This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Friday, July 10, 2009
The Power of The Truth. 135 bills pass The New York State Legislature in One NIght. Impasse ends. Okay? Victory for Governor Patterson.
Friday, July 10, 2009, 8:31am EDT
Modified: Friday, July 10, 2009, 9:55am
Senate pulls all-nighter, passes 135 bills (click title to entry - thank you)
The Business Review
Early Friday morning, the state Senate revived a popular program that provides low-cost power to businesses.
The program, called Power for Jobs, died during the unprecedented battle for control of the Senate that lasted for more than a month. The stalemate broke on July 9, and senators passed 135 bills in an overnight session that ended just before 2 a.m. on Friday.
The bills are expected to be sent to Gov. David Paterson for his signature.
In early June, two Democrats broke ranks and voted with Republicans in a surprise attempt to oust Democrats from power. Democrats had a 32-30 majority in the chamber, the first time the party had controlled the Senate in nearly 45 years.
One Democrat—Sen. Hiram Monserrate (D-Queens)--later left the Republican-led voting bloc, creating a 31-31 split. There was no way to break a tie vote, because the state had no lieutenant governor.
The Senate went more than a month without conducting any official business.
Those most responsible for the delay need to return a month's worth of paychecks and an investigation should follow ! The investigation should speak to the monies that were added to the New York State taxpayer because of the Abuse of Power by those individuals.
The American People have their own car company. We own over 60% of General Motors. Ready to buy one?
The problem with GM has been their unwillingness to build autos the American people demand. With a 60% ownership to this company, the American People should participate in a burgeoning new company that has yielded to the demands of our priorities to 'survive the day.'
That is a huge victory for the people of this nation. Mounting draconian capitalism meant destroying the entity before allowing its Pheonix. Not bad. The people of the USA are powerful when they adhere with dignity to their moral directives. How many other countries can make that statement? How many should?
I would encourage all Americans to scrutinize the achievements of the new GM, write the company and let them know how they are doing. It is our right to participate in our democracy.
Buy the cars. They are made with us in mind. Be proud of the product the USA produces.
I thank Mr. Lutz for his dedication to his maintain his role in a transitioning American company.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Lutz to remain at GM as it emerges from bankruptcy (click title to entry - thank you)
...They are widely expected to announce structural changes marking the start of a new era for GM, which will also have a new name, General Motors Co.
Henderson told senior executives that the bulk of management changes would come at the end of July.
On Thursday, U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan cleared the way for GM to exit bankruptcy when he rejected a request to delay the sale of its valuable assets into an entity that will be the future GM.
GM's bad assets, including liabilities and brands it is shedding, will remain in bankruptcy and be sold off or liquidated.
Kaplan denied a request to stay U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Robert Gerber's ruling that allowed a Treasury Department-sponsored entity to buy the bulk of GM's assets.
The Treasury will own a 60.8 percent stake in GM, which hopes to launch an initial public offering in 2010.
Members of the White House auto task force are expected to hold a conference call with reporters tomorrow following the GM announcement. A United Auto Workers health care trust fund will hold 17.5 percent of GM; the Canadian and Ontario governments will hold 11.7 percent. Unsecured creditors will hold 10 percent of GM....
Health Care for Americans - How many would pay $334 per person in every American family per year for health care? Get it done already !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One Trillion Dollars over TEN (10) years. That's all it costs to insure Americans through a federally mandated health care system.
Let's get real here.
Kindly remember, these are the same Republicans that bailed out banks for $700 Billion US and we haven't got that money back yet. $700 Billion blown by people that don't give a damn about the people of the USA. If you remember those billions went to other countries as well. Okay? So, I don't want to hear squat about the cost of health care.
But, for the sake of argument.
The USA Health Care Industry is approximtately one sixth the entire economy of this country. One sixth. It will grow to far more once every American has affordable health care. It will not only grow, it will invest in R&D and grow even more jobs. It will expand and become the best health care the world has ever known. Better, far better than even today. Why? Because there will be monies and liquidity and a KNOWN populous to an industry devoted to supplying this life line to Americans. The cost of any industry always gets cheaper when there are more people to share its cost. The quality of any industry always gets better with R&D and the striving to improve on what is considered The Best.
When this legislation comes 'online' it will provide an entire country, 300 million people, to a health care industry already engaged in improving the wellness of its clients. A known knowledge bank to improve not only the quality of health care, but, its cost and delivary efficiency. A healthier population means less demand on 'chronic' illness and the issues that cause them. A healthier population is a better and ready work force.
With obesity in children and adults ruling the work force of the USA, the efficiency across the board to the health cost to employers has plummeted and its cost skyrocketed. We will be a healthier nation, when this administration is finished. They will provide guidance and education while returning 'gym classes' to our children in schools across the USA and reining in hideous foods in our American diet.
Perhaps every child in the USA, should be provided a Flintstone's vitamin at the beginning of lunch period everyday. Whatever. The idea of slimming this country and providing quality of life that comes with activity and wellness is a dream we should all strive towards. A safe food supply and a health care system that eliminates dangers to us at every turn will give Americans what they long for.
Now, the nuts and bolts of cost.
One trillion dollar US over ten years.
That breaks down to $334.00 per year. That is three hundred, thirty-four dollars US per year per American.
Can you afford that? I can.
Is it worth it? Yep.
Should there be complaints? Nope.
Will the cost of health care be paid in that methodology? Nope.
Why not?
Because the current Democratic House and Senate want to remove the pains of financial 'entrapment' from the Middle, Lower Middle and Poor Classes of populous of this nation.
So, what is the problem? The Republicans are complaining because the burden to the WEALTHY bunch will go up.
SO WHAT !!!!!!!!!!
We need to pass comprehensive health care for a nation desperately in need of it and we need to do it now.
Return FUNCTION to the American government. Vote Democrat in the 2010 elections.
End of discussion !
Just Say No !
It would seem to me ANY Risk Taking should only insue ensue when their public debt has been satisfied. Until that point, I don't believe any form of 'experimentation' of financial instruments should be conducted. The landscape hasn't changed that much and basically, AIG should never have existed anyway. There is no private entity capable of insuring banks or investment corporations. The only entity capable of such 'high roller' stakes is a sovereign government. When will the financial industry stop gambling with the lives of Americans and their future?
AIG heads back to pig trough for bosses' pay (Click title to entry - thank you)
Kenneth Bazinet and Bill Hutchinson Daily News Staff Writers
Friday, July 10th 2009, 4:00 AM
Just months after sparking national outrage by paying executives big bonuses, the American International Group is hoping to dole out $2.4 million more to top bosses.
AIG is hoping President Obama's new compensation czar, Kenneth Feinberg, goes along with dishing out more gravy to about 40 corporate officers next week, The Washington Post reported on Thursday.
Bosses are hoping approval by the government will shield the company from public furor.
A Treasury Department spokesman wouldn't reveal Feinberg's view on the bonuses but said, "Companies will need to convince Mr. Feinberg that they have struck the right balance to discourage excessive risk taking and reward performance for their top executives."