THAT is disgusting.
And I'm callin' it !
Basically, the problem was never sincerely solved after September 11, 2001. The 'populous' mindset is what was pursued to facilitate economic reassurance for the airline industry and exploitation otherwise. The 'real problem' AND 'dangers' were never actually addressed, ie: The Shoe Bomber, etc. Nothing has changed. More inconvenience for purposes of reassurance and the sincere deterrent that results because of it, but, 100% security is not possible when attempting to detect a biological agent.
However, I recall a 'detection device' that was developed with the funding from the USA military to find 'traces' of VX liquid on concrete after the incidence of September 11, 2001. The reason I bring this up is because all the 'biologicals' have similar elements and are non-metal. Whatever radiation a biological substance has to be exposed to in detection is higher than repeated exposure is prudent for people. I don't recall clearly the 'type' of mechanism to this device. BUT. If there is a development of such a mechanism to find extremely small amounts of VX liquid on 'concrete' (another biological compound) it CAN BE INVESTIGATED to look for other biological materials, including PETN. This possibility needs to go forward.
I'll get to the lack of oversight in a minute.
Above is the chemical formula for PETN. It is highly reactive because of the 'oxygen radical.' It is highly stable because the nitrogen atom is positive and stabilizes the oxygen radical until it meets with conditions that cause its instability.
There is a central carbon atom in the middle and the structure of the molecule is highly stable with carbon to carbon single bonds and two hydrogen atoms at each connecting carbon. It is completely a 'biological' molecule and why it is so reactive. That positive state on the nitrogen atom is a 'natural steady state.' Nitrogen enjoys having a positive charge in 'its neutrality.' It is the oxygens that cause the instability. Once there is a destabilized state on one, it is all over, the double bonded oxygen cuts loose and things get to be a mess.
Oh well.
The 'thing' is this. To detect this stuff is nearly impossible, however, I find it odd that there isn't some kind of 'sniffer' dog that can pick up some kind of scent, but, maybe not.
The Brits caught the guy. We have seen this 'lack of focus' by the system before. Back in the day, Europe was warning the USA of these attempts. See the Europeans have a good handle on folks. The countries per square mile are sovereign to authorities that can detect anti-social extremism without too terribly much trouble. If one looks at the 'sovereign effort' per square mile in Europe compared to the USA there is a lot more intense scrutiny 'per person.'
That said, there is a DISCONNECT. I don't know if there is a USA arrogance issue, not enough folks to go around to connect all the dots or what the problem is, but, if I were leading the USA intelligence efforts, considering the 'dynamics' Europe and Interpol bring to that continent, if they stated, "JUMP," I would simply ask 'How high?' Europe's capacity enhances the abilities of the USA and that should be factored into USA intelligence as well.
The fact of the matter is the Brits had it right and something went "W"rong. There is some speculation there is corruption at the European end of this mess. There is concern this idiot talked his way onto the aircraft. There is speculation the person taping the incident was actually a PR person for al Qaeda. Speculate all you want, it is healthy to do, but, at the end of the day the Brits had it right. What transpired from there is a good guess. If the Brits decline passports that means something and no one should be allowed, at any level of a passenger plane administration be allowed to change that. EVER. I don't care if the President of the nation or company CEO is getting on board. If people 'want special treatment' they need to have a court order. I am sure there are 'odds' that say there are 'individual circumstances' whereby that is a burden and imprudent, but, who the hell cares? Excellent quality service sucks.
Passports are an exclusive club to people that abide by the law and seek to work within the infrastructure of a society. I wish everyone in the chain of command at airlines would 'GET IT RIGHT.' The airline is responsible for this. No one else. It happened ON THAT FLIGHT. Okay?
I admire the criminal's father. He was most brave. He could have endangered his own life by coming forward and that should carry a great deal of brevity, especially given his credentials. He is the hero here and I thank him for his ability to see the sanctity of the lives of strangers as important. There was also an incentive to stop his son from killing himself as well and I recognize that. But, it is difficult to make the decision to actually believe one's instincts when it comes to believing 'the worst' about a precious son. He did that. His father believed in what was occurring and acted on it, no doubt in hopes of saving his son's life in order to find a way that would rehabilitate him. I understand Saudi Arabia has a magnificent program for that purpose. That says something about the Saudi's value system. Unlike the USA, it doesn't allow prisoners to decay, but, actually has found methods of rehabilitation.
Society let its guard down. It occurred in Europe. The 'impetus' needs to be thwarted and stopped. CEOs can go straight to hell. Basically, how did this mess occur on that airline on that day? There was every precaution in the world for it to stop and it didn't. Who failed? And why? Where was the system inadequate or corrupted to allow this to happen?
NO PASSPORT? Huh? There needs to be prosecutions for the allowance of such possibilities. There were hundreds of people threatened with their lives, actual damage to property and the list goes on.
Oh, by the way. Behavioral screenings would not have made any difference as the plane was in the air and there was nothing a Behavioral Screener 'on the ground' in the USA could have done to stop it. Just thought I'd clear that up.
What I am most tired of is loss of sanity and grasping by whoever at whatever for an answer while the OBVIOUS goes unaddressed. There is a lot of 'image' issues in the USA. That is a dangerous 'condition' in a society that is highly dependent on visual acuity in 'content of character, purpose and morality.'
In this case, denying the OBVIOUS should be a relief to the CEO of the airline. He needs to be fired by the way, along with everyone else making decisions that day.
It is very easy to get off track in a 24 hour news cycle where 'toxins' enter the language on a regular basis. Preparedness is a good thing, but, believing in the OBVIOUS when people are to board a plane is something that should not be toyed with.
I doubt there will be 'safe' screening procedures to stop PETN (pentaerythritol tetranitrate) from occupying airline cabins along with pilots and other people. They require too much radiation to allow that on a regular basis. I guess getting naked is an option. So, is 'surface transportation.'
I forgot to mention there is a 'resonance' between the two outer oxygens and nitrogen. The double bond actually 'flips' between each oxygen. Believe it or not 'resonance' actually helps stabilize the molecular relationship because it happens so quickly and never leaves any one oxygen radical, too radical for too long. Resonance is not a bad thing. Biotic life would not be possible without it.