By Emily Sanderson
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said water test results (click here) show municipal water in East Palestine is safe to drink following a train derailment and chemical spill.
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency received results from their water sampling of the five wells that feed into East Palestine's municipal water system.
The results show no detection of contaminants associated with the derailment.
Water works officials said out of an abundance of caution, they will be shutting off the Ohio River intake ahead of the anticipated arrival of the last detectable chemical concentration in the river.
While the water intake is shut off, GCWW will temporarily switch to water reserves, officials said.
This cautious approach by the City of Cincinnati is exactly correct. As the contamination moves in the Ohio River toward Cincinnati the contaminants are becoming more diluted by entering a larger body of water. Testing to follow the plume of contamination is the correct approach in understanding what is happening with the river.
Cincinnati is a large city and if they were forced to use bottled water there would be a problem with a sufficient supply. The city has water reserves that are not connected to the river and are considered safe. If the contaminants are not coming in touch with reserve water there is no reason to be alarmed.
Here again the city of Cincinnati will have to maintain water testing after returning to the use of the Ohio River. Be mindful of the idea that the contaminants are heavy and can fall through any surface waters to the sediment. The US Army Corps test most rivers on a five year basis and have historic information regarding water quality and sediment testing. If there is any doubt regarding the bottom of the Ohio River there are methods to test it.
Just briefly, the contaminants in the Ohio water.
Butyl acrylate appears as a clear colorless liquid with a sharp characteristic odor. Very slightly soluble in water and somewhat less dense than water. Hence forms surface slick on water.This is the chemical structure of 2-ethylhexyl acrylate. If the chemical structure of the listed chemical is different than the listing of ethylhexyl acrylate may be correct. It is not normally found in that formulation.