Saturday, August 24, 2024


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There are moss fires occurring with this chronic eruption on the peninsula. That means biodiversity will suffer. Moss fires tend to excoriate the land. Iceland scientists will have to revitalize areas where moss fires took place separate from the lava flow. 

In case the FBI isn’t too busy.

I am certain I am not the only American being a focus of a shake down. I don’t visit porn sites, but, a lot of people do. The intimidation came in an email. It is probably the India terrorists that send out false invoices, etc. They are now becoming straight up terrorists.

I tried to scribble out personal information that they could have gotten off any mailing list. I doubt I can do a good job at darkening over information. That doesn’t bother me as much as Americas chronically being viewed by India’s terrorists as easy prey. 

The first is the email, the second is the PDF.

So it says a lot about those that serve.

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Elections have consequences. This reporting by Chris Hayes is rather astounding to realize
how much a person’s character means when it comes to carrying out the oath of office.

One person can save the country from tyranny. Every person that refused to leave the U.S. Capitol that day literally were putting their lives on the line and the lives of their family. The coup as directed by Trump was not expected. “It was not a coup against the president. It was a coup by the president.” When I realize the brevity of those words, the words of Michael Cohen come screaming back (click here); “I fear Trump won’t peacefully give up the White House if he loses the 2020 election.” He knew. Michael Cohen knew within Trump’s character lay a man without morals or ethics that would disregard his very oath of office for his own agenda and not the promise of a USA democracy.

The American people came very close to losing their Constitutional government. Those who stood in the breach put everything worldly on the line that day. Even their families were in peril. They knew who they were that day. They knew the faith and trust by those that elected them.

It is the deep value of “the vote” that came to pass that day. “The Vote” and its integrity cannot be toyed with if “the people” are to continue to be free. 

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The mischief continues. Under attack this time is the ability of clerks to count votes cast in time, but, arrived after the close of voting due to a designedly sluggish constitutionally mandated postal system.

The LAW requires four days to accurately finish counting the vote. The right wing wants to eliminate that citizen vote because somehow it is nefarious. The mischief to rig the vote continues with Trump as a candidate.

The American people must value the bravery and abiding character of former Vice President Pence and all those that put their lives on the line on January 6, 2021 to protect and defend this democracy. They too must protect and defend their vote. The fight to protect the United States of America from tyranny continues.

Recently an intelligent and decent man stated to me, “What real difference does one vote make,” meaning his own. I stated, “Every election these days are so dense with political spending that it is coming down to less and less votes to win an election. How many recounts, many automatic, now occur?” He looked at me and said, “I hadn’t thought about it that way.” I stated to him, “Elections garner thousand and millions of votes and it seems as though one vote gets lost in all that so what does it matter. But, the math of addition of one vote, after another vote, after another is about as personally important as it gets.” He smiled and said, “Thank you for reminding me.”