After a four-year absence, the gorillas are back at the Los Angeles Zoo.
Glenda, 2, and her extended family have a new $19-million home. The public can visit them starting today.
By Carla Hall, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer November 8, 2007
Like most 2-year-olds, Glenda runs, claps her hands and rides piggyback on her mother. Unlike most 2-year-olds, she somersaults with the ease of a gymnast, clambers up and down rock walls and loves green veggies.Ficus leaves were her morning snack of choice on Wednesday as she explored her new environs at the Los Angeles Zoo and briefly played peek-a-boo at the edge of a wall with a small gaggle of onlookers.
She'll undoubtedly have many more visitors as the Los Angeles Zoo opens its new Campo Gorilla Reserve today. After a 4 1/2 -year absence, Western lowland gorillas are back, in a newly constructed exhibit the zoo prefers to call a habitat.It is part of the continuing overhaul of the middle area of the zoo, which will include an exhibit for long-awaited golden monkeys from China and the controversial elephant habitat now under construction.With a price tag -- $19 million -- to rival a Beverly Hills mansion, it appears to have all the amenities that a captive gorilla herbivore could want: one-third of an acre of grassy rolling hills, rock ledges to climb and an all-you-can-eat buffet of shrubbery and pomegranate trees. A waterfall cascades into a stream, and little alcoves offer refuge from the madding crowd of spectators....
By Carla Hall, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer November 8, 2007
Like most 2-year-olds, Glenda runs, claps her hands and rides piggyback on her mother. Unlike most 2-year-olds, she somersaults with the ease of a gymnast, clambers up and down rock walls and loves green veggies.Ficus leaves were her morning snack of choice on Wednesday as she explored her new environs at the Los Angeles Zoo and briefly played peek-a-boo at the edge of a wall with a small gaggle of onlookers.
She'll undoubtedly have many more visitors as the Los Angeles Zoo opens its new Campo Gorilla Reserve today. After a 4 1/2 -year absence, Western lowland gorillas are back, in a newly constructed exhibit the zoo prefers to call a habitat.It is part of the continuing overhaul of the middle area of the zoo, which will include an exhibit for long-awaited golden monkeys from China and the controversial elephant habitat now under construction.With a price tag -- $19 million -- to rival a Beverly Hills mansion, it appears to have all the amenities that a captive gorilla herbivore could want: one-third of an acre of grassy rolling hills, rock ledges to climb and an all-you-can-eat buffet of shrubbery and pomegranate trees. A waterfall cascades into a stream, and little alcoves offer refuge from the madding crowd of spectators....