This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Monday, April 11, 2011
There is absolutely no way the Japanese economy is going to be effected by this diisaster.
Everyone's oars are in the water and pulling as hard as they can. Many, many countries have devoted assets to the Japanese circumstances and there will be no 'Wall Street Moment.' I'll go as so far as to say, there are more global assets in Japan now then ever before. THAT matters.
Strain from Japan earthquake may lead to more seismic trouble, scientists say (click title to entry - thank you)
By Joel Achenbach, Monday, April 11, 12:37 PM
Japan won’t stop shaking. Monday, one month after the horrific March 11 earthquake and tsunami, the island was rattled anew by an aftershock, this one measuring at magnitude 6.6. It was hardly a major temblor, but it was strong enough to knock out electricity briefly at the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant.
Four days earlier, a magnitude 7.1 quake led to four deaths and widespread power outages. With soldiers still looking for the bodies of thousands of people who vanished a month ago, Japan is coping with the painful reality that it is sits in a seismic bull’s eye.
Now scientists are warning that the March 11 event not only will lead to years of aftershocks but might also have increased the risk of a major quake on an adjacent fault. A new calculation by American and Japanese scientists concluded that the March 11 event heightened the strain on a number of faults bracketing the ruptured segment of the Japan Trench….
I said sometime ago, there was definately a relationship between the 'air-water interface' of Earth and its quakes.
...Dr. Maya Tolstoy, (click title to entry - thank you) Associate Research Scientist at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University, is publishing in the June issue of the journal Geology, research showing that earthquakes coming from the Axial Volcano on the Juan de Fuca Ridge, located off the coast of Washington and Oregon, are occurring during tidal lows when the weight of the water is at a minimum. Tolstoy and her colleagues also found a tidal correlation with signals for harmonic tremors, which are thought to result from super heated water moving in the cracks....
Now, when I say something completely outrageous and bizarre, especially regarding Earth, I mean it. I will definately tell you when to laugh.
Microquakes change the lithosphere in ways that brings on larger reactions. On Earth, the air and water and land definately have a huge geophysical relationship.
No laughing.
Now, when I say something completely outrageous and bizarre, especially regarding Earth, I mean it. I will definately tell you when to laugh.
Microquakes change the lithosphere in ways that brings on larger reactions. On Earth, the air and water and land definately have a huge geophysical relationship.
No laughing.
California - Nevada Fault Map of San Francisco. (click title to entry - thank you)
To run a computer cursor over each fault make at the USGS site will reveal the names of the faults.
The 'aftershocks' of earthquakes, major or otherwise involve, so some degree the surrounding geology of the area.
There have been many terrible earthquakes in the USA, among the worst was the San Francisco earthquake of 1906.
The 1906 San Francisco (click here) earthquake measured a magnitude 7.9 and ruptured 300 miles of the San Andreas Fault, which slipped as much as 20 feet in some places. Historians estimate that more than 3,000 people died in the quake and the ensuing fire, making it the deadliest earthquake in U.S. history.
We live on a dynamic Earth. While predition is convenient and can save lives, that alone does not interpret the future. There are many reasons for Wall Street to 'wager' on the future, but, to degrade a nation such as New Zealand because of unpredictable movements by tectonic plates on a hot plant fueled by carbon dioxide from human activity sets up a fiscal dyanmic the global community should never accept, appreciate or reward. The WTO needs to address the punitive wrangling of the global financial markets and their degrading of countries with trouble due to dynamics out of their reach to 'direct.'
The 'aftershocks' of earthquakes, major or otherwise involve, so some degree the surrounding geology of the area.
There have been many terrible earthquakes in the USA, among the worst was the San Francisco earthquake of 1906.
The 1906 San Francisco (click here) earthquake measured a magnitude 7.9 and ruptured 300 miles of the San Andreas Fault, which slipped as much as 20 feet in some places. Historians estimate that more than 3,000 people died in the quake and the ensuing fire, making it the deadliest earthquake in U.S. history.
We live on a dynamic Earth. While predition is convenient and can save lives, that alone does not interpret the future. There are many reasons for Wall Street to 'wager' on the future, but, to degrade a nation such as New Zealand because of unpredictable movements by tectonic plates on a hot plant fueled by carbon dioxide from human activity sets up a fiscal dyanmic the global community should never accept, appreciate or reward. The WTO needs to address the punitive wrangling of the global financial markets and their degrading of countries with trouble due to dynamics out of their reach to 'direct.'
The Global Financial Markets will find themselves on a very slippery slope if they attempt to 'give margin' to Earth.
Weak Opens Expected For New Zealand, Australia Shares (click title to entry - thank you)
4/11/2011 4:13 PM ET
(RTTNews) - Mixed to lower opens are projected Tuesday for the New Zealand and Australia sharemarkets. Traders saw little direction from Wall Street, where the market awaited the opening of earnings report season after the market close.
New Zealand's sharemarket rose on Monday in a quiet trading session.......In Australia on Monday, the sharemarket moved higher....
...Advancers barely outnumbered decliners 611 to 595 with 365 unchanged....
If financial rating tools are going to begin to seek retribution against countries with tragedies, such as New Zealand with earthquakes and Australia with drought and fires, they will find they aren't going to have many places on this Earth without DEFICIT qualities in the not too distant future.
Sorry, I just don't believe Wall Street is that good. Obviously, actually.
New Zealand Trade to Underpin Currency, May Raise Inflation, Bollard Says (click here)
By Tracy Withers - Apr 11, 2011 7:07 PM ET
...“If households and firms use the income boost from higher commodity prices and exchange rates to bring forward consumption and investment, or increase borrowing, then pressure on resources in New Zealand would lead to more inflationary pressure,” Bollard told a farmers group in Ashburton on the South Island yesterday. “Monetary policy would need to counteract any rise in inflation expectations.”...
Earth is a spaceship that orbits Sol, our sun. We are all passengers and we all carry responsibility for its 'condition.' The deterioration of Earth's troposhere has to end or Earth's imbalance will never end.
There is absolutely no reason for punitive regard for any country with trouble. Over the past decade every country on Earth have mounted massive amounts of aid to those regions of the world and every country has a vested interest in the other. There is no reason for any type of punitive reasoning in the financial markets as they obviously don't have an appreciation for the 'condition of economies' on spaceship. Life in the year 2012 is not toy and neither are nation's of people, their economies and the delicate balance of recovery that is the reality today.
This is the chronically deterioriating Arctic Ocean.
Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
Received 14 January 2004; revised 2 September 2004; accepted 5 October 2004; published 4 January 2005.Various observations and model results point to an arctic sea ice cover that was extraordinarily thin in the 1990s. This thin ice cover was caused by a strengthened cyclonic circulation of wind and ice and by unusual warmth of springtime air temperatures. Here modeled sea ice volume is decomposed into two components: first, a dynamic or wind-forced response to interannually varying winds but a fixed annual cycle of air temperature and second, a thermally forced solution responding only to interannually varying temperatures....
...This behavior seems to characterize an ice cover highly constrained by interannual variations in forcing and not in balance. The bulk (two thirds) of volume loss from the 1960s to the 1990s is a result of a striking
thinning of undeformed ice. The remainder of the volume loss is due to thinning of ridged ice and reduced concentrations. The central Arctic Ocean and particularly the East Siberian Sea suffer the greatest losses (of up to 2 m); the ice north of the Canadian archipelago also thinned since the 1960s by 0.5 m.
The Industrial Revolution statted in the late 1800s. It was in full swing and beginning to result in recognizable environmental deterioration by the 1950s evidenced through the Mauna Loa Laboratories carbon dioxide meansures and warming of the planet. By the 1960s an understanding of "Greenhouse Gases" was the societies of First World nations, including that of the then Soviet Union.
The Arctic Ocean has been losing mass for some time now and it is my estimation it has reached a 'tipping point' that allows an 'attitude / disposition' change in the asthenosphere. That change in 'attitude' has resulted in a movement with in the North American Plate causing its mass to engage movement in the Pacific Plate as it is more 'free floating' than any other major plate. It has virtually no land mass to weigh it down into the asthenosphere.
I believe we are seeing the beginning of tectonic movement that will only grow in dimension across the planet as 'energy waves' shake the plates loose and old jagged corners start to 'round.'
Research takes time before publication to record, synthesis and compose into a reasonably good reporting.
Arctic Ocean sea ice volume: What explains its recent depletion? (click title to entry - thank you)
D. A. Rothrock and J. Zhang
Many feared dead in Haiti quake - Page last updated at 03:19 GMT, Wednesday, 13 January 2010 (click title to entry - thank you)
Haiti Earthquake "Strange," Strongest in 200 Years (click here)
Ker Than
for National Geographic News
January 13, 2010
The magnitude 7 earthquake that struck Haiti yesterday is the strongest earthquake to hit the region in more than two centuries, geologists say.
Haiti lies along the Caribbean Plate and North America Plate. The quake occurred at the southern and eastern end of the island. The Caribbean Plate does not have enough mass in that region to slip this far by itself. The only feasible way to have this occur is if there was a huge nudge by the North American Plate.
Getting the picture yet? No?
Arch Intern Med. 2011;171(7):694-696. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2011.122
INTRODUCTION The Israel Defense Forces Medical Corps Field Hospital was fully operational 89 hours after the Haiti earthquake in January 2010. In earthquake scenarios, crush injuries are a major cause of death. The incidence of crush syndrome can be as high as 25% in earthquake victims. Acute renal failure (ARF), a complication of crush syndrome that is commonly encountered in the first days following earthquakes, has an excellent outcome when renal replacement treatment (RRT) is available.1 The incidence of ARF related to crush syndrome depends on the intensity of the earthquake and the amount of time spent under rubble, and ranges from 0.5% to 25%. More than half of those with renal failure will require RRT.2
The 2010 Chile Earthquake
The North American Plate is huge. It touches the Pacific Plate as well as the Cocas Plate and the Caribbean Plate.
The Pacific Plate is large and primary free of continents. It has a hot spot that it revolves around to some extent and that Hot Spot (click here) Hawii which will be sprouting a new island sometime in the near 'geological' future. The Hot Spot is at the terminal end of the Hawaiian Ridge - Emperor Seamount Chain. All that, except for the Hawaiian Islands and some atolls are under ocean surface.
The Pacific Plate touches the Cocas Plate and Nazca Plate as well as the Antarctica Plate. It was the Nazca Plate which was the immediate villain in this instance. HOWEVER, 2 miles of displacement of the lithosphere required a substantial PUSH. It is my estimate the push came from a free floating Pacific Plate due to a loosened North America Plate.
At least 521 people killed, 56 missing, about 12,000 injured, 800,000 displaced and at least 370,000 houses, 4,013 schools, 79 hospitals and 4,200 boats damaged or destroyed by the earthquake and tsunami in the Valparaiso-Concepcion-Temuco area.
At least 1.8 million people affected in Araucania, Bio-Bio, Maule, O'Higgins, Region Metropolitana and Valparaiso.
The total economic loss in Chile was estimated at 30 billion US dollars. Electricity, telecommunications and water supplies were disrupted and the airports at Concepcion and Santiago had minor damage. The tsunami damaged or destroyed many buildings and roads at Concepcion, Constitucion, Dichato and Pichilemu and also damaged boats and a dock in the San Diego area, USA.
Maximum acceleration of 0.65g was recorded at Concepcion and more than 2 m of uplift along the coast was observed near Arauco. Felt (IX) at Concepcion; (VIII) at Chiguayante, Coronel, Lebu, Nacimiento, Penco, Rancagua, Santiago, San Vicente, Talca, Temuco and Tome; (VII) from La Ligua to Villarrica; (VI) as far as Ovalle and Valdivia.
Felt in Chile as far as Iquique and Punta Arenas. Felt (V) at Cutral-Co and San Juan, (IV) at Cordoba and Mendoza and (III) at Buenos Aires, Argentina and (II) at Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Felt in much of Argentina and in parts of Bolivia, southern Brazil, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. Seiches were observed on Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, USA. A Pacific-wide tsunami was generated. Tsunami wave heights in centimeters (above sea level) were recorded at the following selected tide gauges:...
By the CNN Wire Staff
A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck the central coastal area of Chile on Sunday, some 70 kilometers (45 miles) northwest of Temuco, the U.S. Geological Survey said. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injury.
The quake, which stuck around 5:20 p.m. (3:20 p.m. ET), was felt as far away as Santiago, roughly 595 km (370 miles) north of where the USGS said the quake occurred. The epicenter was more than 10 miles underground, the USGS said.
Loreto Henriquez, manager of the Holiday Inn Express in Temuco, felt the quake for about a minute, describing it as loud and strong. She said people ran into the streets, but did not report any major damage.
The Pacific Plate is large and primary free of continents. It has a hot spot that it revolves around to some extent and that Hot Spot (click here) Hawii which will be sprouting a new island sometime in the near 'geological' future. The Hot Spot is at the terminal end of the Hawaiian Ridge - Emperor Seamount Chain. All that, except for the Hawaiian Islands and some atolls are under ocean surface.
The Pacific Plate touches the Cocas Plate and Nazca Plate as well as the Antarctica Plate. It was the Nazca Plate which was the immediate villain in this instance. HOWEVER, 2 miles of displacement of the lithosphere required a substantial PUSH. It is my estimate the push came from a free floating Pacific Plate due to a loosened North America Plate.
At least 521 people killed, 56 missing, about 12,000 injured, 800,000 displaced and at least 370,000 houses, 4,013 schools, 79 hospitals and 4,200 boats damaged or destroyed by the earthquake and tsunami in the Valparaiso-Concepcion-Temuco area.
At least 1.8 million people affected in Araucania, Bio-Bio, Maule, O'Higgins, Region Metropolitana and Valparaiso.
The total economic loss in Chile was estimated at 30 billion US dollars. Electricity, telecommunications and water supplies were disrupted and the airports at Concepcion and Santiago had minor damage. The tsunami damaged or destroyed many buildings and roads at Concepcion, Constitucion, Dichato and Pichilemu and also damaged boats and a dock in the San Diego area, USA.
Maximum acceleration of 0.65g was recorded at Concepcion and more than 2 m of uplift along the coast was observed near Arauco. Felt (IX) at Concepcion; (VIII) at Chiguayante, Coronel, Lebu, Nacimiento, Penco, Rancagua, Santiago, San Vicente, Talca, Temuco and Tome; (VII) from La Ligua to Villarrica; (VI) as far as Ovalle and Valdivia.
Felt in Chile as far as Iquique and Punta Arenas. Felt (V) at Cutral-Co and San Juan, (IV) at Cordoba and Mendoza and (III) at Buenos Aires, Argentina and (II) at Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Felt in much of Argentina and in parts of Bolivia, southern Brazil, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. Seiches were observed on Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, USA. A Pacific-wide tsunami was generated. Tsunami wave heights in centimeters (above sea level) were recorded at the following selected tide gauges:...
Strong earthquake strikes central Chile (click here)
January 02, 2011By the CNN Wire Staff
A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck the central coastal area of Chile on Sunday, some 70 kilometers (45 miles) northwest of Temuco, the U.S. Geological Survey said. There were no immediate reports of major damage or injury.
The quake, which stuck around 5:20 p.m. (3:20 p.m. ET), was felt as far away as Santiago, roughly 595 km (370 miles) north of where the USGS said the quake occurred. The epicenter was more than 10 miles underground, the USGS said.
Loreto Henriquez, manager of the Holiday Inn Express in Temuco, felt the quake for about a minute, describing it as loud and strong. She said people ran into the streets, but did not report any major damage.
Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:17pm EDT
A magnitude 5.3 earthquake rattled central Chile on Wednesday, shaking buildings in the capital Santiago, but there were no reports of any damage or injuries, the government said.
The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake struck 45 miles north-northeast of the central Chilean port city of Valparaiso, at a depth of 15.3 miles.
Reuters witnesses said buildings swayed in Santiago, 75 miles miles to the east.
"There are no reports of any damage or injuries," a spokeswoman for state emergency office Onemi told Reuters.
Quake-prone Chile's economy is still recovering from a massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake a year ago, which hammered towns, infrastructure and industries in south-central Chile and killed more than 500 people.
Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:17pm EDT
A magnitude 5.3 earthquake rattled central Chile on Wednesday, shaking buildings in the capital Santiago, but there were no reports of any damage or injuries, the government said.
The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake struck 45 miles north-northeast of the central Chilean port city of Valparaiso, at a depth of 15.3 miles.
Reuters witnesses said buildings swayed in Santiago, 75 miles miles to the east.
"There are no reports of any damage or injuries," a spokeswoman for state emergency office Onemi told Reuters.
Quake-prone Chile's economy is still recovering from a massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake a year ago, which hammered towns, infrastructure and industries in south-central Chile and killed more than 500 people.
Tsunami Christmas 2004
It wasn't that long ago a tsunami hit the area of the Indian Ocean and Indonesia.
Some want to say it is becuase we have better technology, so we know more about what is occuring around the world, hence, there is more awareness of these tragedies. Tragedies like these don't go unnoticed no matter what the technology is like. The technology allows for preparedness and saving lives, not 'knowing' or 'reporting.'
These pictures were sent to me within days of the tsunami. They appear in other entries on this blog. The picture above was taken as the wall of water broke into the area where tourists or community had gathered. The picture to the right was taken seconds later when the water had consumed most of the people standing there.
The earthquakes we are seeing sometimes followed by these devastating earthquakes are happening more freqently. This was 2004. Seven years later we are standing in witness of still yet another incredible tragedy. There is 'something' going on with the planet and I am fairly confident I know what it is.
Powerful earthquake rocks Indonesian island, tsunami warning canceled (click title to entry - thank you)
3 April 2011
The 7.1-magnitude earthquake at 3.06 a.m. local time (2006 GMT Sunday) was centered about 293 kilometers (182 miles) southwest of Cilacap, a regency in the southwestern part of Central Java province. It struck about 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) deep, making it a shallow earthquake, according to Indonesia's Meteorological, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG).
BMKG immediately issued a tsunami warning for some coastal areas of Indonesia, prompting residents in those and surrounding regions to flee to higher grounds. The warning was canceled nearly 2 hours later and there were no reports of tsunami activity.
Meanwhile, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) measured the strength of the earthquake at 6.7 on the Richter scale with a depth of 24 kilometers (14.9 miles). It said there was a low likelihood of casualties and damage.
Indonesia is on the so-called 'Pacific Ring of Fire', an arc of fault lines circling the Pacific Basin that is prone to frequent and large earthquakes. Volcanic eruptions also occur frequently in the region.
On December 26, 2004, one of the most powerful earthquakes ever recorded struck off the west coast of Sumatra in Indonesia. The 9.1-magnitude earthquake unleashed a deadly tsunami, striking scores of countries. In all, at least 227,898 people were killed....
Plate Tectonics, a science built by Alfred 1912.
The genius of his work would not be widely accepted until after his death in November of 1930. He was not without recognition. The German government invested $120,000 in 1930 for his last expedition to the Arctic where he studied weather. That sum compares in value to $1.5 million in 2007 (pre-Bush global economic collapse). He was a bit of a national hero. He died in Greenland with a collegue, Rasmus Villumsen, during that expedition with temperatures reaching -76 Fahrenheit. I don't believe they see those temperatures in Greenland anymore. I am confident he did not want to die, but, died with dignity and commitment to purpose.
The work of Wegener is not dissimilar to those that practice scientific investigation. While a theory can be well founded and evidence compellling, the actual acceptance of the reality of the truth of the work often takes time by the community and other government. Scientists die. They die more times than reported in doing what they love and what they know. Dedication knows no purpose to scientists. The dedication they exude, no different than astronauts, are their lives. There is no line drawn between life and purpose, it is the same thing.

Today's Earthquake activity at USGS. (click title to entry - thank you)
Not much reporting in the middle of oceans.
The USGS is among the most sophisticated records of quake activity in the world. The agency of the US government was created on March 3, 1879 by President Rutherford B. Hayes. It has developed over time, but, has been cutting edge in scientific understanding of Earth from the ground up, including it waters, waterways and wildlife including valuable recreational wildlife that contributes to local economies in the USA.
The Survey became vital in 1964 after a devastating Alaskan earthquake. Earthquake prediction became a priority and much of the scientific investigation the Survey had been doing proved to be invaluable to begin this process. The USGS, through records, have been able to determine seismic activity in the USA since 1750. (click here)
The USGS records their data in areas where people live. That has been the purpose of the prediction center. The USGS has become recognized worldwide as a place to look for some of the most immediate information when quakes strike.
This is for them.
...Keiko Niinuma (click title to entry - thank you) has her hands full looking after her three boys, aged four, seven and eight.
They are easily distracted from their school books.
She likes to keep busy. The month that has passed has done nothing to ease the pain.
"When I think about that day, I start crying," she says.
"I get so much help from so many people, I always think I should keep smiling. But when I think of it, if I had been a few minutes later there's a good chance I would have been washed away.
"I drove towards the tsunami to get home. I was so worried about my children I didn't care about my own life. The only thing I thought about was them."
Down the hill from the temple, in the town, it seems little has changed in the few short weeks since the tsunami powered through....
They are easily distracted from their school books.
She likes to keep busy. The month that has passed has done nothing to ease the pain.
"When I think about that day, I start crying," she says.
"I get so much help from so many people, I always think I should keep smiling. But when I think of it, if I had been a few minutes later there's a good chance I would have been washed away.
"I drove towards the tsunami to get home. I was so worried about my children I didn't care about my own life. The only thing I thought about was them."
Down the hill from the temple, in the town, it seems little has changed in the few short weeks since the tsunami powered through....
This is the kind of sanity I understand. The propaganda against safe and sane offshore wind farms needs to stop.
All is calm: Wind-power generators work off a jetty housing power transformers 50 meters off Kamisu, Ibaraki Prefecture, in this photo taken before the March 11 tsunami. COURTESY OF MITANI CORP.
Offshore windmills weather crisis (click title to entry - thank you)
Expansion eyed for plant off Ibaraki running at full capacity
Staff writer
A cheap and simply structured wind-power plant proved more resistant to natural disasters than nuclear plants.
The wind plant 50 meters off the coast of Kamisu, Ibaraki Prefecture, survived the massive March 11 tsunami and is now running at full capacity supplying electricity to Tokyo Electric Power Co., which was greatly compromised when the waves crippled the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.
The wind plant owned and operated by Fukui Prefecture-based Mitani Corp., one of Japan's two offshore wind-power plants, has seven power generators. Each generator is attached to three propeller blades sitting atop a mast that, when turning, transforms wind into electricity.
"All the windmills and transformer stations were safe. Our facilities proved resistant to tsunami," Mitani Managing Director Yoshitaka Yamamoto said.
Each mast, sunk into the seabed at a depth of 25 meters, stands roughly 70 meters above the water. The March 11 tsunami reached 5 meters, Yamamoto said. Each transformer is located on a jetty dozens of meters away from the masts and is enclosed in fiber-reinforced plastic measuring 8.3 meters x 4.3 meters and 4 meters high, he said....
"Forgotten Fire" by Caldera
And you'll wake up to find
that an angel has...
Stabbed you in the back
Riddled you with lies
Took away your peace
Silenced all your cries
Torn apart your mind
Rectified your pain
Parylized your tounge
Driven you insane
How could you forget this fire?
How could justice not be served?
When will truth be on my side?
When will I get what I deserve?
A thousand teardrops
couldn't wash the dirt off
of my name
A royal pardon couldn't take
away these years of shame
I will not be lost
I will not be found
Nailed inside a box
Six feet undergound
How could you forget this fire?
How could justice not be served?
When will truth be on my side?
When will I get what I deserve?
that an angel has...
Stabbed you in the back
Riddled you with lies
Took away your peace
Silenced all your cries
Torn apart your mind
Rectified your pain
Parylized your tounge
Driven you insane
How could you forget this fire?
How could justice not be served?
When will truth be on my side?
When will I get what I deserve?
A thousand teardrops
couldn't wash the dirt off
of my name
A royal pardon couldn't take
away these years of shame
I will not be lost
I will not be found
Nailed inside a box
Six feet undergound
How could you forget this fire?
How could justice not be served?
When will truth be on my side?
When will I get what I deserve?
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