Friday, December 12, 2008

Obama transition going well, most in AP poll say

By ALAN FRAM – 1 day ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — President-elect Barack Obama is getting high marks on his transition so far, with even most Republicans saying he's doing just fine.
Nearly three-quarters overall, or 73 percent, say they approve of the job Obama has done preparing to take office next month, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. The positive reaction is spread broadly across age, gender, income and racial lines, with 73 percent of whites — a group Republican candidate John McCain carried on Election Day — giving a thumbs up.
While 90 percent of Democrats approve of Obama's transition, so do 54 percent of Republicans. Only about one in 10 from the GOP voted for the Democrat Obama last month.
"He's chosen very qualified people for his Cabinet," said Kenyon Thorp, 19, a college student from Northfield, Minn., who voted for McCain. "I don't necessarily agree with all their views, but they're highly educated."
Overall, four in 10 said they strongly approved of how Obama has done so far, compared with about one in 20 who strongly disapproved....

I love this man. Love him. Patriot. He stood alone for a long time about this issue.

Former US Vice President Al Gore gestures as he gives a speech during the UN climate change conference in Poznan December 12, 2008. [Agencies]
Updated: 2008-12-13 00:22
POZNAN -- Former US Vice President Al Gore on Friday lauded the great efforts made by China to fight climate change in recent years, while pointing out that its efforts had been largely ignored at the Poznan climate talks.
"China, once seen as a looming obstacle to world efforts to reduce CO2 emissions, has itself a green stimulus of 600 billion dollars over the next two years," said Gore, an environmentalist who shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to draw attention to global warming, at a high-level meeting of ministers here.
Gore, a guest speaker, was interrupted by all-around applause each time he spoke the word "China."

Kerry Speaks From Global-warming Conference in Poland (click here)
Written by Warren Mass
Friday, 12 December 2008 19:27
Speaking near the conclusion of the two-week UN Climate Change Conference in Poznan, Poland, on December 11, Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.), who will chair the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in the next Congress, predicated more aggressive participation by the Obama administration in global climate-change talks than occurred during the Bush administration. According to Kerry, "It will be like the difference between night and day."
Kerry told reporters that President-elect Obama "recognizes the need for the United States to take the lead, and he will push that lead. The United States is determined to lead not just rhetorically, but by example and policies."
UPI quoted the senator as saying that the world was "dangerously, potentially catastrophically outside permissible levels" when it comes to carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. All scheduled climate-protection proposals together would not keep the temperature increase below 2 degrees Celsius, he asserted, "so the urgency of coming together over the next year cannot possibly be overstated."
Speaking from the conference, Kerry told Reuters news service that he believed support in the United States for climate action was strong enough to let Obama sign an agreement to cut emissions in accord with a very ambitious United Nations treaty to be agreed on in Copenhagen in December 2009 — even if the Senate had not by then agreed to legislation conforming U.S. climate laws to the UN pact. Kerry asserted that "we can have commenced the [domestic] legislative process, we don't have to have completed it," before formally agreeing to meeting the terms of a UN treaty. Kerry predicted that by the time the Copenhagen meeting is held, U.S. legislation might have passed "a couple of committees" but might not have been voted on by the full Senate "because of the economic situation and the budget issues and other things."
Kerry stated: "What's important is that we go to Copenhagen understanding that no treaty is going to pass the U.S. Senate unless it is a global solution. China, India, Russia — all countries have to be part of the solution."
"It should be a treaty," said Kerry in an AP interview. "I think Copenhagen should produce a treaty fundamentally geared to reductions of emissions."
The last major UN climate agreement, the Kyoto Protocol, which mandates cuts in so-called greenhouse gases until 2012, was agreed to by President Clinton in 1997. But Clinton, knowing it would fail, refused to send the treaty to the Senate for ratification; the Bush administration did likewise.
In an interview reported by Agence France Presse back on November 26, as Kerry prepared to head to the Poznan conference, he accused the Bush administration of snubbing the other nations that had agreed to the Kyoto Protocol. Kerry said: "Now is the time to confront this challenge once and for all. Delay is no longer an option. Denial is no longer an acceptable response. The stakes are too high. The consequences, too serious."
AFP reported that the Senate is expected to consider two sweeping global-warming bills in January and that Barbara Boxer, chairwoman of the Senate Environment and Public Works committee, said one bill would provide $15 billion dollars a year to spur "clean energy innovation" and the development of advanced biofuels. The second piece of legislation would direct the Environmental Protection Agency to set up a cap-and-trade system to stem greenhouse gas emissions.

39 Days to Inauguration. It is time for the USA to rescue the planet.

Stuttgart Climate
Stuttgart has pleasant climate with warm summers, mild winters and an average annual rainfall of 700 millimetres (28 inches). Temperatures range from around one degree Celsius (34 degrees Fahrenheit) in January to 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit) in July and August. It is the warmest part of Baden-Wüttemberg, with other areas of the state having temperatures averaging five degrees colder and almost double the amount of rainfall.

Snow-covered grapes are seen in a vineyard in Weinstadt near Stuttgart, Germany, Thursday, Dec. 11, 2008.

After dangerous lull, war on climate change faces crunch year (click here)
1 hour ago
POZNAN, Poland (AFP) — After a year in which it nearly lost its compass, the campaign against climate change heads into 2009 needing top-level political commitment, creative thinking and a deep well of money.
Next year holds a big dream: by its end, the world will have forged a treaty in Copenhagen to shrink global warming from mankind-threatening juggernaut to manageable problem.
Unprecedented in scale and complexity, this accord, due to take effect from 2012, will rein in the greenhouse gases that stoke global warming and throw a lifeline to poor countries exposed to mutated weather patterns.
But realising this vision will now require extraordinary effort....

This guy is an interesting character.

He is some of 'the old school' terrorist network that dates back to when the USA sanctioned the Mujahideen operations against Russia.

Hafiz has made a life out of being a terrorist. Literally, back in the day, it was an 'okay' place to be when it was Russia the USA wanted to oppose, but, now that al Qaeda has taken on the USA, Hafiz finds himself on the other side of the fence when all he has been doing is the same thing he was always doing.

Now let's just take that thought one step further and how a change in 'regime' in Pakistan has returned leadership that will actually see the end to the terrorist networks, including the Taliban, rather than catering to them.


The title of this reality provoking entry is called, "why did Musharraf ever take control in the first place?

Let's imagine that the Russia were really the bad guys. The 'idea' is that no matter what Russia does it conflicts with 'The Capitalists' priorities in the USA, so therefore, Russia has to be an enemy. Otherwise, there would be no real reason to have Russia as an enemy. They are Communists. They are an enemy to 'Expansion Hungry Capitalists, AKA Multi-national Conglomerates.' You know the folks Republicans like to call, "Interests of the USA,' that they feel comfortable starting a war over.

Well, Russia didn't like and doesn't like any instability near its borders (see map of USSR above), that has never changed. The Soviet Union was that way and Russia today practices the same intolerance of instability. At one time the USSR and Afghanistan shared a border. Well, guess who was leading all the unrest that eventually dethrowned the Afghan king? Right. Osama bin Laden and the Mujahideen. Get the picture? The same war the USA, NATO, Afghanistan, Pakistan and now India are facing was at one time Russia's nightmare.

So why would captialists be interested in that region of the world? Are you kidding? Russia? Oil? Gaspov? Hello? And what runs from Russia to Europe now? Pipelines? Right? Right.

So, why not take the opportunity to arm terrorists against Russia to defeat them and move forward 'some kind' of agenda to advance the policies of capitalists.

Now, that was capitalists, not freedom, Capitalists.

After all the USSR had to have some kind of reason for the conflict, so even though no one understood the language or really consented to the aggression of terrorists at least it would be something that might actually harm Russia if they were defeated in Afghanistan. Right? I mean defeating the USSR was always a good thing. It wasn't like they ever really did anything to benefit humanity on Earth. I mean just because they defeated Hitler. Who cares about that?

So, the USA armed Osama, who was exiled by most if not all Arab nations by then, to defeat the USSR on its advance into Afghanistan and low and behold they did exactly that. In the wake of their victory did they advance into the USSR? No. They simply basked in their victory and took whatever aid they could get and set up network after network and began to plot to defeat the USA and its "Playboy Culture." After all, they already defeated the USSR with a few shoulder mounted missile launchers with armor piercing capacity.

The 'Playboy Culture' is just an excuse and a psychological trigger to recruit young men into al Qaeda's terrorist networks. That's all. There is nothing wrong and a lot right in having a culture based in 'healthy sex drives.' It is called pleasure and bonding and successful marriages know the benefit of a resolve to physical comfort between partners.

The truth is Osama bin Laden has no basis in religious fervor of any kind to justify killing or recruiting young men and sometimes women to murder for him. He is an incredibly successful sociopath. He's made a science and 'quasi-government' of hating The West. It is a science to plot the successful deaths of innocent civilians through their own infrastructure. See, Osama doesn't have any ultimate goals. He simply likes to kill and have young men believe there are virgins waiting for them after their death. He's sociopath. Nothing magical about him, just a tormented and determined sociopath. That's all.

Just as an example, the attacks on the USA were on 9/11/2001. Why was that a choice of a sociopath? It was not a militarily strategic maneuver UNLESS one was plotting against 'the people' and not the government. 'People' in the USA dial 9-1-1 for emergency purposes. He CHOSE 9/11 for the purpose of creating an emergency out of the 'American cultural icon of 'safety and help,' in the numbers 9-1-1. Al Qaeda's leader is a sociopath. End of story there. So, back to the discussion about Hafiz and Musharraf.

What followed the victory of the Mujahideen was a rise in power of Musharraf. Why? Because there was a new found power base in that region of the world that wanted 'more' in a country primarily engulfed in poverty. So, with Musharraf able to control the military and the tribal regions controlled by a terrorist network the chances of Musharraf ever being overthrown was ZERO. All Musharraf needed from people like Hafiz was to maintain control of the tribal regions while he put up a half hearted presence as a President-General and all was 'safe' for both the terrorists and for him. A mutual understanding you might say.

People like Hafiz were important to the impoverished. He was important to terrorists networks because under one of the pillars of Islam, 'CHARITY' was a vital component to being a legitimate Muslim. Therefore, not different from Hezbollah, these jokers were fronting legitimacy for al Qaeda's recruitment efforts.

And now with the successful attacks into Mumbai, the world has overt proof of the nonsense once called the Musharraf government. There was no government under Musharraf and as soon as he was no longer General, his 'reign' fell into chaos. Now, that the Bhutto government has been re-established after one false accusation after another false accusation; we are witnessing the dismantling of al Qaeda's infrastructure. Suck on that Osama.

So, you see, I don't believe in false accusations by any government. Any government. Especially those that come as 'words' without PROOF of any actual wrong doing. You have to know the facts of history as they relate to the 'maintenance of freedom' and not the indulgence of capitalists. It makes a huge difference and it makes economies safe. When economies are safe, people can advance their societies, find peace among nations and solve problems in ways only dreamed about when war is a priority.

Hafiz Mohammed Saeed

US pleased that committee has decided to move forward on these ‘high-priority designations’
By Khalid Hasan
WASHINGTON: The United Nations Security Council’s Al Qaeda and Taliban Sanctions Committee on Wednesday added the names of a host of Pakistani organisations and individuals – including Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LT), Jamaatud Daawa (JD), the Al Rashid Trust, Al Akhtar International, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi and Haji Muhammad Ashraf – to its consolidated list. Contrary to reports, Gen (r) Hamid Gul’s name was not on the list.

Hafiz Muhammad Saeed – chief of LT – was born in Sargodha in 1950, Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi in Okara in 1960 and Haji Muhammad Ashraf – LT’s chief of finance – in 1965. Ashraf is listed as LT’s chief of finance.

The UN announcement says the LT is also known as Al Mansoorian, Paasban-e-Kashmir, Paasban-e-Ahl-e-Hadith.

The Al Rashid Trust is said to be known as the Al Ameen Trust with branches in several Pakistani cities. While headquartered in Pakistan, its operations extend to Afghanistan, Kosovo and Chechnya, and the organisation is said to be involved in the financing of Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Until October 21, this entity appeared also as the Aid Organisation of the Ulema Pakistan. Al Akhtar Trust International – another sanctioned entity – is also known as the Azmat-e-Pakistan Trust with regional offices in Bahawalpur, Bawalnagar, Gilgit, Islamabad, Mirpur Khas and Tando Jan Muhammad. It also runs the Akhtarabad Medical Camp in Spin Boldak, Afghanistan.

US welcomes: On Wednesday, the US welcomed the development in a statement saying, “The US is pleased that the committee has decided to move forward on these high-priority designations.”

Dawa offices in most cities and towns sealed: Hafiz Saeed, others in custody (click here)

Dawn Report

LAHORE, Dec 11: Jamaatud Dawa Amir Hafiz Mohammad Saeed was placed under house arrest for three months as the countrywide crackdown on the organisation continued on Thursday.

Police sealed Qudsia Mosque, the headquarters of Jamaatud Dawa in Chauburji Chowk, and 18 other offices throughout Punjab.

Five offices were sealed in Sialkot. Twenty-five members of the organisation, including Ameer Hamza, Hafiz Abdul Rehman Makki, Maulana Naseer Hamza, Saifullah Mansoor, Dawa’s director of public relations, Col (retd) Nazir Ahmed, and Rajanpur district president Talib Rehman, were detained. A large number of publications of the organisation were seized.

Hafiz Saeed was detained at his Johar Town residence under the maintenance of public order ordinance.

“Police have encircled the house of Hafiz Saeed and told him he cannot leave his home. They have told him that the detention order will be formally issued shortly,” his spokesman Abdullah Montazir said.

A police official told Dawn that detention orders had also been issued by the Punjab home department and raids were being conducted to arrest Yahya Mujahid, Abu Umer a number of other prominent members...

Innocent until Proven Guilty. Get your mind around THAT. Nothing else matters. Nothing. Life goes on !

NO ONE HAS BEEN CONVICTED and the Democrats are allowing idiots to turn this into a circus.

Fire the Illinois Attorney General, she has no right to take a federal proceeding into her own hands. NONE !

I don't believe in resignation of any ELECTED official unless the PROOF is overwhelming. I don't consider 'conversations' between a Chief of Staff and a Governor whom were exploring what was possible, right or wrong, overwhelming evidence. As a matter of fact the case is so weak Fitzgerald needs to drop the charges. Libby walked, you know what I mean. This case is even weaker than that one!

The Republicans are laughing their butts off. By the time this is over, the Democrats won't have a candidate for Senate or a Party in Illinois. They are bunch of jerks being lead around by the nose by the media.

And at the end of it all, the Governor will be as clean as a whistle while everyone else sits behind bars or worse if they keep this up. There is nothing to those charges and there is no wrong doing to date. It needs to END there. The people that were solisiting for money to bargain a candidate into public office are lucky. Their offer was never accepted !

Fire the Illinois Attorney General. What she is attempting is Unconstitutional.

Lisa Madigan is wrong. She cannot seek to leverage power against an Elected Governor. She should be fired. She doesn't believe in Due Process. It is unconstitutional to ride the Lisa Madigan Railroad.

Where in the Illinois Constitution does the State Attorney General have the right to remove an Elected Governor. That is the place of the State Legislature. She is way out of line and should be fired immediately.

What she is attempting is anarchy and highly unconstitutioanl under Federal Law as well. Lisa Madigan should be charged minimally with mayhem and seeking to subvert authority of an elected official without grounds.

Illinois Attorney General Files Motion to See Blagojevich Declared "Unfit" (click here)
Submitted by Julie on December 12, 2008 - 12:37pm.

Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan filed a motion with the state's highest court, asking justices to remove Gov. Rod Blagojevich from office. Madigan filed the motion Friday as pressure on the governor to step down continues to intensify.
The motion filed challenges Blagojevich's scandal-plagued administration by questioning his fitness to serve and asking for the Supreme Court to remove him from office.
The move came as Blagojevich prayed along with several ministers in his home, before heading into work. According to one of the pastors, the governor told them he is innocent and will be vindicated "when you hear each chapter completely written."

AG Lisa Madigan seeks to remove governor from office.

I would actually applaud George Bush if he did something as decent as this. Paulson decided a Middle Class was a good idea, huh?

It's about time, the Bush White House joined the nation in trying to rescue the Middle Class and straighten out the environmental tragedy we are now facing. It can be accomplished. We can do it. The Bush White House needs to do what the Senate Republicans can't seem to appreciate. Thank you, Mr. Paulson. We appreciate it.

White House, Treasury say they won't let automakers fail (click title to entry - thank you)
..."Because Congress failed to act, we will stand ready to prevent an imminent failure until Congress reconvenes and acts to address the long-term viability of the industry," Treasury spokeswoman Brookly McLaughlin said.
And, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said it is considering using the Wall Street rescue fund to prevent the USA's strapped carmakers from failing.
"Given the current weakened state of the U.S. economy, we will consider other options if necessary, including use of the TARP program, to prevent a collapse of troubled automakers," White House spokeswoman Dana Perino told reporters aboard Air Force One as President Bush headed to Texas....