Saturday, May 08, 2010

"Morning Papers" - Its Origins

The Rooster


Does anyone have pictures of Sarah Palin hanging out with her minority friends?

Race and Equal Opportunity - Unknown:

Palin's views on affirmative action, civil rights bills, and other issues pertaining to racial justice are not yet clear.

You know, like pictures of her opening her office in Harlem?

Something like that?

Anything that indicates she actually is sensitive to issues of minorities.

Are her positions on anything clear and backed up by solid and sound policy that is REAL? 
Good night.

Supports a path to citizenship, but no amnesty for illegals. (Oct 2008)

Bush Fence Failed to Keep Arizona Protected
With over a billion dollars in "border security funds" (click title to entry - thank you) allocated by Congress, private companies are carrying out the biggest hoax of all—a $31.5 million dollar, seven-mile border fence at Sasabe, Arizona. The project has been whitewashed by a slim environmental assessment that obligingly finds "No Significant Impact....

...Never shy about injecting divisive rhetoric into any public debate, the patron saint of political foolishness, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, has attempted to dismiss the Arizona immigration law’s potential for racial profiling.

Palin has asserted that, “There is no ability or opportunity in there for racial profiling…shame on the lame stream media again for turning this into something that it is not.”

For those of you out there still undecided about this issue, I suggest you use my personal barometer. Whatever Sarah Palin believes and feels the need to make public, think and support the opposite.

Only then can you be assured that you are actually normal and intelligent.

Some dictators hate America & what we stand for. (Oct 2008)

That might be true.

CIA’s final report: No WMD found in Iraq  (click title to entry - thank you)

Recommends freeing detainees held for weapons knowledge

updated 9:24 p.m. ET, Mon., April 25, 2005
WASHINGTON - In his final word, the CIA’s top weapons inspector in Iraq said Monday that the hunt for weapons of mass destruction has “gone as far as feasible” and has found nothing, closing an investigation into the purported programs of Saddam Hussein that were used to justify the 2003 invasion.
“After more than 18 months, the WMD investigation and debriefing of the WMD-related detainees has been exhausted,” wrote Charles Duelfer, head of the Iraq Survey Group, in an addendum to the final report he issued last fall.
“As matters now stand, the WMD investigation has gone as far as feasible.”

Analyze potential costs associated with climate change. (Oct 2006)

October 30, 2006 

Unchecked Global Warming a Massive Threat to US and Global Economies

Unchecked Global Warming a Massive Threat to US and Global Economies
WASHINGTON—A major new report on the economics of climate change released today has the potential to alter the terms of the US global warming debate, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists. The report, prepared for the British government by Sir Nicholas Stern, a former Chief Economist and Vice-President of the World Bank, concludes that the world economy faces the threat of a massive economic depression if urgent action is not taken to limit the damaging impacts of unconstrained global warming.
The report also demonstrates that the costs of reducing emissions of the heat-trapping gases that are causing climate change are much more modest than some claim. While the economic cost of global warming could be as much as 20 percent of world gross domestic product (GDP) each year, an investment of just one percent of annual GDP by 2050 could reduce emissions significantly and head off the worst projected impacts of climate change. The report looks at the net present value of implementing strong mitigation policies and finds that the benefits of such action exceed the costs by $2.5 trillion annually...

Palin was an appointee under Murkowski to  "The Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission."   Did she exercise any type of understanding of Global Warming there?  No, it was there she found scandal enough to propel her to the Governorship of the State.  

Project Map
It was within this commission she wrangled a Trans Canada position for a gas pipeline for Alaska.  Does she understand today the brevity of the issue?  


Does she care the Union of Concerned Scientists actually took her question serious enough to answer the question of what costs will impact the USA by doing nothing?

No, she doesn't care. Does she care about the brevity of any of her statements or actions?  

No.  It is all a big game to her.  She does not take seriously the brain trust of the USA in determining policies.  Yet, she is considered a competent public figure. 

Global warming denier Sarah Palin to appear at ‘Oil Palace’ in Texas. 

 Sarah Palin will soon take her rightful place as the queen of the Oil Palace. Event organizers in Tyler, TX announced that Palin will be speaking at the 60,000 square foot arena on June 24, following earlier appearances by her Fox News colleagues Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck.  In fact, “people who have tickets for Beck, who is coming to the Oil Palace April 24, will have priority in buying tickets for Palin’s appearance.” It’s a fitting venue for Palin, who has referred to global warming science as “snake oil.” This morning, Palin doubled down with this Facebook posting:

The man-made global warming hysteria isn’t based on sound science, and the Obama administration’s energy policy isn’t based on sound economics. If the climategate revelations teach us anything, it’s that we need to cool down the rhetoric and fire up our common sense.
That’s the kind of rhetoric that seems fitting for the Oil Palace.

She denied NINE, not one but nine assessments regarding the Polar Bear.  Did Sarah perform a study herself or have an assessment that stated differently?  Nah.  The Polar Bear got in the way of her rhetoric.  That's all.  Everything that matters isn't important when it comes to 'Agenda First Palin.'

Palin Fought Polar Bear Protections

Governor Discounted the Findings of Nine Recent USGS Studies

...In defending her position, Palin has discounted the findings of nine recent U.S. Geological Survey studies which concluded that the polar bear's habitat is threatened by global warming, and the animals could be extinct before this century ends....

I’m a feminist; equal rights for women. (Sep 2008)

The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which was signed into law on Jan. 29, 2009, restores the protection against pay discrimination that was stripped away by the Supreme Court’s decision in Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. The Act reinstates prior law and helps to ensure that individuals subjected to unlawful pay discrimination are able to effectively assert their rights under federal anti-discrimination laws.... (click title to entry - thank you)

Palin on Ledbetter.

"I’m absolutely for equal pay for equal work. The Ledbetter pay act--it was gonna turn into a boon for trial lawyers who, I believe, could have taken advantage of women who [would] allege discrimination many, many years ago. Thankfully, there are laws on the books, there have been since 1963, that no woman could be discriminated against in the workplace in terms of anything, but especially in terms of pay. So, thankfully we have the laws on the books and they better be enforced."

Where does that statement make sense?  She endorses old laws 'already on the books' that facilitated the Ledbetter v. Goodyear decision, but, she rhetorically states she believes in equal pay.

Palin flies in the fact of pure unadulterated logic to facilitate rhetoric.  That is leadership?  Where?  There is no leadership here.  
First understanding that government is not perfect is to realize when it works for people and when it doesn't.  If Sarah Palin cannot discern when government is acting adversely toward a citizen or citizens she endangers the rights of every American.  She certainly impales equality in a way that no one before her has, with the exception of perhaps Clarence Thomas and Bob Packwood.  "You've come a long way, babe."

Hillary put 18 million cracks in glass ceiling. (Sep 2008) 
So.  Pouting? 

No state-mandated religion, but public faith is ok

What is the difference?  If public displays of religious symbols are allowed, what is the difference between an officially mandated religion and a casual inference?

If government at any level provides a 'peep hole' of preference to religion at its core, there is no separation of church and state.

This is dangerous business.  It is a slippery slope and it is treated by Republicans as if it is a real issue.  It isn't.
The citizens of the USA are allowed to practice whatever faith they choose in the way they choose it.  This isn't even an issue. 

Creating a 'Designer Issue' is about compromising the USA Constitution, it isn't about impingement of government on personal rights.  IF ANYTHING, the insistence by the Republicans that the USA should 'help people be religious' is an impingement on personal rights.  

The Republicans are Anti-Civil Rights, from race to sexual identity to religious freedom. 

Sarah Palin's 'Christian Nation' Remarks Spark Debate

Advocates of Church-State Separation Say Palin Is Distorting Founders' Intent

But two groups dedicated to the separation of church and state are now speaking out against her, arguing that she is misreading the founders' intent. 

"It's incredibly hypocritical that Sarah Palin, who disapproves of government involvement in just about anything, now suddenly wants the government to help people be religious," Barry Lynn, the executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, told ABC News. 

"It is wildly inconsistent with her views on limited government to get the government involved in matters of faith."...

Use my daughter Bristol as a teaching tool for others. (Oct 2008)

This is simply "W"rong.  It was wrong to display a young woman expecting her first child out of wedlock as a role model.  And to consider that her mother employed her as a teaching tool is exploitation beyond any form of morality.

The problem with Sarah Palin's activism is that she sincerely motivates people to follow her.  She obviously has an agenda and that is to find alliances that will support her in a career.  A political career.

Has the Sarah bubble burst?  

She turned on her own political network in the Tea Baggers and decided to endorse a Republican with significant financial ties.

“She’s not a career politician,” added Ms. Palin, the former Alaska governor. “She’s a businesswoman who has run a major corporation. She knows how to really incentivize job creation.”  (click title to entry - thank you)

Sarah is a 'flip-flopper' when 'sniffing the wind' means lots and lots of money.  She is corrupt and worships the 'money god' and nothing else.  I have never witnessed a mother that actually allowed her daughter to be a 'display' for Pro-Life at one of the most delicate times of her life. 

I am suppose to admire this?  This is ambition?  No.

(Economic) Restraint of last two years should continue in tough times. (Jan 2009)

The Republican Rhetoric doesn't make sense based on past performance of the Bush/Cheney economy.

So, let's start there.

What bothers me about any of these dynamics is that there is an entire news network dedicated to electing into office 'the Republican' no matter the costs to the country.

The Bush Years consisted of a faux economy accompanied by two wars of which one had no legitimacy.

We know for a fact the years of the GOP outlined here was due to chronic funding of the economy by the USA Treasury.  

This was the report by the Federal Reserve Board regarding 2007.  This was the year before the national elections and it preceded the global economic collapse of 2008.  Yet, nothing was done with this information as the election would overshadow any prudent decision making regarding the obviously impending collapse.  And Sarah?  She didn't have a clue.

...The financial turmoil did not appear to leave much of a mark on overall economic activity in the third quarter. Real GDP rose at an annual rate of nearly 5 percent, as solid gains in consumer spending, business investment, and exports more than offset the continuing drag from residential investment. In the fourth quarter, however, economic activity decelerated significantly, and the economy seems to have entered 2008 with little forward momentum....

...In the labor market, private hiring slowed sharply in late 2007 and January 2008. The increase in the price index for total personal consumption expenditures (PCE) picked up to 3-1/2 percent in 2007 as a result of sizable increases in food and energy prices. Core PCE inflation, though uneven over the course of the year, averaged a bit more than 2 percent during 2007 as a whole, a little less than the increase posted in 2006....

What does all that mean?  It means the purchasing power of the USA Dollar was waning as the economy became weaker and weaker.  Even in the year 2007 and into early 2008 it was known that the economy was tanking, yet, no one did a thing.
Does anyone besides me see the danger in a government based in rhetoric for the purpose of controlling the outcome to elections?  

The rhetoric at the time was that the Republicans brought 7 years of incredible growth to the USA.  Seven years of huge government spending accompanied by national security issues, "W"rongful wars and increasing USA debt.  And where was that debt financed under Bush/Cheney?  But, yet, they claim they are patriotic Americans right up to the point where they sell the 'credit rating' of the USA to the highest foreign bidder.

Anyone ever hear of US Treasury Bills or US Savings Bonds?  Anyone?  Maybe those Day Traders?

Treasury Direct

FactCheck: No, Alaska doesn't deny federal stimulus help. (Nov 2009)

The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention is seeking applications from organizations under the Recovery Act Local Youth Mentoring Initiative. Does your organization or ministry qualify? Read the guidelines here.

So, Mrs. Palin recognizes that Wall Street in no way is going to improve the circumstances for the citizens of Alaska, but, yet she disses the President for rescuing the country from certain collapse.

The RNC - The Rhetorical National Committee

No effective policies, tons and tons of moral turpitude, but, they are a party to contend with.  Really?

$19.7 million through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund to address the
backlog of drinking water infrastructure needs

$23.8 million through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund to address the
backlog of clean water infrastructure needs

$175.5 million in Highway Funding to be used on activities eligible under the
Federal-aid Highway Program’s Surface Transportation Program and could also include
rail and port infrastructure activities at the discretion of the states

$41.6 million in Transit Formula Funding for investments in mass transit

$3.3 million through the Public Housing Capital Fund to enable local public
housing agencies to address a national $32 billion backlog in capital needs – especially
those improving energy efficiency in aging developments – in this critical element of the
nation’s affordable housing infrastructure

$4.3 million in HOME Funding to enable state and local government, in partnership
with community-based organizations, to acquire, construct, and rehabilitate affordable
housing and provide rental assistance to poor families

$1.9 million through the Homelessness Prevention Fund to be used for
prevention activities, which include: short or medium-term rental assistance, first and
last month’s rental payment, or utility payments. As such, most of this funding will go
directly into the economy of local communities, as the funds will be used to pay housing
and other associated costs in the private market

$33 million for Special Education Part B State Grants to help improve
educational outcomes for individuals with disabilities, raising the federal contribution to
nearly 40 percent, the level established when the law was authorized more than 30 years

$3.1 million in education technology funds to purchase up-to-date computers and
software and provide professional

$41.1 million for Title I Education for the Disadvantaged to help close the
achievement gap and enable disadvantaged students to reach their potential

$4.3 million in State Employment Service Grants to match unemployed
individuals to job openings through state employment service agencies and allow Alaska
to provide customized reemployment services

$3.3 million in Dislocated Workers State Grants, particularly for grants that
support immediate strategies for regions and communities to meet their need for skilled
workers, as well as longer-term plans to build targeted industry clusters with better
training and a more productive workforce

$1.7 million for Department of Labor’s Adult State Grants

$4 million for Department of Labor’s Youth State Grants

$1.6 million for Vocational Rehabilitation to help individuals with disabilities
prepare for and sustain gainful employment

$28.6 million through the State Energy Program

$18.5 million through the Weatherization Assistance Program

$153,090 for National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance

$236,572 through the Emergency Food Assistance Program

$44.8 million in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits
(formerly Food Stamps)

$254,764 for the Emergency Food and Shelter Program, which provides grants to
nonprofit and faith-based organizations at the local level to supplement their programs
for emergency food and shelter to provide for the immediate needs of the homeless

$4 million in Child Care and Development Block Grants to provide quality child
care services for in low-income families who increasingly are unable to afford the high
cost of day care

$1.3 million for Head Start to allow additional children to participate in this program,
which provides development, educational, health, nutritional, social and other activities
that prepare children to succeed in school

$3.7 million in Community Services Block Grants to local community action
agencies for services to the growing numbers of low-income families hurt by the
economic crisis, such as housing and mortgage counseling, jobs skills training, food
pantry assistance, as well as benefits outreach and enrollment

$500,000 for Senior Meals Programs to help senior meals programs cope with
steep increases in food and fuel costs. Many programs are reducing meal deliveries to
seniors or closing meal sites

$9.6 million in Byrne/JAG grants to support law enforcement efforts

$ 223,984for crime victims compensation and assistance

$484,330 in Internet Crimes Against Children Grants to help law enforcement
agencies enhance their investigative response to offenders who use the Internet, online
communication systems, or other computer technology to sexually exploit children

$870,590 in Violence Against Women Grants for victim services programs to
improve the criminal justice system’s response to violent crimes against women and to
assist victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking who are
in need of transitional housing, short-term housing assistance, and related support

FactCheck: Praised Bush $700B bailout; opposed Obama's $787B. (Nov 2009)

...Since its inception the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 has provided important financing to small, rural communities in South Dakota and across the nation through USDA Rural Development programs totaling $75.8 million. Without USDA Rural Development's assistance, these small, rural communities would not be able to afford this infrastructure....(click title to entry - thank you)

Her husband is a fisherman.  Fishermen are small businesses.  Yet, there is no support for small business anywhere in the T.A.R.P. funds, but, there are provisions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

Does this make sense? 

Mrs. Palin doesn't seem to 'get it.'  There are many things Mrs. Palin doesn't seem to 'get.' 

So, Sarah is all about Wall Street.  

In being a rhetorical Right Wing Republican she throws any and all responsibility to a huge entity that is too big to fail, hence, dooming the American people to nothing short of plutocracy.  She believes the USA Treasury is suppose to exist to support wars and Wall Street.

Every place one looks to understand why the Republicans insist on 'rhetoric' rather than policy it equates to 'dummying down' the electorate to be able to control the outcomes.  There is no other reason.  In that understanding, lies the 'esteem' to which the Republicans value the electorate.  The USA electorate to any Republican is nothing ore than chattel to the plutocracy.

The Prawn Broker Restaurant Group

...The Washington, D.C.-based conservation group Oceana has said officials need to determine what is killing the turtles quickly. Some experts have speculated they may have eaten fish contaminated by the oil spill.
"It's a good question," BP spokesman Steve Rinehart said. "Is the oil killing these turtles or not?"...

Who's side is Palin on anyway?  The side of the people that treat her like a Super Star or the companies that practice their businesses with abandon at the cost of the citizens of this country?

Opposes embryonic stem cell research. (Aug 2008)

...Parents who carry the gene, or who have family histories of the disease, can use PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) to avoid having an affected child. A separate analysis identifies a group of different diseases caused by the wrong chromosome number, such as Down's syndrome, or abnormalities that lead to miscarriage. PGD has emerged as a tool for parents whose only other option would be to test abnormalities during fetal development. In most cases, PGD enables the family to avoid the difficult decision of whether or not to end a late stage pregnancy....

Why would any rational woman ever attempt to disrupt science that would enhance opportunities for parenting and the best of child outcomes?

Someone want to explain that?  Probably not.  The Right Wing will state, "I oppose stem cell research," but, in the same breath advocate Pro Life on any terms.

These messages are compartmentalized to carry a political rhetoric with potential to actually do harm to children.  

Mr. and Mrs. Palin understand what it is to raise a child with Down's Syndrome.  I do not criticize them for giving birth to a child with a disorder.  BUT, why do these people 'of means' actually advocate the end of the one branch of science that can make Down's Syndrome obsolete.

Today in the year 2010, any couple can afford genetic counseling at some level to detect any potential for birth defects or an unsuccessful pregnancy.  Does the American family have to continue to live in the Medieval Ages when women were chattel and children 'an unpredictable arrival?'  Do we?  Either we recognize this antiquated political agenda for what it is, or we doom our children to the unkindness of political rhetoric.

 Stem Cell Now

Where do these Right Wing ideas come from in regard to 'acceptable moral social content' regarding aggression and violence?

While mayor, Wasilla charged rape victims for rape kits. (Sep 2008) 

A rape kit is a tool of law enforcement.  It is absolutely necessary for the conviction of a rapist.  To demand a woman, THE VICTIM, to be responsible for the cost of a Rape Kit is detrimental to the woman, the police, the prosecutor and THE LAW.  
I mean, why not just let the rapist walk, okay?  A rape kit is NOT a medical treatment and quite frankly even if it was, the 'Victim Witness Law' of most states would cover it and the therapy for recovery after the crime was committed. 

Moral Turpitude is the basis of Ethic Standards

A phrase used in criminal law to describe conduct that is considered contrary to community standards of justice, honesty, or good morals.

Crimes involving moral turpitude have an inherent quality of baseness, vileness, or depravity with respect to a person's duty to another or to society in general. Examples include rape, forgery, robbery, and solicitation by prostitutes.

Many jurisdictions impose penalties, such as deportation of aliens and disbarment of attorneys, following convictions of crimes involving moral turpitude.

It's Saturday Night

"Under my Thumb" by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards

Under my thumb
The girl who once had me down
Under my thumb
The girl who once pushed me around
It's down to me
The difference in the clothes she wears
Down to me, the change has come,
She's under my thumb
Ain't it the truth babe?
Under my thumb
The squirmin' dog who's just had her day
Under my thumb
A girl who has just changed her ways
It's down to me, yes it is
The way she does just what she's told
Down to me, the change has come
She's under my thumb
Ah, ah, say it's alright
Under my thumb
A siamese cat of a girl
Under my thumb
She's the sweetest, hmmm, pet in the world
It's down to me
The way she talks when she's spoken to
Down to me, the change has come,
She's under my thumb
Ah, take it easy babe
It's down to me, oh yeah
The way she talks when she's spoken to
Down to me, the change has come,
She's under my thumb
Yeah, it feels alright
Under my thumb
Her eyes are just kept to herself
Under my thumb, well I
I can still look at someone else
It's down to me, oh that's what I said
The way she talks when she's spoken to
Down to me, the change has come,
She's under my thumb
Say, it's alright.
Say it's all...
Say it's all...
Take it easy babe
Take it easy babe
Feels alright
Take it, take it easy babe.

Report: Mud safety barrier was removed before well was plugged

Tuesday, April 11

10 a.m.: Hearing on the Deepwater Horizon oil-rig accident, at the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. 


2:30 p.m.: BP PLC /quotes/comstock/13*!bp/quotes/nls/bp (BP 49.06, -1.27, -2.53%) /quotes/comstock/13*!rig/quotes/nls/rig (RIG 68.01, -1.69, -2.42%) America Chairman and President Lamar McKay, Transocean Ltd. President and Chief Executive Steven Newman and others testify on the Gulf oil spill's environmental impacts, at the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. 


Wednesday, April 12 

10 a.m.: Hearing on the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, at the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. 

May 07, 2010  (click title to entry - thank you)
...In order to properly cap a well, drillers rely on three lines of defense to protect themselves from an explosive blowout: a column of heavy mud in the well itself and in the drilling riser that runs up to the rig; at least two cement plugs that fit in the well with a column of mud between them; and a blowout preventer that is supposed to seal the well if the mud and plugs all fail.
In the case of the Deepwater Horizon, Scott Bickford, a lawyer for a rig worker who survived the explosions, said the mud was being extracted from the riser before the top cement cap was in place, and a statement by cementing contractor Halliburton confirmed the top cap was not installed.
If all of the mud had still been present, it would have helped push back against the gas burping up toward the rig, though it might not have held it back indefinitely....

This is only part of the picture.  There is a lot more wrong than that. 

The way we think about our natural resources has to change.  The fisheries have to come first.  Without a food supply the nation is in ruins.  That priority has to take precedent over any Wall Street idea of fun.

Norway has a strong cultural fishing influence for its people's existence.  While the waters off Norway, and realizing they still value whaling, are very different than any of the characteristics of the Gulf of Mexico, it has a way of thinking about its natural resources that sets priorities to put fisheries first.

We are not Norway, but, we are a people that need protection from exploitation of our natural world and natural resources.

The precautionary principle (section 9)


In other words, if there aren't guarantees to the citizens of the USA to insure their livelihoods, then there is no green light to the Petroleum Industry ! 


Basically, NOT  ONE  MORE  OIL  CONTAMINATION of the USA fisheries and shorelines.  




Leases get pulled and NEVER reinstated to any company or any 'relative/subsidiary/reorganization' of any company. 


When a decision is made in the absence of adequate information on the impacts it may have on the natural environment, the aim shall be to avoid possible significant damage to biological, geological or landscape diversity. If there is a risk of serious or irreversible damage to such diversity, lack of knowledge shall not be used as a reason for postponing or not introducing management measures.

We now know that 'lack of knowledge' is a huge issue and one of national security !  Lack of knowledge is substandard to any policy !

The principle that cumulative environmental effects must be assessed (section 10)


Any pressure on an ecosystem shall be assessed on the basis of the cumulative environmental effects on the ecosystem now or in the future.

DO NOT remove the tether from the BP Concrete Oil Containment Structure.

There is entire process that has to take place to 'realign' successful access to that drill site in order to permanently secure this mess if this is to go forward under a lease from the USA.

The concrete structure is currently covered in oil and sea water and sediment and has to withstand huge psi.  It would not take much even in the way of 'wave dynamics' to upset the structure and it will become unrecoverable.

A permanent tether to maintain its underwater stability will have to remain in order to secure it at all.  A special ship will have to remain permanently in place in order to have the structure survive any process of storms and hurricanes.

A positioning system, supported by 12 powerful thrusters, uses computers to maintain the ship over a specific location while drilling in water depths up to 8,200 meters (5 miles). The ship can suspend as much as 9,150 meters of pipe to obtain core samples. The 400-ton heave compensator keeps the drill string stable relative to the ocean floor.

JOIDES Resolution Tour: JOIDES Resolution  (click title to entry - thank you)

The Joides Resolution is a special ship with powerful positioning engines that will maintain a GPS locatiion to support a 'sediment' drilling operation for taking core samples.  This type of positioning capacity will maintain a tether without disrupting its stability.

These ships have incredible capacity for stability in any hurricane.  I doubt it would survive a Cat 4, but, Oceanography experts at the University of Rhode Island would have all the information the USA Navy and Coast Guard would need.

I would advocate the USA Navy be in contact with the Oceanography Department at the University of Rhode Island.and ask for their guidance in regard to this project.  They are among the best in the world.

If this structure works it cannot be 'at risk' for disruption for any reason.  Thank you.

Obama oil response: aggressive as crisis unfolded

WASHINGTON -- It was a two-day trip to the Midwest to talk about jobs and clean energy. President Barack Obama didn't mention the drama unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico, where oil was gushing from a broken well pipe a mile beneath the sea.
The situation hadn't become a priority. Soon it would.
On the return to Washington aboard Air Force One, Obama learned the spill had become more worrisome. A third break was discovered at the destroyed well pipe on the ocean floor 40 miles from Louisiana's precious coastal marshes. Federal scientists believed at least 5,000 barrels of oil a day were being released - five times more than original estimates....

Joking !  Right?  

You mean the discovery of methane went along with the rupture into Earth to find 'the gusher.'  

This was new?  


This is what 'goes on' with the Petroleum Industry and why the bozos have no control of the BEST outcome for fisheries.

"Gee whiz, boss, we hit a methane bubble."  As if they weren't cheering because they did.

The question is not that they hit a methane bubble, it is WHY they cannot control the outcome of such an event that cost lives, livelihoods and an entire economy of the Gulf Coast of the USA.  THAT is the question.  This 'report' is nothing.  It simply states the obvious and does not seek to answer the real issue as to why this industry lacks insight into its own faults.

This cannot be allowed to continue!

Deepwater Horizon blast triggered by methane bubble, report shows

Investigation reveals accident on Gulf of Mexico rig was caused when gas escaped from oil well before exploding, Saturday 8 May 2010 13.36 BST  
David Batty and agencies 
...A report into last month's blast said the gas escaped from the oil well and shot up the drill column, expanding quickly as it burst through several seals and barriers before exploding.
The sequence of events, described in the interviews with rig workers, provides the most detailed account of the blast that killed 11 workers and led to more than 3 million gallons of crude oil pouring into the Gulf.
Segments of the interviews conducted during BP's internal investigation were described in detail to the Associated Press by Robert Bea, a University of California Berkeley engineering professor who serves on a National Academy of Engineering panel on oil pipeline safety. He also worked for BP as a risk assessment consultant during the 1990s. He received the details from industry friends seeking his expert opinion....

...Injured workers and families of the 11 individuals missing and presumed dead after the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded and then sank have filed personal injury or wrongful death suits. Shrimpers, charter fishing boats and others who engage in business along the Gulf Coast have filed individual suits or class actions in which they allege damages to their livelihoods...

A little late to the party. As of October 2009, there was an alliance of Southeast States to preserve and protect the natural harmony of the coastal communities.

I can't wait for the Petroleum Industry to take on the Challenger Deep.

Ultra Deepwater Drillship, designed for exploration and development drilling in excess of 40,000 ft RKB, operating in water depth up to 12,000 ft. (2010)

Atlantic Alliance: The Next Generation Tension Leg Platform

This citation above is an old document, but, it paints a picture.

Below is a link to global oil fields.  They have PSI ratings.  That is not a good thing.

List of Fixed Platform Projects used in Subsea Oil and Natural Gas Fields

And it wasn't about oil !

It might have that appearance to some extent, but, the offshore bonanza is no longer a viable option for any economy.  The deepwater environment is too extreme to protect the coastal economies. 

I don't see the USA Navy and Coast Guard as an arm of the Petroleum Industry.

Gov. Sonny Perdue-GA: “Georgia’s coast is renowned for its extraordinary natural and cultural resources, deepwater ports and military assets. The South Atlantic Alliance provides a unique opportunity to collaborate with our neighboring states on mutual priority issues that are vital to sustaining our rich coastal heritage while growing a vibrant economy.” 

Governors of four Southeastern states announced today an agreement (click title to entry - thank you) to work together to better manage and protect ocean and coastal resources, ensure regional economic sustainability and respond to disasters such as hurricanes.

The agreement establishes an alliance among North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida and Georgia. The South Atlantic Alliance will leverage resources from each state to protect and maintain healthy coastal ecosystems, keep waterfronts working, enhance clean ocean and coastal waters and help make communities more resilient after they’ve been struck by natural disasters....

Why do citizens of the USA have a far better economy without offshore oil?

Rig had history of spills, fires before big 1 (click title to entry - thank you) 

By FRANK JORDANS and GARANCE BURKE, Associated Press Writers Frank Jordans And Garance Burke, Associated Press Writers Fri Apr 30, 6:07 pm ET

During its nine years at sea, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig operated by BP suffered a series of spills, fires — even a collision — because of equipment failure, human error and bad weather. It also drilled the world's deepest offshore well....

Think tourism and local economy.  Bye, bye Wall Street !  

Just as a side note, did everyone watch Paulson's testimony?  It was a joke.  Complete absolute joke.  

Geithner stated, "We need to create better shock absorbers for the USA financial system."  Timothy is finally getting the right idea.  He went on to say, "We don't know if the next shock to the USA economy will be worse."  

Get over it, there is no million dollar lottery everyday on the exchanges.  These are suppose to be valuable companies that deliver valuable commodities, not dreamscapes to wealth.  The current 'exchanges' have become 'a game of chance' on every venue.  That isn't what it is suppose to be nor should it continue.

The value systems of the USA, both citizen and government, have become corrupted with a MIND SET regarding corporations and their over bearing influence in the USA economy and political structure.  There is even Constitutional Rights for Corporations that far outweigh any citizen rights by the sheer fact a citizen cannot run a hugely funded campaign against corporate interests in any election.  The USA government, judicial and political system is completely corrupted by the value system that has cost the citizens of Louisiana their economy.

The issue with Alaska's Northwest Coast is a stark example of the complete abandon that has been exercised in regard to CORPORATE rights to profit over the best interest of citizens !!!

A citizen's economy is grossly different and far more PRUDENT and DIVERSE than any corporation could provide.

Alaska's Important Bird Areas and Chukchi Sea oil

The federal government announced this week that it would sell petroleum leases in the Chukchi Sea off Alaska’s northwest coast on February 6.
The Northern Alaska Environment Center, the Center for Biological Diversity, the World Wildlife Fund, and other conservation organizations immediately condemned the sale. And with good reason....

Because life goes on everyday without interruption as to the egregious nature of the Petroleum Industry.  There is a stable and vibrant tax base that delivers services without interruption.

The people of the USA have become 'idealized' by Wall Street and its INDUSTRIES.  The citizens of the USA grew highly concerned and overwhelmingly involved in shooting themselves in the foot during the banking crisis of 2008.  The USA government(S) have forgotten what it is like to have an economy without these huge corporations and it is unfortunate.

Citizens and their government actually believe there is no life without Wall Street and the Petroleum Industry.  The fact of the matter is there is more life and more income and more reliable economy when industries no longer carry such liabilities on all fronts of 'quality of life.'

The Chukchi Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) is characterized by its Sub-Arctic climate. It is a high-latitude marine region situated off of Russia’s East Siberian coast and the Northwestern coast of Alaska (USA). Pacific waters enter this Arctic LME via the Bering Strait. The LME is characterized by its extreme environment, and by major seasonal and annual changes in ocean climate. The region is driven by climatic conditions and by the annual formation and deformation of sea ice. Sea ice dynamics help explain the productivity of the region. An LME book chapter pertaining to this LME is Carleton Ray and Hayden, 1993, which describes marine biogeographic provinces of the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas.


 The LME is relatively shallow with an extensive continental shelf. The coastline has many islands, shallow bays, gulfs and inlets. The ice-cover varies considerably during the year and inter-annually. Annual formation of sea icetemperature influence the distribution, growth and recruitment of the major fish species and other living marine resources. The Chukchi Sea LME is considered a Class II, moderately high (150-300 grams of Carbon per square meter per year (gC/m2-yr)) productivity ecosystem based on SeaWiFS global primary productivity estimates. An important question is how this productivity might change under an altered climatic regime.

The implications of the Petroleum Industry beyond the ability of the people to control it is out of the question.  What started out as a finite industry many decades ago has become a blight on this country and Earth itself.  The Petroleum Industry is a self feeding negative environmental loop industry.  The more they are allowed to exploit natural resources the more the economy suffers.  This finite industry has a strong hold on economies both domestic and globally and it is completely detrimental with human impacts that bring entire ice oceans to resolve to water and vapor.  To continue in this manner with the notedly extreme practices now 'in play' by this industry is insane.

...NOAA statistics on Alaska in “Our Living Oceans” apply to all of Alaska, without a specific statistical breakdown for the US section of the Chukchi Sea LME. Key marine species are salmon, herring, walrus, seals, whales, and various species of waterfowl...

The concrete structure currently deployed in the Gulf of Mexico is the 'cutting edge' of future oil ventures globally.  The 'standard' equipment used in oil exploration and drilling cannot DELIVER the goods at depths below 2500 feet.  Therefore, the industry is turning to Halliburton concrete to 'fashion' the ability to go where no oil drill bit should ever go!

The concrete oil capture device in the Gulf of Mexico is actually NOT a 'recovery structure,' nor was it engineered for this emergency.  

Does anyone actually believe that concrete and metal structure was assembled specifically for the purpose of 'saving the Louisiana coastal economy?'  You actually believe that BP is heroically trying to save the USA coastal economy?  

Think again.  

The concrete structure being attempted as a method to 'stem' the oil that is now surfacing is 'state of the art' for 5000 feet down.  There is an entire division of Halliburton devoted to such structures as if it were a real answer to oil energy dependence.  

I don't think so !

It is time to stop this incidious industry, its 'stroking' of the citizens of any country into pliable servants. its CHRONIC contribution of carbon dioxide to the troposphere in a 'certain planet death scenario'  and it is time to move on to sincere State of the Art energy and transportation.

Enough !

...The Chukchi Sea LME is bordered by Russia and the USA. Local communities are adjusting their economies to climate change. Any consultative framework to manage the LME’s marine resources will require attention to the culture and economy of indigenous peoples. The change in their economic prospects poses a threat, while it also provides a vital opportunity for discussion of their concerns and for more involvement in the decision-making process. Stakeholders in this LME include the Inuit Circumpolar Conference and the Council of Elders of the Chukchi of Arctic Russia...