carries at least 23% of the electorate. Not bad for 'marginal' politicians such as Bush. If one was to remove 23% of the electorate from any election the Republicans won't have a chance.
Rove masterminded the Religous Right and the political agenda that would 'secure' at least 23% of any vote at the polls. To elect Walker Bush to office and then to the Presidency, they didn't care who they scapegoated. They didnt' and don't care if they 'fry a planet' to win an election, why would they care about the qualityof life of a minority of homosexuals. Why offer homosexuals the right to marry, even though they are entited to it, if they can't deliver the same number of votes the Religious Right can?
Politics is the ONLY reason this issue exists. There is no other reason. None. The Gay Community works to bring 'information' rather than 'misinformation' to people to acheive equality through 'consent' in a political venue. They were forced into it. The community is incredible. They were magnificent when HIV/AIDS became an obvious issue they would face. So, to achieve better quality of life they have decided to walk the path they are now assigned because of their assignment as a wedge issue. There is nothing American about denying the Gay Community their rights. There is nothing American about continuing their victimization either.