Thursday, July 21, 2005

July 20, 2005. Funnel Cloud over Lake Michigan. Posted by Picasa

Close Up of the referenced funnel cloud. Posted by Picasa

July 19, 2005. The killer storms of Romania hasn't stopped yet. This is Miercurea Ciuc, Romania.  Posted by Picasa

July 20, 2005. The homeless of Arizona is trying to survive. So far, eighteen are dead due to the heat. Posted by Picasa

July 18, 2005. The residents are call this The Monsoon Season. The 'fog' in this picture is the torrential rains which could not be appreciated without the tremendous lightning strikes which I could five. Three in the foreground and two on the horizon. Welcome to the realities of Gobal Warming. Posted by Picasa

July 18, 2005. Marana/Avra Valley, Arizona. Posted by Picasa

July 18, 2005. Marana/Avra Valley, Arizona. Noted: two lightning strikes. One in the foreground the other in the background. Those are the city lights on the tround.  Posted by Picasa

July 18, 2005. Marana/Avra Valley, Arizona. Posted by Picasa

July 18, 2005. Marana/Avra Valley, Arizona. Noted: the lightning strikes in the foreground near high tension wires. Noted: Additional lightning strikes in the background. These are untouched photos to my knowledge. They look very legitimate. Arizona is calling this 'Monsoon Season.' Posted by Picasa

July 18, 2005. Marana/Avra Valley, Arizona. If this was taking place a millenium ago, everyone would expect the gods were angry.  Posted by Picasa

July 18, 2005. Marana/Avra Valley, Arizona. Posted by Picasa

July 18, 2005. Marana/Avra Valley, Arizona. Posted by Picasa

July 18, 2005. Marana/Avra Valley, Arizona. Posted by Picasa

July 19, 2005. Tuscon, Arizona received light snow. Posted by Picasa

July 19, 2005. Unexpected intensity of electric storms are putting people in the direct path of danger and death. The photographer states: I was on my back porch trying to get a shot of the lightning when I got my wish - I am glad my heart is still in good working order because I nearly loaded my pants. If you download it and zoom in you can see the individual rain drops from the strobe effect. That is not snow it is the same raindrops over and over again. The back yard was completely dark - I have no security light.  Posted by Picasa