Saturday, April 21, 2007

Brazilians march for gun control

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I'll continue this tomorrow. Probably the afternoon on a faster computre. It'll probably take better part of the afternoon and will go beyond the normal parameters.

Basically, Brazil has some of the most numerous gun laws and most stringent in the world in a nation that is based primarily in democratic principles.


I'll show you a town in Brazil with astronomically high gun crime rates.

I'll talk about the reasons for the laws and why they are failing, including the interference of the latest of laws by the National Rifle Association.

... until tomorrow ...

The Bush Commission is not a Bi-Partisan commission by the way.

There are very few studies of gun control and how it translates into effective law. But there is one readily available to the electronic media.

Gary Kleck found marginal support for gun control in his study with the best outcome when it impacted on dealers and other venues of sales such as 'gun shows' and the like. It is a vast subject and I can only begin to touch on it here, but, there is strong argument for gun control when one examines the issues of another country. That country is Brazil. One might know that the Brady Bill was very successful by every measure.

To impart the vastness of this subject I refer to an article entitled:

UN Conference on Illicit Trade in Small

The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 95, No. 4.
(Oct., 2001), pp. 901-903.

To better understand the Neocons point of view one might listen to their 'round the clock' conference expert who responses to 'the call' for Pro Gun Lobby issues when such focus arise in the USA.

The name if the man that would have the average citizen arm themselves is John Lott (click on).

( Odd, the audio segment originally at Lott's Website isn't there anymore. Hm. click on)

I have to wonder, what indeed would have happened in the NASA facility. I mean there isn't tighter security and there was an employee feeling threatened with his job and carried a gun in to the facility anyway.

I wonder what John Lott would propose of people in a weapon assembly plant that creates something like nuclear weapons? Arms? Really? Hm.

The people of Conservative Talk Radio would even have the American Public School System accommodate an agenda of aggression in that according to them, the current school system teaches passivity.

Really? Well, I remember plenty of news articles about the moms that carry weapons in their handbags while little Georgie pulls it out and plays "High Noon" with his playmates. That is not a tragedy due to availability of weapons? Ah, yeah, it is .

Basically, Mr. Lott believes everyone in the USA needs to be armed to the teeth to prevent assault by others due to intimidation. There is a minor flaw in that strategy. Intimidation would require a killer to be afraid of dying. These killers aren't afraid of dying. At all. They pay their price and keep on going until they are finally stopped and/or MOSTLY commit suicide. In my opinion, this is a crime of suicide when all of life seems ludicrous to them. Guns are responsible for a huge suicide rate in the USA. Mostly men commit suicide with a gun.

It seems to me the 'persona' of male in the USA requires a wild abandon with guns of any nature. If you can't handle a weapon, you ain't a man. That needs to stop. Completely. A civilized society addresses it's issues, not exploit them for profits. I could show you a study that reflects over 70% of the American public since 1939 to present has demanded the control of guns. And get this, that included over 65% of gun owners. Click here for reference cited.

He giveth with one hand and take away with the other. Or will he?

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By Jill Lawrence, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON — The expiration of the 10-year-old ban on 19 types of assault weapons Monday drove up business at some gun stores and set off sparks in the political world.

John Kerry, the Democratic presidential nominee, said President Bush had failed tests of character and leadership. But the National Rifle Association lauded the demise of what it called a "misguided law, which had no effect on the actions of criminals, but penalized law-abiding citizens."

Who actually believes, George Walker Bush and his Former Homeland Security Secretary are actually going to solve this problem realistically? Maybe. But, I am very skeptical considering the focus of the Neocon media services such as FOX News. How's Tony Snow doing? No one ever says these days.

Bush plans committee to examine shootings
Gov. Tim Kaine's spokesman said the federal probe won't affect the governor's panel.

There was a lawsuit whereby Virginia Tech wanted to ban firearms on campus. Their plea was denied, What else is there to investigate? Unless .... ????? .... there is still another agenda.

And this 'reality, that the laws neglected to stop the killer' just might be the exact focus why I nearly don't have to make the rest of my argument. But. For the purpose of focus on corruption and for the record, I'll persist.

WASHINGTON, April 20 — Under federal law, the Virginia Tech gunman Seung-Hui Cho should have been prohibited from buying a gun after a Virginia court declared him to be a danger to himself in late 2005 and sent him for psychiatric treatment, a state official and several legal experts said Friday.

This case received global attention. "Jealous boyfriend guns down 32 "

He started with his former girlfriend, gunning her down in a dormitory in a jealous rage. Less than 2½ hours later, the 23-year-old gunman had killed a further 31 students, staff and himself at the Virginia Tech campus, the worst massacre in America's bloody firearms history.
At least 28 others were in hospital with gunshot wounds and injuries sustained from jumping out of windows in desperate attempts to escape.

Police believe the gunman, Cho Seung-Hui, a Korean student of English at the university and dormitory resident, first opened fire at 7.15am in West Ambler Johnston Hall, killing Emily Jane Hilscher, 18. He is said to have been infatuated with her. "The girlfriend cheated on him and he decided to go on a rampage," Karina Porushkevich, 18, told the Herald. In the aftermath, Ms Porushkevich saw a girl being wheeled out of the dorm with "blood all over her".

"They had a big quarrel and he shot her … then the RA [resident assistant, Ryan Clark, 22] came, and he shot the RA," another student, Chen Chia-hao, told Taiwanese television.
But for the next two hours, no alarm was raised as the gunman hid out in the sprawling campus, where many of its 28,000 students were allowed to start classes.

Students who lived in the dorm said they received knocks on the door and were told to stay in their rooms, but nothing else. It was not until 9.26am that the university sent an email to all students: "A shooting incident occurred at West Ambler Johnston [dorm] earlier this morning. Police are on the scene and are investigating. The university community is urged to be cautious and are asked to contact Virginia Tech Police if you observe anything suspicious or with information on the case."

No more than four minutes after that email, the massacre started in earnest. A gun used in the first two killings was also used in the killings that were about to happen. Police said they had no reason to believe there was an accomplice, but they would investigate that possibility.

At 9.30am, students in the engineering building at the centre of the campus, Norris Hall, called police to say shots had been fired.

The German class in room 207 of Norris Hall had been going for about half an hour when the gunman poked his head in a couple of times. About 180 centimetres tall, he wore jeans and a maroon hat. He also carried a nine-millimetre semiautomatic handgun and a .22-calibre handgun. He walked a metre and a half into the room and began firing. When he was finished, only four of 25 people in that classroom would be able to walk out. The rest were dead or too badly injured.

From this early reporting, which was well done in foreign papers, things got very ugly with the victimization of NBC and the airing of the material the killer sent them. I still firmly believe the airing of the material was best handled by a major media organization rather than a 'leaked' version on some website once the material was handed over to police. Everyone knows it would have happened that way.

Sean was still struggling at end of week to find a footing for his Pro Gun Lobby constituency.

He called on a Superstar to promote hatred of 'nut cases' while linking this incident with Alec Baldwin to 'clues' of the Virginia Tech killer. Huh?

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It's unfortunate when any marriage fails but there is no 'persciption' for a successful marriage. There are no guarantees in life, only the living.

Evidently, Mr. Baldwin had reached the end of his rope with a daughter he dearly wants communication with. In a way, she got her wish and found her power in the relationship. She hurt him, but, in more than one way she hurt herself as well.

In the long view, if he and his daughter find this served as a wedge to their relationship, there will be lost moments by both. I hope that doesn't happen, especially when all this was propagated by conservative media seeking distraction and bolstering of a much bigger issue while attempting to attract ratings and promotion of a political agenda that enhances their financial interests. Let's face it, FOX News ain't public radio.

- tends to be egocentric, critical, and uncooperative

- may be tearful, fearful, and full of worries

- relationship with mother is particularly thorny

- displays anger physically--fights, slams doors, kicks

- away from home, behavior is well mannered and quite helpful

- friendships are still important, but with more quarrels than before
may have one “best friend”

- not actively interested in the opposite sex, but on the verge

From where I sit, this was an obvious issue between the parties involved and not the place of exploitive media to cause greater harm to an already set of injured parties.

If I were Alec Baldwin, I'd sue every media entity including personalities that excerbated the problem with his child and not look back. This should never be allowed to overshadow relationships between famous people and their children. My concern is that people involved in entertainment will relinquish their parental rights and responsiblities to insure their livelihood as anyone else would if their way of making a living was viciously displayed by an angry 11 year old.

The 'leak' was unfortunate and in my opinion very damaging to an young girl in need of guidance rather than indulged to by exploiters that would seek to destroy her father while promoting a false agenda of child advocacy that belongs in a family session, councelor's office or court.

To prove my point, Hannity in his show on Friday not only yelled and harassed Dr. Robby Lukwig to say things that were out of context to the circumstances by William Bladwin, and there was an entire lead-in by Anderson Cooper that is 'typical' of this exploitive and damaging media agenda.

Pete Earley, appreciate you coming on.

We will have you on again, Peter Earley.

The book, again, is "Crazy."Thanks, Pete.You can catch our coverage of the Virginia Tech massacre on the 360 daily podcast. And you don't need an MP3 player.

Just go to Watch it on your computer or get it off iTunes, where it's the number-one news and information download.

Up next: the heroes of the Virginia Tech tragedy. Hear from the brave students who helped others escape the terror.

Also tonight: Actor Alec Baldwin, well, kind of loses control, caught on tape. The question is, why has the tape been made public? Well, you will hear for yourself.


ALEC BALDWIN, ACTOR: I am going to let you know just how I feel about what a rude little pig you really are. You are a rude, thoughtless little pig.


COOPER: Who was he talking to? He was talking to his 11-year- old daughter. You will hear the entire outburst and what he's saying about it now, and, again, why it all has become public -- ahead on 360.


COOPER: We want to update you on some breaking news. ABC News is reporting that Cho might have shared his plans to -- to someone before going on his rampage. Now, we emphasize the word might. But we do not know exactly who that person or persons might have been. We do know that authorities are zeroing in on the possibility that he shared his plans. Tonight, we will continue to follow that throughout the evening.

I bet.

Nothing else happened in the world of course.

Like USA military deaths in Iraq today came to 3315.

Or that the deaths in Iraq overshadow any progress with the Unity Government as members of Maliki's cabinet resign.

That 'The Bush/Cheney/Gate Surge' has caused a surge in Iraqi deaths making March 2007 the highest civilian (That was civilian) casualties since March 2003. One thing is true about WINNING the Iraq War under Bush. Absolutely true, if one is interested in winning. When enough people die and the USA has the biggest guns as winner, that war will definately be won. Now after same, who is left in Iraq that are actually Iraqis is anyone's guess. That is why it is called Genocide. But, that is too heavy a reality for these bozos. So, let's go back to interferring in Alec Baldwin's parenting.

The contents of the tape reveal a parent in a great deal of pain and at 'wits end' in keeping contact with his daughter. The 'interference' could have easily been coached or actually committed by a mother intent on winning a very difficult custody battle.

COOPER: Well, Alec Baldwin released a statement about the call. Here's part of it, and I quote, "I'm sorry, as everyone who knows me is aware, for losing my temper with my child. I've been driven to the edge by parental alienation for many years now. You have to go through this to understand (although I hope you never do). I'm sorry for what happened. But I'm equally sorry that a court order was violated which had deliberately been put under seal in this case."

And as Cooper stated ... Here's part of it ... but, of course all the voice mail message was played. Of course.

BESLOW: My understanding is that the court had already suspended visitation based upon the tape. So at that point in time there was no reason for Ms. Basinger to do anything to impair her ability before the court. And she has a superbly sound tactician, Mr. Hersh, who I know personally, know to be an honorable lawyer, ethical lawyer, but as a litigator he would not have taken this step.

And that is how it comes across to me. As a tactic. As Ms. Basinger may not have compelling evidence to prove her side of the divorce complait and may actually be have the personal issues he states she has, this was obviously an issue of aggression against Mr. Baldwin to manifest exactly the result it did. Why even go public with such proof and a masterful lawyer of a tactician unless they wanted to not only evoke such a response but ruin him publically to 'make him back off.'

It's that last thing Alec Baldwin should do while rebuilding more confidence with the courts involved. I do believe these circumstances were aggravated and of concern to me is the use of this issue in a political spectrum as well as the well being of the 11 year old who may have acted alone in anger while in the custody of her mother or may have been manipulated in these circumstances while now regretting she has injured the relationship with her father while under any undue pressure from her mother.

I find the public airing of these circumstances offensive in many ways. I find them damaging to all the relationships involved and litigable. I hope everyone involved is happy with their lack of ability to control their impulse to exploit. I sincerely don't believe this episode brands Mr. Baldwin as a monster or his daughter as a brat or abused 11 year old. It's disconcerting to hear an interchange like that but it hardly paints a complete picture. It's unfortunate media is finding 'it's juice' in such issues rather than the ravages of an illegal war that profoundly needs to find closure.

It also has absolutely nothing to do with Virginia Tech and the tragedy of this past week.

Sean Hannity is scared. He states his viewership has to help keep him and all his efforts to free America of Democrats will be crushed by those...

... that attack Conservative Talk Radio. Let's see if he's right?

Direct quotes from Sean Hannity:

"Let freedom ring, let the white dove sing, ..., let this be a day of reckoning."

I don't find any freedom in having 32 dead students on a university in the USA. Do you, Mr. Hannity?

"My sympathies to all involved in this tragedy, but, from the start of this the liberals are making this into a political issue."

Really? I suppose 32 dead students planned on being political icons? The problem with radio anchors of Conservative 'Talkie' radio is that they don't know what being civilized is. They don't understand when one dies that means something to someone other than a body count. This current Bush presidency has to be the most violent presidency on record and now with 32 students dead there is no doubt it's worse than Nixon.

Mr. Hannity used as his defense, in promoting lenient gun laws, the death of a Japanese mayor. He stated Japan has the tightest gun laws in the world. I don't know about that, I think China might have them beat. But, just the same, a Japanese mayor was killed with a gun. The killer was a a member of organized crime. The killer at Virginia Tech was a student and not a member of organizaed crime. The killer in Japan knew cognitively well what he was doing, the killer at Virginia Tech was demented. There is a difference. I honestly doubt the killer of Virginia Tech premeditated those murders so much as accummulated momentum toward them.

Japanese mayor dies after being shot by organized crime figure

April 17, 2007 (TOKYO) - The mayor of the Japanese city of Nagasaki was shot to death in a brazen attack Tuesday by an organized crime chief apparently enraged that the city refused to compensate him after his car was damaged at a public works construction site, police said.
The shooting was rare in a country where handguns are strictly banned and only four politicians are known to have been killed since World War II.

Mayor Iccho Ito, 61, was shot twice in the back at point-blank range outside a train station Tuesday evening, Nagasaki police official Rumi Tsujimoto said.

One of the bullets struck the mayor's heart and he went into cardiac arrest, according to Nagasaki University Hospital spokesman Kenzo Kusano. Ito died after emergency surgery, said Nagasaki prefectural police official Hirofumi Ito.

Tetsuya Shiroo, a senior member of Yamaguchi-gumi, Japan's largest organized crime syndicate, was wrestled to the ground by officers after the attack and arrested for attempted murder, police said.

Direct quotes from Neil Bortz

"...when my book made the New York Times Best Seller List, I got faced...have you ever smoked pot and drank champagne at the same time?"

"...there was a shooting at Virginia Tech, where is Marcus Vick?" Neal is referring to an African American student he believes is a 'gangsta.'

"If this news happened last week, Imus would still have a job. The problem was that there was no news last week to overshadow a bad joke."

The next day, he stated, " know with the climate these days, I really didn't intend to make Marcus Vick sound like a killer. I stated that yesterday before I knew any of the deaths.

What???????? ...does that mean exactly? Although Bortz doesn't accuse Vic as a murderer, he is a shooter, huh?

If Mr. Boortz thinks bigoted speech achieves a patriotic goal he needs to take example from the students at Virginia Tech.

The Virginia Tech Tragedy and Why Sports Matter

When I hear the words "Virginia Tech," sports immediately come to mind. I think of Michael Vick nearly leading the Hokies to the national championship and Marcus Vick falling far short of the expectations that came with his famous name. I think of the breakout season for Seth Greenberg's basketball team and the way they knocked my Illini out of the Big Dance this year.

I think of things that don't really matter, not compared to the tragic loss of life that happened on the Virginia Tech campus yesterday.

...and he'll rag on and on about Harry Reid but won't once talk about the ease with which Virginia allows the sale of guns. No, not Neil Boortz, but, '...someone has to say it.' What Mr. Boortz is protesting is the fact Senator Reid, Majority Leader of the Senate stated that the war in Iraq is lost because Iraq needs a diplomatic solution with nearly the entire world agreeing with him except for approximately 32% of Republicans that can't seem to get out of their own way.

Leading Democrat in Senate Tells Reporters, ‘This War Is Lost’

By Jeff Zeleny /
New York Times

WASHINGTON, April 19 — As Congressional Democrats sought to reconcile their differences and send an Iraq spending bill to the White House, Senator Harry Reid, the majority leader, said Thursday that “this war is lost,” a stark assessment that Republicans argued would demoralize American troops fighting in Iraq.
One day after legislative leaders met with President Bush, failing to find common ground, House Democrats signaled their intention to step away from a mandatory deadline to remove troops from Iraq, and to work instead toward a compromise of setting a goal for troops to be withdrawn next year.
But the president said that any timetable for a troop redeployment, even a goal, would face a veto. “I think it’s a mistake, and I’ve made it clear, that the Congress should not have artificial timetables for withdrawal in a funding statement,” Mr. Bush said Thursday during a speech in Ohio.

In Washington, Mr. Reid delivered a biting critique of the Iraq war, saying there was no military solution to the conflict. At a news conference, he recounted a private conversation with the president about the Vietnam War, saying he told Mr. Bush not to follow the path of President Lyndon B. Johnson, who “did not want a war loss on his watch.”

See, what Mr. Boortz and all those that support this president refuse to believe is that Bush is "W"rong about anything. These are supposed to be thinking people loyal to a government that protects them, with the majority of the world staring at them in the face pointing to the fact of how "W"rong they are.

Do they learn from experience? No.

Do they learn from the experience of others? No.

Do they learn at all? Good question.

My uncle once had a mule...


by Michael Stephens

Former Virginia Tech star Marcus Vick is fast. He also drives that way.

In any case, the quarterback pleaded guilty Monday to traffic charges that contributed to his dismissal from the team earlier this year. Vick owes a whopping $236 in fines and court costs for driving 38 m.p.h. in a 25 m.p.h. zone without a valid license on December 17.

“It’s just a traffic situation,‿ Vick, who made himself eligible for the NFL draft in April, said.
He was booted off the team at
Virginia Tech on January 6 after a chain of events left the school no choice. Vick stomped on the calf of a defensive player during the Gator Bowl, then, a few days later, he was arrested for pulling a gun on three teenagers during an altercation in a restaurant parking lot. Awesome work. He faces three misdemeanor counts of brandishing a firearm.

The younger brother of Falcons quarterback
Michael Vick was also convicted of serving alcohol to underage girls in 2003. Despite warranted comparisons to Maurice Clarett, the younger Vick will probably be selected in the NFL Draft and given a chance to succeed in the pros. The Sporting News has him going in the third round, and calls him “a steal” if someone can set him straight.

Good luck. Maybe getting paid will keep Vick out of trouble, although I wouldn’t bet on it. This guy is just plain Hokie! Sorry. Not that you will have the chance to pick him up in your fantasy league, but if you do, don’t. If that makes sense.

Besides the bigoted remarks about Mr. Vick on FOX News, I heard a woman scream across the radio at a caller that was defending the issue of abortion. This poor man had a pre-pubesant son, born with a congential disese that robbed the boy of any cognition of his world except what he might experience from digestive tract proprioceptors. The description, or at least what was allowed by this abusive female commentator, reminded me of at very least 'microcephalic' children.

The statement by this man was that he would have aborted this child if this profound disorder was known to him before the child was born. He has that right to those feelings. The commentator told him he was a 'sick' man and how dare he say he feels that way with a child alive. He simply stated, "You don't know what it's like to have a child that has no connection with the real world and receives no enjoyment. He is in chronic pain all the time. This is not a just life for any child." She continued to scream, scream and I do mean scream at this man whom voluntarily called to speak to her, about HER judgemental morality about his child and his life.

At no time did that woman commentator offer compassion or the opportunity to refer him to an agency that might give him some insight. Never did she offer her vast connectedness to a listening audience to perhaps come to understand his issues and bring more that have experienced those same issues and call in support of his circumstances and perhaps a kind word toward his plight and reassurance he was not alone in the world.

Children with such severe congenital disease often have parents with little support and respit from their responsibilities. The entire focus of the female commentator was toxic to the circumstances and only served to ridicule a man that opposed her views on religious righteousness.

It was not the man caller that was sick, it was the female commentator whom passed judgement with wild abandon to serve a political purpose. It was amazing to hear.

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It's Saturday Night.

I wanted to find a photo of a woman appreciated by the Neocons. You know one with an appreciation for all their values, so smoking cigarettes would definately be a priority.

When I 'figured' this was the photo I imagined a woman with heavy gold on the left ring finger with an impressive diamond to match that just stepped out of the bath. She is sitting by the bay window of her bedroom after a satiating night with her husband, still between the satin sheets. I would imagine the radio is playing in the background talking about the Iraq war with a newspaper stating in the headlines there were three more American soldiers dead in Iraq.

Just another drag on the cigarette will make all those nervous reactions to death diminish and go away though.

What completely astounds me about these women is that they live within religious precept that demands they never use contraception or ever have an abortion.


They smoke cigarettes with abandon. Odd. At least to me it is. So there you have it. The paradoxical Neocon woman. All her family jewels safely tucked between the sheets while exhibiting the unhibited life style of lack of fear of even lung disease. At least their leadership's women don't display such life style habits. At least not in public or within shot of a camera angle.

I remember the day in the press room when Bush was discussing the severe nature of North Korea's failed missile launch while a stern faced Laura looked on. Believing the Prez had all the answers in her heart of hearts. I betcha. What never occurred though was a press briefing about North Korea after the new UN Secretary General took leadership and 'settled' the issues with North Korea within a day while the country of South Korea and North Korea opened borders so relatives could visit again.


"Turn Your Radio On" by Randy Travis (Sorta looks like Moses in that picture there.)

Come and listen in to a radio station
Where the mighty hosts of heaven sing
Turn your radio on, turn your radio on
If you want to feel those good vibrations
Coming from the joy that His love can bring

Turn you radio on, turn your radio on.
Turn your radio on

And listen to the music in the air
Turn your radio on and glory share
Turn your lights down low
And listen to the Master's radio
Get in touch with God, and turn your radio on.

Everybody has a radio receiver
All you got to do is listen for the call
Turn your radio on, turn your radio on
If you listen in you will be a believer
Leanin' on the truths that'll never fall
Get in touch with God, turn the radio on.

Turn your radio on
And listen to the music in the air
Turn your radio on and glory share
Turn your lights down low
And listen to the Master's radio
Get in touch with God, turn your radio on.

And listen to the music in the air
Turn your radio on and glory share
Turn your lights down low
And listen to the Master's radio
Get in touch with God, turn your radio on.

Turn your lights down low
And listen to the Master's radio
Get in touch with God, turn your radio on...

Before I begin. Russia doesn't give a hoot or a holler about immigrants.

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(From left to right, foreground): Vice-Premeir, Defence Minister Sergey Ivanov, President Vladimir Putin and the strategic missile troops' commander-in-chief Colonel General Nikolai Solovtsov on observing the land-based mobile strategic missile system Topol-M while visiting the guards strategic missile division in the town of Teikovo, Ivanovo region.

This image is untouched from RIA Novosti. Get to know these men. (click on for image gallery link) They are taking aim at the USA. The Russians will launch against the USA if Bush does anything to stop Russia from defending Iran. I have never meant more than that statement. Bush will invade Iran to ensure a war that the USA House and Senate cannot back away from when Russia engages the USA miltary. The House and Senate need to be encouraged to move against the Bush White House in censure. There is plenty reason to do exactly that including the out of control Justice Department.

Russia is closing it's borders to immigrants and casual market imports for a reason and it's not to punish the Russian people either. It's all too obvious to me. It should be to everyone else as well.
Let me pose a question. Not such a simple question, but, certainly one that makes complete sense to explore hypotetically. If you were Russia, knowing what you know about the way the USA 'toyed' with Iran over nuclear technology, would you trust the USA about any other technology exchange?

This is a peacetime initiative. Over and over and over again the USA's people and the global community are reminded that the, to quote Bush, "... USA is at war."

Russia is preparing for war with the USA as soon as Bush invades Iran. "Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" was a stupid thing to say. See, the only reason Bush would invade Iran, at this point, is to guarantee a war the USA House and Senate could not back down from when 'The Evil Empire of Russia' is opposing the USA. The only purpose for an editorial such as the one written about immigrants serves, is to attempt to undercut the Russian image in the USA and allow the promotion of war with that nation.

Get over it. Russia is not the enemy. The same people that brought the region an illegitmate war against Iraq is desperate to save it's political party from complete and absolute same for the elections of 2008. Given McCain's outburst, it's going to be a very difficult task, hence, the desperation goes up. I am not impressed with Bush's offer to 'make nice' with Russia. The lousy missile defense shields don't matter anyway. Realize there are so many nukes in the world right now there is no missile defense shield that could stop them. MDS when it completely deploys in space will be a defeated system. Ask China.

War is war. Russia will not 'double back' on Iran. They won't be dealing with the USA while at the same time their military is committed in Iran to defend that country. Are people thinking out there?

The Senate and House needs to start to formulate a solution if Bush becomes so brash he actually thinks he has legitimate grounds to invade yet another sovereign country.

IF THIS IS TRUE. I suggest finding a way of dealing with it without adding a 'third' front for USA military to be stretched even thinner, while Bush demands instilling a draft to fight Russia and China. China won't be far behind Russia if it starts to look ugly.

Get over it. The USA under Bush has a defeated military and Osama bin Laden is still within a protectorate in Pakistan/Afghanistan. Time to bring the troops home, regroup and find leadership that can assist NATO and the Brits to secure Afghanistan. It's called 'starting over after a traitor's war of defeat.'

Tonight's Entries are going to be ugly. There is just no way around it.

When dealing with people that are determined to undermine a democracy from a radio network there is no way of expressing the issue unless the truth prevails and tonight I intend to have exactly that happen.

Apologies upfront to those offended unnecessarily.