Sunday, December 21, 2008

30 Days until Inauguration - All of Obama's Cabinet Choices, (as my mom would say) shows he is 'an ambitious guy.'

Rep. Hilda Solis, D-Calif., the daughter of a union family who has a strongly pro-labor voting record

They are also very much based in Democratic Leadership with strong indications the Right Wing of the Nation has only been attended to in their war indulgences.

Also noteworthy is the fact, "The DEFENSE Secretary" is seeking to return to the REAL WAR to cease terrorist networks in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir and India. I sincerely believe there will be significant changes in the USA and its focus both domestic and the international venues. President-Elect Obama is NOT a conservative in any of his choices, nor is he a centrist as everyone believes. He is a solid Democrat with an agenda of stabilizing this nation, its focus and propagating healthy relationships with other countries.

The country sees President-Elect Obama as a centrist because he seems to be somewhat conservative in his choices, but, the fact is the country was tilted to far to the right that even stabilizing it will demand a great deal of patience with a guiding vision of the change he promised. The examples of the direction the country is being set on is clearly demonstrated in the cooperation of the Bush White House in sending additional troops to Afghanistan, noting there is going to be established a timeline to withdraw from Iraq and the bolstering of the auto industry. All those were of focus during the Obama Campaign and reasons for his election. It is more than noteworthy that he has been able to garner the support of the current President to assist in his transition as circumstances are critical. Admirable leadership already.

Choosing a House Representative with strong support of unions is NOT a centrist choice. President-Elect Obama has sculpted an interesting array of people to assist him in stabilizing the USA and invoking radical changes in the infrastructure of the USA. To even speculate as his ability to deliver the promises he made is silly. He knows this country enough and the strength of its people.

For over five decades the USA has neglected its environmental responsibilities to a global citizenry that depends on perfection in decision making for their stability as well. It is why he was well received in Europe when he chose to find in roads with leaders there so early in his campaign. It is why he was the people's choice. He has exhibited diligence in his dedication and APPRECIATION of his election. He knew his election was historic in many ways, the least being his fund raising and record contributions from average people that sacrificed out of their household budgets to see him succeed. His appreciation of that is obvious and for that he is dearly loved.

To say the changes coming to the USA are 'centrist' is a profound lack of insight. Five decades of neglect is a long time. President-Elect Obama has built his demands for economic growth on infrastructure change and rebuilding. While maintaining as many jobs that are left in the USA is important to him, also noted is his demands for a change in direction, including the auto industry, that offers generations of Americas a cutting edge futures and clear consicence.

There is an article in The New York Times today that is best characterized by Bush's own words,“How,” he wondered aloud, “did we get here?” (click here). The Rove Republican rhetoric that elected Bush for a second term, that bolstered his flailing and hubris filled economic strategy beginning with Don Evans, which allowed corrupt values to reign is being replaced. It is being replaced by the values that are true and necessary. That is NOT centrist. They are not laced with corrupt values and 'right wing dreams' of domination.

The country, under Obama, has a clear, honest and worthy direction based in sound science, sound economic principles and a return to sanity. The economy will lead the way into a reality of hope, including cures to medical malidies through genetic research, environmental stewardship, reclaiming our natural world and taking leadership in venues of peace, human rights and civil rights. That is radical change that can be delivered through a Democratic majority. It is a path we HAVE to engage and a road we desperately need to travel.

I want Madoff investigated. I want the investigation to go back to his professional life and realize how he set himself up BEFORE he left Wall Street

There is a lot "W"rong here. Not just a little bit wrong, a lot wrong. Madoff was given 'a pass' on these crimes because of the impact that exposure would have regarding the financial networks AND the reputation those financial networks have in the world including international relations in foreign policy.

Sometimes, issues can 'seem so huge' they aren't breached as they MUST be and SHOULD be to insure the nation has LEGITIMACY in its dealings. This is not only a crime, but, a CULTURE issue. Everyone from the beginning of time has a lot to answer for and the investigation needs to begin at the beginning and not the end.

SAN FRANCISCO — Bernard Madoff, who founded Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities, was arrested by Federal Bureau of Investigation agents on alleged fraud, The Wall Street Journal reported late Thursday on its Web site. Charges against Madoff allege that he told senior employees on Wednesday that the firm was “a giant Ponzi scheme” after trying to distribute the “couple of hundred million dollars” he had left before turning himself in, according to the Journal, citing a person familiar with the matter. The alleged scheme involved tens of billions of dollars, the newspaper reported.

December 20, 2008 4:00 PM
Bernard Madoff (click here)
Posted by Letters editor
Truly brilliant
Your recent stories covering the activities of Bernard Madoff, the brilliant financier of all times, make a compelling case that he be considered for the Nobel Prize in economics next year ["
Securities experts, investors don't buy Madoff was solo act (click here)," Dec. 19; "Madoff's financial empire audited by tiny firm: one guy (click here)," Dec. 18; "Madoff's clients all over the world," Dec. 16; "A trusted man, $50B, a "giant Ponzi scheme," Dec. 13].
His absolute great talent was to make people feel comfortable with turning their money over to him for great returns.
He outmaneuvered investment bankers, lawyers, economists, accountants, commercial real-estate investors and developers -- not to mention the folks at Securities and Exchange Commission.
Just imagine some of the comments by individuals who invested in his empire: "They thought Bernie Madoff was genius and anybody, who didn't give them their money, was a fool," and "He was considered a wizard."
Obviously, he is a genius to build an impressive portfolio, at least on paper, that would accumulate approximately $50 billion in a few years. What an amazing accomplishment.
-- Aslam Khan, Bellevue