This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman
(I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Moscow Mitch has openly admitted he intends to work with the president's lawyers for a predetermined outcome. That is a hallmark of a Kangaroo Court. ...As a general rule, (click here) a kangaroo court is any proceeding that attempts to imitate a fair trial or hearing without the usual due process safeguards including the right to call witnesses, the right to confront your accuser and a hearing before a fair and impartial judge. Kangaroo court proceedings are usually a sham carried out without legal authority in which the outcome has been predetermined without regard to the evidence or to the guilt or innocence of the accused.... The US House Speaker really has no option to send the Articles of Impeachment without the reassurances it will be provided a fair hearing. There is no such reassurances coming at all from Moscow Mitch. Speaker Nancy Pelosi is correct in REASSURING the American people every measure of precaution is being leveraged to insure a fair and honest hearing of the Impeachment of Donald J. Trump. It would be remiss of the Speaker to simply expect to have the Articles voted down by a partisan Senate. She is protecting the USA Constitution from such corrupt abuses by waiting for reasonable rules to be handed down for the hearing from the US Senate. She has to provide the best Congresspersons to bring the Articles before the US Senate and that requires an understanding of the rules surrounding that presentation. There is no current precedent. This impeachment did not stem from a Special Prosecutor. This impeachment was conducted by the US House. There is no precedent for the US Senate hearing. Moscow Mitch needs to SERIOUSLY set down rules with Minority Leader Schumer. This hearing is not about politics, it is about the Constitutional process of the USA Constitution. Dangerous and glib precedent can grow out of these Senate Rules that can taint the future and the high regard of the process laid out in the USA Constitution. There is an oath and the USA Constitution demands a fair hearing. Moscow Mitch's rantings is about politics not the well being and esteem of the USA Constitution. January 7, 2020 By John Wagner and Colby Itkowitz Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) (click here) accused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) of being “contemptuous of the American people” Tuesday as tensions flared over the continuing impasse on President Trump’s impeachment trial. Pelosi has held on to the articles of impeachment as Democrats seek guarantees about the scope of a trial in the Senate, including whether witnesses will be allowed. Earlier Tuesday, Trump highlighted objections to the prospect of testimony from former national security adviser John Bolton, as Bolton’s announcement that he is prepared to appear at a trial continued to roil Capitol Hill. The crux of the Democrats’ case is the allegation that Trump tried to leverage a White House meeting and military aid, sought by Ukraine to combat Russian military aggression, to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to launch an investigation of former vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, as well as a probe of an unfounded theory that Kyiv conspired with Democrats to interfere in the 2016 presidential election....
January 6, 2020 By Jim Wyss One of Puerto Rico’s (click here) iconic natural wonders — a soaring stone arch along the southern coast known as Punta Ventana or Window Point — collapsed early Monday as a 5.8 magnitude earthquake rattled the island. Denniza Colon, a 22-year-old resident of Guayanilla, said she went by the area Monday morning and was shocked to find the arch, a place that she visited frequently as a child, had simply vanished....
USGS January 7, 2020 M 6.4 - 8km S of Indios, Puerto Rico
On Jan. 7, a magnitude 6.4 earthquake (click here) struck the region at 4:24 am local time (08:24:26 UTC). Significant damage is possible. Over the past several weeks, hundreds of small earthquakes have occurred in the Puerto Rico region, beginning in earnest with a M 4.7 earthquake late on December 28 and a M 5.0 event a few hours. The magnitude 6.4 earthquake was widely felt. According toShakeMap, strong to very strong shaking occurred across parts of Southern Puerto Rico closest to the event and moderate shaking occurred across the rest of the island. The NOAA Tsunami Warning System states no tsunami warning or advisory. The USGS summary page on this earthquake includes an aftershock forecast. Aftershocks will continue near the mainshock. Over the past several weeks, hundreds of small earthquakes have occurred in this same region, beginning in earnest with a M 4.7 earthquake late on December 28 and a M 5.0 event a few hours later. Since the M 4.7 event, over 400 M 2+ earthquakes have occurred in this region, ten of which were M 4+, including today’s M 6.4 event and yesterday's 5.8 quake. The preliminary location of today's 6.4 earthquake is within about 7.5 miles (12 km) of the January 6, 2020, M 5.8 earthquake. The proximity of these events to Puerto Rico, and their shallow depth, mean that dozens of these events have been felt on land, though with the exception of the latest two earthquakes, the M 6.4 and the M 5.8, none are likely to have caused significant damage. The January 6 and 7, 2020, M 5.8 and M 6.4 earthquakes offshore of southwest Puerto Rico occurred as the result of oblique strike slip faulting at shallow depth. At the location of this event, the North America plate converges with the Caribbean plate at a rate of about 20 mm/yr towards the west-southwest. The location and style of faulting for the event is consistent with an intraplate tectonic setting within the upper crust of the Caribbean plate, rather than on the plate boundary between the two plates....
January 7, 2020 By Barbara Starr US forces and air-defense missile batteries (click here) across the Middle East were placed on high alert overnight Monday to possibly shoot down Iranian drones as intelligence mounted about a threat of an imminent attack against US targets, two US officials tell CNN. The alert reflects theheightened tensions between the US and Iranin the wake of last week's US drone strike that killed a top Iranian general,Qasem Soleimani. US officials have claimed the strike against the general was carried out to prevent an "imminent" attack in the region that would have put American lives at risk, but have so fardeclined to provide details about the intelligence. US intelligence also has observed Iran moving military equipment, including drones and ballistic missiles, over the last several days. US officials said the movement may be an Iranian effort to secure its weapons from a potential US strike, or put them in positions to launch their own attacks. "There were indications that we needed to monitor the threats" even more closely than is already being done, one of the US officials said, referring to Monday night's state of heightened alert. The second official described it as "all Patriot batteries and forces in the area on high alert" against an "imminent attack threat."... The video below is from August of 2018. (click here) Let's hope American military intelligence regarding Iran's capacity under Trump is current and not simply old information. The Russians have been selling weapons to Iran for a long time. (click here) I would expect Iran to obtain more sophisticated weapons through trade with Russia, hence, a proxy war against The West. ...the guidance is Infrared Imaging. (click here) This also explains the black protective cap on the missile nosecone. If guided by good INS to the general location, with IIR taking over for terminal guidance, a missile equipped with Mobin guidance could very accurately hit any target on land with no input from GPS or other guidance. This is the same technology used in the Khalije Fars ASBM...
The climate crisis is about the decisions we make as consumers, but, it is also strongly decisions we make as a society at the societal and not personal levels. I do believe most people sincerely concerned know the change needed to save Earth has to occur at a societal level, while personal choices help reinforce the demand for societal change. The climate crisis also has a legacy dynamic. To some whom find greed more fulfilling than "benevolence to society as a standard" will disregard the legacy of the climate crisis. That voice needs to be replaced with strong statements of benevolence and GENERATIONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Truncation is not permitted. Human nature is based in a FULL TIMELINE and not just the truncated timeline of here and now. The greed paradigm is a here and now dynamic that robs human nature of it's basic instincts and desires. Human beings relate to the past because of memory and love by family. In that, the aged of society are embraced in the extent they are able to function. Human beings carry out that same level of understanding and compassion to the disabled and infirmed. Some of that instinct is about self-projection in which a person realizes their vulnerability to life's twists and turns. Human nature also demands THE FUTURE. The future is as soon as the next second and as distant as our dying days, but, there is also a truncation that takes place with addressing the climate crisis in DENYING the future. Human nature sees beyond death to the generations embrace within one's own life. The future sees benevolence at a social level, but, the idea of SURVIVAL is instinctively limited to here and now. When human beings think about the future it is within the understanding the world view that exists today will exist forever. It is that idea springboards decisions made by society. That springboard is broken. There is currently a disconnect from living today, embracing tomorrow and the expectations all generations to come will survive the consumerism of today and the world view currently PRACTICED in financial markets such as energy. Did I mention the idea of a long time line is mostly limited to the human species? It is up to us to save ourselves and the future. There is no steady state in the world UNLESS human beings make it so. The biotic Earth bends to physics without conscience. The Future, ethically, is not to be bargained with for the sake of greed. The futures of the stock market is based in anticipated earnings and wealth, not the steady state of Earth. "The Future" is an issue and it is seated deeply in morality, ethics and love of a non-truncated timeline for all generations current and those to come. The well adjusted adult will view the future as a generational responsibility and mentally healthy. That is not a value system enforced by society today. Finally, government has to legislate. Government is an act of society. It is an institution demanded by people, that when it is a democracy, demands morality, JUSTICE and benevolence. Government has to act to secure the future. Government sets the STANDARD for business to follow, so therefore, the absence of GENERATIONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN GOVERNMENT is an assault on the untruncated timeline that is human nature, hence, happiness. Happiness as described in an untruncated timeline is the very meaning of benevolence. The form of legislation that must take place sets a standard for a climate conscience overlay to all measures of human activity that impact Earth's climate. It will impact infrastructure, education and destroys truncation of any timeline for generations. Additionally, it recognizes the disruptive human activity of the past and through scientific investigation devises measures to reverse the ignorance of past generations. That means there will be two lanes to legislation, one that ensures the future and one that actively removes the egregious nature of the past through intervention. To legislate benevolence in energy is one dynamic, but, what the heck is everyone doing to end the abuses today and of the past. The past has sins that need recognition and intervention; the future planning alone will not correct the course of Earth which has seen several tipping points already. Those tipping points are not simply consequential, they require mitigation. Refuse to surrender. End the abuse. Ensure the future. Demand Justice. Surrendering is not an option. ...On one level, (click here) my answer to “How can you have a child now?” is simple. I have never been tempted to think we should all stop having children and disappear. Part of the reason climate change is so terrible is the threat it poses to human life and culture, and I want to help them go on. So the question I ask myself every day is how to explain this suffering world to a newcomer. This is what I find myself saying, to this little person who can’t understand me quite yet: “The world is good, for all the bad in it—a good place. And you are good: full of joy, born innocent. But you are not good for the world. When you do all the things you will do—work, play, love—you will be breaking down its systems, making it unlivable. And there is very little that you, personally, can do about it.” What kind of welcome is that?... ...A love for imperfect and impermanent things isn’t a bad starting point for passionate democratic politics. We’ll be sure to tell him that being personally powerless to change the world doesn’t mean being collectively powerless, that we can still make a politics big and generous enough to change course. James was less than a month old when tens of thousands of people rallied in New York City for the global climate strike. We walked him down Riverside Drive and quietly joined in with the chants of elementary-school children marching for the planet. “Look, James,” I whispered, “big kids!” I hope he and his classmates will assume that the Green New Deal is only the beginning of what we need to make peace with the planet, and with one another....